
SVG symbols

The widespread adoption of SVG in modern web pages has really ramped in 2016 thanks to its, file size, scalability and CSS.


It can be used for icon systems (take a look at Build Your Own SVG Icons), although icon fonts, in some cases, can be preferable (some info here: The Great Icon Debate: Fonts Vs SVG).

它可以用于图标系统(请参阅“ 构建自己的SVG图标” ),尽管在某些情况下图标字体可能更可取(此处的一些信息: 伟大的图标辩论:字体与SVG )。

But SVG can also be used for logos or graphic elements (at least not overly complex ones) and its natural flexibility makes it a perfect solution for responsive sites (take a look at Sara Soueidan’s Making SVGs Responsive with CSS).

但是SVG也可以用于徽标或图形元素(至少不能过于复杂),其自然的灵活性使其成为响应站点的完美解决方案(请参阅Sara Soueidan的“ 使CSS响应 SVG )。

The use of SVG makes it possible to target and change the size and color of an entire element through CSS, but, unless your SVG code is embedded in your HTML page, you can’t modify a single portion of it in this way.


问题 ( The Problem)

Let’s look at a simpler example. Here we have an image that we need to display in a range of colors.

让我们来看一个简单的例子。 在这里,我们需要以多种颜色显示图像。

Same SVG shape. Different colors.

Of course, traditionally we would simply create three standalone images – each with a different flavor. But what if we wanted to use a single SVG file and style it at render time?

当然,传统上,我们只会创建三个独立的图像-每个图像具有不同的风格 。 但是,如果我们想使用单个SVG文件并在渲染时设置样式怎么办?

Furthermore, is there a way we make our image a ‘SVG symbol’ to take advantage of browser caching?

此外,有没有一种方法可以使我们的图像成为“ SVG符号 ”,以利用浏览器缓存?

I’m going to refer to this a “Reskinnable SVG symbol” – the “bones” of your SVG image remain the same but it’s easy to change the surface appearance.

我将其称为“可重新着色的 SVG符号” – SVG图像的“骨骼”保持不变,但很容易更改表面外观。

The perfect solution would be accessing symbol elements through a CSS selector and add some rules to them (the same method that we would have used with embedded SVG).


In the following sample, I’ve added a class (top, right, bottom and left) to each triangle, arranged the image as a symbol and tried to modify it thru CSS, in this way:

在以下示例中,我为每个三角形添加了一个类( toprightbottomleft ),将图像布置为符号,并尝试通过CSS进行修改,方法是:

.top { fill: #356BA5; }
.right { fill: #357FD9; }
/* and so on... */

Unfortunately, at the moment this only works with Firefox, as the following Codepen demonstrates. The second image appears in tones of blue only on Firefox (I’ve embedded the symbol code in the pen for convenience, but we have the same results with external SVG files).

不幸的是,目前这仅适用于Firefox,如以下Codepen所示。 第二个图像仅在Firefox上显示为蓝色(为方便起见,我在笔中嵌入了符号代码,但是对于外部SVG文件,我们得到的结果相同)。

See the Pen svg element editing (demo 1) by Massimo Cassandro (@massimo-cassandro) on CodePen.

请参见CodePen上 Massimo Cassandro( @ massimo-cassandro ) 编写的Pen svg元素(示例1)

See the Pen SVG CSS styling (demo 1) by Massimo Cassandro (@massimo-cassandro on CodePen.

见笔SVG CSS样式(演示1)由马西莫卡桑德罗( @马西莫-卡桑德罗CodePen

In large projects, where we may have many elements like that, maintenance issues are an important factor, so I’m always searching for a way to better organize project assets.


My goal was a pure CSS solution: the previous sample can be rewritten using a single-triangle-SVG to be rotated, moved and colored using CSS.


But I didn’t like this solution: it seems to me that it simply moves the problem, without solving it. How many real-world logos have components that all have the same shape?

但是我不喜欢这种解决方案:在我看来,它只是在解决问题而不解决问题。 现实世界中有多少个徽标具有相同形状的组件?

