
Webdesign trends 2016: “What separates design from art is that design is supposed to be functional,” says veteran designer Cameron Moll. A great looking web design without functionality is like a sports car with no engine, and that is what makes web design so complicated. Unlike a sports car, the kind of functionality desired from a website can change with social trends and preferences. What used to be great web design 10 years ago is sloppy today, so you shouldn’t be surprised if today’s design trends are also blown away by the winds of time.

2016年Webdesign趋势:“资深设计师Cameron Moll说:“设计与艺术的区别是, 设计应该具有功能性 。 没有功能的精美网页设计就像没有引擎的跑车,这就是使网页设计如此复杂的原因。 与跑车不同,网站所需的功能会随社交趋势和喜好而改变。 十年前曾经是很棒的Web设计的今天,还很草率,所以如果当今的设计趋势也被时光吹走,您就不会感到惊讶。

A look around reveals the following major shifts in trends that will impact web design through 2016, and in the years after that.


1.重视UX (1. Emphasis on UX)

In the last couple of years, the term “user experience”, or UX, has been resonating in agencies, offices and in the minds of developers. The buzz is only going to become more intense in 2016. UX is the reason why responsive web design has become the industry standard. Your users now interact with your website through a variety of different devices under diverse circumstances. It is crucial that they have a smooth experience and can conveniently and efficiently find what they are looking for, otherwise it could impact your conversion rates. Apart from conversion and repeat visits, a great UX is also critical for better SEO rankings. With more and more websites paying attention to UX, there may be no place for design that is created in a vacuum. Pam Negoro sums it up neatly in a conversation with Fast Company: “Consumers today move freely between devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop) and each device has a specific role based upon what the consumer is seeking. Therefore, brands and retailers must have a deep understanding of the consumer to create optimal content and user interface to meet the consumer need for each device, context/occasion and experience.”

在过去的几年中,“用户体验”(UX)一词在代理商,办公室和开发人员的心中引起共鸣。 嗡嗡声只会在2016年变得更加强烈。UX是自适应Web设计已成为行业标准的原因。 您的用户现在可以在各种情况下通过各种不同的设备与您的网站进行交互。 他们必须具有流畅的经验,并能方便,有效地找到他们想要的东西,这一点至关重要,否则可能会影响您的转化率 。 除了转化和重复访问,出色的用户体验对于提高SEO排名也至关重要。 随着越来越多的网站关注UX,可能没有地方可以真空创建设计。 Pam Negoro在与Fast Company的对话中巧妙地总结了这一点:“当今的消费者可以在设备( 智能手机 ,平板电脑,笔记本电脑)之间自由移动,并且每种设备都根据消费者的需求发挥特定的作用。 因此,品牌和零售商必须对消费者有深刻的了解,才能创建最佳的内容和用户界面,以满足消费者对每种设备,环境/场合和体验的需求。”

2.移动优先战略将变得普遍 (2. Mobile First Strategy to become Pervasive)

In February this year, CNN Money reported that mobile apps had overtaken desktop Internet usage in the US for the first time in history. Mobile Internet traffic grew at a rate of 35% between 2012 and 2013, and shows no signs of slowing down. In this scenario, many businesses are opting for a “mobile first” strategy. Developers now need to consider the user experience across a variety of mobile devices before they start wire-framing their websites. Responsive design is now the order of the day, but this is just the beginning. Mobile apps have opened doors to unlimited possibilities for engaging customers. API led development is gaining momentum. At the end of the day, great web design can only be created around your customers’ needs and preferences. With users spending more and more time on mobile, every competitive business is going to try and put mobile first.

