雅虎地图与谷歌地图坐标_为什么Google会击败Yahoo! 在网络托管大战中


The mighty (and now public) juggernaut that is Google is emerging as the most formidable potential competitor in the Web hosting space. Who will suffer the most when Google enters Website hosting? Yahoo!

谷歌强大(现已公开)成为网络托管领域最强大的潜在竞争对手。 当Google进入网站托管时,谁将遭受最大的痛苦? 雅虎!

"No way!" you say. "Google doesn’t even offer Web hosting." You mean Google doesn’t even offer Web hosting yet. Let’s look at the facts and see exactly why Google will defeat Yahoo! in the Web hosting war.

“没门!” 你说。 “谷歌甚至不提供虚拟主机。” 您的意思是Google甚至还不提供网络托管。 让我们看一下事实,看看Google为何会击败Yahoo!。 在网络托管大战中。

Google为什么会推出虚拟主机产品? (Why Will Google Launch a Web Hosting Product?)

Web hosting is a (still) highly fragmented marketplace.


Even the very largest hosting providers garner no more that 4-5% of the market. While there are easily more than 100 sizable (more than 25,000 active shared accounts) Web hosting companies, there may be more than 10,000 small to mid-sized (less than 10,000 active shared accounts) hosting competitors.

即使是最大的托管服务提供商,其市场份额也不会超过4-5%。 虽然很容易有超过100家中型(超过25,000个活动共享帐户)的Web托管公司,但可能有超过10,000家中小型(少于10,000个活动共享的帐户)托管竞争对手。

Why Google will get in: with the millions in extra cash that they have lying around, Google can easily acquire even the most premier hosting company and use it as a base to build a business around. Alternatively, Google could simply buy up tons of customers from smaller hosts. Of course, they could always start from scratch and be a top 25 hosting company in about 3 months…

Google为何会加入:凭借他们拥有的数百万美元的额外现金,Google可以轻松收购甚至最出色的托管公司,并以此为基础开展业务。 另外,谷歌可以简单地从小型主机上购买大量客户。 当然,他们总是可以从零开始,在大约3个月内成为排名前25位的托管公司……

The barriers to entry are extremely low.


In fact, anyone with a Web connection can simply resell any of a dozen fairly competitive packages.


Why Google will get in: last I heard, Google still had a Web connection.


Arguably, the single most important element in gaining new customers is online advertising.


A survey of the top slots in the pay-per-click search engines tells the story: hosting clicks are in very high demand, and the top players are willing to pay handsomely to get them. For example, a recent glance at Overture’s max bids yields the following results:

对按点击数付费搜索引擎中排名靠前的位置进行的调查表明:托管点击量的需求非常高,顶级玩家愿意为获得这些点击付费。 例如,最近浏览Overture的最高出价可得出以下结果:


Why Google will get in: while competing with their customers may never have crossed Google’s mind, the simple economics of Web hosting will necessitate a different approach. Google will give up the number 1 advertising slot to market a Google Web hosting package. This will not even dent the vast ad revenues generated by the hosting industry.

Google会加入的原因:尽管与客户竞争可能永远不会忽略Google的想法,但虚拟主机托管的简单经济性将需要一种不同的方法。 Google将放弃排名第一的广告位来销售Google Web托管程序包。 这甚至不会减少托管行业产生的巨大广告收入。

Additionally, Google could simply create a new ad unit that rests at the very top of the page, preserving all existing advertising slots. Adding thousands of new hosting accounts each month will quickly generate millions in recurring revenues for Google. Oh yeah, one other thing I forgot — Yahoo! did this a while ago and they’re making bank.

此外,Google可以简单地在页面顶部创建一个新的广告单元,保留所有现有的广告位。 每月增加数千个新的托管帐户将为GoogleSwift产生数百万的经常性收入。 哦,是的,我忘了另一件事-Yahoo! 做了一段时间,他们正在赚钱。

Web hosting requires tons of servers, data centers, and skilled technical support staff.


A great hosting company needs to stave off DDOS attacks, worms, viruses, and a litany of other hacker-induced mayhem. It also needs super-fat redundant pipes to handle all the traffic, and the additional mandatory goodies like physical security, fire suppression, and backup generators to maintain 100% uptime.

