debian10 dns_如何在Debian 10上使用OctoDNS部署和管理DNS

本教程介绍了如何在Debian 10上使用OctoDNS部署和管理DNS。OctoDNS是一个基础结构编码工具,通过版本控制、测试和自动化部署帮助管理DNS区域。教程涵盖了从安装OctoDNS到创建DNS配置文件,再到测试和部署的过程,适合想要使用OctoDNS自动化DNS管理的读者。

debian10 dns

The author selected the Electronic Frontier Foundation to receive a donation as part of the Write for DOnations program.

作者选择了电子前沿基金会来接受捐款,这是Write for DOnations计划的一部分。

介绍 (Introduction)

OctoDNS is an infrastructure-as-code tool that allows you to deploy and manage your DNS zones using standard software development principles, including version control, testing, and automated deployment. OctoDNS was created by GitHub and is written in Python.

OctoDNS是一种基础结构编码工具,可让您使用标准软件开发原则(包括版本控制,测试和自动部署)来部署和管理DNS区域。 OctoDNS由GitHub创建,并使用Python编写。

Using OctoDNS eliminates many of the pitfalls of manual DNS management, as zone files are stored in a structured format (YAML). This allows you to deploy zones to multiple DNS providers simultaneously, identify syntax errors, and push out your DNS configuration automatically, reducing the risk of human error. Another common usage of OctoDNS is to synchronize your DNS configuration between different providers, such as a testing and production system, or between live and failover environments.

由于区域文件以结构化格式( YAML )存储,因此使用OctoDNS消除了手动DNS管理的许多陷阱。 这使您可以将区域同时部署到多个DNS提供程序,识别语法错误,并自动推出DNS配置,从而降低了人为错误的风险。 OctoDNS的另一种常见用法是在不同的提供商(例如测试和生产系统)之间,或在实时和故障转移环境之间同步DNS配置。

OctoDNS is similar to DNSControl, which is an equivalent tool created by Stack Exchange and written in Go. Unlike OctoDNS, DNSControl uses a JavaScript-based configuration language for defining DNS zones, which allows you to use advanced programmatic features such as loops to specify multiple similar records within the same zone. The article How to Deploy and Manage Your DNS Using DNSControl on Debian 10 covers the basic setup and configuration of DNSControl.

OctoDNS与DNSControl类似,后者是由Stack Exchange创建并用Go编写的等效工具。 与OctoDNS不同,DNSControl使用基于JavaScript的配置语言来定义DNS区域,该语言允许您使用高级编程功能(例如循环)来指定同一区域内的多个相似记录。 如何在Debian 10上使用DNSControl部署和管理DNS的文章介绍了DNSControl的基本设置和配置。

In this tutorial, you’ll install and configure OctoDNS, create a basic DNS configuration, and begin deploying DNS records to a live provider. As part of this tutorial, we will use DigitalOcean as the example DNS provider. If you wish to use a different provider, the setup is very similar. When you’re finished, you’ll be able to manage and test your DNS configuration in a safe, offline environment, and then automatically deploy it to production.

在本教程中,您将安装和配置OctoDNS,创建基本的DNS配置,并开始将DNS记录部署到实时提供程序。 作为本教程的一部分,我们将使用DigitalOcean作为示例DNS提供程序。 如果您想使用其他提供程序 ,则设置非常相似。 完成后,您将能够在安全的脱机环境中管理和测试DNS配置,然后将其自动部署到生产环境中。

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

Before you begin this guide you’ll need the following:


  • One Debian 10 server set up by following the Initial Server Setup with Debian 10, including a sudo non-root user and enabled firewall to block non-essential ports. your-server-ipv4-address and your-server-ipv6-address refer to the IP addresses of the server where you’re hosting your website or domain.

    通过对Debian 10进行初始服务器设置来设置一台Debian 10服务器,包括sudo非root用户和已启用的防火墙以阻止非必需端口。 your-server-ipv4-addressyour-server-ipv6-address是指托管网站或域的服务器的IP地址。

  • A fully registered domain name with DNS hosted by a supported provider. This tutorial will use your-domain throughout and DigitalOcean as the service provider.

    支持的提供商托管的具有DNS的完全注册的域名。 本教程将整个使用your-domain并将DigitalOcean用作服务提供者。

  • A DigitalOcean API key (Personal Access Token) with read and write permissions. To create one, visit How to Create a Personal Access Token.

