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翻译 python项目构建_通过构建4个项目来学习Python网络

python项目构建The Python programming language is very capable when it comes to networking. We've released a crash course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel that will help you learn the basics of netw...

2020-08-21 16:41:38 851

翻译 如何创建一个自记录的Makefile

My new favorite way to completely underuse a Makefile? Creating personalized, per-project repository workflow command aliases that you can check in. 我最喜欢的完全没用Makefile的方法? 创建个性化的按项目存储库工作流命令别名,您可以检入。 C...

2020-08-21 14:37:55 838

翻译 python 入门程序_非Python程序员的Python速成课程-如何快速入门

python 入门程序This article is for people who already have experience in programming and want to learn Python quickly. 本文适用于已经有编程经验并且想快速学习Python的人们。 I created this resource out of frustration when I coul...

2020-08-21 12:37:55 1028

翻译 使用fetch封装ajax_如何使用Fetch在JavaScript中进行AJAX调用

使用fetch封装ajaxI will be sharing bite sized learnings about JavaScript regularly in this series. We'll cover JS fundamentals, browsers, DOM, system design, domain architecture and frameworks. 在本系列中,我将定...

2020-08-21 12:27:53 418

翻译 北京dns服务器ip地址_什么是DNS? 域名系统,DNS服务器和IP地址概念介绍

北京dns服务器ip地址 介绍 (Introduction)By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of: 在本文末尾,您应该对以下内容有更好的了解: What DNS is and what it does 什么是DNS及其作用 What DNS servers do DNS服务器做什么 How I...

2020-08-21 12:17:15 1664

翻译 Box Shadow CSS教程–如何向任何HTML元素添加投影

We can add a drop shadow to any HTML element using the CSS property box-shadow. Here's how. 我们可以使用CSS属性box-shadow将阴影添加到任何HTML元素。 这是如何做。 添加基本​​投影 (Adding a Basic Drop Shadow)Let's first set up some...

2020-08-21 11:38:04 845

翻译 更改H2元素的颜色

In coding there are often many different solutions to a given problem. This is especially true when it comes to styling an HTML element. 在编码中,对于给定问题通常有许多不同的解决方案。 在样式化HTML元素时,尤其如此。 One of the easiest ...

2020-08-21 10:47:29 4335

翻译 linux tar cvf_Linux中的Tar命令:Tar CVF和Tar XVF通过示例命令进行了解释

linux tar cvfThe name tar is, by most accounts, short for tape archive. The "tapes" in question would be all those magnetic storage drives that were popular all the way back in the 1950s. 在大多数情况下, ta...

2020-08-21 10:28:00 2319

翻译 Diffie-Hellman:安全网络通信背后的天才算法

Let's start with a quick thought experiment. 让我们从快速思考实验开始。 You have a network of 3 computers, used by Alice, Bob, and Charlie. All 3 participants can send messages, but just in a way that all other c...

2020-08-21 08:06:06 913

翻译 mybatis多产数_freeCodeCamp杰出贡献者–我们如何选择,认可和奖励多产的志愿者

mybatis多产数freeCodeCamp.org is only possible thanks to the thousands of contributors around the world who help expand and improve the community. They do this mainly through: 感谢全球各地成千上万的贡献者,他们致力于扩大和改善社区...

2020-08-21 07:24:58 356

翻译 推箱子2-向右推!_保持冷静,砍箱子-银行

推箱子2-向右推!Hack The Box (HTB) is an online platform allowing you to test your penetration testing skills. It contains several challenges that are constantly updated. Some of them are simulating real wor...

2020-08-21 05:13:45 579

翻译 parcel react_如何使用Parcel设置React应用

parcel reactFor a long time Webpack was one of the biggest barriers-to-entry for someone wanting to learn React. There's a lot of boilerplate configuration that can be confusing, especially if you're ...

2020-08-21 04:24:27 341

翻译 保持冷静并砍箱子-块状

推箱子2-向右推!Hack The Box (HTB) is an online platform allowing you to test your penetration testing skills. It contains several challenges that are constantly updated. Some of them are simulating real wor...