今年2月,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN Money)报道说,移动应用程序在美国历史上首次超过了桌面互联网的使用。 在2012年至2013年间,移动互联网流量以35%的速度增长,并且没有放缓的迹象。 在这种情况下,许多企业都选择了“移动优先”的策略。 现在,开发人员在开始对网站进行有线构架之前,需要考虑各种移动设备的用户体验。 现在,响应式设计已成为日常工作,但这仅仅是开始。 移动应用程序为吸引客户提供了无限可能。 以API为主导的开发正在蓬勃发展。 归根结底,只有根据客户的需求和喜好来创建出色的Web设计。 随着用户在移动设备上花费越来越多的时间,每一个竞争性企业都将尝试将移动设备放在首位。

3.云的上升和编码的下降 (3. Rise of Cloud and Decline of Coding)

Gartner identifies cloud computing as one of the major trends for 2016 and beyond. There are several cloud based tools already making it possible for people to design their own web and mobile apps without knowing much about coding. Agreed, that these tools generate atrocious CSS, but the future may see these tools become more sophisticated. They might never produce as clean or ingenious a code as a person, but it will be good enough for an average user. For web designers, it means that hand coding websites may not to be necessary anymore. It also means that designers can have access to snippets of code and pre-built, customizable design elements, and can hence reduce the time and effort required for development. Tools like Macaw and Adobe Reflow are already eliminating the need for hand coding front end. Software-as-a-service (SAAS) and third party hosting services will continue to erode the way development is done today.

Gartner将云计算视为2016年及以后的主要趋势之一。 已经有几种基于云的工具,使人们可以在不了解编码的情况下设计自己的Web和移动应用程序。 同意这些工具生成糟糕CSS,但将来可能会看到这些工具变得更加复杂。 他们可能永远不会产生像人一样干净或巧妙的代码,但对于普通用户而言已经足够了。 对于网页设计师而言,这意味着不再需要手动编码网站。 这也意味着设计人员可以访问代码片段和预构建的可定制设计元素,因此可以减少开发所需的时间和精力。 Macaw和Adobe Reflow之类的工具已经消除了对手动编码前端的需求。 软件即服务(SAAS)和第三方托管服务将继续侵蚀今天的开发方式。

Codio, a web-based tool that offers free development for public projects.

Codio ,基于Web的工具,可为公共项目提供免费开发。

4.内容丰富的网站和应用 (4. Context Rich Websites and Apps)

Highly advanced systems with embedded intelligence will rely on state-of-the-art analytics to determine the context in which they are being used, and respond accordingly. For example, the pay-per-use model can be applied to machines (such as cloud based 3D printers), services (pay as you drive insurance), places (parking lots), and other uses. Just by changing the context, the same applications can create new business products. The future may see integration of web and mobile apps with ubiquitous hardware and machines. Apple CarPlay is just one example. Future websites and apps will need to focus on the context and environment under which they will be used.

具有嵌入式智能功能的高度先进的系统将依靠最新的分析来确定使用它们的环境,并做出相应的响应。 例如,按使用付费模型可以应用于机器(例如基于云的3D打印机),服务(在驾驶保险时付费),场所(停车场)和其他用途。 只需更改上下文,相同的应用程序就可以创建新的业务产品。 未来可能会看到Web和移动应用程序与无处不在的硬件和机器的集成。 Apple CarPlay只是一个例子。 未来的网站和应用程序将需要重点关注将在其下使用的上下文和环境。

Apple CarPlay an example of context rich apps

Apple CarPlay上下文相关应用程序的示例

5.平面设计的兴起 (5. Rise of Flat Design)

Flat or minimalist design has become popular in 2014 and 2015, and it’s not going away anytime soon. A flat design consists of simple elements and fonts and excludes 3D elements, drop-shadows, gradients or flash element. One of the arguments in favor of flat design is that users today browse the Internet on all kinds of mobile devices. They have grown more impatient as well as UI savvy and can interpret popular icons, colors, etc. They don’t want the UI to interfere with their browsing experience and would rather like to have the whole web designed the same way. That’s why the emphasis on simplicity and standardization has increased. There may be only one way to make your website stand out in today’s online marketing environment to offer the best and the smoothest user experience possible. A great UX is more likely to happen if your site or app repeats the users’ habit patterns – these patterns can be manipulated to provide excellent growth. With that said, design still needs to be visually pleasing and attractive, without being complicated. Windows 8 has completely ditched 3D design, as has iOS7.