    具有读写权限的DigitalOcean API密钥(个人访问令牌)。 要创建一个,请访问如何创建个人访问令牌

Once you have these ready, log in to your server as your non-root user to begin.


第1步-安装OctoDNS (Step 1 — Installing OctoDNS)

OctoDNS is distributed as a Python pip package, and runs in a Python Virtual Environment (virtualenv), so you’ll start this step by installing the packages required for this. A virtualenv is an isolated Python environment that can have its own libraries and configuration, separate from the main system-wide Python installation. Python and virtualenv are available within Debian’s default software repositories, making it possible to install using conventional package management tools.

OctoDNS作为Python pip软件包分发,并在Python虚拟环境( virtualenv )中运行,因此您将通过安装此步骤所需的软件包来开始此步骤。 virtualenv是一个隔离的Python环境,可以具有自己的库和配置,与系统范围内的主要Python安装分开。 Python和virtualenv在Debian的默认软件存储库中可用,从而可以使用常规的软件包管理工具进行安装。

Begin by updating the local package index to reflect any new upstream changes:


  • sudo apt update

    sudo apt更新

Then, install the python and virtualenv packages:


  • sudo apt install python virtualenv

    sudo apt安装python virtualenv

After confirming the installation, apt will download and install Python, virtualenv, and all of their required dependencies.

确认安装后, apt将下载并安装Python, virtualenv及其所有必需的依赖项。

Next, you’ll create the required directories for OctoDNS, where your DNS and program configuration will be stored. Start by creating the ~/octodns and ~/octodns/config directories:

接下来,您将为OctoDNS创建所需的目录,该目录将存储您的DNS和程序配置。 首先创建~/octodns~/octodns/config目录:

  • mkdir ~/octodns ~/octodns/config

    mkdir〜/ octodns〜/ octodns / config

Now move into ~/octodns:


  • cd ~/octodns


Next, you need to create the Python Virtual Environment—an isolated Python environment with its own libraries and configuration to run OctoDNS in:


  • virtualenv env

    的virtualenv ENV

Activate your environment with the following command:


  • source env/bin/activate

    源ENV /斌/激活

This will output something similar to the following:


Running virtualenv with interpreter /usr/bin/python2 New python executable in /home/user/octodns/env/bin/python2 Also creating executable in /home/user/octodns/env/bin/python Installing setuptools, pkg_resources, pip, wheel...done.

Your Bash shell prompt will now also be prefixed with the name of the virtual environment. This shows that you are currently operating within the virtualenv:

现在,您的Bash Shell提示符还将以虚拟环境的名称为前缀。 这表明您当前正在virtualenv

(env) user@digitalocean:~/octodns$

If you wish to exit the virtualenv, you can use the deactivate command at any time. However, you should stay in your virtualenv to continue with this tutorial.

如果您希望退出virtualenv ,则可以随时使用deactivate命令。 但是,您应该留在virtualenv以继续本教程。

Now that you’ve installed and configured Python and virtualenv, you can install OctoDNS. OctoDNS is distributed as a Python pip package, which is the standard package-management tool for Python packages and libraries.

现在,您已经安装并配置了Python和virtualenv ,您可以安装OctoDNS。 OctoDNS作为Python pip软件包分发,这是Python软件包和库的标准软件包管理工具。

You can install the OctoDNS pip package using the following command within your virtualenv:

您可以在virtualenv使用以下命令安装OctoDNS pip软件包:

  • pip install octodns


Once this is complete, you can check the installed version to make sure that everything is working:


  • octodns-sync --version

    octodns-sync --version

Your output will look similar to the following:


octoDNS 0.9.9

If you see a octodns-sync: command not found error, double-check that you’re still inside your virtualenv.

如果看到octodns-sync: command not found错误,请仔细检查您是否仍在virtualenv

Now that you’ve installed OctoDNS, you can create the required configuration files to connect OctoDNS to your DNS provider to allow it to make changes to your DNS records.


步骤2 —配置OctoDNS (Step 2 — Configuring OctoDNS)

In this step, you’ll create the required configuration files for OctoDNS, and connect it to your DNS provider so that it can begin to make live changes to your DNS records.


Note: This tutorial will focus on the initial setup of OctoDNS; however for production use it is recommended to store your OctoDNS configuration in a version control system (VCS) such as Git. The advantages of this include full version control, integration with CI/CD for testing, seamlessly rolling-back deployments, and so on.

