javascript 引擎_V8引擎和JavaScript优化技巧

javascript 引擎

V8 is Google’s engine for compiling our JavaScript. Firefox has it’s own engine called SpiderMonkey, it’s quite similar to V8 but there are differences. We will be discussing the V8 engine in this article.

V8是Google用来编译JavaScript的引擎。 Firefox拥有自己的名为SpiderMonkey的引擎,它与V8十分相似,但也有所不同。 我们将在本文中讨论V8引擎。

A couple of facts about the V8 engine:


JavaScript之旅 (The JavaScript Journey)

So what exactly happens when we send our JavaScript to be parsed by the V8 engine (this is after it is minified, uglified and whatever other crazy stuff you do to your JavaScript code)?


I’ve created the following diagram that shows all the steps, we will then discuss each step in detail:


In this article we’ll discuss how the JavaScript code gets parsed and how to get as much of your JavaScript to the Optimizing Compiler as possible. The Optimizing Compiler (aka Turbofan) takes our JavaScript code and converts it to high performance Machine Code, so the more code we can give it the faster our application will be. As a side note, the interpreter in Chrome is called Ignition.

在本文中,我们将讨论如何解析JavaScript代码以及如何将尽可能多JavaScript获取到Optimizing Compiler。 Optimizing Compiler(aka Turbofan )接收我们JavaScript代码并将其转换为高性能的机器代码,因此我们可以赋予它更多的代码,从而使我们的应用程序更快。 附带说明一下,Chrome中的解释器称为“ 点火器”。

解析JavaScript (Parsing JavaScript)

So the first treatment of our JavaScript code is to parse it. Let’s discuss exactly what parsing is.

因此,对我们JavaScript代码的第一种处理是对其进行解析。 让我们确切地讨论什么是解析。

There are two phases to parsing which are:


  • Eager (full-parse) - this parses each line right away

    急切(完全解析) -这会立即解析每行

  • Lazy (pre-parse)- do the bare minimum, parse what we need and leave the rest until later

    懒惰(预解析) -进行最少的工作,解析我们需要的内容,然后将其余内容留到以后

Which is better? It all depends.

哪个更好? 一切都取决于。

Let’s look at some code.


// eager parse declarations right away
const a = 1;
const b = 2;

// lazily parse this as we don't need it right away
function add(a, b) {
  return a + b;

// oh looks like we do need add so lets go back and parse it
add(a, b);

So here our variable declarations will be eager parsed but then our function is lazily parsed. This is great until we get to add(a, b) as we need our add function right away so it would have been quicker to eager parse add right away.

因此,这里我们的变量声明将被eager parsed但是我们的函数将被lazily parsed 。 在我们立即add(a, b)之前,这是很棒add(a, b)因为我们需要立即add函数,因此eager parse add会更快。

To eager parse the add function right away, we can do:

为了立即eager parse add函数,我们可以执行以下操作:

// eager parse declarations right away
const a = 1;
const b = 2;

// eager parse this too
var add = (function(a, b) {
  return a + b;

// we can use this right away as we have eager parsed
// already
add(a, b);

This is how most modules you use are created.


功能内联 (Function Inlining)

Chrome will sometimes essentially rewrite your JavaScript, one example of this is inlining a function that is being used.


Let’s take the following code as an example:


const square = (x) => { return x * x }

const callFunction100Times = (func) => {
  for(let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    // the func param will be called 100 times


The above code will be optimized by the V8 engine as follows:


const square = (x) => { return x * x }

const callFunction100Times = (func) => {
  for(let i = 100; i < 100; i++) {
    // the function is inlined so we don't have 
    // to keep calling func
    return x * x


As you can see from the above, V8 is essentially removing the step where we call func and instead inlining the body of square. This is very useful as it will improve the performance of our code.