2020-08-21 03:05:39 3439

翻译 前端开发有哪些技术栈要掌握_为什么要掌握前端开发的这四个主要概念

前端开发有哪些技术栈要掌握After working as a front-end developer for three years, I have been able to summarize what I feel are the four major concepts of front-end development. Knowing and studying these four are...

2020-08-21 02:27:02 822

翻译 python缓冲区_如何在Python中使用Google的协议缓冲区

python缓冲区When people who speak different languages get together and talk, they try to use a language that everyone in the group understands. 当说不同语言的人聚在一起聊天时,他们会尝试使用小组中每个人都能理解的语言。 To achieve this, ev...

2020-08-21 02:16:40 524

翻译 了解如何通过Python使用SQLite数据库

SQLite is a very easy to use database engine included with Python. SQLite is open source and is a great database for smaller projects, hobby projects, or testing and development. SQLite是Python附带的非常易于使...

2020-08-21 02:06:19 311

翻译 这是您现在可以免费获得的115张Coursera证书(在冠状病毒大流行期间)

At the end of March, the world’s largest Massive Open Online Course provider Coursera announced that they are offering 100 free courses in response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. 3月底,全球最大的大规...

2020-08-21 00:06:20 2835

翻译 怎样准备阿里技术面试_如何准备技术面试

怎样准备阿里技术面试In June 2020 I watched an inspiring talk by Anthony D. Mays, a technical coach and founder at Morgan Latimerco. He came on a Facebook Developer Circles Benin live session and talked about ho...

2020-08-20 20:35:26 1077

翻译 javascript原型_在JavaScript中冻结原型时会发生什么

javascript原型Have you wondered what happens when you freeze the prototype of an object? Let's find out together. 您是否想过冻结对象的原型时会发生什么? 让我们一起找出答案。 对象 (Objects)In JavaScript, objects are dynamic collect...

2020-08-20 18:56:21 322

翻译 递归javascript_使用freeCodeCamp挑战解释了JavaScript中的递归

递归javascriptIn this article I will touch on a few important ideas to help you understand Recursion in JavaScript. I’m not going to give a full definition here, but you can take a look at what Wikipedi...

2020-08-20 18:45:23 618

翻译 通过构建Paint App学习React Hooks

react hooksAccording to people in the know, React Hooks are hot, hot, hot. In this article, we follow Christian Jensen's 14-part tutorial to find out about the basics of this new feature of React. Fol...

2020-08-20 18:24:36 305

翻译 fcn从头开始_如何使用Go从头开始构建区块链

fcn从头开始 介绍 (Introduction)With Web 3.0 and blockchain becoming more mainstream every day, do you know what blockchain is? Do you know its technical advantages and use-cases? 随着Web 3.0和区块链每天变得越来越主流,您知道...

2020-08-20 18:14:59 1116

翻译 赛普拉斯 12864_如何使用赛普拉斯自动化辅助功能测试

赛普拉斯 12864In my previous post, I covered how to add screenshot testing in Cypress to ensure components don't unintentionally change over time. 在上一篇文章中 ,我介绍了如何在赛普拉斯中添加屏幕截图测试,以确保组件不会随时间变化。 Now, I will...

2020-08-20 16:35:51 446

翻译 如何变得井井有条-来之不易的秘诀来组织您的生活

Because of the changes brought about by COVID-19, many people have had to find healthy and productive ways of working remotely. 由于COVID-19带来的变化,许多人不得不寻找健康有效的远程工作方式。 Some have been sent home and can ...

2020-08-20 16:05:23 3661

翻译 react 图像识别_无法在React中基于URL查找图像

react 图像识别If you're new to React and are having trouble accessing images stored locally, you're not alone. 如果您不熟悉React,并且无法访问本地存储的图像,那么您并不孤单。 Imagine you have your images stored in a directory next t...

2020-08-20 14:53:50 470

翻译 onclick判断组件调用_从子组件Onclick更新状态

onclick判断组件调用How to update the state of a parent component from a child component is one of the most commonly asked React questions. 如何从子组件更新父组件的状态是最常见的React问题之一。 Imagine you're trying to write a sim...

