

许多常见营销问题的根源可能是不良的Web开发。 了解智能开发技术可以弥补哪些挑战可能意味着成功的活动与失败的活动之间的区别。 (The root of many common marketing problems may stem from poor web development. Understanding which challenges can be remedied by smart development techniques could mean the difference between a successful campaign, and a failed one.)

Twenty years ago, if you told people that you were marketing your business online, they might have called you crazy. Today, if you told people that you weren’t marketing your business online, you might expect the same reaction.

二十年前,如果您告诉人们您正在网上营销业务,他们可能会称您为疯子。 今天,如果您告诉人们您不是在线营销业务,您可能会期望得到同样的React。

Unless those people mistake your cluelessness as charmingly vintage. Shhh, don’t correct them. Just take your mid shin capris and move on.

除非那些人将您的笨拙误解为迷人的年份。 嘘,不要纠正它们。 随便穿上您的胫骨上装,继续前进。

As of 2015, more than 91 percent of B2B marketers use content marketing, 48 percent of marketers build a new landing page for each marketing campaign, and 40 percent of US companies use blogs for marketing purposes.

截至2015年,超过91%的B2B营销人员使用内容营销, 48%的营销人员为每个营销活动建立一个新的着陆页,而40%的美国公司使用博客进行营销。

Digital marketing is now king, and everyone wants an audience with his excellency.


But getting online is the easy part. Maintaining a strong and effective online presence is a different story, one in which the web developer gets to be the hero.

但是上网很容易。 保持强大有效的在线形象是另一回事,网络开发人员将成为英雄。

Web development is the machinery on which digital marketing runs, and if the machinery is broken, so is everything else.


Not every digital marketing problem can be fixed with proper web development, but many of them can. If you’ve experienced any of the following issues, smart web development practices may be the remedy.

并非每个数字营销问题都可以通过适当的Web开发来解决,但其中许多可以解决。 如果您遇到以下任何问题,则可以使用智能Web开发实践。

问题:搜索排名不佳 (Problem: Poor Search Ranking)

If you consistently put out unique, keyword-rich content, but aren’t seeing the desired results, the problem may lie with the website’s architecture.


A good web developer can optimize the search engine optimization (SEO) by ensuring a company’s web presence is built on solid design principles and technical fundamentals.


They can guarantee that all content is well-formatted and well-presented for search engine crawling.


A website that loads quickly and displays accurately across a variety of desktop and mobile devices is more accessible to users and will see more traffic. More traffic influences search rankings. Also, more traffic is great all by itself. Traffic a la mode, if you will.

一个网站可以快速加载并在各种台式机和移动设备上准确显示,这对用户来说更容易访问,并且会看到更多流量。 更多流量会影响搜索排名。 另外,更多的流量本身就是很大的。 如果可以,请投放la模式。

问题:不常出现的内容 (Problem: Infrequent Content)

Consistent, unique content such as articles, blog posts and infographics drives traffic and increases customer conversions, but without an integrated content management system (CMS) in which to easily post this content, many businesses struggle to stay up-to-date.


This is where a web developer has the chance to shine by either integrating a pre-existing CMS (WordPress, Joomla) into a website’s backend or building a custom CMS for a specific company.


A CMS streamlines the process of publishing and updating content because it doesn’t require any knowledge of programming to operate.


No more wasting manhours updating content by tracking down the company’s one developer so they can rewrite the code, with a CMS, the English majors of the company can post their work with just a few clicks.


问题:用户数据不足 (Problem: Not Enough User Data)

Your average marketing maven might not see the difference between asking users to login with a username versus an email address, but a savvy web developer does.


Asking users to submit their email address via a registration page is a no-hassle way to build your email list and one of many minimally invasive methods of acquiring valuable user data.


But a web developer’s role extends beyond simply knowing these methods. He or she must also know how to integrate elements like registration forms, social media plugins and modal windows so they don’t disrupt the user experience.

但是,Web开发人员的作用不只是简单地了解这些方法。 他或她还必须知道如何集成注册表单,社交媒体插件和模式窗口之类的元素,以便它们不会破坏用户体验。

问题:Web分析不足 (Problem: Insufficient Web Analytics)

Good marketers understand how to translate web analytics into actionable marketing solutions, but what if there isn’t sufficient analytic data to go on?


Good web developers know how to align an analytics strategy with business objectives to provide comprehensive, accurate and targeted data for marketers to work with.


Inserting a Google Analytics code into your homepage is amateur hour. A developer can put a company in a position to receive data regarding:

将Google Analytics(分析)代码插入首页是业余时间。 开发人员可以使公司能够接收有关以下方面的数据:

  • Sales conversions

  • Banner ad performance

  • Email campaign performance

  • Social media referrals and activity

  • Video interaction and engagement

  • Mobile websites and apps


问题:过时的营销技巧 (Problem: Stale Marketing Techniques)

A web developer is likely to be one of the most Internet-savvy people on the team, making them a valuable resource when it comes to staying on the industry’s cutting-edge.


Developers are plugged in (in every sense of the word) and may be the first to learn of a new social networking tool, content curation widget or user engagement strategy, as well as recent changes to SEO best practices or the most recent trend in web analytics.


For example, a trend-savvy developer might clue a marketing team into the following: did you know that:


  • It’s no longer effective to base digital marketing campaigns on impressions or clicks. These days it’s all about conversion rates.

    将数字营销活动基于印象或点击不再有效。 这些天都与转换率有关。
  • Base-level social media metrics (number of followers, likes, shares) are inadequate for making data-driven decisions, and should be augmented with conversion and relative metrics for more accurate insight.

  • Impersonal, keyword-saturated content is much less effective than useful, compelling and well-written content.

  • Your website can be penalized for violating the best practices of many major search engines. Avoid shady tactics like blackhat SEO, IP-spoofing and redirects.

    您的网站可能因违反许多主要搜索引擎的最佳做法而受到处罚。 避免使用诸如blackhat SEO,IP欺骗和重定向之类的阴暗策略。

结论 (Conclusion)

To maximize the impact of your digital marketing efforts, incorporate web development into your strategy from the beginning. The root of many digital marketing problems such as infrequent content, insufficient analytic data and disappointing search rankings may stem from development issues and committing to quality web development can mean the difference between a successful campaign and a failed one.

为了最大程度地发挥数字营销工作的影响力,请从一开始就将Web开发纳入您的策略。 许多数字营销问题的根源,例如内容不频繁,分析数据不足和令人失望的搜索排名,可能源于开发问题,而致力于高质量的网络开发可能意味着成功与失败之间的区别。

您是否认为很多营销问题都归因于Web开发? 在下面的评论中告诉我们为什么或为什么不。 (Do you think a lot of marketing problems are due to web development? Tell us why or why not in the comments below.)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/common-marketing-problems/


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