Sara Soueidan explains the problem much better then I do and offers us a clever solution using CSS variables. Unfortunately CSS variables are still an experimental technology and Microsoft browsers don’t support them.

Sara Soueidan比我更好地解释了这个问题,并使用CSS变量为我们提供了一个巧妙的解决方案 。 不幸的是CSS变量仍然是实验技术, Microsoft浏览器不支持它们

解决方案 ( The Solution)

As it often happens, the solution is so head-slappingly simple that it will make you feel stupid for not having thought about it before.


I came across it looking at the new Medium logo some months ago (it seems Medium has since changed their logo code – you’ll have to take my word).



You can see that Medium logo consists of four ‘shapes’, each filled with a different flat color. The B&W version is identical to the green one (except for the colour, of course).

您会看到中型徽标由四个“形状”组成,每个形状都填充有不同的纯色。 黑白版本与绿色版本相同(当然,除了颜色)。

The solution for having a single file for both versions was to simply build a symbol for each shape, each of them within the same viewBox.


Let’s apply it to our example and create a symbol for each shape in our image. They all share the same viewBox of the whole image (0 0 54 54), so they place themselves in the right position without any additional instruction. Just take care to avoid fill, stroke, style etc. attributes in the symbol code).

让我们将其应用于示例,并为图像中的每个形状创建一个符号。 它们都共享整个图像的同一viewBox ( 0 0 54 54 ),因此它们无需任何其他说明即可将自己放置在正确的位置。 请注意避免在符号代码中使用fillstrokestyle等属性。

<svg xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
	<symbol id="top" viewBox="0 0 54 54">
		<polygon points="54 0 0 0 27 27 54 0"></polygon>
	<symbol id="right" viewBox="0 0 54 54">
		<polygon points="54 54 54 0 27 27 54 54"></polygon>
	<symbol id="bottom" viewBox="0 0 54 54">
		<polygon points="0 54 54 54 27 27 0 54"></polygon>
	<symbol id="left" viewBox="0 0 54 54">
		<polygon points="0 0 0 54 27 27 0 0"></polygon>

So now we can assemble them into a single SVG container:


	<use class="top" xlink:href="#top"></use>
	<use class="right" xlink:href="#right"></use>
	<use class="bottom" xlink:href="#bottom"></use>
	<use class="left" xlink:href="#left"></use>

Each use element can be styled however you like, and, most importantly, it is compatible with all modern browsers:


See the Pen SVG CSS styling (demo 2) by Massimo Cassandro (@massimo-cassandro on CodePen.

见笔SVG CSS样式(演示2)由马西莫卡桑德罗( @马西莫-卡桑德罗CodePen

That’s all.


We just have to arrange our SVG files in this way. We can, of course, do it manually, but if you have to manage many graphic elements or you need to quickly edit and reuse them in more projects, you need a smarter and faster workflow. I’ve found my solution using Adobe Illustrator and a bit of Gulp.

我们只需要以这种方式排列我们的SVG文件。 当然,我们可以手动执行此操作,但是如果您必须管理许多图形元素,或者需要快速编辑并在更多项目中重复使用它们,则需要更智能,更快速的工作流程。 我已经使用Adobe Illustrator和一些Gulp找到了解决方案。

SVG Symbols构建工作流程 ( SVG Symbols building workflow)

The basics of this technique are the same I’ve just covered in my Build Your Own SVG Icons and Create an Icon Font Using Illustrator & IcoMoon articles, so take a look at them for the first steps.

该技术的基础与我在使用Illustrator和IcoMoon文章构建您自己的SVG图标创建图标字体中所介绍的相同 ,因此请首先了解它们。

Say we have two elements, just like in the image below. Each of them is arranged in a specific artboard:

假设我们有两个元素,如下图所示。 它们每个都布置在特定的画板上:

Illustrator artboard

We gave them some color for convenience, although we know that the fill color (as well as, if there are any, the stroke one, the stroke size and so on) will be edited through CSS.


Since each symbol must have its artboard, we now have to split each image in as many artboards as each colored part.