注意:本教程将重点介绍OctoDNS的初始设置。 但是,对于生产用途,建议将OctoDNS配置存储在版本控制系统(VCS)中,例如Git 。 这样做的优点包括完整的版本控制,与CI / CD集成以进行测试,无缝回滚部署等。

Firstly, you need to configure the config.yaml file, which defines the DNS zones for OctoDNS to manage, and allows it to authenticate to your DNS provider and make changes.


The format of config.yaml differs slightly depending on the DNS provider that you are using. Please see the Supported Providers list in the official OctoDNS documentation to find the configuration for your own provider. When viewing this hyperlink, the configuration details are presented as a code comment in the actual Python code for your provider, which is linked in the ‘Provider’ column of the table. Once you have found the Python code for your provider, such as or, the relevant code comment can be found directly under the class ProviderNameProvider. For example:

config.yaml的格式略有不同,具体取决于您使用的DNS提供程序。 请查看官方OctoDNS文档中的“ 受支持的提供程序”列表 ,以查找您自己的提供程序的配置。 查看此超链接时,配置详细信息在您的提供程序的实际Python代码中以代码注释的形式显示,该代码在表的“提供程序”列中进行链接。 找到提供程序的Python代码(例如 ,可以直接在ProviderName Provider class下找到相关的代码注释。 例如:

Excerpt of octodns/provider/
octodns / provider / route53.py的摘录
class Route53Provider(BaseProvider):
  AWS Route53 Provider
      class: octodns.provider.route53.Route53Provider
      # The AWS access key id
      # The AWS secret access key
      # The AWS session token (optional)
      # Only needed if using temporary security credentials

Move into the ~/octodns/config directory:


  • cd ~/octodns/config

    cd〜/ octodns / config

Then create and open config.yaml for editing:


  • nano config.yaml


Add the sample config.yaml configuration for your DNS provider to the file. If you’re using DigitalOcean as your DNS provider, you can use the following:

将您的DNS提供程序的示例config.yaml配置添加到文件中。 如果您将DigitalOcean用作DNS提供程序,则可以使用以下内容:

〜/ octodns / config / config.yaml
    class: octodns.provider.yaml.YamlProvider
    directory: ./config
    default_ttl: 300
    enforce_order: True
    class: octodns.provider.digitalocean.DigitalOceanProvider
    token: your-digitalocean-oauth-token

      - config
      - digitalocean

This file tells OctoDNS which DNS providers you want it to connect to, and which DNS zones it should manage for those providers.


You’ll need to provide some form of authentication for your DNS provider. This is usually an API key or OAuth token.

您需要为您的DNS提供程序提供某种形式的身份验证。 这通常是API密钥或OAuth令牌。

If you do not wish to store your access token in plain text in the configuration file, you can instead pass it as an environment variable when the program runs. To do this, you should use the following token: line instead in config.yaml:

如果您不希望将访问令牌以纯文本格式存储在配置文件中,则可以在程序运行时将其作为环境变量传递。 为此,您应该使用以下token:config.yaml使用line代替:

〜/ octodns / config / config.yaml

Then, before running OctoDNS, set the relevant environment variable to your access token, and OctoDNS will read it from there when run:


  • export DIGITALOCEAN\_OAUTH\_TOKEN=your-digitalocean-oauth-token

    导出DIGITALOCEAN \ _OAUTH \ _TOKEN = your-digitalocean-oauth-token

Warning: This token will grant access to your DNS provider account, so you should protect it as you would a password. Also, ensure that if you’re using a version control system, either the file containing the token is excluded (e.g. using .gitignore), or is securely encrypted in some way.

警告:此令牌将授予对您的DNS提供程序帐户的访问权限,因此您应像使用密码一样保护它。 另外,请确保如果使用的是版本控制系统,则排除包含令牌的文件(例如,使用.gitignore ),或以某种方式对其进行安全加密。

If you’re using DigitalOcean as your DNS provider, you can use the required OAuth token in your DigitalOcean account settings that you generated as part of the prerequisites.


If you have multiple different DNS providers—for example, for multiple domain names, or delegated DNS zones—you can define these all in the same config.yaml file.


You’ve set up the initial OctoDNS configuration file to allow the program to authenticate to your DNS provider and make changes. Next you’ll create the configuration for your DNS zones.

