如何在Python 3中使用pathlib模块处理文件系统路径

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介绍 (Introduction)

Python 3 includes the pathlib module for manipulating filesystem paths agnostically whatever the operating system. pathlib is similar to the os.path module, but pathlib offers a higher level—and often times more convenient—interface than os.path.

Python 3包含pathlib模块,用于在任何操作系统下pathlib不可知论的方式处理文件系统路径。 pathlibos.path模块类似,但是pathlib提供了比os.path更高级别的接口,并且常常是更方便的接口。

We can identify files on a computer with hierarchical paths. For example, we might identify the file wave.txt on a computer with this path: /Users/sammy/ocean/wave.txt. Operating systems represent paths slightly differently. Windows might represent the path to the wave.txt file like C:\Users\sammy\ocean\wave.txt.

我们可以识别具有分层路径的计算机上的文件。 例如,我们可以在具有以下路径的计算机上标识文件wave.txt/Users/ sammy /ocean/wave.txt 。 操作系统代表的路径略有不同。 Windows可能表示wave.txt文件的路径,例如C:\Users\ sammy \ocean\wave.txt

You might find the pathlib module useful if in your Python program you are creating or moving files on the filesystem, listing files on the filesystem that all match a given extension or pattern, or creating operating system appropriate file paths based on collections of raw strings. While you might be able to use other tools (like the os.path module) to accomplish many of these tasks, the pathlib module allows you to perform these operations with a high degree of readability and minimal amount of code.

如果在Python程序中正在创建或移动文件系统上的文件,列出与给定扩展名或模式都匹配的文件系统上的文件,或者基于原始字符串的集合创建适合操作系统的文件路径,则可能会发现pathlib模块很有用。 虽然您可以使用其他工具(例如os.path模块)来完成许多任务,但pathlib模块使您能够以高度的可读性和最少的代码执行这些操作。

In this tutorial, we’ll go over some of the ways to use the pathlib module to represent and manipulate filesystem paths.


先决条件 (Prerequisites)

To get the most out of this tutorial, it is recommended to have some familiarity with programming in Python 3. You can review these tutorials for the necessary background information:

为了充分利用本教程,建议您熟悉Python 3的编程。您可以查看以下教程以获取必要的背景信息:

构造Path实例 (Constructing Path Instances)

The pathlib module provides several classes, but one of the most important is the Path class. Instances of the Path class represent a path to a file or directory on our computer’s filesystem.

pathlib模块提供了几个 ,但是最重要的一个是Path类。 Path类的实例表示我们计算机文件系统上文件或目录的路径。

For example, the following code instantiates a Path instance that represents part of the path to a wave.txt file:


from pathlib import Path

wave = Path("ocean", "wave.txt")

If we run this code, we’ll receive output like the following:



from pathlib import Path makes the Path class available to our program. Then Path("ocean", "wave.txt") instantiates a new Path instance. Printing the output shows that Python has added the appropriate operating system separator of / between the two path components we gave it: "ocean" and "wave.txt".

from pathlib import Path使Path类可用于我们的程序。 然后, Path("ocean", "wave.txt")实例化一个新的Path实例。 打印输出显示Python在我们给它的两个路径组件"ocean""wave.txt"之间添加了/的适当的操作系统分隔符。

Note: Depending on your operating system, your output may vary slightly from the example outputs shown in this tutorial. If you are running Windows, for example, your output for this first example might look like ocean\wave.txt.

注意:根据您的操作系统,您的输出可能与本教程中显示的示例输出略有不同。 例如,如果您正在运行Windows,则第一个示例的输出可能类似于ocean\wave.txt

Currently, the Path object assigned to the wave variable contains a relative path. In other words, ocean/wave.txt might exist in several places on our filesystem. As an example, it may exist in /Users/user_1/ocean/wave.txt or /Users/user_2/research/ocean/wave.txt, but we haven’t specified exactly which one we are referring to. An absolute path, by contrast, unambiguously refers to one location on the filesystem.

当前,分配给wave变量的Path对象包含一个相对路径 。 换句话说, ocean/wave.txt可能存在于我们文件系统上的多个位置。 例如,它可能存在于/Users/ user_1 /ocean/wave.txt/Users/ user_2 /research/ocean/wave.txt ,但我们没有确切指定我们要指的是哪一个。 相反, 绝对路径明确指向文件系统上的一个位置。

You can use Path.home() to get the absolute path to the home directory of the current user:


home = Path.home()
wave_absolute = Path(home, "ocean", "wave.txt")

If we run this code, we’ll receive output roughly like the following:


/Users/sammy /Users/sammy/ocean/wave.txt

Note: As mentioned earlier, your output will vary depending on your operating system. Your home directory, of course, will also be different than /Users/sammy.

