

I’m sure we’ve all heard the analogy of the group of blind men who were led to an elephant and asked to describe the thing that they were standing alongside. They were placed at various points around the elephant and asked to touch it. The one by the trunk said it was like a tree branch. The one by the leg indicated he was touching a pillar. Next to the tail, that blind man said he was touching a rope. And the one by the ear said he was touching a leather cloak. The one who brought them all together indicated that every one of them was correct. Because they each touched different features of the elephant, their experiences were each different. But they were all touching the same thing.

我敢肯定,我们所有人都听过一群盲人的比喻,他们被引向大象,并要求描述他们站在旁边的东西。 他们被放置在大象周围的各个地方,并要求触摸它。 树干旁边的那个说它像树枝。 一只脚在旁边的人表示他正在碰柱子。 那个盲人在尾巴旁边说他在摸一根绳子。 那个耳朵旁的人说他在摸皮斗篷。 一位将他们聚集在一起的人表示,他们每个人都是正确的。 由于他们各自触摸大象的不同特征,因此他们的经历也各不相同。 但是他们都在碰同一件事。

Now, I’m not normally filled with Zen such as this, but the analogy seems appropriate given any discussion of cloud computing. My initial blog post indicated different perspectives on the definition of the cloud.

现在,我通常不会被Zen这样的人打扰,但是考虑到对云计算的任何讨论,这种类比似乎是适当的。 我最初的博客文章指出了对云定义的不同观点。

A recent email comment in response to that initial post took objection to my definition of the cloud and placed a more technical spin on it. Since the comment was from a developer it didn’t surprise me that he had a different perspective. It all depends on where you’re touching the elephant…or the cloud.

最近针对该初始帖子的电子邮件评论反对我对云的定义,并对它进行了更多的技术调整。 由于评论来自开发人员,因此他的观点有所不同,这不足为奇。 这完全取决于您要触摸大象或云的位置。

The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines cloud computing as three service models: software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS). Again, a technical view from a technical organization. But the people who pay for our services and software—our customers and clients, have also latched on to the cloud and made it a core part of their business operations. And their view is a bit different from ours.

美国国家标准技术研究院(NIST)将云计算定义为三种服务模型:软件即服务(SaaS),基础架构即服务(IaaS)和平台即服务(PaaS)。 同样,来自技术组织的技术观点。 但是,为我们的服务和软件付费的人(我们的客户和客户)也已经锁定了云,并将其作为其业务运营的核心部分。 他们的观点与我们的观点有些不同。

云不仅仅适合技术人员 (Clouds Aren’t Just for Techies)

Business stakeholders utilizing the services and software you provide see the cloud as something more nebulous. They aren’t technical like you and can’t see the code behind the API giving them access to their data via the cloud. They don’t know where their data is physically stored. They simply view data from their browser wherever they go. Think about that for a moment from their perspective—wherever they go. Is that mobile? Or is that the cloud? Both?

利用您提供的服务和软件的业务利益相关者将云视为更加模糊。 他们不像您那样具有技术性,也看不到API背后的代码,无法让他们通过云访问数据。 他们不知道数据的物理存储位置。 他们无论走到哪里,都可以从浏览器中查看数据。 无论他们走到哪里,都要从他们的角度考虑一下。 那是手机吗? 还是那朵云? 都?

A business user’s definition of the cloud takes the perspective that they access your applications and their data somewhere from physically outside their organization. They don’t need the server in-house and don’t need a technical team to support their operations. They have YOU taking care of their needs. They have YOU making sure the servers are up and all software patches and updates are made. They have YOU making sure their mobile browser shows the same thing as their laptop browser. Your application provides them the service they need to get their job done. At its heart, they’ve outsourced the service and data management to YOU. Outsourcing is what our business customers think of when they think of the cloud.

业务用户对云的定义是从企业外部物理位置访问他们的应用程序和数据的观点。 他们不需要内部服务器,也不需要技术团队来支持他们的运营。 他们让您照顾他们的需求。 他们让您确保服务器已启动,并且已完成所有软件修补程序和更新。 他们让您确保自己的移动浏览器显示与笔记本电脑浏览器相同的内容。 您的应用程序为他们提供完成工作所需的服务。 从本质上讲,他们已将服务和数据管理外包给您。 外包是我们的业务客户在想到云时所想到的。

As you build any cloud solution, remember the perspective your customers have of your service or software. They don’t see the entire elephant. They only see the part they’re touching. It’s up to you to bring them to the elephant and place them around it touching the parts they need to touch. In the event you leave them holding the tail, be careful they don’t lift it too high.

