删除安装包 react包_如何包装在React中使用的Vanilla JavaScript软件包

删除安装包 react包

介绍 (Introduction)

Complex web projects often require the use of 3rd party widgets. But what if you’re using a framework and the widget is only available in pure JavaScript?

复杂的Web项目通常需要使用第三方控件。 但是,如果您使用的是框架,而该窗口小部件仅在纯JavaScript中可用,该怎么办?

To use a JavaScript widget in your project, the best approach would be to create a framework-specific wrapper. That’s what this tutorial is about.

要在项目中使用JavaScript小部件,最好的方法是创建特定于框架的包装器。 这就是本教程的内容。

In this article, we’ll show you how to wrap a 3rd-party widget into a React component using ag-Grid as an example. We’ll show you how we set up the mapping between React Props and the widget’s configuration options. You’ll also learn how to expose a widget’s API through a React component.

在本文中,我们将向您展示如何使用ag-Grid作为示例将第3方小部件包装到React组件中。 我们将向您展示如何设置React Props与窗口小部件的配置选项之间的映射。 您还将学习如何通过React组件公开小部件的API。

第1步-了解JS小部件 (Step 1 — Understanding the JS Widget)

Most widgets can be configured through configuration options. Usually they also define public API and broadcasts events.

可以通过配置选项配置大多数窗口小部件。 通常,他们还定义公共API并广播事件。

In general, most widgets have:


  • Configuration options

  • A public API

  • Broadcasted events


That’s exactly how you interact with ag-Grid. You can find a good description for the grid’s properties, events, callbacks and API in the official documentation. In short, the datagrid defines:

这就是您与ag-Grid交互的方式。 您可以在官方文档中找到有关网格的属性,事件,回调和API的良好描述。 简而言之,datagrid定义了:

  • Grid Properties that enable features of the grid, like row animation.

  • Grid API to interact with the grid at runtime, e.g. to get all the selected rows

  • Grid Events emitted by the grid when certain events happen in the grid, like row sorting or rows selection

  • Grid Callbacks used to supply information from your application to the grid when it needs it, e.g. a callback is called each time a menu is shown that allows your application to customize the menu.


Here’s a very basic pure JavaScript configuration that demonstrates the usage of grid options:


let gridOptions = {

    // PROPERTIES - object properties, myRowData and myColDefs are created somewhere in your application
    rowData: myRowData,
    columnDefs: myColDefs,

    // PROPERTIES - simple boolean / string / number properties
    pagination: true,
    rowSelection: 'single',

    // EVENTS - add event callback handlers
    onRowClicked: function(event) { console.log('a row was clicked'); },
    onColumnResized: function(event) { console.log('a column was resized'); },
    onGridReady: function(event) { console.log('the grid is now ready'); },

    isScrollLag: function() { return false; }

Once the JavaScript data grid is initialized like this:


new Grid(this._nativeElement, this.gridOptions, ...);

ag-Grid attaches the object with API methods to the gridOptions that can be used to control the JavaScript data grid:

ag-Grid将带有API方法的对象附加到gridOptions ,可用于控制JavaScript数据网格:

// get the grid to refresh

However, when ag-Grid is used as a React component, we don’t instantiate the datagrid directly. That’s the job of the wrapper component.

但是,当将ag-Grid用作React组件时,我们不会直接实例化datagrid。 这就是包装器组件的工作。

All interactions with the instance of ag-Grid occurs through the component instance. For example, we don’t have direct access to the API object attached by the grid. We will access it through the component’s instance.

与ag-Grid实例的所有交互都通过组件实例发生。 例如,我们无法直接访问由网格附加的API对象。 我们将通过组件的实例访问它。

第2步-确定包装组件应该做什么 (Step 2 — Determining What a Wrapper Component Should Do)

We never pass configuration options and callbacks directly to the grid.


A React wrapper component takes the options and callbacks through React Props.

React包装器组件通过React Props接受选项和回调。

All grid options that are available for vanilla JavaScript grid should be available in React datagrid as well. We also don’t directly listen for events on the instance of ag-Grid. If we’re using ag-Grid as a React component, all events emitted by ag-Grid should be available through React components props.