This can be made very quickly in Illustrator, cutting each element, selecting the target artboard and choosing the Paste in place command.

这可以在Illustrator中很快完成,剪切每个元素,选择目标画板,然后选择“ 粘贴到位”命令。

Illustrator artboard

Note that each artboard has a specific name: it will be used for symbols IDs.


Now we can export our artboards to SVG using the brand new File → Exports → Export for screens command.

现在,我们可以使用全新的File→Exports→Export for screens命令将画板导出到SVG。

This is a really useful new tool of the latest Illustrator versions: it allows you to save each artboard or user-defined asset in many formats with a single command.


Choose “Artboards” from the export panel, set “SVG” as output format and select the destination folder:

从导出面板中选择“画板”,将“ SVG”设置为输出格式,然后选择目标文件夹:

Symbols exporting

Each artboards will be exported as a single SVG file:


SVG files

Now we need to put together all files as SVG symbols and to delete some SVG attributes we don’t need: a little gulp script will help us to do so very quickly.


时间到了 ( Time for Gulp)

The next section is slightly more technical, but – if you’re up for it – it will give you a fast, clean way to produce versatile SVGs like this.


I’ve already written about Gulp on SitePoint, and you can also find a lot of resources on the web about Gulp installing and all related arguments, so I’ll assume you’ve already installed it and that you know what we’re talking about.

我已经在SitePoint上写过有关Gulp的文章 ,并且您也可以在Web上找到很多有关Gulp安装和所有相关参数的资源,因此,我假设您已经安装了Gulp,并且您知道我们在说什么关于。

Anyway, if you don’t like Gulp, you can also do all the following steps manually. I’ve done this many times before starting using Gulp: it is definitely a good way to learn and it’s more than enough in small projects or where a constant editing and maintenance work is not requested.

无论如何,如果您不喜欢Gulp,也可以手动执行以下所有步骤。 在开始使用Gulp之前,我已经做了很多次:这绝对是学习的一种好方法,并且在小型项目中或不需要进行持续的编辑和维护工作的情况下,这已经足够了。

So, we have some SVG files, each of them is arranged just like the example below (the d attribute has been shortened for convenience):


<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="54" height="54" viewBox="0 0 54 54">
<path d="..." fill="#603813"></path>

Our goal is to arrange all images as SVG symbols in a unique file while stripping away all the unwanted attributes:


<svg xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
	<symbol id="umbrella_handle" viewBox="0 0 54 54"> ... </symbol>
	<symbol id="umbrella_top" viewBox="0 0 54 54"> ... </symbol>
	<!-- and so on ... -->

Beside Gulp, our job needs some other extensions:


  • First of all, gulp-svgstore and gulp-svgmin to combine and minify our svg files

    首先, gulp-svgstoregulp-svgmin合并并缩小我们的svg文件

  • gulp-rename to adjust id names and to give our destination files a specific name. This module is particulary needed if you want to use the previous Illustrator SVG export command, we’ll cover it later.

    gulp重命名可调整id名称并为目标文件指定特定名称。 如果要使用以前的Illustrator SVG导出命令,则特别需要此模块,我们将在以后介绍。

Now we can arrange our Gulpfile (the code is also available as a public Gist):

现在我们可以安排我们的Gulpfile(该代码也可以作为公共Gist使用 ):

var gulp = require('gulp')
	,rename = require('gulp-rename')
	,svgstore = require('gulp-svgstore')
	,svgmin = require('gulp-svgmin')

gulp.task('default', function() {
		.pipe(rename(function (path) {
	        path.basename = path.basename.replace(/__icon_prefix__/, '');
	        return path;
	    .pipe(svgmin(function (file) {
	        return {
		        // https://github.com/svg/svgo/tree/master/plugins
			    plugins: [
			    	{ cleanupIDs: { remove: true, minify: true } }
			    	, { removeDoctype: true }
			    	, { removeComments: true }
			    	, { removeStyleElement: true }
			    	, { removeDimensions: true }
			        , { cleanupNumericValues: { floatPrecision: 2  } }
			        , { removeAttrs: { attrs: ['(fill|stroke|class|style)', 'svg:(width|height)'] } }
			    //,js2svg: { pretty: true } // uncomment for readability 
    	.pipe( rename('my-icons.svg') )

After the modules are loaded, we indicate the files we want to parse (svg_files/*.svg).