扁平化或极简设计在2014年和2015年开始流行,并且不会很快消失。 平面设计由简单的元素和字体组成,不包括3D元素,阴影,渐变或Flash元素。 支持平面设计的论点之一是当今的用户在各种移动设备上浏览Internet。 他们变得越来越不耐烦,而且对UI的了解也越来越多,并且可以解释流行的图标,颜色等。他们不希望UI干扰其浏览体验,而是希望以相同的方式设计整个Web。 这就是为什么越来越强调简单性和标准化的原因。 只有一种方法可以使您的网站在当今的在线营销环境中脱颖而出,以提供最佳和最流畅的用户体验。 如果您的网站或应用重复用户的习惯模式,则更可能出现出色的UX –可以对这些模式进行操作以实现出色的增长 。 话虽如此,设计仍然需要在视觉上令人愉悦和吸引人,而又不复杂。 Windows 8和iOS7完全放弃了3D设计。

6.内容与设计? (6. Content vs Design?)

In a recent post on CB that has stirred a bit of a controversy among the design community, Paul Boag argues that the website is in a decline. Although the number of Internet users is still increasing, many of them don’t go to individual websites to find the information they want. Instead, they rely on aggregating services and apps. For instance, users find it more convenient to use Siri to find movies rather than going to the movie theater websites. There are apps for everything from news and entertainment to sports and shopping. These services fetch relevant content from across the Internet and eliminate the need to visit websites. One day, Siri is going to be smart enough to talk back to you, which means that design, as we know it, will cease to exist. Come to think of it, we are already making flat websites and praising ‘transparent’ UIs. The demise of design may be arguable, but it seems probable.

Paul Boag在最近的 CB 帖子中引起了设计界的争议,Paul Boag认为该网站正在下降。 尽管Internet用户的数量仍在增加,但其中许多人并没有去各个网站查找所需的信息。 相反,他们依靠聚合服务和应用程序。 例如,用户发现使用Siri查找电影比访问电影院网站更方便。 从新闻,娱乐到体育和购物,应有尽有的应用程序。 这些服务可从Internet上获取相关内容,而无需访问网站。 有一天,Siri将会变得足够聪明,可以与您交谈,这意味着我们所知的设计将不复存在。 想到这一点,我们已经在制作平面网站并称赞“透明” UI。 设计的终结可能是有争议的,但似乎是有可能的。

7.杂项趋势 (7. Miscellaneous Trends)

There are numerous other trends that are likely to stick around in 2016, if not dominate the design industry. Custom typography and fonts, single-page ‘newsfeed’ design, and large background images are some of them. More sites may add gamification elements and lead generation boxes in an effort to engage users. We may also see an explosion of new, lightweight app development frameworks, such as ReactJS by Facebook and Instagram developers.

如果不主导设计行业,2016年可能还会有很多其他趋势。 其中包括自定义字体和字体,单页“ newsfeed”设计以及大背景图像。 更多网站可能会添加游戏化元素和线索生成框,以吸引用户。 我们可能还会看到新的轻量级应用程序开发框架的爆炸式增长,例如Facebook和Instagram开发人员的ReactJS。

奖励:过时的Web设计趋势 (Bonus: Obsolete Web Design Trends)

The following trends have already died down and may rest in peace forever.


  1. Mobile Versions of Websites: Responsive design has eliminated the need for having and maintaining separate domains for mobile.


  2. Text Heavy Sites: Visual story telling is fast replacing text heavy web pages across the Internet real estate.


  3. SEO Content Writing: Google and other search engines now penalize you for keyword stuffing. For years, Google has been advising us to build websites for users, not for bots.

    SEO内容写作: Google和其他搜索引擎现在因关键字填充而对您不利。 多年来,Google一直建议我们为用户而非机器人建立网站。

I hope this post gives you some food for thought for designing websites of the future. If you are into designing, do let us know about some of the tools and technologies that you see evolving during 2016.

我希望这篇文章能为您设计未来的网站提供一些思路。 如果您要进行设计,请告诉我们您在2016年不断发展的一些工具和技术。

翻译自: https://www.script-tutorials.com/web-design-trends-for-2016-and-beyond/

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