
Photoshop tutorial. If you do not know what is RSS, this is special format of posts in a blog, which allows you to receive updates from the site without necessity to visit it. To read RSS, we can use special programs – RSS readers (eg Google Reader). As a rule, each blog has a button that allows you to subscribe to the articles on your blog with RSS. It can be placed anywhere but it should be visible, it is often placed in the sidebar closer to the header, and sometimes give it an impressive size, so visitors will notice it easily. In any case, the user does not need search for it specifically.

Photoshop教程。 如果您不知道什么是RSS,则这是博客中帖子的一种特殊格式,它使您可以从网站接收更新,而无需访问它。 要阅读RSS,我们可以使用特殊程序– RSS阅读器(例如Google Reader)。 通常,每个博客都有一个按钮,可让您使用RSS订阅博客上的文章。 它可以放置在任何地方,但应该可见,它通常放在更靠近标题的侧边栏中,有时给它一个令人印象深刻的尺寸,因此访问者会很容易注意到它。 在任何情况下,用户都不需要专门搜索它。

As usual, the RSS icon has a certain standard, it is usually orange with white background inside. However, recently, designers started to experiment in this direction, creating original and delightfully different icons. So why do not we also draw something own?

像往常一样,RSS图标具有一定的标准,它通常是橙色且内部带有白色背景。 但是,最近,设计师开始朝这个方向进行实验,创建了原始且令人愉悦的不同图标。 那么,为什么我们不自己画一些东西呢?

Let’s start creating our own RSS icon for our website – we just need to follow the three basic steps:


步骤1.创建一个表单 (Step 1. Create a form)

Download the set of forms for the RSS icons, for example here, or download any other set of forms. Now, to connect them in Photoshop, find the directory where the Photoshop is installed, and copy the downloaded CSH file in the folder ‘Presets\Custom Shapes’. Further, in the graphics editor Photoshop in the sidebar select element with forms:

此处下载RSS图标的表单集,例如,或下载任何其他表单集。 现在,要在Photoshop中连接它们,请找到Photoshop的安装目录,然后将下载的CSH文件复制到“ Presets \ Custom Shapes”文件夹中。 此外,在侧边栏中的图形编辑器Photoshop中,选择具有形式的元素:

prepare shapes

prepare shapes

A new block with elements of different shapes will appear in the upper toolbar. When you click on it, a window with available set will appear, on the right of which will be a small arrow. Click on it, and choose ‘Load Shapes’ in the drop-down menu to download the new forms. Thereafter, the number of available elements will be increased.

上方工具栏中将出现一个具有不同形状元素的新块。 当您单击它时,将显示一个具有可用设置的窗口,在该窗口的右侧将是一个小箭头。 单击它,然后在下拉菜单中选择“加载形状”以下载新表格。 此后,可用元素的数量将增加。

Choosing the right form (of the RSS icon) and begin to draw. Hold down the Shift key, and we get the “right shape” without stretch marks in width or height. The form is ready, the corresponding layer is created.

选择正确的形式(RSS图标的形式)并开始绘制。 按住Shift键,我们得到的“正确形状”在宽度或高度上都没有拉伸标记。 表单已准备就绪,相应的图层已创建。

photoshop forms

photoshop forms

步骤2:设置图标的样式 (Step 2: Setting the style for icons)

Style – a set of properties for the object (shadow, glow, outline), which are grouped into one and apply to one or another element with a mouse click. You may find many ready styles in the Internet, many of them are at Deviantart website, for instance, you can download it here and here.

样式–对象的一组属性(阴影,发光,轮廓),这些属性被分组为一个属性,并通过单击鼠标应用于一个或另一个元素。 您可能会在Internet上找到许多现成的样式,例如,可以在Deviantart网站上找到许多现成的样式,您可以在此处此处下载。

In order to install their styles, back to the Photoshop, in the ‘Edit’ main menu find the item ‘Preset Manager’.


installing styles

installing styles

In the drop-down list, select the ‘styles’. After you select it, a list of the already existing elements will appear. To load new styles, press the button ‘Load’. After it is completed, click ‘Done’.

在下拉列表中,选择“样式”。 选择它之后,将出现一个已经存在的元素列表。 要加载新样式,请按“加载”按钮。 完成后,单击“完成”。

Now it’s time to apply the styles. For this purpose, firstly check if the necessary element with form is already selected in Layers, then click on any style you like. The result will be immediately applied.

现在是时候应用样式了。 为此,首先检查是否已在图层中选择了带有表单的必要元素,然后单击您喜欢的任何样式。 结果将立即应用。

work with styles

work with styles

步骤3.外观更改 (Step 3. Cosmetic Changes)

Now, based on the gained knowledge, we can slightly improve our icon. To do this, add another layer (#1), and move it under the layer with the form:

现在,基于所获得的知识,我们可以稍微改善图标。 为此,添加另一层(#1),并将其移动到具有以下形式的层下:

work with styles

work with styles

Select the rectangle that completely covers the drawing inside the icon (#2). After that, select the Fill tool (#3) and fill the selected area with default color. Then again, just click on the style you like and it will be applied to the rectangular area.

选择完全覆盖图标(#2)内图形的矩形。 之后,选择“填充”工具(#3),并用默认颜色填充所选区域。 然后,再次单击您喜欢的样式,它将应用于矩形区域。

As we’ve already said, the style is the combination of different properties of an object. If you look at the layer, you will see a list of most of these properties (#1):

正如我们已经说过的,样式是对象不同属性的组合。 如果查看该图层,将看到这些属性中大多数的列表(#1):

work with styles (2)

work with styles (2)

Therefore, we can make changes in every style. To do this, just click twice on the icon (#2) and in the pop-up window we can modify new settings of the style. For instance, you can add a shadow in the form (#3). To save your changes, simply click ‘OK’ button.

因此,我们可以对每种样式进行更改。 为此,只需单击图标(#2)两次,然后在弹出窗口中我们可以修改样式的新设置。 例如,您可以以(#3)形式添加阴影。 要保存更改,只需单击“确定”按钮。

After all, we can merge all visible layers – ‘Layer’ section in the main menu, then click MergeVisible (or Ctrl+Shift+E).

毕竟,我们可以合并所有可见的图层-主菜单中的“图层”部分,然后单击MergeVisible(或Ctrl + Shift + E)。

恭喜,我们的RSS图标已准备就绪 (Congratulation, our RSS icon is ready)

Having different shapes and styles you can quickly and easily create other original RSS icons for your websites.


other icons

other icons

翻译自: https://www.script-tutorials.com/beautiful-rss-icons-with-photoshop/





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