在构建任何云解决方案时,请记住客户对您的服务或软件的看法。 他们看不到整个大象。 他们只看到他们触摸的部分。 由您决定将它们带到大象上并将它们放置在大象周围,使其接触到需要触摸的部分。 如果您让他们握住尾巴,请注意不要将其抬得过高。

抓住机会 (Grabbing the Opportunities)

Another reader of my initial post had a different takeaway and asked how he could take advantage of cloud computing opportunities. He was like me, a “seasoned” developer who still wanted to write great software and provide services for clients. But he didn’t know where to start.

我第一篇文章的另一位读者有不同的看法,并询问他如何利用云计算机会。 他就像我一样,是一个“经验丰富”的开发人员,他仍然想编写出色的软件并为客户提供服务。 但是他不知道从哪里开始。

I think I can confidently say that it’s simply never been easier than today for a one-person business or any small organization to get off the ground. And the cloud is one of the phenomena that makes it that easy.

我想我可以自信地说,单人业务或任何小型组织的启动从未像现在这样简单。 云是使它变得如此容易的现象之一。

Rather than going into too many details about the steps involved in starting a business, I’ll focus on some of the cloud services that facilitate startups and make the startup phase easier. In this sense, regardless if you’re a developer, designer or simply someone with a great idea, you’re a business user starting a business. That’s the perspective you need. You’re subscribing to a service provided by someone else and without regard to where the work is actually done.

我不会关注启动业务所涉及步骤的太多细节,而是将重点放在一些云服务上,这些服务可促进启动并简化启动阶段。 从这个意义上讲,无论您是开发人员,设计师还是仅仅是一个有好主意的人,您都是企业的创业者。 这就是您需要的观点。 您订阅的是其他人提供的服务,而与实际工作位置无关。

One thing to note is that, being in the US, my perspective is skewed towards US requirements. I’m sure you have your own laws and regulations to abide by if you’re in another country. Regardless, seek an attorney for advice before doing anything I mention below.

需要注意的一件事是,在美国,我的观点偏向于美国的要求。 如果您在另一个国家/地区,我相信您要遵守自己的法律和法规。 无论如何,在执行我在下面提到的任何操作之前,请先寻求律师的建议。

组织启动任务 (Organizational Startup Tasks)

In the spirit of full disclosure and counter to what some cloud service providers targeting this activity may say here, a specific startup task I would keep “old school” is the formal establishment of your business organization. By that I mean choosing whether you incorporate or go with a limited liability corporation or whatever structure you choose.

本着完全公开的精神,并与一些针对此活动的云服务提供商在这里所说的相反,我要保持“老派”的特定启动任务是您的业务组织的正式成立。 我的意思是选择您是注册成立有限责任公司还是与之合作,或者选择哪种结构。

There are many Internet services and websites that assist you with structuring your business. But my experience and those of others with whom I’ve spoken are similar. The Internet sites can file your paperwork as needed to legally organize your business, but they often miss unique forms or fees that are specific to certain states. Some states have very unique requirements and they change annually. Find a local accountant or attorney to file your legal organizational paperwork and let those professionals use the cloud to process it. They can also advise you on which structure is best for your specific situation. Accounting (for tax purposes) and legal services are the two services I prefer to keep local so they’re always accessible to me.

有许多Internet服务和网站可以帮助您构建业务。 但是我的经验和我与之交谈的其他人的经验相似。 互联网站点可以根据需要提交文件,以合法地组织您的业务,但它们通常会遗漏某些州所特有的独特形式或费用。 一些州有非常独特的要求,并且每年更改一次。 查找本地会计师或律师来提交您的法律组织文书,并让这些专业人员使用云进行处理。 他们还可以为您提供哪种结构最适合您的具体情况的建议。 会计(出于税收目的)和法律服务是我希望保留在本地的两个服务,因此我可以随时访问它们。

行政服务 (Administrative Services)

There are a multitude of cloud-based service providers willing to provide accounting, bookkeeping and payroll services to your organization. My local accountant recommended several I could utilize for normal bookkeeping and then I need only to forward him the results for him to do his work at tax time.

