

As developers and software engineers, we are doomed to a common destiny: we are required to learn for the rest of our lifetimes.


10-15 years ago you had to know Java and JSP and Servlets and Tomcat to be at the top of the industry. Maybe then you learned Objective-C and all about Cocoa Touch because mobile apps were the new trend and, let’s be honest, really exciting! Now it’s all about React and modern JavaScript - 3 years ago’s JavaScript is not JavaScript any more - it’s old style JavaScript. As a systems developer C++ then Go then Rust? What about Haskell and Elixir?

10至15年前,您必须了解Java和JSP,Servlet和Tomcat才能跻身行业之首。 也许那时您了解了Objective-C以及有关Cocoa Touch的全部知识,因为移动应用程序是新趋势,而且,老实说,这真的很令人兴奋! 现在,一切都与React和现代JavaScript有关-3年前JavaScript不再是JavaScript-它是旧式JavaScript。 作为系统开发人员,C ++然后是Go,然后是Rust? 那么Haskell和Elixir呢?

There’s a major shift in trends and job markets every few years.


I like to learn. There’s something in knowing new things that we can apply in the profession, and as a programmer everything you learn is a tool in your arsenal and an awesome help in your career.

我喜欢学习。 知道我们可以在该行业中应用的新事物有一定的意义,作为程序员,您所学的一切都是您武器库中的工具,并且是您职业生涯中的绝妙帮助。

In this post I want to discuss the things I do to learn faster and more effectively.


延缓拖延 (Beat procrastination)

Procrastination is your enemy. It can take many forms, like watching Netflix or just browsing Reddit. It can also take the form of doing shallow work, small unimportant tasks that are not really worth doing. Except they make you feel productive while hiding you from the real deal: learning that new thing.

拖延是你的敌人。 它可以采用多种形式,例如观看Netflix或仅浏览Reddit。 它也可以采取做浅工作,不重要的小任务的形式。 除了它们使您在使您远离真正的交易的同时让您感到工作效率高:学习新事物。

How do you beat procrastination? You train to do that. One way it so just start. For example one way writers force themselves to write is to focus on writing 200 words a day. Once you start writing and reach the end of those 200 words you are now probably in the mood to continue. You focus on the process, on the system, not the outcome. You can also write 200 lame words until you get in the “zone” and write 5000 words of Inc magazine level.

您如何克服拖延症? 您需要进行培训。 一种方法就是这样开始。 例如,作家强迫自己写作的一种方式是专注于每天写作200个单词。 一旦开始写作并达到那200个单词的结尾,您现在可能会继续。 您将重点放在过程,系统上,而不是结果上。 您也可以写200个la脚的单词,直到您进入“区域”,再写5000个单词的Inc杂志级别。

管理分心 (Manage distractions)

We need to get any help we can to beat procrastination. One thing I do is to use a macOS app called SelfControl, and a Chrome Extension called Block Site. I block all social media that are not work related, plus all the news site I visit. I need to use the iPad or the phone to watch those.

我们需要获得任何可以克服拖延的帮助。 我要做的一件事是使用一个名为SelfControl的macOS应用程序和一个名为Block Site的Chrome扩展程序。 我会屏蔽所有与工作无关的社交媒体,以及我访问的所有新闻网站。 我需要使用iPad或手机观看。

管理你的时间 (Manage your time)

Another way is by chunking time. The pomodoro technique is very helpful in this: it’s just a way of working 25 minutes and take a 5 minute break. Adjust time as you prefer, but the main takeaway is that you set yourself a slot for work, and a slot for rest. I can’t stand the fixed nature of this technique, however. I refuse any rigid structure around my work, but I do something similar. I just write when I’m inspired and if I’m not inspired, I just don’t sit at the desk.

另一种方法是分块时间。 番茄技巧在这方面非常有帮助:这只是工作25分钟并休息5分钟的一种方式。 可以根据自己的喜好调整时间,但主要的好处是您可以为自己设置一个工作时间和休息时间。 但是,我无法忍受这种技术的固定特性。 我拒绝围绕工作进行任何僵化的工作,但是我做了类似的事情。 我只是在受到启发的时候写东西,如果没有受到启发,我就是不坐在办公桌前。

分而治之 (Divide and conquer)

I make my living learning and then teaching things. For example next month I’ll dive into GraphQL and make a course about it. There is a great benefit in doing this for me, as I learn new things all the time. And there’s certainly no shortage of things to learn. There’s also a great benefit for the person that takes one of my courses: I start where they start, so I don’t fall in the trap that experts fall into, by assuming things and just creating some resource for the wrong audience. I like that.

我以学习为生,然后讲课。 例如,下个月我将深入研究GraphQL并进行相关课程。 这样做对我有很大的好处,因为我一直在学习新事物。 当然,学习的东西也不乏。 对于参加我的其中一门课程的人来说,还有一个很大的好处:我从他们的起点开始,所以我不会承担专家的责任,只需假设事情并为错误的受众创造一些资源即可。 我喜欢。

This however comes with a challenge: how can I learn quickly enough? I work in chunks. I take a topic, take a couple courses, read as many books as I can on it, and try to come up with a table of contents of the whole argument. That is going to become the index of an ebook. Then I start writing about each of those chunks, independently. I have a list printed out, and every day I pick 1, 2 or more topics I am in the mood to learn and write about. Following the mood makes things easier. Also, if a day I don’t want to do it, I just skip the day and get back tomorrow fresh and ready to roll.