从上面可以看到,V8本质上删除了我们称为func的步骤,而是内嵌了square的主体。 这非常有用,因为它将提高我们的代码的性能。

函数内联陷阱 (Function inlining gotcha)

There is a little gotcha with this approach, let’s take the following code example:


const square = (x) => { return x * x }
const cube = (x) => { return x * x * x }

const callFunction100Times = (func) => {
  for(let i = 100; i < 100; i++) {
    // the function is inlined so we don't have 
    // to keep calling func


So this time after we have called the square function 100 times, we will then call the cube function 100 times. Before cube can be called, we must first de-optimize the callFunction100Times as we have inlined the square function body. In cases like this, the square function will seem like it’s faster than the cube function but what is happening is the de-optimization step makes the execution longer.

因此,这一次我们调用了square函数100次之后,我们将再次调用cube函数100次。 在调用cube之前,我们必须首先对callFunction100Times进行优化,因为我们已内嵌了square函数主体。 在这种情况下, square函数似乎比cube函数快,但是发生的是去优化步骤使执行时间更长。

对象 (Objects)

When it comes to objects, V8 under the hood has a type system to differentiate your objects:


单态性 (Monomorphism)

The objects have the same keys with no differences.


// mono example
const person = { name: 'John' }
const person2 = { name: 'Paul' }

多态性 (Polymorphism)

The objects share a similar structure with some small differences.


// poly example
const person = { name: 'John' }
const person2 = { name: 'Paul', age: 27 }

巨形 (Megamorphism)

The objects are entirely different and cannot be compared.


// mega example
const person = { name: 'John' }
const building = { rooms: ['cafe', 'meeting room A', 'meeting room B'], doors: 27 }

So now we know the different objects in V8, let’s see how V8 optimizes our objects.


隐藏的课程 (Hidden classes)

Hidden classes are how V8 identifies our objects.


Let’s break this down into steps.


We declare an object:


const obj = { name: 'John'}

V8 will then declare a classId for this object.


const objClassId = ['name', 1]

Then our object is created as follows:


const obj = {...objClassId, 'John'}

Then when we access the name property on our object like so:


V8 does the following lookup:


obj[getProp(obj[0], name)]

This is process V8 goes through when creating our objects, now let’s see how we can optimize our objects and reuse classIds.


创建对象的技巧 (Tips for Creating Objects)

If you can, you should declare your properties in the constructor. This will ensure the object structure stays the same so V8 can then optimize your objects.

如果可以的话,应该在构造函数中声明属性 。 这样可以确保对象结构保持不变,因此V8可以优化您的对象。

class Point {
  constructor(x,y) {
    this.x = x
    this.y = y

const p1 = new Point(11, 22) // hidden classId created
const p2 = new Point(33, 44)

You should keep the property order constant, take the following example:

您应该使属性顺序保持不变 ,以以下示例为例:

const obj = { a: 1 } // hidden class created
obj.b = 3

const obj2 = { b: 3 } // another hidden class created
obj2.a = 1

// this would be better
const obj = { a: 1 } // hidden class created
obj.b = 3

const obj2 = { a: 1 } // hidden class is reused
obj2.b = 3

常规优化技巧 (General Optimization Tips)

So now let’s get into some general tips that will help your JavaScript code be better optimized.


修复函数参数类型 (Fix function argument types)

When arguments are being passed to a function it’s important they are the same type. Turbofan will give up trying to optimize your JavaScript after 4 tries if the argument types are different.

将参数传递给函数时,重要的是它们必须是同一类型。 如果参数类型不同,Turbofan将在尝试4次后放弃尝试优化JavaScript。

Take the following example:


function add(x,y) {
  return x + y

add(1,2) // monomorphic
add('a', 'b') // polymorphic
add(true, false)
add([],[]) // megamorphic - at this stage, 4+ tries, no optimization will happen

Another tip is to make sure to declare classes in the global scope:


// don't do this
function createPoint(x, y) {
  class Point {
    constructor(x,y) {
      this.x = x
      this.y = y

  // new point object created every time
  return new Point(x,y)

function length(point) {

结论 (Conclusion)

So I hope you learned a few things about how V8 works under the hood and how to write better optimized JavaScript code.



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