注意:如前所述,您的输出将取决于您的操作系统。 当然,您的主目录也将不同于/Users/ sammy

Path.home() returns a Path instance with an absolute path to the current user’s home directory. We then pass in this Path instance and the strings "ocean" and "wave.txt" into another Path constructor to create an absolute path to the wave.txt file. The output shows the first line is the home directory, and the second line is the home directory plus ocean/wave.txt.

Path.home()返回带有当前用户主目录绝对路径的Path实例。 然后,我们将此Path实例以及字符串"ocean""wave.txt"到另一个Path构造函数中,以创建wave.txt文件的绝对路径。 输出显示第一行是主目录,第二行是主目录加ocean/wave.txt

This example also illustrates an important feature of the Path class: the Path constructor accepts both strings and preexisting Path objects.

此示例还说明了Path类的重要功能: Path构造函数同时接受字符串和预先存在的Path对象。

Let’s look at the support of both strings and Path objects in the Path constructor a little more closely:


shark = Path(Path.home(), "ocean", "animals", Path("fish", "shark.txt"))

If we run this Python code, we’ll receive output similar to the following:



shark is a Path to a file that we constructed using both Path objects (Path.home() and Path("fish", "shark.txt")) and strings ("ocean" and "animals"). The Path constructor intelligently handles both types of objects and cleanly joins them using the appropriate operating system separator, in this case /.

shark是一个Path到一个文件,我们使用这两种构建Path (对象Path.home()Path("fish", "shark.txt")和字符串( "ocean""animals" )。 Path构造函数智能地处理这两种类型的对象,并使用适当的操作系统分隔符(在本例中为/干净地将它们连接在一起。

访问文件属性 (Accessing File Attributes)

Now that we’ve learned how to construct Path instances, let’s review how you can use those instances to access information about a file.


We can use the name and suffix attributes to access file names and file suffixes:


wave = Path("ocean", "wave.txt")

Running this code, we’ll receive output similar to the following:


/Users/sammy/ocean/wave.txt wave.txt .txt

This output shows that the name of the file at the end of our path is wave.txt and the suffix of that file is .txt.

此输出显示路径末尾的文件名为wave.txt ,该文件的后缀为.txt

Path instances also offer the with_name function that allow you to seamlessly create a new Path object with a different name:


wave = Path("ocean", "wave.txt")
tides = wave.with_name("tides.txt")

If we run this, we’ll receive output like the following:



The code first constructs a Path instance that points to a file named wave.txt. Then, we call the with_name method on wave to return a second Path instance that points to a new file named tides.txt. The ocean/ directory portion of the path remains unchanged, leaving the final path as ocean/tides.txt

该代码首先构造一个Path实例,该实例指向名为wave.txt的文件。 然后,我们调用with_name的方法wave返回第二个Path是个实例的文件名为tides.txt 。 路径的ocean/目录部分保持不变,最终路径保留为ocean/tides.txt

访问祖先 (Accessing Ancestors)

Sometimes it is useful to access directories that contain a given path. Let’s consider an example:

有时访问包含给定路径的目录很有用。 让我们考虑一个例子:

shark = Path("ocean", "animals", "fish", "shark.txt")

If we run this code, we’ll receive output that looks like the following:


ocean/animals/fish/shark.txt ocean/animals/fish

The parent attribute on a Path instance returns the most immediate ancestor of a given file path. In this case, it returns the directory that contains the shark.txt file: ocean/animals/fish.

Path实例上的parent属性返回给定文件路径的最直接祖先。 在这种情况下,它将返回包含shark.txt文件的目录: ocean/animals/fish

We can access the parent attribute multiple times in a row to traverse up the ancestry tree of a given file:


shark = Path("ocean", "animals", "fish", "shark.txt")

If we run this code, we’ll receive the following output:


ocean/animals/fish/shark.txt ocean/animals

The output is similar to the earlier output, but now we’ve traversed yet another level higher by accessing .parent a second time. Two directories up from shark.txt is the ocean/animals directory.

输出类似于先前的输出,但是现在我们通过第二次访问.parent遍历了另一个更高的层次。 shark.txt两个目录是ocean/animals目录。

使用Glob列出文件 (Using Glob to List Files)

It’s also possible to use the Path class to list files using the glob method.