2020-08-20 14:23:25 443

翻译 使用fuse.js_如何使用Fuse.js将搜索添加到React应用

使用fuse.jsSearch is a powerful way help people visiting your site find the content that's most important to them. But often it's really challenging to figure out the rules and logic to make that happen...

2020-08-20 11:59:58 1014

翻译 sql语句语法多表关联_SQL创建表语句-带有示例语法

sql语句语法多表关联SQL is one of the most reliable and straightforward querying languages around. It provides clear cut syntax that reads easily without abstracting away too much of the functionality's meanin...

2020-08-20 11:50:03 1409

翻译 kotlin和java语言_Kotlin VS Java – 2020年您应该学习哪种编程语言?

kotlin和java语言It has been several years since Kotlin came out, and it has been doing well. Since it was created specifically to replace Java, Kotlin has naturally been compared with Java in many respec...

2020-08-20 11:09:14 953

翻译 远程办公招聘_招聘远程人才时要寻找的5种技能

远程办公招聘Remote work is a fast emerging segment of the labor market. How to embrace this shift as an employer - and find, recruit, and empower remote staff - is a question many companies and hiring manag...

2020-08-20 10:58:32 1551

翻译 基于模型的嵌入式开发流程_如何使用基于模型的测试来改善工作流程

基于模型的嵌入式开发流程Unit testing is not enough – so let's start using model-based testing to improve our workflows. 单元测试还不够–因此,让我们开始使用基于模型的测试来改善我们的工作流程。 Software testing is an important phase in building a s...

2020-08-20 09:06:15 470

翻译 2020年JavaScript + Firestore教程:通过示例学习

Cloud Firestore is a blazing-fast, serverless NoSQL database, perfect for powering web and mobile apps of any size. Grab the complete guide to learning Firestore, created to show you how to use Firest...

2020-08-20 08:35:28 1287

翻译 按钮提交在url后添加字段_在输入字段上定向单击“清除”按钮(X)

按钮提交在url后添加字段jQuery makes it easy to get your project up and running. Though it's fallen out of favor in recent years, it's still worth learning the basics, especially if you want quick access to its ...

2020-08-20 08:06:25 421

翻译 har文件分析http_如何使用HAR文件分析一段时间内的性能

har文件分析httpWhen I consider the performance of a website, several things come to mind. I think about looking at the requests of a page, understanding what resources are being loaded, and how long these...

2020-08-20 07:56:36 2907

翻译 vue 组件库发布_如何创建和发布Vue组件库

vue 组件库发布Component libraries are all the rage these days. They make it easy to maintain a consistent look and feel across an application. 如今,组件库风行一时。 它们使在整个应用程序中保持一致的外观和感觉变得容易。 I've used a variety o...

2020-08-20 07:47:34 760

翻译 Matplotlib课程–学习Python数据可视化

Learn the basics of Matplotlib in this crash course tutorial. Matplotlib is an amazing data visualization library for Python. You will also learn how to apply Matplotlib to real-world problems. 在此速成班教...

2020-08-20 06:26:03 270

翻译 谁是赢家_赢家的真正作品是股东

谁是赢家As I wrote in the article “5 Skills to Look For When Hiring Remote Talent,” remote work is a fast emerging segment of the labor market. Today roughly eight million Americans work remotely full-tim...

2020-08-20 06:15:08 234

翻译 使用python数据分析_如何使用Python提升您的数据分析技能

使用python数据分析If you're learning Python, you've likely heard about sci-kit-learn, NumPy and Pandas. And these are all important libraries to learn. But there is more to them than you might initially rea...

2020-08-20 06:05:21 302

翻译 sql语句中的in用法示例_示例中JavaScript in操作符

sql语句中的in用法示例One of the first topics you’ll come across when learning JavaScript (or any other programming language) are operators. 学习JavaScript(或任何其他编程语言)时遇到的第一个主题之一是运算符。 The most common operators ...

2020-08-20 05:46:15 863

翻译 c# 实现刷卡_如何在RecyclerView中实现“刷卡选项”

c# 实现刷卡Let's say a user of your site wants to edit a list item without opening the item and looking for editing options. If you can enable this functionality, it gives that user a good User Experience...

2020-08-20 05:26:47 548



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