wordpress 多站点_WordPress多站点解密

wordpress 多站点

In this article, I’m going to cover a topic that doesn’t get a lot of love – WordPress multisite.

在本文中,我将介绍一个主题,它没有太多的吸引力-WordPress multisite

I recently attended a session at a WordPress Meetup where the presenters shared their experiences with multisite. A special mention goes to Dee Teal (@thewebprincess) and James Bundey (@jamesbundey) who presented on this topic, which has inspired this article.

我最近参加了WordPress Meetup上的一次会议,主持人在会议上与多站点分享了他们的经验。 特别要提一下有关此主题的Dee Teal( @thewebprincess )和James Bundey( @jamesbundey ),这启发了本文。

WordPress Multisite Graphic

I’ll provide an overview below on what WordPress multisite is, some examples of websites that currently use it, as well as some useful plugins and resources to get you started.


什么是WordPress多站点 (What Is WordPress Multisite)

Multisite is described on the WordPress Codex as “very similar to your own personal version of WordPress.com”. It allows you to create a network of sites that share a single installation. You’ll also hear multisite referred to as a WordPress Network.

多站点在WordPress Codex上被描述为“非常类似于您自己的WordPress.com个人版本”。 它允许您创建共享单个安装的站点网络。 您还将听到称为WordPress网络的多站点。

谁使用多站点 (Who Uses Multisite)

WordPress multisite is used by some very large sites, the biggest being WordPress.com which hosts millions of sites. It doesn’t get much bigger than that. Other popular sites include the BBC US (each show has a subsite), Reuters blogs, the New York Times blogs, as well as a large number of university sites.

WordPress多站点被一些非常大的站点使用,其中最大的是WordPress.com ,该站点托管了数百万个站点 。 它没有比这更大的了。 其他受欢迎的站点包括BBC US(每个节目都有一个子站点),路透社博客,《纽约时报》博客以及大量大学站点。

You can also browse the multisite showcase over on WordPress.org for more examples.


关键区别 (The Key Difference)

Multisite is ideal when you want to share users across a network of sites. Sharing users has a few implications, mostly surrounding security and access control. For example, if you want users for one site to have file system access, they’ll have access to the whole site which includes all other sites. Under the hood, the WordPress tables are separate for each site, with the important exception of the user table.

当您要在站点网络中共享用户时,多站点是理想的选择。 共享用户有一些含义,主要涉及安全性和访问控制。 例如,如果您希望一个站点的用户可以访问文件系统,则他们将可以访问包括所有其他站点的整个站点。 在幕后,WordPress表对于每个站点都是独立的,但重要的是用户表。

If you’re just after sites that look a little different, you can achieve quite a lot without going down the path of multisite by using Categories, Tags, Custom Post Types and different templates.


插件兼容性 (Plugin Compatibility)

A few years ago, plugin compatibility was a common limitation when working with multisite. It’s come a long way since then, but it’s still worth checking before you start a project if your required plugins support multisite. Occasionally you’ll find some plugins that aren’t supported on multisite installations.

几年前,插件兼容性是使用多站点时的常见限制。 从那时起已经走了很长一段路,但是如果您所需的插件支持多站点,在开始项目之前仍然值得检查。 有时,您会发现一些在多站点安装中不支持的插件。

WordPress多站点插件 (WordPress Multisite Plugins)

Here’s a list of some plugins you might find handy if you’re already using multisite, or decide to one day:


登录安全解决方案 (Login Security Solution)

Active Installs: 20,000+ Rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars Description: This plugin for multisite, features a myriad of security features including blocking brute force attacks, requiring strong passwords, login monitoring and notifying the admin of security issues.

有效安装次数: 20,000+, 评分: 4.4,满分5星。 描述:该插件适用于多站点,具有多种安全功能,包括阻止暴力攻击,要求强密码,登录监视并通知管理员安全问题。

WordPress MU域映射 (WordPress MU Domain Mapping)

Active Installs: 8,000+ Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars Description: This plugin will help you to map an individual blog or website on a multisite installation, to another domain.

有效安装次数: 8,000 + 评分: 4.6星(满分5星) 说明:此插件将帮助您将多站点安装中的单个博客或网站映射到另一个域。

多站点语言切换器 (Multisite Language Switcher)

Active Installs: 8,000+ Rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars Description: Easily manage translations of content on your sites (for example if you use subdomains) across your multisite network.

有效安装次数: 8,000 + 评分: 4.9星(满分5星) 描述:轻松管理跨多站点网络的站点上内容的翻译(例如,如果您使用子域)。

未确认 (Unconfirmed)

Active Installs: 2,000+ Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Description: Mail deliverability can be a big problem and an administration headache. This plugin provides multisite users with a dashboard that displays unactivated WordPress user registrations and helps you to easily manage them.

有效安装次数: 2,000 + 评分: 4.5星(5星) 说明:邮件的传递能力可能是个大问题,并且会给管理带来麻烦。 该插件为多站点用户提供了一个仪表板,可显示未激活的WordPress用户注册并帮助您轻松管理它们。

多站点克隆复制器 (Multisite Clone Duplicator)

Active Installs: 1,000+ Rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars Description: Looking to duplicate a site on your multisite installation? This plugin has got you covered, allowing you to clone any site on your WordPress multisite network which includes the data, files and users.

有效安装次数: 1,000+级 5星中的4.9分说明:是否要在多站点安装中复制站点? 该插件可以帮助您覆盖WordPress多站点网络上的任何站点,包括数据,文件和用户。

网络共享媒体 (Network Shared Media)

Active Installs: 900+ Rating: 4.1 out of 5 stars Description: This plugin creates one central place for you to manage all the media across your multisite network.

有效安装次数: 900+, 评分: 4.1,满分5星描述:此插件为您创建了一个集中管理多个站点网络中所有媒体的场所。

多站点用户管理 (Multisite User Management)

Active Installs: 400+ Rating: 4.1 out of 5 stars Description: This plugin helps you to avoid having to manually add users to each of your blogs or sites on a multisite network. It gives you the ability to assign a role for the user on each site.

有效安装次数: 400+, 评分: 4.1,满分5星。 说明:此插件可帮助您避免手动将用户添加到多站点网络上的每个博客或站点。 它使您能够在每个站点上为用户分配角色。

多站点复制器 (Multisite Post Duplicator)

Active Installs: 200+ Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Description: This one is pretty self explanatory, easily copy a blog post, page or custom post type from one of your blogs or sites to another in your network.

有效安装次数: 200+ 评分: 5星(5星) 说明:这是很容易解释的事情,可以轻松地将博客文章,页面或自定义文章类型从您的一个博客或网站复制到网络中的另一个。

其他多站点资源 (Other Multisite Resources)

If you’re keen to learn more about multisite, check out the WordPress Codex documentation.

如果您想了解有关多站点的更多信息,请查看WordPress Codex文档

It’s worth giving a shout out to WPMU Dev, they’re long standing contributors in the Multisite space.

值得一提的是WPMU Dev ,他们是Multisite领域的长期贡献者。

结语 (Wrapping Up)

I hope this article has helped you decide if multisite is right for your next project.


If you’ve had experiences with multisite, good and bad, I’d love to hear them below as I’m sure it’ll help other readers to decide if multisite is the right approach for their next project.


Originally published in the SitePoint WordPress Newsletter, you can subscribe here if you’re interested.

最初发布在SitePoint WordPress新闻中,如果您有兴趣,可以在这里订阅

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-multisite-demystified/

wordpress 多站点

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