ycbcr 什么颜色模型

What is a color model? Probably everyone who is engaged in advertising, had to hear such phrases as “light model”, “print file should be in CMYK, and for posting on the site – RGB”. Some may even know about the existence of such color models as GreyScale, LAB, HSB and HLS. But what exactly are these “Color models”? How is CMYK color model different from RGB or LAB? We live in this white light. And this light can be divided into many different hues. As far as we know, the first who came up with this idea was Isaac Newton. He divided the light through the prism to seven primary colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. We’ll talk about this phenomenon afterward. But now we divide the light into three basic hue (color), because it is convenient.
什么是颜色模型? 大概每个从事广告的人都必须听到诸如“灯光模型”,“打印文件应使用CMYK并在网站上发布-RGB”之类的短语。 有些人甚至可能知道诸如GreyScale,LAB,HSB和HLS这样的颜色模型的存在。 但是这些“色彩模型”到底是什么? CMYK颜色模型与RGB或LAB有何不同? 我们生活在这种白光之中。 而且这种灯可以分为许多不同的色调。 据我们所知,第一个提出这个想法的人是艾萨克·牛顿。 他将光线通过棱镜分为七种原色:红色,橙色,黄色,绿色,蓝色,靛蓝和紫色。 稍后我们将讨论这种现象。 但是现在,由于方便,我们将光分为三个基本色相(颜色)。
RGB颜色模型 (RGB color model)
Each color TV or monitor of your computer is based on the principle of the division of the light. If say roughly, the monitor on which you now see is a huge number of points (their number determines the horizontal and vertical resolution of the monitor), and each point of light has three “bulbs”: red, green and blue. Each “bulb” can shine with different brightness, and can not shine at all. If only shines blue “bulb” – we see the blue dot. If only the red – we can see the red dot. Similarly, with green. If all the lights are shining with full brightness at one point, then this point turns white, as all gradations of white come together again. If no light shines, the point seems to us black. Since black – the absence of light. Combining the colors of these “bulbs”, glowing with different brightness, we can obtain different colors and hues.
您计算机上的每台彩色电视或显示器都基于分光的原理。 如果粗略地说,您现在看到的监视器有很多点(它们的数目决定了监视器的水平和垂直分辨率),并且每个光点都有三个“灯泡”:红色,绿色和蓝色。 每个“灯泡”可以不同的亮度发光,根本不发光。 如果只发出蓝色的“灯泡”,我们会看到蓝色的圆点。 如果只有红色–我们可以看到红色点。 同样,带有绿色。 如果所有的光在某一点都以全亮度闪烁,则该点变成白色,因为所有白色渐变再次聚在一起。 如果没有光亮,那么对我们来说,这似乎是黑色的。 自黑以来-没有光。 结合这些“灯泡”的颜色,以不同的亮度发光,我们可以获得不同的颜色和色调。
Brightness of each bulb is determined by the intensity (division) from 0 (“bulb”is off) to 255 (“bulb”, that luminous with full power). This division is called – RGB color model, from the first letters of the words “RED”, “GREEN” and “BLUE”.
每个灯泡的亮度取决于强度(分度),范围从0(“灯泡”关闭)到255(“灯泡”,即全功率发光)。 从单词“ RED”,“ GREEN”和“ BLUE”的首字母开始,这种划分称为RGB颜色模型。
Thus white color of our dot in RGB color model can be written as:
R – 255, G – 255, B – 255
R – 255,G – 255,B – 255
“Saturated” red can be written as:
R – 255, G – 0, B – 0
R – 255,G – 0,B – 0
R – 0, G – 0, B – 0
R – 0,G – 0