

The Write for DOnations program brings together two initiatives: building reference content to help developers, and supporting tech-focused charities and nonprofits.

Write for DOnations计划汇集了两项计划:建立参考内容以帮助开发人员,以及支持以技术为中心的慈善机构和非营利组织。

Authors who contribute to our growing collection of tutorials on open-source software deployment, configuration, and development will also have the opportunity to give back to a growing list of tech-focused nonprofits. Our goals are to enable authors to give back to the DigitalOcean and open-source communities, and to strengthen these communities by supporting the work of charities, nonprofits, and activists.

为我们不断增加的有关开放源代码软件部署,配置和开发的教程集做贡献的作者还将有机会回馈越来越多的以技术为中心的非营利组织 。 我们的目标是使作者能够回馈DigitalOcean和开源社区,并通过支持慈善机构,非营利组织和维权人士的工作来加强这些社区。

常问问题 (FAQ)

Write for DOnations与Write for DigitalOcean有何不同? (How is Write for DOnations different from Write for DigitalOcean?)

The difference is the name of the program, the increase in typical payout amounts, and the addition of a charitable donation to the payout for an article. This change applies to all new and existing community authors.

区别在于程序的名称,典型支付金额的增加以及向文章的支付中添加的慈善捐款。 此更改适用于所有新的和现有的社区作者。

The editorial process for Write for DOnations will remain the same: an initial submission, followed by a round of collaboration and editorial review, and a final publication.

Write for DOnations的编辑过程将保持不变:进行初次提交,然后进行一轮合作和编辑审查,最后出版。

Authors will be paid upon publication of their work, just as in the Write for DigitalOcean program. Write for DOnations additionally matches that payout in the form of a contribution from DigitalOcean to tech-focused nonprofits chosen from our list of funds.

如同在Write for DigitalOcean程序中一样,作者将在其作品发表后获得报酬。 Write for DOnations还通过DigitalOcean向从我们的基金清单中选择的以技术为重点的非营利组织捐款的形式来匹配该支出。

Write for DOnations的付款结构是什么? (What is the payout structure for Write for DOnations?)

The typical payout for community authors in the Write for DOnations program is $300 for typical tutorial content. Write for DOnations additionally matches this payout in the form of a contribution from DigitalOcean to the author’s choice of tech-focused nonprofits from our list of funds.

Write for DOnations程序中社区作者的典型支出为300美元,以获取典型的教程内容。 Write for DOnations还通过DigitalOcean对作者从我们的基金清单中选择的以技术为中心的非营利组织的捐款的形式来匹配此支出。

Authors can receive their payout via PayPal or in DigitalOcean credit, and DigitalOcean will make donations using Bright Funds.

作者可以通过PayPal或DigitalOcean信用额接收付款,DigitalOcean将使用Bright Funds捐款。

我的写作将支持哪些慈善机构和非营利组织? (Which charities and nonprofits will my writing support?)

In response to the current spread of COVID-19, we have put together the following fund focused on fighting the global pandemic and providing relief to those affected:


We’ve curated four tech-related funds, which are collections of nonprofits with similar missions:


We are continuously exploring additional charities and funds which may be a good match.


我可以选择将获得匹配付款的慈善机构或非营利组织吗? (Can I choose the charity or nonprofit that will receive the matching payout?)

Authors can choose to donate to one of the four funds we support, which splits the donation equally among the nonprofits in the fund. Authors can alternatively choose to donate the full amount to one specific nonprofit from within those funds.

作者可以选择向我们支持的四个基金之一捐款,这会将捐款平均分配给该基金会的非营利组织。 作者可以选择从这些基金中全额捐赠给一个特定的非营利组织。

At this time, it is not possible for authors to select a charity or nonprofit that is not on our list, but we hope to expand the program in the future to include this capability.


我的捐款可以免税吗? (Will my donation be tax-deductible?)

Because DigitalOcean will be processing the donation through Bright Funds, it won’t be possible for you to claim it as a charitable deduction on your tax return.

由于DigitalOcean将通过Bright Funds处理捐赠,因此您将无法声称它是纳税申报表上的慈善扣除。

Write for DOnations计划将持续多长时间? (How long will the Write for DOnations program last?)

The Write for DOnations program is our current program for publishing content from our community.

Write for DOnations程序是我们当前用于发布社区内容的程序。

Should we decide to end the Write for DOnations program, we will provide advance notice to all participating authors. This notice will include information on when payout amounts will no longer be matched by charitable donations.

如果我们决定结束Write for DOnations计划,我们将提前通知所有参与的作者。 该通知将包括有关何时不再与慈善捐款相匹配的信息。

我已经是社区作家。 我如何参加为捐赠而写? (I am already a community author. How do I participate in Write for DOnations?)

Existing community authors are automatically included in Write for DOnations. The new payouts apply to existing and new authors alike.

现有的社区作者将自动包含在Write for DOnations中。 新支出适用于现有作者和新作者。

我是初学者。 我可以更新DigitalOcean教程吗? (I am a first-time author. Can I make updates to a DigitalOcean tutorial?)

At this time, we ask all first-time authors to first write an original tutorial in order to gain a better understanding of our style and technical requirements.


我可以翻译DigitalOcean教程吗? (Can I translate a DigitalOcean tutorial?)

At this time, we are not accepting translations for publication. You may publish a translation of your own, using the guidelines described in the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommericial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

目前,我们不接受翻译出版。 您可以使用Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommericial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License中描述的指南来发布自己的翻译。

我对Write for DOnations计划有疑问和/或想法。 我在哪里可以分享他们? (I have questions and/or thoughts about the Write for DOnations program. Where can I share them?)

There are two ways to share thoughts or questions about the program. The first is to write to us directly at Though we may not be able to reply to each email, we will read all of them and use your feedback to guide our future work. If you have a question that you think may help others, please feel free to leave it in the comments section below.

有两种方法可以分享有关程序的想法或问题。 首先是直接写信给我们, 地址是 。 虽然我们可能无法回复每封电子邮件,但我们将阅读所有邮件并使用您的反馈来指导我们的未来工作。 如果您有问题认为可以帮助他人,请随时在下面的评论部分中保留该问题。



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