google谷歌云盘_如果Google宣布:“ Google是老大哥”怎么办?



Google may in fact be George Orwell’s “Big Brother”. According to the news today from AP, Google will be using its technologies and user behavior to better determine how to target advertising. Many feared Google’s $3.2 billion purchase of DoubleClick last year because of the implications, and now Google has acknowledged having a “user learning” program in place. Ads refined by this technology are set to be launched within the next few weeks, making it rather apparent Google has had this ability for some time.

Google实际上可能是George Orwell的“ 老大哥 ”。 根据美联社今天消息 ,谷歌将利用其技术和用户行为来更好地确定如何定位广告。 由于上述影响,许多人担心谷歌去年以32亿美元的价格收购DoubleClick ,现在谷歌已经承认已经实施了“用户学习”计划。 通过这项技术精制而成的广告将在接下来的几周内投放,这很明显表明Google已经有一段时间了。

Initial ads will appear on YouTube and other sites within Google’s ad network according to the AP report. Google claims they intensified their monitoring of users back in December, when they began inserting cookies from DoubleClick on their partner’s Web sites. However, logic would seem to dictate that Google has been working on this technology since the DoubleClick acquisition. Marc Rosenberg, Executive Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center is just one of many who are concerned about these developments.

根据AP报告,初始广告将显示在YouTube和Google广告网络中的其他网站上。 Google声称他们从12月开始加强对用户的监视,当时他们开始在合作伙伴的网站上从DoubleClick中插入Cookie。 但是,逻辑似乎表明Google自从DoubleClick收购以来一直在研究这项技术。 电子隐私信息中心执行董事马克·罗森伯格(Marc Rosenberg)只是关注这些发展的众多人之一。

“I don’t think the world’s largest search engine should be in the business of profiling people.”


Google’s ad strategy has been “search specific” rather than “behavioral” like competitors Yahoo! and Microsoft. Rosenberg and others are hoping that this news will prompt the Federal Trade Commission to re-examine the DoubleClick deal. Google’s position is unique in that their search dominance offers them inestimable potential to “harvest” data from users. Besides affording them a nearly exclusive advantage over competitors, the privacy issue looms large here.

Google的广告策略是“针对搜索”的,而不是竞争对手Yahoo!的“行为”。 和微软。 罗森伯格和其他人希望这一消息能促使联邦贸易委员会重新审查DoubleClick交易。 Google的地位是独特的,因为它们的搜索优势为他们提供了“收集”用户数据的巨大潜力。 除了为他们提供比竞争对手几乎排他的优势外,这里的隐私问题也日益突出。

Google is trying to sidestep any regulatory issues, and has set up a system so that users can specify their interests and turn off some forms of advertising. While this may appear altruistic, obviously the system only helps Google further refine ads. This feature is “pitched” to us “drippy sweet” from Google’s Deputy General Counsel Nicole Wang:

Google试图回避任何监管问题,并建立了一个系统,以便用户可以指定自己的兴趣并关闭某些形式的广告。 尽管这似乎无私,但显然该系统只能帮助Google进一步优化广告。 Google副总法律顾问Nicole Wang向我们“滴滴答答”了这个功能:

We are pleased that our launch of interest-based advertising includes innovative, consumer-friendly features to provide meaningful transparency and choice for our users.


Of course Google, like Yahoo! and Microsoft, offers an “opt out” solution for users. Jeff Chester, executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy, suggested that Google is betting most people will not take the time to opt out of the scheme, he went on to pretty much sum up the whole user data question:

当然Google就像Yahoo! 和Microsoft,为用户提供“退出” 解决方案 。 数字民主中心执行董事杰夫·切斯特(Jeff Chester)表示,谷歌押注大多数人不会花时间选择退出该计划,他继续对整个用户数据问题进行了总结:

“We are now in an arms race of digital data collection where companies are trying to outdo each other in pursuit of the 21st century’s Holy Grail — advertising.”


The latest foray of Google announcements should be considered indicative of a broader strategy. Announcing expandable ads just the other day, along with today’s news, may indicate larger strategic movement for the Internet’s biggest winner. Whether these moves are in response to Yahoo!, Microsoft or even recent worldwide economic upheaval ( described by CEO Eric Schmidt as “dire”), Google appears to be tipping its hand on user data to a degree.

Google的最新公告应该被认为是更广泛策略的标志。 就在前几天宣布展开式广告以及今天的新闻,可能表明互联网最大赢家的战略动作越来越大。 无论这些举动都是为了应对雅虎,微软,甚至最近的全球经济动荡( 描述由CEO埃里克·施密特为“可怕”),谷歌似乎是引爆其上的用户数据一方面在一定程度上。

From this writer’s perspective, these strategies address market issues on several fronts. Beyond competing with its distant rivals in advertising, Google is probably circumventing any ad market losses to Microsoft’s new Kumo search engine. All be it something of a stretch, if Kumo is powered by an accelerated developmental version of Powerset, a big win for Microsoft can only be negated with an advanced ad model on the revenue side of the equation. Regardless of where and at what Google’s strategy is targeted, it is obvious they are making a big push. Remember this, Google’s advantage is not in search relevance as much as it is in their advertising dominance.

从作者的角度来看,这些策略从多个方面解决了市场问题。 除了在广告上与遥远的竞争对手竞争之外,Google可能还避免了任何广告市场给微软新的Kumo搜索引擎带来的损失。 如果Kumo由Powerset的加速开发版本提供支持,那么这一切只是一小步 ,对于Microsoft来说,大赢家只能用收入等式上的高级广告模型来抵消。 无论Google的策略针对的目标和目标如何,显而易见,他们都在大力推动。 请记住,Google的优势不在于搜索相关性,而在于其广告优势。







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