适用于原始JavaScript网格的所有网格选项也应该在React datagrid中可用。 我们也不直接在ag-Grid实例上监听事件。 如果我们使用ag-Grid作为React组件,则ag-Grid发出的所有事件都应该可以通过React组件props获得。

This all means that a React specific datagrid wrapper around ag-Grid should:


  • implement a mapping between input bindings (like rowData) and ag-Grid’s configuration options

  • should listen for events emitted by ag-Grid and define them as component outputs

  • listen for changes in component’s input bindings and update configuration options in the grid

  • expose API attached by ag-Grid to the gridOptions through its properties


The following example demonstrates how React datagrid is configured in a template using React Props:

以下示例演示了如何使用React Props在模板中配置React datagrid:


    // useful for accessing the component directly via ref

    // these are simple attributes, not bound to any state or prop

    // these are bound props, so can use anything in React state or props

    // this is a callback

    // these are registering event callbacks
    onGridReady={this.onGridReady.bind(this)}" // inside onGridReady, you receive the grid APIs if you want them

Now that we understand the requirement, let’s see how we implemented it at ag-Grid.


第3步—实现一个React包装器 (Step 3 — Implementing a React Wrapper)

First, we need to define a React component AgGridReact that represents our React data grid in templates. This component will render a DIV element that will serve as a container for the datagrid. To get a hold of the native DIV element we use the Refs functionality:

首先,我们需要定义一个React组件AgGridReact ,该组件在模板中代表我们的React数据网格。 该组件将呈现一个DIV元素,该元素将用作数据网格的容器。 为了掌握原生DIV元素,我们使用Refs功能

export class AgGridReact extends React.Component {
    protected eGridDiv: HTMLElement;

    render() {
        return React.createElement("div", {
            style: ...,
            ref: e => {
                this.eGridDiv = e;
        }, ...);

Before we can instantiate ag-Grid, we also need to collect all options. All ag-Grid properties and events come as React Props on the AgGridReact component. The gridOptions property is used to store all datagrid options. We need to copy all configuration options from React props as soon as they become available.

在实例化ag-Grid之前,我们还需要收集所有选项。 所有ag-Grid属性和事件AgGridReact组件上的React Props的AgGridReactgridOptions属性用于存储所有datagrid选项。 一旦有可用,我们需要从React props复制所有配置选项。

To do that, we’ve implemented the copyAttributesToGridOptions function. It’s a utility function that copies properties from one object to the other. Here’s the gist of the function:

为此,我们实现了copyAttributesToGridOptions函数。 这是一个实用程序功能,可将属性从一个对象复制到另一个对象。 这是功能的要点:

export class ComponentUtil {
    public static copyAttributesToGridOptions(gridOptions, component, ...) {
        // copy all grid properties to gridOptions object
            .forEach(key => {
                if (typeof component[key] !== 'undefined') {
                    gridOptions[key] = component[key];


         return gridOptions;

The options are copied in the componentDidMount lifecycle method after all props have been updated. This is also the hook where we instantiate the grid. We need to pass a native DOM element to the data grid when it’s being instantiated, so we’ll use the DIV element captured using refs functionality. Here’s how it all looks:

在更新所有道具之后,将这些选项复制到componentDidMount生命周期方法中。 这也是我们实例化网格的钩子。 我们需要在实例化数据时将本机DOM元素传递到数据网格,因此我们将使用通过refs功能捕获的DIV元素。 外观如下:

export class AgGridReact extends React.Component {
    gridOptions: AgGrid.GridOptions;

    componentDidMount() {

        let gridOptions = this.props.gridOptions || {};
        if (AgGridColumn.hasChildColumns(this.props)) {
            gridOptions.columnDefs = AgGridColumn.mapChildColumnDefs(this.props);

        this.gridOptions = AgGrid.ComponentUtil.copyAttributesToGridOptions(gridOptions, this.props);

        new AgGrid.Grid(this.eGridDiv, this.gridOptions, gridParams);

        this.api = this.gridOptions.api;
        this.columnApi = this.gridOptions.columnApi;

You can see above that we also check if there are children that are passed as columns and add then to configuration options as column definitions:


if (AgGridColumn.hasChildColumns(this.props)) {
    gridOptions.columnDefs = AgGridColumn.mapChildColumnDefs(this.props);

步骤4 —同步网格属性更新 (Step 4 — Synchronizing Grid Properties Updates)

Once the grid is initialized, we need to track changes to React Props to update configuration options of the datagrid. ag-Grid implements an API to do that, for example, if the headerHeight property changes there’s the setHeaderHeight method to update the height of a header.

