vue,js书籍_您应该阅读的十大Vue JS书籍


Vue JS书籍 (Vue JS Books)

Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces.


The core library is focused on the view layer only, and is easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries or existing projects. On the other hand, Vue is also perfectly capable of powering sophisticated Single-Page Applications when used in combination with modern tooling and supporting libraries.

核心库仅集中在视图层,并且易于选择并与其他库或现有项目集成。 另一方面,当与现代工具和支持库结合使用时,Vue也完全能够为复杂的单页应用程序提供支持。

Here you will get best Vue JS books for building user more You will find the best books review on this article.

在这里,您将获得有关构建用户界面的最佳Vue JS书籍。阅读更多您将在本文中找到最佳的书籍评论。


  1. Fullstack Vue: The Complete Guide to Vue.js by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

    Fullstack Vue:由CreateSpace独立发布平台撰写的Vue.js完整指南

许多示例应用程序和代码 (Lots of Sample Apps and Code)

You will learn what you need to know to work professionally with Fullstack Vue: The Complete Guide to Vue.js

您将学到与Fullstack Vue一起专业工作所需的知识:Vue.js完整指南

You'll build:


  • A Server-Persisted Shopping Cart: Use the Flux-like library Vuex to manage data for a large shopping cart application that persists information on to a local server.


  • A Calendar Event App: Dive deeper into component based architecture by learning how simple state management works with Vue Single-file components.


  • A Voting Application: Learn how to render dynamic components and use standard Vue directives to build an interactive voting application.


  • Forms with Validations: Build powerful forms that accept user input, and give clear messaging when the input is of an invalid format.


  • Vuex-based Routes and Authentication: Build on top of the server persisted shopping cart app by creating dynamic routes and a token authentication flow with the official vue-router library.


  • Build bullet-proof apps with Testing: Use Vue's official test utility library, vue-test-utils, to create meaningful tests for a daily weather app that interacts with a third party API.



  1. Vue.js: Up and Running : Building Accessible and Performant Web Apps by O'Reilly Media

    Vue.js:启动并运行:由O'Reilly Media构建可访问的高性能Web应用程序

The book begins with a thorough introduction to Vue.js and its core concepts like data binding, directives and computed properties, with each concept being explained first, then put into practice in the case-study project.


You will then use Laravel to set up a web service and integrate the front end into a full-stack app. You will be shown a best-practice development workflow using tools like Webpack and Laravel Mix.

然后,您将使用Laravel设置Web服务,并将前端集成到全栈应用程序中。 您将看到使用Webpack和Laravel Mix之类的最佳实践开发工作流。

With the basics covered, you will learn how sophisticated UI features can be added using ES+ syntax and a component-based architecture. You will use Vue Router to make the app multi-page and Vuex to manage application state.

涵盖了基础知识之后,您将学习如何使用ES +语法和基于组件的体系结构添加复杂的UI功能。 您将使用Vue Router使应用程序多页显示,并使用Vuex管理应用程序状态。

Finally, you will learn how to use Laravel Passport for authenticated AJAX requests between Vue and the API, completing the full-stack architecture. Vuebnb will then be prepared for production and deployed to a free Heroku cloud server.

最后,您将学习如何将Laravel Passport用于Vue和API之间经过身份验证的AJAX请求,从而完成完整的堆栈体系结构。 然后,Vuebnb将准备生产并部署到免费的Heroku云服务器。

您将学到什么 (What you will learn)

  • Core features of Vue.js to create sophisticated user interfaces


  • Build a secure backend API with Laravel


  • Learn a state-of-the-art web development workflow with Webpack


  • Full-stack app design principles and best practices


  • Learn to deploy a full-stack app to a cloud server and CDN


  • Managing complex application state with Vuex


  • Securing a web service with Laravel Passport

    使用Laravel Passport保护Web服务


  1. Vue.js in Action by Manning Publications

    Manning Publications的Vue.js实战

Vue.js in Action teaches readers to build fast, flowing web UI with the Vue.js framework. As they move through the book, readers put their skills to practice by building a complete web store application with product listings, a checkout process, and an administrative interface!

Vue.js in Action教会读者使用Vue.js框架构建快速,流畅的Web UI。 在阅读本书的过程中,读者可以通过构建带有产品清单,结帐流程和管理界面的完整网络商店应用程序来练习技能。

"Carefully explains the foundational concepts for understanding what Vue is doingand why."


--From the Foreword by Chris Fritz, Vue Core Team Member

-摘自Vue核心团队成员Chris Fritz的序言

An excellent hands-on introduction to Vue.js and its ecosystem." --Alex Miller, Slalom

Vue.js及其生态系统的极好动手介绍。”-Slalom Alex Miller

"Practical examples make learning easy and offer a solid foundation for your ownprojects." --Doug Warren, Java Web Services

“实践示例使学习变得容易,并为您自己的项目奠定了坚实的基础。” -Doug Warren,Java Web服务

"Provides a strong understanding of the intrinsic mechanisms of Vues.js. Priceless." --Philippe Charrière, Clever Cloud

“提供了对Vues.js内在机制的深刻理解。无价。” -菲利普·夏里尔(PhilippeCharrière),聪明云


  1. Learning Vue.js 2 : Learn how to build amazing and complex reactive web applications easily with Vue.js by Packt Publishing

    学习Vue.js 2:学习如何使用Packt Publishing的Vue.js轻松构建出色而复杂的React式Web应用程序

This book shows developers how to leverage its features to build high-performing, reactive web interfaces with Vue.js. From the initial structuring to full deployment, this book provides step-by-step guidance to developing an interactive web interface from scratch with Vue.js.