但是,这带来了一个挑战:我如何足够快地学习? 我分块工作。 我选了一个主题,选了几门课程,读了尽可能多的书,然后尝试提出整个论证的目录。 那将成为电子书的索引。 然后,我开始独立地写每个块。 我已经打印了一份清单,每天我都会选择1、2个或更多我想学习和写作的主题。 跟随心情会使事情变得容易。 另外,如果一天我不想这样做,我就跳过这一天,明天再回来新鲜,准备好开始滚动。

Dividing a big topic into chunks is much more human and manageable. If I tackle 1 chunk at a day, at the end of the month there’s quite a bit of chunks under my belt. Each one of them is part of the big picture, and all I have to do is to visualize this big picture. Each chunk is a blog post, and I get the big picture by creating an ebook.

将一个大主题划分为多个部分更加人性化和可管理性。 如果我每天要处理1个区块,那么在月底,我的工作量就会很大。 它们每个都是大图的一部分,而我要做的就是形象化大图。 每个部分都是一篇博客文章,我通过创建一本电子书来了解大局。

I really encourage anyone to take my approach and try to immediately explain what they learn. Don’t be afraid if you are a newcomer to the topic, there’s always room for your perspective on the subject.

我真的鼓励任何人采用我的方法,并尝试立即解释他们所学的知识。 如果您是该主题的新手,请不要担心,对于该主题始终有自己的见解。

从书本上学习 (Learning from books)

Another topic worth discussing is reading books. I have lots and lots and lots of books I want to read. My books app is full of great books I never read. I read many books, and many great ones. Many times I get enlightened by a book, but after a month or so, I forget what I did read in there. How can you remember the things you learn by reading a book?

另一个值得讨论的主题是读书。 我有很多我读的书。 我的图书应用中充满了我从未读过的好书。 我读了很多书,很多很棒的书。 很多时候,我都会被一本书所启发,但是一个月后,我忘记了我在那里读过的东西。 您如何记起读书所学到的东西?

Here’s my technique. Whether I use the Kindle or the iPad to read, or I got an actual book in my hands, I highlight all the main concepts and things I want to remember.

这是我的技术。 无论是使用Kindle还是iPad进行阅读,还是手里拿着一本实际的书,我都会重点介绍我想记住的所有主要概念和事物。

Underlying things I want to remember is not enough however.


After finishing the book I will re-read it by only reading the things I highlighted, and while I so I do a summary of the book. Privately, but I also started publishing those, like i did for the Deep Work book.

读完本书后,我将仅阅读突出显示的内容来重新阅读,而在此过程中我将对本书进行总结。 私下里,但我也开始出版这些作品,就像我在《 深度工作 》中所做的一样。

Not only I have affirmed those concepts in my mind, I did write them (a big, big help) and now I have a reference I can go back and see what I learned from the book.


Or maybe I just want to write what I learnt from a chapter or just a paragraph, and expand it with my opinion. That’s great, too.

或者,也许我只想写从一章或一段中学到的东西,并用我的观点加以扩展。 那也很棒。

应用我所学 (Apply what I learn)

When it comes to learning a programming language or a framework, the best thing you can do is to create projects using it. Side projects are especially great for this because you don’t need to fully grasp the enterprise-ready design pattern and you can just learn as you go. There’s no need for a 100% scaling architecture just to learn something. That’s paralyzing. Funny projects are also great. I like working on platforms that make the fun part first class, like Glitch.

在学习编程语言或框架时,最好的办法是使用它来创建项目。 辅助项目对此特别有用,因为您不需要完全掌握面向企业的设计模式,而可以随心所欲学习。 无需仅学习某些知识就可以100%扩展架构。 麻痹了。 有趣的项目也很棒。 我喜欢在使乐趣成为一流的平台上工作,例如Glitch

You can also just build games, or as many people do, launch mini products on Product Hunt. That is a great way to give you the adrenaline and push necessary to go the extra mile and refine something so that it’s ready for people to see and use, rather than sitting on your hard disk completely unused and forgotten in 3 days.

您也可以制作游戏,或者像很多人一样在Product Hunt上发布迷你产品。 这是给您肾上腺素并推动必要的努力的一种好方法,可以加倍努力并完善某些东西,以便人们可以看到和使用,而不是坐在硬盘上三天之久未使用或遗忘。

休息 (Rest)

Resting your mind is very important. It’s definitely more human to spend 2 weeks 1 hour per day on something than 12 hours in a single day. Every night your mind has the opportunity to think about what you learnt. I find that’s way better. Maybe you can alternate 1 hour of reading with 1 hour of podcast listening or hands-on project.

休息一下很重要。 这绝对是更加人性花费每天2周1天的东西超过12小时的单日。 每天晚上,您的大脑都有机会思考所学的内容。 我发现那更好。 也许您可以将1个小时的阅读时间与1个小时的播客收听或动手项目交替进行。

Also when you’re stuck on something, don’t spend 3 hours on it. Take a walk. Take a nap. Go outside and run. Do something else, then come back. I can’t count the times I woke up with the solution ready, the day after.

另外,当您卡在某物上时,请勿在其上花费3个小时。 散步。 打盹儿。 出去跑。 做其他事情,然后回来。 我无法计算第二天准备好解决方案后醒来的次数。

Or the solution famously awaits you in the shower, or while you are in the middle of the woods walking your dog. It’s amazing how many times ideas don’t show up when you’re working.

或者著名的解决方案在淋浴时等待您,或者当您在树林中walking狗时。 令人惊奇的是,您工作时多少次创意没有出现。

翻译自: https://flaviocopes.com/how-to-learn/






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