Let’s say we had a directory structure that looked like this:


└── ocean
    ├── animals
    │   └── fish
    │       └── shark.txt
    ├── tides.txt
    └── wave.txt

An ocean directory contains the files tides.txt and wave.txt. We have a file named shark.txt nested under the ocean directory, an animals directory, and a fish directory: ocean/animals/fish.

ocean目录包含文件tides.txtwave.txt 。 我们有一个名为shark.txt的文件,嵌套在ocean目录, animals目录和fish目录下: ocean/animals/fish

To list all the .txt files in the ocean directory, we could say:


for txt_path in Path("ocean").glob("*.txt"):

This code would yield output like:


ocean/wave.txt ocean/tides.txt

The "*.txt" glob pattern finds all files ending in .txt. Since the code sample executes that glob in the ocean directory, it returns the two .txt files in the ocean directory: wave.txt and tides.txt.

"*.txt" 全局模式可找到所有以.txt结尾的文件。 由于代码示例执行该水珠在ocean的目录,它返回两个.txt的文件ocean目录: wave.txttides.txt

Note: If you would like to duplicate the outputs shown in this example, you’ll need to mimic the directory structure illustrated here on your computer.


We can also use the glob method recursively. To list all the .txt files in the ocean directory and all its subdirectories, we could say:

我们还可以递归使用glob方法。 要列出ocean目录及其所有子目录中的所有.txt文件,我们可以说:

for txt_path in Path("ocean").glob("**/*.txt"):

If we run this code, we’d receive output like the following:


ocean/wave.txt ocean/tides.txt ocean/animals/fish/shark.txt

The ** part of the glob pattern will match this directory and all directories beneath it, recursively. So, not only do we have the wave.txt and tides.txt files in the output, but we also receive the shark.txt file that was nested under ocean/animals/fish.

全局模式的**部分将递归匹配此目录及其下的所有目录。 因此,我们不仅在输出中包含wave.txttides.txt文件,而且还收到嵌套在ocean/animals/fish下的shark.txt文件。

计算相对路径 (Computing Relative Paths)

We can use the Path.relative_to method to compute paths relative to one another. The relative_to method is useful when, for example, you want to retrieve a portion of a long file path.

我们可以使用Path.relative_to方法来计算相对于彼此的路径。 例如,当您想要检索长文件路径的一部分时, relative_to方法很有用。

Consider the following code:


shark = Path("ocean", "animals", "fish", "shark.txt")
below_ocean = shark.relative_to(Path("ocean"))
below_animals = shark.relative_to(Path("ocean", "animals"))

If we run this, we’ll receive output like the following:


ocean/animals/fish/shark.txt animals/fish/shark.txt fish/shark.txt

The relative_to method returns a new Path object relative to the given argument. In our example, we compute the Path to shark.txt relative to the ocean directory, and then relative to both the ocean and animals directories.

relative_to方法返回相对于给定参数的新Path对象。 在我们的示例中,我们相对于ocean目录(然后相对于ocean目录和animals目录)计算shark.txtPath

If relative_to can’t compute an answer because we give it an unrelated path, it raises a ValueError:


shark = Path("ocean", "animals", "fish", "shark.txt")
shark.relative_to(Path("unrelated", "path"))

We’ll receive a ValueError exception raised from this code that will be something like this:


Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/usr/local/lib/Python3.8/pathlib.py", line 899, in relative_to raise ValueError("{!r} does not start with {!r}" ValueError: 'ocean/animals/fish/shark.txt' does not start with 'unrelated/path'

unrelated/path is not a part of ocean/animals/fish/shark.txt, so there’s no way for Python to compute a relative path for us.

unrelated/path不是ocean/animals/fish/shark.txt ,因此Python无法为我们计算相对路径。

结论 (Conclusion)

The pathlib module is a powerful part of the Python Standard Library that lets us manipulate filesystem paths quickly on any operating system. In this tutorial, we have learned to use some of pathlib’s key utilities for accessing file attributes, listing files with glob patterns, and traversing parent files and directories.

pathlib模块是Python标准库的强大功能,可让我们在任何操作系统上快速操作文件系统路径。 在本教程中,我们学习了使用pathlib的一些关键实用程序来访问文件属性,列出具有glob模式的文件以及遍历父文件和目录。

The pathlib module exposes additional classes and utilities that we did not cover in this tutorial. Now that you have a baseline, you can use the pathlib module’s documentation to learn more about other available classes and utilities.

pathlib模块公开了我们在本教程中未涵盖的其他类和实用程序。 有了基准后,就可以使用pathlib模块的文档来了解有关其他可用类和实用程序的更多信息。

If you’re interested in using other Python libraries, check out the following tutorials:


翻译自: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-the-pathlib-module-to-manipulate-filesystem-paths-in-python-3





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