本书向开发人员展示了如何利用其功能通过Vue.js构建高性能的React式Web界面。 从最初的结构到全面部署,这本书提供了逐步指导,指导您使用Vue.js从头开始开发交互式Web界面。

您将学到什么 (What you will learn)

  • Build a fully functioning reactive web application in Vue.js from scratch.


  • The importance of the MVVM architecture and how Vue.js compares with other frameworks such as Angular.js and React.js.


  • How to bring reactivity to an existing static application using Vue.js.


  • How to use plugins to enrich your applications.


  • How to develop customized plugins to meet your needs.


  • How to use Vuex to manage global application's state.



  1. Vue.js 2 Web Development Projects by Packt Publishing

    Vue.js 2 Packt Publishing的Web开发项目

This book's project-based approach will get you to build six stunning applications from scratch and gain valuable insights in Vue.js 2.5. You'll start by learning the basics of Vue.js and create your first web app using directives along with rich and attractive user experiences. You will learn about animations and interactivity by creating a browser-based game. Using the available tools and preprocessor, you will learn how to create multi-page apps with plugins. You will create highly efficient and performant functional components for your app. Next, you will create your own online store and optimize it. Finally, you will integrate Vue.js with the real-time Meteor library and create a dashboard showing real-time data.

本书基于项目的方法将使您从头开始构建六个出色的应用程序,并获得有关Vue.js 2.5的宝贵见解。 您将首先学习Vue.js的基础知识,并使用指令以及丰富而诱人的用户体验来创建您的第一个Web应用程序。 您将通过创建基于浏览器的游戏来了解动画和交互性。 使用可用的工具和预处理器,您将学习如何使用插件创建多页应用程序。 您将为您的应用程序创建高效和高性能的功能组件。 接下来,您将创建自己的在线商店并对其进行优化。 最后,您将Vue.js与实时Meteor库集成在一起,并创建一个显示实时数据的仪表板。

您将学到什么 (What you will learn)

  • Set up a full Vue.js npm project with the webpack build tool and the official scaffolding tool, vue-cli

    使用webpack构建工具和官方脚手架工具vue-cli设置完整的Vue.js npm项目

  • Write automatically updated templates with directives to create a dynamic web application


  • Structure the app with reusable and maintainable components


  • Create delightful user experiences with animations


  • Use build tools and preprocessors to make larger professional applications


  • Create a multi-page application with the official Vue.js routing library


  • Integrate non-Vue.js elements into your apps like Google Maps

    将非Vue.js元素集成到您的Google Maps等应用中

  • Use the official state-management library to prevent errors


  • Optimize your app for SEO and performance with server-side rendering and internationalization



  1. Building Applications with Spring 5 and Vue.js 2 James J. Ye

    使用Spring 5和Vue.js 2构建应用程序James J. Ye

Build a modern, full-stack web application using Spring Boot and Vuex

使用Spring Boot和Vuex构建现代的全栈Web应用程序

With the help of this book, you'll get to grips with Spring 5 and Vue.js 2 as you learn how to develop a web application. From the initial structuring to full deployment, you'll be guided at every step of developing a web application from scratch with Vue.js 2 and Spring 5. You'll learn how to create different components of your application as you progress through each chapter, followed by exploring different tools in these frameworks to expedite your development cycle.

在本书的帮助下,当您学习如何开发Web应用程序时,您将掌握Spring 5和Vue.js 2。 从最初的结构到完整的部署,将指导您使用Vue.js 2和Spring 5从头开始开发Web应用程序的每一步。随着每一章的进行,您将学习如何创建应用程序的不同组件。 ,然后探索这些框架中的不同工具以加快开发周期。

您将学到什么 (What you will learn)

  • Analyze requirements and design data models


  • Develop a single-page application using Vue.js 2 and Spring 5

    使用Vue.js 2和Spring 5开发单页应用程序

  • Practice concept, logical, and physical data modeling


  • Design, implement, secure, and test RESTful API

    设计,实施,保护和测试RESTful API

  • Add test cases to improve reliability of an application



  1. Vue.js 2.x by Example by Mike Street

    Vue.js 2.x由Mike Street提供的示例

Example-driven guide to build web apps with Vue.js for beginners


With this book, you will learn how to use Vue.js by creating three Single Page web applications. Throughout this book, we will cover the usage of Vue, for building web interfaces, Vuex, an official Vue plugin which makes caching and storing data easier, and Vue-router, a plugin for creating routes and URLs for your application.

