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翻译 5种css隐藏元素的方法_在CSS中隐藏元素的10种方法

5种css隐藏元素的方法There are multiple ways to hide an element in CSS, but they differ in the way they affect accessibility, layout, animation, performance, and event handling. 在CSS中隐藏元素有多种方法,但是它们影响可访问性,布局,动...

2020-09-03 13:07:11 2159

翻译 css rem 单位_了解和使用CSS中的rem单位

Gain an in-depth understanding of rem units in CSS, a relative sizing unit with excellent browser support, and learn how to use them effectively. 深入了解CSS中的rem单元(具有出色浏览器支持的相对大小调整单元),并学习如何有效地使用它们。 什么...

2020-09-03 12:56:17 1532

翻译 绝地救生error_30种面向前端开发人员的救生工具

绝地救生errorAs the functionalities of web apps keep getting ever more sophisticated and complex, web developers need flexible tools to keep up with rising user expectations. The good news is, the web dev...

2020-09-03 12:18:02 1143

翻译 js 方法延时 加载_延迟加载图像以提高网站性能的五种方法

js 方法延时 加载With images being among the most popular type of content on the web, page load time on websites can easily become an issue. 由于图像是Web上最受欢迎的内容之一,因此网站上的页面加载时间很容易成为问题。 Even when properly optim...

2020-09-03 11:36:56 602

翻译 使用Pingdom和GTmetrix改善性能感知

This article is part of a series on building a sample application — a multi-image gallery blog — for performance benchmarking and optimizations. (View the repo here.) 本文是构建用于性能基准测试和优化的示例应用程序(一个多图像画廊博...

2020-09-03 09:59:06 430

翻译 elementor_现在,您可以直接从Elementor构建面向设计的弹出窗口

elementorThis sponsored article was created by our content partner, BAW Media. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible. 这篇赞助文章是由我们的内容合作伙伴BAW Media创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作...

2020-09-03 09:49:46 979

翻译 纯代码开发c# ui_UI代码挑战#1-心跳

纯代码开发c# uiDo you ever find that the UI screens that we see in blockbuster movies, television, and games are so much more fun than the UIs we might build at work? Here’s your chance to code something f...

2020-09-03 09:28:07 571

翻译 Jamstack简介:建立安全的高性能站点

Every so often, web development takes a dramatic turn for the better. In this article, we introduce the Jamstack, explaining what it is and why it’s great. Web开发常常每况愈下。 在本文中,我们介绍了Jamstack,解释了它是什么以及为什...

2020-09-03 08:38:20 709

翻译 身份证扫描器web开发_如何以Web开发人员的身份建立一个令人惊叹的投资组合网站

身份证扫描器web开发This sponsored article was created by our content partner, BAW Media. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible. 这篇赞助文章是由我们的内容合作伙伴BAW Media创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的...

2020-09-03 07:21:03 485

翻译 查询数量不为0的sql优化_如何为更快的站点优化SQL查询

查询数量不为0的sql优化This article was originally published on the Delicious Brains blog, and is republished here with permission. 本文最初发布在Delicious Brains博客上 ,并经许可在此处重新发布。 You know that a fast site == happie...

2020-09-03 06:20:25 731

翻译 magento使用_如何使用Cookie和会话修复Magento登录问题

magento使用This article was created in partnership with Ktree. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible. 本文是与Ktree合作创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。 In this article are looking ...

2020-09-03 06:10:05 634

翻译 forge开发_比较一下:RunCloud,Forge和ServerPilot

forge开发When your website or web application has outgrown your shared hosting account, it is time to move it to the cloud, or into a virtual private server (VPS). Nowadays, VPS providers offer better v...

2020-09-03 04:41:30 755

翻译 css grid布局_使用CSS Grid进行Web表单布局的好处

css grid布局Form layout and design is a fundamental yet frustrating part of web design and development. Ask anyone who’s ever tried to style a <select> box or align a label consistently in all bro...

