

Well, when anything changes we must acclimatize to that change, and this can sometimes hit your pocket hard. Why don’t these developers develop a fortified solution to this problem? Well yes! They have certainly developed one.

好吧,当发生任何变化时,我们必须适应这种变化,这有时会给您带来沉重的负担。 这些开发人员为什么不为这个问题开发强化的解决方案? 嗯,是! 他们当然已经发展了。

Everyone was after mobile apps at a point and after some point came the craze of tablets. So now everyone was like making apps for a tablet will help you grow. In this swift technical world, you need to realize that the development has become ephemeral. Thus, we need technology to reckon with. For those business owners who do not have a lofty budget to spend on IT can not afford it. Which implies that they won’t be able to grow. Well, this is not the case with responsive web development as it renders the development that grows. One cannot deny the fact that users will adopt new technologies, and this is the reason developers must pull their socks all the time to cater their users the latest technology that matches with the current technological standards.

每个人都在某个时刻关注移动应用程序,而在某个时刻之后,便出现了平板电脑的热潮。 所以现在每个人都喜欢为平板电脑制作应用程序可以帮助您成长。 在这个瞬息万变的技术世界中,您需要意识到开发已经变得短暂。 因此,我们需要技术来应对。 对于那些没有太多预算用于IT的企业主来说,他们负担不起。 这意味着他们将无法成长。 嗯,响应式Web开发不是这种情况,因为它使开发不断发展。 不能否认用户会采用新技术这一事实,这就是开发人员必须时刻抽出袜子以迎合用户最新技术的最新原因。

领先一步! (One Step ahead!)

Personal computer, laptops, smartphones, tablets, phablets, wearables and you cannot guess what’s coming.


As the technology is advancing, we are making it easier for the users to stay connected and access information. Earlier you need to fire up you computer or laptop to come online, but now you are online every second with your smartphone or any other hand held a device. This is the reason consumption of web has suddenly increased, and this has made users online 24*7. Thus, as a business owner it a great opportunity for you to reach out your users. Plus, create such an environment to make the users comfortable and deliver services that can make their life comfortable.

随着技术的进步,我们使用户更容易保持联系并访问信息。 之前,您需要启动计算机或笔记本电脑才能使其联机,但现在,您可以通过智能手机或任何其他手持设备每秒联机。 这就是网络消耗突然增加的原因,并使用户在线24 * 7。 因此,作为企业主,这是您与用户接触的绝佳机会。 另外,创建这样的环境以使用户感到舒适并提供可以使他们的生活舒适的服务。

As a web designer, it is incumbent on us to deliver the best user experience and convenience through our websites. For the convenience of the users, you need to render a smoother user experience in whichever device they are accessing the website. For this, you need to design the screens clearly for portraying information on different screen size and orientations.

作为一名网页设计师,我们有责任通过我们的网站提供最佳的用户体验和便利。 为了方便用户,您需要在他们访问网站的任何设备上提供更流畅的用户体验。 为此,您需要清楚地设计屏幕,以描绘不同屏幕尺寸和方向的信息。

Though earlier people went for designing different versions of a website for every device and that was certainly a feasible solution but was not a plausible one. This is the case where the users end up downloading extra design and code, and this ends up in delivering a poor user experience to the users. However, with responsive web design you do not have to design a mobile version of your website and allows the developers to maintain and manage only a single version. Responsive web design is one sure shot way to solve the fuss of catering your website to different users who have devices.

尽管较早的人们开始为每种设备设计不同版本的网站,但这肯定是可行的解决方案,但并不是可行的解决方案。 在这种情况下,用户最终会下载额外的设计和代码,最终会给用户带来不良的用户体验。 但是,使用响应式Web设计,您不必设计网站的移动版本,并且允许开发人员仅维护和管理一个版本。 响应式网页设计是一种解决方案,可以解决将您的网站提供给拥有设备的不同用户的麻烦。

Though apparently it seems that we are making adjustments as per technology, if we look deeper, we are helping our customers to sway through the websites easily. This adjustment is something very good as per the needs of the customers.