通过这本书,您将通过创建三个Single Page Web应用程序来学习如何使用Vue.js。 在整本书中,我们将介绍Vue用于构建Web界面的用法,Vuex(用于简化缓存和存储数据的官方Vue插件)以及Vue-router(用于为应用程序创建路由和URL的插件)的用法。

您将学到什么 (What you will learn)

  • Looping through data with Vue.js


  • Searching and filtering data


  • Using components to display data


  • Getting a list of files using the dropbox API

    使用Dropbox API获取文件列表

  • Navigating through a file tree and loading folders from a URL


  • Caching with Vuex


  • Pre-caching for faster navigation


  • Introducing vue-router and loading components


  • Using vue-router dynamic routes to load data


  • Using vue-router and Vuex to create an ecommerce store



  1. Vue.js 2 Design Patterns and Best Practices by Paul Halliday

    Vue.js 2设计模式和最佳实践,作者Paul Halliday

Build enterprise-ready, modular Vue.js applications with Vuex and Nuxt


The book starts by comparing Vue.js with other frameworks and setting up the development environment for your application, and gradually move on to writing and styling clean, maintainable, and reusable components that can be used across your application.


您将学到什么 (What you will learn)

  • Understand the theory and patterns of Vue.js


  • Build scalable and modular Vue.js applications


  • Take advantage of Vuex for reactive state management.


  • Create Single Page Applications with vue-router.


  • Use Nuxt for FAST server side rendered Vue applications.


  • Convert your application to a Progressive Web App (PWA) and add ServiceWorkers, offline support, and more


  • Build your app with Vue.js by following up with best practices and explore the common anti-patterns to avoid



  1. Vue.js 2 Cookbook by Andrea Passaglia

    Vue.js 2食谱(Andrea Passaglia)

Build modern, interactive web applications with Vue.js


Vue.js is an open source JavaScript library for building modern, interactive web applications. With a rapidly growing community and a strong ecosystem, Vue.js makes developing complex single page applications a breeze. Its component-based approach, intuitive API, blazing fast core, and compact size make Vue.js a great solution to craft your next front-end application.

Vue.js是一个开源JavaScript库,用于构建现代的交互式Web应用程序。 随着社区的快速发展和强大的生态系统,Vue.js使开发复杂的单页应用程序变得轻而易举。 Vue.js基于组件的方法,直观的API,快速的内核和紧凑的尺寸使它成为制作下一个前端应用程序的绝佳解决方案。

您将学到什么 (What you will learn)

Understand the fundamentals of Vue.js through numerous practical examples Piece together complex web interfaces using the Vue.js component system Use Webpack and Babel to enhance your development workflow Manage your application's state using Vuex and see how to structure your projects according to best practices Seamlessly implement routing in your single page applications using Vue Router Find out how to use Vue.js with a variety of technologies such as Node.js, Electron,, Firebase, and HorizonDB by building complete applications

通过大量实际示例了解Vue.js的基础知识使用Vue.js组件系统将复杂的Web界面组合在一起使用Webpack和Babel增强开发工作流程使用Vuex管理应用程序的状态,并了解如何根据最佳实践无缝构建项目使用Vue Router在您的单页应用程序中实现路由通过构建完整的应用程序,了解如何将Vue.js与Node.js,Electron,,Firebase和Horizo​​nDB等多种技术结合使用


  1. Pro Vue.js 2 by Adam Freeman

    Pro Vue.js 2,亚当·弗里曼(Adam Freeman)

Best-selling author Adam Freeman explains how to get the most from Vue.js 2. He begins by describing the MVC pattern and the benefits it can offer. He then shows you how to use Vue.js in your projects, starting from the nuts and bolts and building up to the most advanced and sophisticated features, going in-depth to give you the knowledge you need. Chapters include common problems and how to avoid them.

畅销书作家亚当·弗里曼(Adam Freeman)解释了如何从Vue.js 2中获得最大收益。他首先介绍了MVC模式及其可提供的好处。 然后,他向您展示了如何在项目中使用Vue.js,从具体细节到构建最高级和最复杂的功能,并深入介绍了您所需的知识。 本章包括常见问题以及如何避免它们。

您将学到什么 (What You'll Learn)

  • Gain a solid architectural understanding of the MVC pattern


  • Create rich and dynamic web app clients using Vue.js 2

    使用Vue.js 2创建丰富而动态的Web应用程序客户端

  • Extend and customize Vue.js


  • Test your Vue.js projects


其他 (Other)

Vue is getting so popular that a lot of resources have started popping up online.


  1. Vue.js official getting started documentation


You can't skip this one. Thorough, well-maintained, and extra-relevant.

您不能跳过这一步。 彻底,维护良好且相关。

  1. Laracast's Vuecasts for Vue 2.0

    Laracast的Vue 2.0 Vuecasts

In-depth videos and walkthroughs for all things Vue.


  1. Vue JS Examples

    Vue JS示例

A massive yet super rich collection of examples, resources, etc.








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