加载模块后,我们指示要解析的文件( svg_files/*.svg )。

SVGstore uses the name of each file to set the symbol id attributes (i.e. a file named umbrella.svg will become a symbol with id="umbrella"). If you are using the new Illustrator Export for screens panel, you can avoid the first rename command, since your files will be named exactly as the artboards they come.

SVGstore使用每个文件的名称来设置符号id属性(即,名为umbrella.svg .svg的文件将成为id="umbrella"的符号)。 如果您正在使用新的Illustrator 导出到屏幕面板,则可以避免使用第一个重命名命令,因为文件的名称将与它们附带的画板完全相同。

But older versions of Illustrator create file names by concatenating the Illustrator file name with the artboard name, so we’ll need to rename files removing the Illustrator file name prefix:


path.basename = path.basename.replace(/__icon_prefix__/, '')

Now we can clean our files. gulp-svgmin is the Gulp version of SVGO a “Nodejs-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files” (Jake Archibald released an online version of SVGO that is really useful if you want to arrange your files manually).

现在我们可以清理文件了。 一饮而尽,svgmin是的咕嘟咕嘟版本SVGO一个“优化SVG矢量图形文件的NodeJS为基础的工具”(杰克·阿奇博尔德发布了SVGO的在线版本 ,如果你想手动排列文件真的有用)。

SVGO has a lot of configurable options (you can browse through all of them in the project page), but we are in need of just a few (you can, of course, customize the script according to your needs):


  • cleanupIDs: removes all ids from your files

    cleanupIDs :从文件中删除所有ID

  • removeDoctype, removeComments and removeStyleElement: strip all doctypes comments and <style> elements

    removeDoctyperemoveCommentsremoveStyleElement :剥离所有doctypes注释和<style>元素

  • removeDimensions removes all width and heights attributes if viewbox is present


  • cleanupNumericValues rounds numeric values to a sensible level of precision


  • removeAttrs removes all specified attributes


Next, the files are passed to svgstore to be combined in a unique file, which is then renamed and saved.

接下来,将文件传递到svgstore ,以合并为唯一文件,然后将其重命名并保存。

After using it a few times, you should be able to arrange it in a few minutes for each project, and it will give you the ability to quickly rebuild your SVG symbols file any time you need to.


This is an example of the result (even in this pen, I embedded the svg file for convenience, but you can safely link it as an external file):


See the Pen svg css styling (demo 3) by Massimo Cassandro (@massimo-cassandro) on CodePen.

请参阅CodePen上 Massimo Cassandro( @ massimo-cassandro ) 撰写的Pen svg css样式(演示3)

有什么警告吗? ( Are there any caveats?)

Since this method is based on styling use elements, we have problems when they are removed by a polyfill, as we see in svg4everybody.


In browsers that doesn’t support external symbols link (all IE), svg4everybody replaces all use elements with the content of the matching symbols. So all css rules that apply to use don’t take effect.

在不支持外部符号链接(所有IE)的浏览器中, svg4everybody会将所有use元素替换为匹配符号的内容。 因此适用于所有CSS规则, use不生效。

This can be solved adapting your CSS selectors to inner symbols element (path, circle, etc.), but it can be a little tricky.

可以通过使CSS选择器适应内部符号元素( pathcircle等)来解决此问题,但这可能有些棘手。

额外奖励 ( Extra bonus)

There are infinite variants of this workflow: you can deal with strokes, text, etc.


Another interesting feature to be explored is the use of Illustrator Symbols: they are exported as SVG symbols, and this opens up a lot of possibilities.


Illustrator Symbos in Bracket

Thanks for reading.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/reskinnable-svg-symbols-how-to-make-them-and-why/

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