2020-09-03 04:01:31 402

翻译 @matchmedia_如何在JavaScript和matchMedia中使用媒体查询

@matchmediaThis article from 2011 was updated in 2018. 2011年的文章在2018年进行了更新。 When it was first introduced, responsive design was one of the most exciting web layout concepts since CSS replaced tables...

2020-09-03 03:50:53 305

翻译 css 网格布局_CSS网格布局模块简介

css 网格布局This article was updated in July, 2018 to reflect improved browser support for CSS Grid Layout. 本文于2018年7月进行了更新,以反映出改进的浏览器对CSS Grid Layout的支持。 As web applications become more and more comp...

2020-09-03 03:41:25 377

翻译 web pwa_CSS和PWA:构建渐进式Web应用程序的一些技巧

web pwaIn recent years we’ve seen a number of major shifts in the online experience, mostly coming from the proliferation of mobile devices. The evolution of the Web has taken us from single versions ...

2020-09-03 02:29:33 468

翻译 使用jsp读取服务器文件_如何使用PHP读取大文件(不杀死服务器)

使用jsp读取服务器文件It’s not often that we, as PHP developers, need to worry about memory management. The PHP engine does a stellar job of cleaning up after us, and the web server model of short-lived executi...

2020-09-03 02:00:16 373

翻译 bem css_CSS体系结构:块元素修饰符(BEM)和原子CSS

The following is a short extract from Tiffany’s new book, CSS Master, 2nd Edition. 以下是Tiffany的新书CSS Master第二版的摘录。 In this article, we’ll look at two methodologies for naming things in CSS. Both meth...

2020-09-03 01:50:47 912

翻译 zsh 别名_75 Zsh命令,插件,别名和工具

zsh 别名I spend a lot of my day in the terminal, and my shell of choice is Zsh — a highly customizable Unix shell that packs some very powerful features. As I’m a lazy developerTM, I’m always looking fo...

2020-09-03 00:40:11 1309

翻译 laravel5.2.15_Laravel 5.5的新功能是什么?

laravel5.2.15Laravel 5.5 will require PHP 7.0+. For the features this modern PHP version brings, please see our recap. Laravel 5.5将需要PHP 7.0+。 有关此现代PHP版本带来的功能,请参阅我们的概述 。 Laravel 5.5 will also be the...

2020-09-03 00:11:45 223

翻译 排队论游乐场的游乐项目_15个引导工具和游乐场

排队论游乐场的游乐项目In this post, we’ve scoured the web for Bootstrap tools and playgrounds and shared with you only the very best out there. 在这篇文章中,我们在网上搜索了Bootstrap工具和游乐场,并只与您分享了其中最好的。 Web designers and de...

2020-09-03 00:00:52 533

翻译 快照测试_什么是快照测试,并且在PHP中可行?

快照测试This article was peer reviewed by Matt Trask, Paul M. Jones, and Yazid Hanifi. Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be! 本文由Matt Trask , Paul M....

2020-09-02 20:42:59 502

翻译 Visual Studio代码:高级用户指南

In this guide, you’ll learn how to take advantage of Visual Studio Code to supercharge your development workflow. 在本指南中,您将学习如何利用Visual Studio Code来增强开发工作流。 This article is written for Visual Studio ...

2020-09-02 20:23:48 1380

翻译 saprk 提交远程作业_如何准备远程作业搜索

saprk 提交远程作业The number of people working remotely is at an all-time high, and that’s not just because telecommuting is pants-optional. By giving employees more control over their schedule and work env...

2020-09-02 19:54:13 382

翻译 bootstrap 响应式_如何使用Bootstrap建立响应式量表

bootstrap 响应式In this tutorial, we’ll be taking an in-depth look at how Bootstrap handles typography and how we can modify the code in a couple of different ways to create a responsive type scale. This...

2020-09-02 18:24:24 450

翻译 wu-mimo_Duolingo for PHP-像Mimo这样的应用程序可以教多少PHP?

wu-mimoMimo is an app which claims to teach coding “on the go”. As a long time Duolingo user, I could relate to this approach – particularly as I was becoming increasingly interested in achieving some...