网格初始化后,我们需要跟踪对React Props的更改以更新数据网格的配置选项。 ag-Grid实现了一个API,例如,如果headerHeight属性发生更改,则可以使用setHeaderHeight方法来更新标头的高度。

React uses componentWillReceiveProps lifecycle method to notify a component about changes. This is where we put our update logic:

React使用componentWillReceiveProps生命周期方法来通知组件有关更改。 这是我们放置更新逻辑的地方:

export class AgGridReact extends React.Component {
    componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: any) {
        const changes = <any>{};
        const changedKeys = Object.keys(nextProps);

        changedKeys.forEach((propKey) => {
            if (!this.areEquivalent(this.props[propKey], nextProps[propKey])) {
                changes[propKey] = {
                    previousValue: this.props[propKey],
                    currentValue: nextProps[propKey]
        AgGrid.ComponentUtil.getEventCallbacks().forEach((funcName: string) => {
            if (this.props[funcName] !== nextProps[funcName]) {
                changes[funcName] = {
                    previousValue: this.props[funcName],
                    currentValue: nextProps[funcName]

        AgGrid.ComponentUtil.processOnChange(changes, this.gridOptions, this.api, this.columnApi);

Basically we go over the list of ag-Grid’s configuration properties and callbacks and check if any of them have changed. We put all changes in the changes array and then process them using processOnChange method.

基本上,我们查看ag-Grid的配置属性和回调的列表,并检查它们是否已更改。 我们将所有更改放入changes数组,然后使用processOnChange方法对其进行处理。

The method does two things. First, it goes over the changes in React Props and updates properties on the gridOptions object. Next, it calls API methods to notify the grid about the changes:

该方法有两件事。 首先,它将遍历React Props中的更改并更新gridOptions对象上的属性。 接下来,它调用API方法以将更改通知网格:

export class ComponentUtil {
    public static processOnChange(changes, gridOptions, api, ...) {
        // reflect the changes in the gridOptions object
            .forEach(key => {
                if (changes[key]) {
                    gridOptions[key] = changes[key].currentValue;


        // notify Grid about the changes in header height
        if (changes.headerHeight) {

        // notify Grid about the changes in page size
        if (changes.paginationPageSize) {


步骤5 —公开API (Step 5 — Exposing the API)

Interacting with the React grid at run time is done through the grid API. You may want to adjust the columns size, set new data source, get a list of all selected rows etc. When the JavaScript datagrid is initiated, it attaches the api object to the grid options object. To expose this object, we assign it to the component instance:

通过网格API在运行时与React网格进行交互。 您可能想要调整列大小,设置新数据源,获取所有选定行的列表等。启动JavaScript datagrid时,它将api对象附加到网格选项对象。 为了公开这个对象,我们将其分配给组件实例:

export class AgGridReact extends React.Component {
    componentDidMount() {
        new AgGrid.Grid(this.eGridDiv, this.gridOptions, gridParams);

        this.api = this.gridOptions.api;
        this.columnApi = this.gridOptions.columnApi;

And that’s it.


结论 (Conclusion)

In this tutorial we learned how to adapt a vanilla JavaScript library to function within the React framework. For more information on this topic you could reference the official React documentation on Integrating with Other Libraries

在本教程中,我们学习了如何使Vanilla JavaScript库适应React框架中的功能。 有关此主题的更多信息,您可以参考有关与其他库集成的官方React文档。

翻译自: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/wrap-a-vanilla-javascript-package-for-use-in-react

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