尽管显然我们似乎在根据技术进行调整,但如果我们更深入地研究,我们正在帮助我们的客户轻松浏览网站。 根据客户的需求,这种调整非常好。

对移动应用的影响 (Effect on Mobile apps)

Well, mobile apps are growing a lot but its my apprehension that they do not have a very long lasting future as now we have voice command software such as Siri and Ok Google that will perform all your task such as ordering online food or booking your cab. All you need to do is just to command them, and they will do the needful. Speaking of users, they will help you to save the time of the users as they can carry on with the daily chores and can simultaneously order stuff for them selves. Plus users now do not have to waste time and their data card to install apps.

好吧,移动应用程序正在增长很多,但是我感到担心的是它们的持续时间不长,因为现在我们拥有语音命令软件,例如Siri和Ok Google,它将执行您的所有任务,例如订购在线食品或预订出租车。 您只需要命令他们,他们就会做有需要的人。 对于用户而言,他们可以帮助您节省用户的时间,因为他们可以继续日常琐事,并可以同时为自己订购东西。 另外,用户现在不必浪费时间和数据卡来安装应用程序。

These voice command software will bring a rise to progressive apps. Moreover, it does not states that we are going to completely loose mobile apps as gaming apps , utility apps, and others still will be there and widely used.

这些语音命令软件将带动渐进式应用程序的兴起。 而且,它没有声明我们将完全放松移动应用程序,因为游戏应用程序,实用程序应用程序和其他应用程序仍将在那里并被广泛使用。

对搜索引擎排名的影响 (Effect on Search engine ranking)

Responsive web design is in demand so much so that the if you do not own a responsive web design then you might get to lose your search engine ranking. As Google has launched its algorithm called a ‘Mobile addon’ that test the mobile friendly status of websites. This means that the responsive web design has become one crucial factor in the search engine ranking of the websites.

响应式网页设计的需求量很大,因此,如果您不拥有响应式网页设计,那么您可能会失去搜索引擎排名。 Google推出了称为“移动插件”的算法,可以测试网站的移动友好状态。 这意味着响应式网页设计已成为网站搜索引擎排名中的关键因素。

测试不是一个任务 (Testing is not quite a task)

To test and validate your Responsive web design, you can make use of numerous validators such as a mobile emulator or mobile site as well as use testing tools such as Adobe Edge Inspect. Further, you there are Firefox browser and the Chrome console that offer viewport resizing tools for responsive design.

要测试和验证您的自适应Web设计,您可以使用许多验证器(例如,移动仿真器或移动站点)以及使用测试工具(例如,Adobe Edge Inspect)。 此外,您还有Firefox浏览器和Chrome控制台,它们提供了用于响应式设计的视口调整大小工具。

没有什么是完美的! (Nothing is perfect!)

As per Luke Wroblewski, RESS acronym for responsive web design with server-side components renders a better user experience than RWD. However, RESS is an expensive as it do not just requires client side logic wherefore can be afforded by organizations that have a big budget. Google prefers responsive web design for websites that run on smartphones than any other approaches.

根据Luke Wroblewski的说法,带有服务器端组件的响应式Web设计的RESS缩写比RWD提供更好的用户体验。 但是,RESS昂贵,因为它不仅需要客户端逻辑,因此预算较大的组织可以负担得起。 对于在智能手机上运行的网站,Google比其他任何方法都更喜欢响应式网页设计。

One of the major challenge while designing responsive web design is that the advertisements and videos that are already developed do not comply with the fluid standards. However, search advertising and banner display.

设计响应式Web设计时的主要挑战之一是,已经开发的广告和视频不符合流体标准。 但是,搜索广告和横幅显示。

翻译自: https://www.script-tutorials.com/responsive-web-design-futuristic-technology/






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