2020-09-02 18:14:28 226

翻译 使用Zend Expressive快速进行企业应用开发

If you’ve ever done a Zend Framework quick start, you’ve probably never worked in Zend Framework. The quick start has historically been anything but quick, and it’s easy to lose interest and move on t...

2020-09-02 17:53:00 253

翻译 laravel mix_如何在非Laravel项目中使用Laravel Mix

laravel mixThis article was peer reviewed by Younes Rafie, Wern Ancheta, and Christopher Pitt. Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be! 这篇文章由Younes...

2020-09-02 17:32:28 576

翻译 亵渎小说介绍_从PHP过渡到:亵渎神灵,虚张声势还是常识?

亵渎小说介绍This post about moving from PHP to Go was first published elsewhere, and republished here with the author’s permission. 这篇关于从PHP迁移到Go的文章最初是在其他地方发表的,并在得到作者许可的情况下在此处重新发布。 Earlier this year, I m...

2020-09-02 17:22:02 4266

翻译 如何使用异步PHP和React Native扫描指纹

This article was peer reviewed by Adedayo Adeniyi. Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be! 本文由Adedayo Adeniyi进行了同行评审。 感谢所有SitePoint的同行评审人员使SitePoi...

2020-09-02 16:33:29 419

翻译 编写php需要什么编译器_PHP中的ReactJS:编写编译器既简单又有趣!

编写php需要什么编译器I used to use an extension called XHP. It enables HTML-in-PHP syntax for generating front-end markup. I reached for it recently, and was surprised to find that it was no longer officially ...

2020-09-02 16:23:24 421

翻译 python面试_如何应对Python面试

python面试Have you cleared the first round of calls with HR? Are you going for a Python interview in person? If you’re wondering what Python-related questions may be asked, this guide should help. 您是否已...

2020-09-02 16:02:31 368

翻译 tdd:spock工作原理_以TDD方式升级Sylius:探索PhpSpec

tdd:spock工作原理This article was peer reviewed by Christopher Pitt. Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be! 本文由Christopher Pitt同行评审。 感谢所有SitePoint的同...

2020-09-02 14:32:20 275

翻译 centos 开发套件_替代的Laravel套件开发工作流程

centos 开发套件This article was peer reviewed by Francesco Malatesta. Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be! 本文由Francesco Malatesta进行同行评审。 感谢所有SitePo...

2020-09-02 13:42:57 276

翻译 puppeteer入门_Puppeteer入门

puppeteer入门Browser developer tools provide an amazing array of options for delving under the hood of websites and web apps. These capabilities can be further enhanced and automated by third-party tool...

2020-09-02 12:54:57 401

翻译 zsh 主题 自定义_10个Zsh技巧和窍门:配置,自定义和用法

zsh 主题 自定义As web developers, the command line is becoming an ever more important part of our workflow. We use it to install packages from npm, to test API endpoints, to push commits to GitHub, and lot...

2020-09-02 11:24:39 3563

翻译 建网站多钱_280多个预建网站让您的竞争对手尘埃落定

建网站多钱This article was sponsored byBeTheme. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible. 本文由BeTheme赞助。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。 Are you a freelancer? Then your pay often depen...

2020-09-02 11:15:10 392

翻译 css模板 bulma_用Bulma在6分钟内学习CSS框架

css模板 bulmaIn this tutorial, we’ll be getting started with Bulma, a modern CSS Framework built on Flexbox. For best results, follow along with the video at the end by OpenSource Craft. If you want to ...

2020-09-02 10:45:36 893

翻译 wordpress主题_这些顶级WordPress主题可以使2018年成为有史以来最好的一年

wordpress主题This article was sponsored byBAWMedia. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible. 本文由BAWMedia赞助。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。 Web design trends change over the years...

2020-09-02 10:14:32 308

翻译 c#异步串口编写_编写异步库-让我们将HTML转换为PDF

c#异步串口编写This article was peer reviewed by Thomas Punt. Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be! 本文由Thomas Punt同行评审。 感谢所有SitePoint的同行评审人员使SitePoint内...

2020-09-02 09:34:19 357



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