app engine_适用于小型企业的Google App Engine

app engine

Every business today, small or big uses IT to automate business process. While big business have capital and man power to develop and maintain software and hardware, for small businesses it always may not be worth the ROI. The good news is in today’s world and specially in last couple of years, we have options of “pay as you go”, both software and hardware. While there are many choices available in market, we are going to look at “Google App Engine”.

如今,无论大小,每个企业都使用IT来自动化业务流程。 尽管大型企业拥有开发和维护软件与硬件的资金和人力,但是对于小型企业而言,它始终不值得投资回报。 好消息是在当今世界,尤其是最近几年,我们可以选择“按需付费”,包括软件和硬件。 尽管市场上有很多选择,但我们将着眼于“ Google App Engine”。

Google app Engine lets you deploy applications developed by you to their cloud with much ease. You can also leverage Google’s other applications like Gmail, Google docs to plug and play with your custom developed application/s.

Google App Engine可让您轻松地将自己开发的应用程序部署到其云中。 您还可以利用Google的其他应用程序(例如Gmail,Google文档)来插入和播放自定义开发的应用程序。

你得到什么: (What you get:)

Infrastructure and platform at cost of use only GAE provides platform for deployment of your applications and supporting infrastructure. While there is a free quota, if your business demands exceeds, you have to only pay for spikes. The increase in your site’s traffic is taken care dynamically and you can rest assured of good speeds all the time.

仅需付费使用的基础架构和平台 GAE提供了用于部署应用程序和支持基础架构的平台。 虽然有免费配额,但如果您的业务需求超出限制,则只需为高峰支付费用。 网站流量的增加会得到动态处理,并且您可以始终保证良好的速度。

Plug and play A typical business needs email system, office suite, a scheduling system etc. Functions such as authentication are simple, but cumbersome to develop & maintain. You can rely on Google’s infrastructure for such modules, which reduce burden of development and maintenance for your enterprise, at the same time leveraging the best one in industry. Gmail, Google docs and Calendar are few such products which are user proven and plug well with custom developed apps.

即插即用典型的业务需要电子邮件系统,办公套件,日程安排系统等。诸如身份验证之类的功能很简单,但是开发和维护却很麻烦。 您可以依靠Google的基础架构来构建此类模块,从而减轻企业的开发和维护负担,同时利用业界最佳的模块。 Gmail,Google docs和Calendar都是经过用户验证且可与自定义开发的应用很好地结合的此类产品。

Develop fast, get running quickly One of best features of Google app engine is it’s one click deployment. This leaves your developers to focus solely on their task: development, thus increasing efficiency of the developers. Support for popular languages like Java and Python gives you access to vast pool of developers available.

快速开发,快速运行 Google应用引擎的最佳功能之一就是一键式部署。 这使您的开发人员仅专注于他们的任务:开发,从而提高了开发人员的效率。 对流行语言(如Java和Python)的支持使您可以访问大量可用的开发人员。

您需要计划什么 (What you need to plan for)

Different type of DB & backup: Google app engine employes a NO SQL DB, which is not like a traditional relational DB. This means your domain model might need to be modeled differently, and developer need to code it differently. NO SQL DB is well suited for cases where variation in schema is too high, and works extremely well in most cases, but you have to count for effort of migration & remodelling if you are moving from an existing relational DB. You need to also have a strategy in place for backing up your DB frequently, as this is a new thing in NO SQL DBs, and in worst case you might need to plan for moving your DB back to a relational DB.

不同类型的数据库和备份: Google应用程序引擎使用NO SQL数据库,这与传统的关系数据库不同。 这意味着您的域模型可能需要采用不同的建模方式,而开发人员则需要采用不同的编码方式。 没有SQL DB非常适合架构差异太大的情况,并且在大多数情况下都非常有效,但是如果您要从现有的关系数据库迁移,则必须付出迁移和重塑的努力。 您还需要制定策略来频繁备份数据库,因为这在NO SQL数据库中是新事物,在最坏的情况下,您可能需要计划将数据库移回关系数据库。

Request limitation: Due to inherent structure of NO SQL DB and its evolving technology, there are some limitations imposed on what kind of queries you can execute. Google also places some limitations on data/request time etc. You need to evaluate such limitations against requirement for your business process. For example if you are planning to develop or migrate a photo print ordering application to GAE, you might need to evaluate if photo upload will time out due to limitations of GAE. You might also need to look at alternatives possible based on your process.

请求限制:由于NO SQL DB的固有结构及其不断发展的技术,对可以执行哪种查询有一些限制。 Google还对数据/请求时间等设置了一些限制。您需要根据业务流程的要求评估此类限制。 例如,如果您打算将照片打印订购应用程序开发或迁移到GAE,则可能需要评估由于GAE的限制,照片上传是否会超时。 您可能还需要根据您的过程来考虑可能的替代方法。

Moving complete stack to cloud With GAE, you wil be moving your complete application stack to cloud including application & data. While this is a good idea from performance perspective, some organizations might have compliance/IP restrictions to do so. Also some enterprises might prefer just to move application in cloud and leave the data in house.

将完整的堆栈移动到云中使用GAE,您将把完整的应用程序堆栈移动到云中,包括应用程序和数据。 尽管从性能角度来看这是一个好主意,但某些组织可能会受到法规遵从/ IP限制。 另外,某些企业可能更喜欢仅将应用程序移至云中并将数据留在内部。

In conclusion GAE presents a great opportunity for small business/enterprises to leverage well developed infrastructure like mail, online office suite and plug with custom developed application that business process might demand. But businesses have to evaluate their business process in depth to check if it can fit in available technology. The cost opportunity presented can add to your bottomline if the technology is well evaluated and work around is well thought and planned of.

总而言之, GAE为小型企业/企业提供了一个很好的机会,可以利用完善的基础架构(例如邮件,在线办公套件以及业务流程可能需要的定制开发应用程序插件)。 但是企业必须深入评估其业务流程,以检查其是否适合现有技术。 如果对技术进行了很好的评估并且周密地计划了解决方案,那么所提出的成本机会可能会增加您的底线。

Image via Christian Lagerek / Shutterstock

图片来自Christian Lagerek / Shutterstock


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