
Color. It’s simple, right? Sometimes, though, what you thought would look great ends up looking not so great, and disappoints you as well as your client. Picking up some pro tips and tricks for color can put a smile on your face as well as your client’s. Think about colors and what types of feelings they create.

颜色。 很简单,对吧? 但是,有时候,您认为看起来不错的结果最终看起来并不那么出色,并且令您和客户失望。 挑选一些颜色专业提示和技巧可以使您和客户的脸上都露出微笑。 考虑一下颜色以及它们产生什么类型的感觉。

1)了解您的颜色家族 (1) Learn Your Color Families)

Red, orange, and yellow are warm colors:


  • Some red associations are love, strength, passion, and excitement.

  • Some orange associations are cheer, happiness, and caution.

  • Some yellow associations are joy, energy, and childish innocence.


Think about how you’d use these colors in a campaign, logo, or web page and what kind of associations the projected viewer might make with them. For instance, you could use yellow in a florist’s logo, evoking the warmth of yellow flowers, or the passionate connotations for red roses. Think of the feelings evokes by the childhood memories of a yellow rubber duck or the refreshing scent of peeling an orange. All of these feelings are associated with those colors.

考虑一下您将如何在广告系列,徽标或网页中使用这些颜色,以及预计的观看者可能与它们建立什么样的关联。 例如,您可以在花店的徽标中使用黄色,以唤起黄色花朵的温暖,或唤起红玫瑰的热情含义。 想一想儿时记忆中黄色的橡皮鸭或剥去橙子的清爽气味所唤起的感觉。 所有这些感觉都与那些颜色有关。

Green, blue, and purple are cool colors:


  • Some green associations are eco-consciousness (as in green branding), freshness, and nature.

  • Some blue associations are tranquility, stability, and loyalty.

  • Some purple associations are power, luxury, and spirituality.


Blue could evoke the tranquility of a seaside vacation or the ‘true blue’ loyalty of an organization devoted to veterans. The use of green might be the perfect color for the logo of a solar roofing company, or for a spa with a focus on using natural beauty products. A purple logo for a prestige restaurant or upscale bed and breakfast could project just the right cachet to a well-heeled customer looking for a premium experience.

忧郁症可以唤起海边度假的宁静,也可以唤起致力于退伍军人组织的“真正的忧郁症”忠诚。 绿色可能是太阳能屋顶公司徽标或专注于使用天然美容产品的水疗中心徽标的完美颜色。 高档餐厅或高档住宿加早餐旅馆的紫色徽标可能会给那些有经验的顾客提供恰如其分的荣誉,以寻求优质的体验。

Neutrals are trickier, but at the same time simpler. For a business where the product is the star of the show, neutrals allow for a design that is flattering for all different types and classes of items. Some might think that neutrals are boring, or have no emotional connotations the way that warm and cools colors so, but that’s a misperception.

中立比较棘手,但同时更简单。 对于以产品为展会明星的企业来说,中性色的外观设计可为所有不同类型和类别的商品奉承。 有些人可能认为中性人物很无聊,或者没有像温暖和变色这样的情感内涵,但这是一种误解。

Black, white, gray, brown, and beige are neutral colors:


  • Some black associations are sophistication, elegance, and wealth.

  • Some white associations are purity, cleanliness, and freshness.

  • Some brown associations are nature, wholesomeness, and earthiness.

  • Some beige associations are comfort, tradition, and peacefulness.

  • Some gray associations are technology, innovation, and neutrality.


A dealer in luxury foods might chose black for a logo or website, showcasing the fine offerings against the neutral background – which is one of the reasons that black is so often used as a backdrop for jewelry. For the same reason, a tech company might chose gray as a way to highlight their applications or devices. Each color, whether warm, cool, or neutral also has negative associations, so different people will take away different impressions.

