From Containers to Kubernetes with Node.js eBook in EPUB format
使用 EPUB格式的 Node.js电子书从容器到Kubernetes
From Containers to Kubernetes with Node.js eBook in PDF format
使用 PDF格式的 Node.js电子书从容器到Kubernetes
电子书简介 (Introduction to the eBook)
This book is designed to introduce you to using containers and Kubernetes for full-stack development. You’ll learn how to develop a full-stack application using Node.js and MongoDB and how to manage them — first with Docker, then with Docker Compose, and finally with Kubernetes.
本书旨在向您介绍如何使用容器和Kubernetes进行全栈开发。 您将学习如何使用Node.js和MongoDB开发全栈应用程序以及如何管理它们-首先使用Docker,然后使用Docker Compose,最后使用Kubernetes。
This book is based on the From Containers to Kubernetes with Node.js tutorial series found on DigitalOcean Community. The topics that it covers include how to:
本书基于DigitalOcean社区上的“ 从容器到Kubernetes with Node.js”教程系列。 它涵盖的主题包括如何:
Build a Node.js application using Docker for development
Integrate a NoSQL database into your Node.js application using MongoDB
Manage your development environment with Docker Compose
使用Docker Compose管理您的开发环境
Migrate your Docker Compose workflow to Kubernetes
将Docker Compose工作流程迁移到Kubernetes
Scale your Node.js and MongoDB application using Helm and Kubernetes
Secure your containerized Node.js application using Nginx, Let’s Encrypt, and Docker Compose
使用Nginx,Let's Encrypt和Docker Compose保护您的容器化Node.js应用程序
Each chapter is is designed to build progressively from the first. However, if you’re familiar with a topic, or are more interested in a particular section, feel free to jump to the chapter that best suits your purpose.
每章旨在从第一章开始逐步构建。 但是,如果您熟悉某个主题,或者对特定部分更感兴趣,请随时跳到最适合您目的的章节。
下载电子书 (Download the eBook)
You can download the eBook in either the EPUB or PDF format by following the links below.
From Containers to Kubernetes with Node.js eBook in EPUB format
使用 EPUB格式的 Node.js电子书从容器到Kubernetes
From Containers to Kubernetes with Node.js eBook in PDF format
使用 PDF格式的 Node.js电子书从容器到Kubernetes
If you’d like to learn more about app development using Node.js visit the DigitalOcean Community’s Node.js section. Or if you want to continue learning about containers, Docker, and Kubernetes, you might be interested in the Kubernetes for Full-Stack Developers self-guided course.
如果您想了解更多有关使用Node.js进行应用开发的信息,请访问DigitalOcean社区的Node.js部分 。 或者,如果您想继续学习有关容器,Docker和Kubernetes的知识,您可能会对Kubernetes for Full-Stack Developers自学课程感兴趣。