您已经设置了初始的OctoDNS配置文件,以允许该程序向您的DNS提供程序进行身份验证并进行更改。 接下来,您将为DNS区域创建配置。

步骤3 —创建DNS配置文件 (Step 3 — Creating a DNS Configuration File)

In this step, you’ll create an initial DNS configuration file, which will contain the DNS records for your domain name or delegated DNS zone.


Each DNS zone that you want to manage using OctoDNS has its own file, for example your-domain.yaml. In this file, the DNS records for the zone are defined using YAML.

您要使用OctoDNS管理的每个DNS区域都有其自己的文件,例如your-domain .yaml 。 在此文件中,使用YAML定义区域的DNS记录。

To begin, move into the ~/octodns/config directory:


  • cd ~/octodns/config

    cd〜/ octodns / config

Then create and open your-domain.yaml for editing:

然后创建并打开your-domain .yaml以进行编辑:

  • nano your-domain.yaml

    纳米您的域 .yaml

Add the following sample configuration to the file:


〜/ octodns / config / your-domain.yaml
  - type: A
    value: your-server-ipv4-address

  - type: A
    value: your-server-ipv4-address

This sample file defines a DNS zone for your-domain with two A records, pointing to the IPv4 address that you’re hosting your domain or website on. One A record is for the root domain (e.g. your-domain), and the other is for the www subdomain (e.g. www.your-domain).

此样本文件为your-domain定义了一个DNS区域,其中包含两个A记录,指向您托管域或网站所在的IPv4地址。 一个A记录用于根域(例如your-domain ),而另一个记录用于www子域(例如www. your-domain )。

Once complete, save and close the file.


You’ve set up a basic DNS zone configuration file for OctoDNS, with two basic A records pointing to the IPv4 address of your domain or website. Next, you’ll expand the file with some useful DNS records.

您已经为OctoDNS设置了基本的DNS区域配置文件,其中两个基本的A记录指向您的域或网站的IPv4地址。 接下来,您将使用一些有用的DNS记录来扩展该文件。

步骤4 —填充您的DNS配置文件 (Step 4 — Populating Your DNS Configuration File)

Next, you can populate the DNS configuration file with a practical set of DNS records for your website or service, using the YAML structured configuration language.


Unlike traditional BIND zone files, where DNS records are written in a raw, line-by-line format, DNS records within OctoDNS are defined as YAML keys and subkeys with a number of associated values, as shown briefly in Step 3.

与传统的BIND区域文件不同,在传统的BIND区域文件中 ,DNS记录以原始的逐行格式写入,而OctoDNS中的DNS记录被定义为具有许多关联值的YAML密钥和子密钥,如步骤3所示。

The top-level key is usually the 'name', which is essentially the record identifier. www, subdomain1, and mail are all examples of DNS 'name'. In OctoDNS, there are two special-use names, which are '', for the root record (usually referred to as @), and '*', for wildcard records. A required value of each key (DNS record) is type. This defines which type of DNS record you are defining within that YAML top-level key. A type exists for each of the standard DNS record types, including A, AAAA, MX, TXT, NS, CNAME, and so on. A full list of available record types is available in the Records section of the OctoDNS documentation.

顶级密钥通常是'name' ,本质上是记录标识符。 wwwsubdomain1mail都是DNS'name 'name'示例。 在OctoDNS,有两个特殊用途的名称,这是'' ,根记录(通常简称为@ ),和'*' ,通配符记录。 每个密钥(DNS记录)的必需值为type 。 这定义了您在该YAML顶级密钥中定义的DNS记录类型。 甲type存在于每个标准的DNS记录类型,包括AAAAAMXTXTNSCNAME ,等等。 可用记录类型的完整列表在OctoDNS文档的“ 记录”部分中提供。

The values for your DNS records are defined either directly as values to the top-level keys (if you only have one value), or as a list (if you have multiple values, e.g. multiple IP addresses or MX addresses).