奢侈食品经销商可能选择黑色作为徽标或网站,以中性的背景展示精美的产品-这是黑色通常被用作珠宝背景的原因之一。 出于同样的原因,一家科技公司可能会选择灰色作为突出显示其应用程序或设备的方式。 每种颜色,无论是温暖的,凉爽的还是中性的,都具有负相关性,因此不同的人会带走不同的印象。

  • 2)学习如何结合他们 (2) Learn How to Combine Them)

Combining colors is another story, but some clear tips can get you started.


  • Analogous color schemes or palettes use colors from the same color family in varying shade and combinations. Warms are paired with warms, cools with cools, and neutrals with neutrals. This is good because the colors don’t compete with one another, but depending on the combinations it can be too dull or too bright.

    类似的配色方案或调色板以不同的阴影和组合使用来自同一颜色系列的颜色。 温暖与温暖搭配,凉爽与凉爽,中性与中性搭配。 这很好,因为颜色不会互相竞争,但是根据组合的不同,颜色可能会太暗或太亮。
  • Contrasting color schemes take colors from different color families, such as pairing neutrals with warms, neutrals with cools, or putting warm and cool colors together. It can be bold and dramatic, but sometimes it can be an eye-spraining experience if not done correctly.

    相反的配色方案则采用不同颜色系列的颜色,例如将中性色与暖色配对,将中性色与凉爽配对或将暖色和冷色组合在一起。 它可能是大胆而引人注目的,但有时如果做得不好,可能会让人眼花eye乱。
  • Monochromatic color schemes use different shades of the same color to create a harmonious color scheme that’s easy on the eyes and that doesn’t distract from the message that you’re trying to convey.

    单色配色方案使用相同颜色的不同阴影来创建一种和谐的配色方案,该配色方案对眼睛很容易 ,并且不会分散您要传达的信息的注意力。

  • 3)学会爱你的空白 (3) Learn to Love Your White Space)

When used in a well-designed website, whitespace can be the wheel horse that can move people through the site. Whitespace can make pages easier to understand, and bring the information to the attention of the viewer instead of becoming lost in the activity of the page behind it. Whitespace is sometimes called ‘negative space’ where nothing is happening which sounds like something you wouldn’t want to have on a web page as opposed to ‘positive space’ where color and graphics are happening. Smashing Magazine notes that whitespace increases comprehension by 20 percent by removing distractions and making text more readable.

当在设计合理的网站中使用时 ,空白可以成为可以使人们在网站中移动的车轮马。 空白可以使页面更易于理解,并使信息引起查看者的注意,而不是迷失在其后面的页面活动中。 空白有时被称为“负空间”,它什么也不发生,这听起来像是您不想在网页上拥有的东西,而不是发生颜色和图形的“正空间”。 Smashing Magazine指出,通过消除干扰并提高文本的可读性,空格将理解力提高了20%。

  • 4)越简单越好 (4) Simpler is Better)

In the early days of web design, the more bells and whistles a site had, the better the site was thought to be. There were textured buttons, patterned backgrounds, trailing cursors, flashing this, and spinning that. The problem? Well, if you can’t find the front door, how are you supposed to get in? Keeping designs simple means that your users can navigate into your site from whatever page they land on, with whatever internet capable device they happen to be using. With an increasing share of traffic coming from mobile devices, keeping your design simple enough to be readable on a smartphone or tablet. Pew Internet indicates that 58 percent of Americans own and access the internet with a smartphone, and 42 percent in 2014 had a tablet computer that was internet capable.

在Web设计的早期,网站的风风雨雨越多,人们就认为网站越好。 有带纹理的按钮,图案背景,尾随光标,闪烁并旋转。 问题? 好吧,如果您找不到前门,应该如何进入? 使设计保持简单意味着您的用户可以使用任何具有Internet功能的设备,从其登陆的任何页面导航到您的站点。 随着来自移动设备的流量份额的增加, 使您的设计足够简单,可以在智能手机或平板电脑上阅读 。 皮尤互联网(Pew Internet)表示,有58%的美国人拥有并使用智能手机访问互联网,而2014年有42%的美国人拥有能够上网的平板电脑。

  • 5)不要忘记金鱼 (5) Don’t Forget the Goldfish)

If the internet has been a boon to the dissemination of information. It’s also managed to clip the average attention span to eight seconds – a second less than that of a goldfish. You needs to have a page that loads quickly across all platforms, they is eye-catching, but able to present information clearly and in a manner that will have the viewer clicking through and navigating the site. Honing your skills by working with a crowdsourcing company like graphic designer Designhill will help you to hone your skills and earn money while gaining experience.