有许多基于云的服务提供商愿意为您的组织提供会计,簿记和薪资服务。 我的当地会计师建议我可以利用几种方法进行正常的簿记工作,然后只需要将结果转发给他,以便他在纳税时间进行工作。

This is a critical area where I don’t know why anyone would want to do it himself. There are too many and too frequent changes to tax and business legislation. Outsourcing it to the cloud not only assures you someone else is taking care of you when changes to tax and payroll laws are made, but it frees you up to focus on your core competency.

这是一个关键领域,我不知道为什么有人会自己做。 税收和商业法规的变更过多且过于频繁。 将其外包到云中,不仅可以确保在税法和工资法发生变化时,别人在照顾您,还可以使您腾出时间专注于自己的核心能力。

I use CompuPay, a payroll service provider, who takes care of my payroll and local taxes every time I process payroll. I also use Intuit Quicken to track my bookkeeping activities and document the information my accountant needs every year. Both services cost a fraction of what I would pay to have someone do it internally and allow me to pay only for the services I use.

我使用工资服务提供商CompuPay,每次处理工资时都会照顾我的工资和地方税。 我还使用Intuit Quicken跟踪我的簿记活动并记录我的会计师每年需要的信息。 两种服务的成本只有我在内部进行的费用的一小部分,只允许我为使用的服务付费。

构建您的云服务 (Building Your Cloud Service)

Jeff Barr, another CloudSpring blogger and Amazon Web Services evangelist, already laid out several excellent examples in his recent blogs of how to use Amazon’s cloud services to support software development. Doing a Google search on “cloud based development tools” returns more than 32 million results. Open source software and development tools, whether they’re hosted in the cloud or on your own server, basically eliminate the startup costs you once had when you were forced to purchase proprietary tools for software development.

另一个CloudSpring博客作者和Amazon Web Services传播者Jeff Barr在他最近的博客中已经提出了几个出色的示例,说明了如何使用Amazon的云服务来支持软件开发。 在“基于云的开发工具”上进行Google搜索会返回超过3200万个结果。 开源软件和开发工具,无论它们托管在云中还是在您自己的服务器上,都可以消除您被迫购买专有软件开发工具时曾经产生的启动成本。

Cloud computing introduces you to many new technologies and tools. No single person can keep up with all of the latest tools so you’re constantly learning or hiring outside developers to complete your work. Training for nearly any development tool can be found by simply accessing YouTube for how-to videos. And several services and sites exist to help you find good people to deliver your solution.

云计算向您介绍了许多新技术和工具。 没有任何人可以跟上所有最新工具,因此您不断学习或雇用外部开发人员来完成您的工作。 只需访问YouTube的入门视频,即可找到几乎所有开发工具的培训。 有数个服务和站点可帮助您找到可以提供解决方案的好人。

Would your normal definition of cloud computing include the use of YouTube as a training resource or Elance for hiring? Probably not, but remember the context in which you’re using it in this case. You’re running a business and don’t want to bring those services in house. Using external resources to accomplish a task is the way your clients view the cloud.

您对云计算的通常定义是将YouTube用作培训资源还是将Elance聘用? 可能不是,但是请记住在这种情况下使用它的上下文。 您正在开展业务,并且不想将这些服务引入内部。 使用外部资源完成任务是客户查看云的方式。

It’s easier than ever to start a business thanks to cloud services. The mundane tasks associated with startup activities can be outsourced to someone who specializes in that and you can focus on building your service and getting your first customer.

借助云服务,比以往任何时候都更容易开展业务。 可以将与启动活动相关的普通任务外包给专门从事此任务的人员,您可以专注于构建服务并获得第一个客户。

What tasks do you outsource for your business that fall under this broader definition of the cloud? Whether you agree or disagree with my perspective, please let me know how you focus on your core competency and are able to shove those other tasks to others outside your team. You may have found a service that others wish they knew about.

在此更广泛的云定义下,您为企业外包哪些任务? 无论您同意还是不同意我的观点,请让我知道您如何专注于自己的核心能力,并能够将其他任务推给团队之外的其他人。 您可能已经找到了其他人希望他们知道的服务。

Thanks for your feedback!


Image via jadimages / Shutterstock

图片来自jadimages / Shutterstock

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/finding-the-elephant-in-the-cloud/






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