For example, to define a single value, you could use the following configuration:


〜/ octodns / config / your-domain.yaml
  type: A

Alternatively, to define multiple values for a single record:


〜/ octodns / config / your-domain.yaml
  type: A

The syntax for setting DNS records varies slightly for each record type. Following are some examples for the most common record types:

设置DNS记录的语法因每种记录类型而略有不同。 以下是一些最常见的记录类型的示例:

A记录: (A records:)

Purpose: To point to an IPv4 address.




  type: A
  value: ipv4-address



  type: A
  value: your-server-ipv4-address
AAAA记录: (AAAA records:)

Purpose: To point to an IPv6 address.




  type: AAAA
  value: ipv6-address



  type: AAAA
  value: your-server-ipv6-address

CNAME记录: (CNAME records:)

Purpose: To make your domain/subdomain an alias of another.




  type: CNAME
  value: fully-qualified-domain-name



  type: CNAME

MX记录: (MX records:)

Purpose: To direct email to specific servers/addresses.




  type: MX
    exchange: mail-server
    preference: priority-value

Note that a trailing . must be included if there are any dots in the MX value.

注意尾随. 如果MX值中有任何点,则必须包含在内。



  type: MX
    exchange: mail.your-domain.
    preference: 10

TXT记录: (TXT records:)

Purpose: To add arbitrary plain text, often used for configurations without their own dedicated record type.




  type: TXT
  value: content



  type: TXT
  value: This is a TXT record.

In order to begin adding DNS records for your domain or delegated DNS zone, edit your DNS configuration file:


  • cd ~/octodns/config

    cd〜/ octodns / config
  • nano your-domain.yaml

    纳米您的域 .yaml

Next, you can begin populating your DNS zone using the syntax described in the previous list, as well as the Records section of the official OctoDNS documentation.

接下来,您可以开始使用上一列表中所述的语法以及官方OctoDNS文档的“ 记录”部分来填充DNS区域。

For reference, the code block here contains a full sample configuration for an initial DNS setup:


〜/ octodns / config / your-domain.yaml
  - type: A
    value: your-server-ipv4-address

  - type: AAAA
    value: your-server-ipv6-address

  - type: MX
      exchange: mail.your-domain.
      preference: 10

  - type: TXT
    value: v=spf1 -all

  type: TXT
  value: v=DMARC1\; p=reject\; rua=mailto:abuse@your-domain\; aspf=s\; adkim=s\;

  - type: A
    value: your-server-ipv4-address

  - type: AAAA
    value: your-server-ipv6-address

  - type: A
    value: your-server-ipv4-address

  - type: AAAA
    value: your-server-ipv6-address

Once you have completed your initial DNS configuration, save and close the file.


In this step, you set up the initial DNS configuration file, containing your DNS records. Next, you will test the configuration and deploy it.

在此步骤中,您将设置包含DNS记录的初始DNS配置文件。 接下来,您将测试配置并部署它。

第5步-测试和部署DNS配置 (Step 5 — Testing and Deploying Your DNS Configuration)

In this step, you will run a local syntax check on your DNS configuration, and then deploy the changes to the live DNS server/provider.


Firstly, move into your octodns directory:


  • cd ~/octodns


Double check that you’re still operating within your Python virtualenv by looking for the name of it before your Bash prompt:

通过在Bash提示符之前查找它的名称来仔细检查您是否仍在Python virtualenv运行:

(env) user@digitalocean:~/octodns$

Next, use the octodns-validate command to check the syntax of your configuration file(s). You’ll need to specify the path to your configuration file:

接下来,使用octodns-validate命令检查您的配置文件的语法。 您需要指定配置文件的路径:

  • octodns-validate --config=./config/config.yaml

    octodns-validate --config =。/ config / config.yaml

If the YAML syntax of your DNS configuration file is correct, OctoDNS will return with no output. If you see an error or warning in your output, OctoDNS will provide details on what and where the error is located within your YAML file.

如果您的DNS配置文件的YAML语法正确,则OctoDNS将返回而没有任何输出。 如果在输出中看到错误或警告,OctoDNS将提供有关YAML文件中错误的位置和位置的详细信息。

Next, you can perform a dry-run push of the DNS configuration, which will output which changes will be made, without actually making them:


  • octodns-sync --config=./config/config.yaml

    octodns-sync --config =。/ config / config.yaml

This should produce an output similar to the following:


******************************************************************************** * your-domain. ******************************************************************************** * digitalocean (DigitalOceanProvider) * Create <ARecord A 300, mail.your-domain., ['your-server-ipv4-address']> (config) * Create <AaaaRecord AAAA 300, mail.your-domain., ['your-server-ipv6-address']> (config) * Create <TxtRecord TXT 300, your-domain., ['v=spf1 -all']> (config) * Create <AaaaRecord AAAA 300, your-domain., ['your-server-ipv6-address']> (config) * Create <ARecord A 300, your-domain., ['your-server-ipv4-address']> (config) * Create <ARecord A 300, www.your-domain., ['your-server-ipv4-address']> (config) * Create <MxRecord MX 300, your-domain., [''10 mail.your-domain.'']> (config) * Create <TxtRecord TXT 300, _dmarc.your-domain., ['v=DMARC1\; p=reject\; rua=mailto:abuse@your-domain\; aspf=s\; adkim=s\;']> (config) * Create <AaaaRecord AAAA 300, www.your-domain., ['your-server-ipv6-address']> (config) * Summary: Creates=9, Updates=0, Deletes=0, Existing Records=2 ********************************************************************************

Warning: The next command will make live changes to your DNS records and possibly other settings. Please ensure that you are prepared for this, including taking a backup of your existing DNS configuration, as well as ensuring that you have the means to roll back if needed.

警告:下一条命令将实时更改您的DNS记录和其他可能的设置。 请确保为此做好准备,包括备份现有的DNS配置,以及确保您有必要时进行回滚的方法。

Finally, you can push out the changes to your live DNS provider:


  • octodns-sync --config=./config/config.yaml --doit

    octodns-sync --config =。/ config / config.yaml --doit

Note: In some cases, OctoDNS will refuse to push changes if it is making a significant number of adjustments. This is an automatic protection feature to prevent accidental misconfigurations. If you encounter this refusal, you can re-run octodns-sync using the --force option, but please ensure you are ready to do so.

注意:在某些情况下,如果OctoDNS进行了大量调整,则拒绝更改。 这是一项自动保护功能,可防止意外配置错误。 如果遇到这种拒绝,您可以使用--force选项重新运行octodns-sync ,但请确保已准备就绪。

You’ll see an output like the dry-run earlier in this step, but with the addition of something similar to the following:


2019-07-07T23:17:27 INFO DigitalOceanProvider[digitalocean] apply: making changes 2019-07-07T23:17:30 INFO Manager sync: 9 total changes

Now, if you check the DNS settings for your domain in the DigitalOcean control panel, you’ll see the changes.


You can also check the record creation by running a DNS query for your domain/delegated zone using dig.


If you don’t have dig installed, you’ll need to install the dnsutils package:

如果没有安装dig ,则需要安装dnsutils软件包:

  • sudo apt install dnsutils

    sudo apt安装dnsutils

Once you’ve installed dig, you can use it to make a DNS lookup for your domain. You’ll see that the records have been updated accordingly:

安装dig ,您可以使用它为您的域进行DNS查找。 您会看到记录已相应更新:

  • dig +short your-domain


You’ll see output showing the IP address and relevant DNS record from your zone that you deployed using OctoDNS. DNS records can take some time to propagate, so you may need to wait and run this command again.

您将看到输出,显示使用OctoDNS部署的区域中的IP地址和相关的DNS记录。 DNS记录可能需要一些时间才能传播,因此您可能需要等待并再次运行此命令。

In this final step, you ran a local syntax check of the DNS configuration file, then deployed it to your live DNS provider, and tested that the changes were made successfully.


结论 (Conclusion)

In this article you set up OctoDNS and deployed a DNS configuration to a live provider. Now you can manage and test your DNS configuration changes in a safe, offline environment before deploying them to production.

在本文中,您将设置OctoDNS并将DNS配置部署到实时提供程序。 现在,您可以在安全的脱机环境中管理和测试DNS配置更改,然后再将其部署到生产环境中。

If you wish to explore this subject further, OctoDNS is designed to be integrated into your CI/CD pipeline, allowing you to run in-depth tests and have more control over your deployment to production. You could also look into integrating OctoDNS into your infrastructure build/deployment processes, allowing you to deploy servers and add them to DNS completely automatically.

如果您想进一步探索该主题,则可以将OctoDNS设计为集成到CI / CD管道中,从而使您可以进行深入的测试,并更好地控制生产部署。 您还可以考虑将OctoDNS集成到基础结构的构建/部署过程中,从而允许您部署服务器并将其完全自动添加到DNS中。

If you wish to go further with OctoDNS, the following DigitalOcean articles provide some interesting next steps to help integrate OctoDNS into your change management and infrastructure deployment workflows:



debian10 dns





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