互联网是否有利于信息传播。 它还设法将平均注意力跨度缩短到八秒,比金鱼少一秒。 您需要拥有一个可在所有平台上快速加载的页面,这些页面引人注目,但必须能够以使查看者点击并浏览站点的方式清楚地呈现信息。 通过与图形设计师Designhill等众包公司合作来磨练技能,将有助于您磨练技能并在积累经验的同时赚钱。

翻译自: https://www.script-tutorials.com/5-effective-techniques-for-graphic-designers/

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### 回答1: 平面设计的前景很好,因为平面设计是当今社会快速发展的商业、广告和文化产业中不可缺少的一部分。随着数字化和科技的普及,平面设计需求不断增加,从而为平面设计创造了更多的工作机会。此外,越来越多的公司和组织意识到了平面设计的重要性,因此平面设计的薪酬和地位也在不断提高。总体而言,平面设计的前景非常光明。 ### 回答2: 作为平面设计,前景是相对乐观的。随着科技的不断发展和社会的进步,对设计的需求也不断增加。无论是企业、品牌、个人还是各类机构,都需要平面设计来提供创意和设计,以吸引目标受众的注意力,增强产品或服务的竞争力。 首先,随着互联网和社交媒体的普及,许多企业都需要平面设计来制作品牌标识、网站界面、社交媒体营销素材等。这为平面设计提供了很多机会,特别是在数字营销的领域,平面设计的需求量相对较高。 其次,随着全球化的趋势,许多企业扩展到国际市场,他们需要具有跨文化设计能力的平面设计来适应不同地区和文化的需求。这对具备良好国际交流和设计技能的平面设计来说是一个巨大的发展机遇。 此外,新兴技术如虚拟现实、增强现实和人工智能也将对平面设计行业产生影响。平面设计需要不断学习并掌握这些技术,以应对未来的发展需求。 然而,平面设计行业也竞争激烈,素质过硬的设计更容易脱颖而出。因此,持续学习和磨练技能,与时俱进是非常重要的。平面设计还应该不断提高自己的创意能力,注重用户体验,深入了解目标受众,以提供更有吸引力和有效设计方案。 总之,作为平面设计,虽然面临激烈的竞争,但在不断发展的数字化和全球化时代,具备专业知识和设计能力的设计依然会有广阔的职业前景。 ### 回答3: 平面设计的前景非常广阔,尤其是在现代社会数字化、信息化发展的趋势下。随着科技的不断进步,各行各业对于品牌形象、市场推广和用户体验等方面的需求越来越高,这为平面设计提供了许多就业和发展机会。 首先,随着互联网的普及,很多企业都开始重视自身品牌的塑造。平面设计可以利用自己的创意和技能,为企业打造独特而有吸引力的品牌标识、宣传资料和网站等,帮助企业提升形象,吸引更多的客户和合作伙伴。 其次,随着社交媒体的日益流行,企业和个人对于社交媒体平台的设计和运营也越来越重视。平面设计可以担任社交媒体平台运营者,为客户制作有吸引力的图片和视频内容,帮助他们在竞争激烈的社交媒体环境中脱颖而出,吸引更多的粉丝和用户。 此外,广告和市场推广也是平面设计的就业方向之一。平面设计可以在广告公司、营销部门或自由职业者的身份下,参与广告的创意和设计工作,制作各类型的广告作品,帮助企业提高产品和服务的销售。 总的来说,平面设计的前景是相当乐观的。只要具备良好的创意能力、艺术修养和专业技能,紧跟时代潮流,不断学习和创新,平面设计将有机会在各个行业和领域中展示自己的才华,并获得很好的职业发展。




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