一家出色的托管公司需要避免DDOS攻击,蠕虫,病毒以及其他一系列由黑客引起的混乱。 它还需要超胖冗余管道来处理所有流量,还需要其他强制性要求,例如物理安全性,灭火和备用发电机来维持100%的正常运行时间。

Why Google will get in: It’s not a stretch to say that some of the Web’s best technical minds are currently employed in Mountain View — and they’ve been protecting a premier Web property from hackers for the last 6 years. I think they also know a thing or two about data centers and redundant connectivity.

Google会加入的原因:毫无疑问,Mountain View目前使用了一些Web的最佳技术思想,并且在过去6年中,他们一直在保护一流的Web资产免受黑客攻击。 我认为他们也对数据中心和冗余连接了解一两件事。

Email and Web hosting go hand in hand.


Many customers register a domain name and set up a hosting account mainly to have the email address that they want, such as you@yourcompany.com. The ability to process and manage a high volume of email while excluding spam, viruses and other security exploits is a mandatory skill set for hosting.

许多客户注册一个域名并设置一个托管帐户,主要是为了拥有他们想要的电子邮件地址,例如you@yourcompany.com。 处理和管理大量电子邮件同时排除垃圾邮件,病毒和其他安全漏洞的能力是托管的一项必备技能。

Why Google will get in: one word: Gmail! Okay, so they messed up a little with the whole privacy/big brother issue. They’ll get past that. The point is that Google knows email. Even with the throttled launch and invitation-only system of Gmail, they probably already have more email customers that most hosting companies. This gives Google 2 more clear reasons to get into hosting: they can handle email as well as anybody, and they have a huge email list to which they can market their service.

Google为什么会加入:一个词:Gmail! 好的,所以他们对整个隐私/老大哥问题有点搞砸了。 他们会超越的。 关键是Google知道电子邮件。 即使使用受限制的Gmail启动和仅邀请系统,与大多数托管公司相比,他们可能已经拥有更多的电子邮件客户。 这给Google 2提供了更多明确的托管理由:他们可以处理任何人的电子邮件,并且拥有庞大的电子邮件列表,可以向其推销其服务。

Many businesses and consumers will only do business with a brand that they trust.


If a no-name company were to attempt to enter the Web hosting arena today, they would face an uphill battle to overcome the branding efforts of the large hosting companies that got into the game early.


Why Google will get in: no-brainer — it’s Google, for goodness sake! They may have the most trusted and well-known brand online. The moment that Google enters the Web hosting space, they will attract a new, untapped audience that will overcome their reservations about having their own Website, simply because Google says it’s okay to do so.

为何Google会加入:不费吹灰之力-天哪,那就是Google! 他们可能拥有最受信任的在线知名品牌。 Google进入Web托管空间的那一刻,他们将吸引新的,尚未开发的受众,这将克服他们对拥有自己的网站的保留,仅仅是因为Google表示可以这样做。

为什么Google的网络托管产品会占据主导地位? (Why Will Google’s Web Hosting Product Reign Supreme?)

It’s pretty much a given that Google will launch a Web hosting product at some point. But how will they crush Yahoo! (and every other Web host out there)? Here are a few points on which Google trumps its nearest rival…

可以肯定的是,谷歌将在某个时候推出网络托管产品。 但是他们将如何粉碎雅虎! (以及其他所有Web主机)? 以下是Google击败其最接近竞争对手的几点……

  • Google brand versus Yahoo! brand.

    Google品牌与Yahoo! 牌。

    Winner = Google.

    优胜者= Google。

    Google is now, hip, and exciting. Yahoo! is yesterday, tired, and old-school.

    Google既时髦又令人兴奋。 雅虎! 是昨天,又累又老派。

  • Google’s execution versus Yahoo’s execution.


    Winner = Google.

    优胜者= Google。

    Google’s awesome tactic of launching full blown, fully developed products as ‘beta’ tests overcomes the pressure and scrutiny of conventional product launches. Plus, they’re just really good at executing Web-based technology.

    Google推出“ Beta”测试时推出了完整的,功能完善的产品的绝妙策略克服了传统产品发布的压力和审查。 另外,他们真的非常擅长于执行基于Web的技术。

  • Google’s reach versus Yahoo’s reach.


    Winner = Google.

    优胜者= Google。

    By some accounts Google now accepts 70% of all Web searches each day. Unless it stumbles, Google will keep growing at Yahoo’s! (and everybody else’s) expense.

    根据某些说法,Google现在每天接受所有网络搜索的70%。 除非它失败,否则Google将继续在Yahoo's上成长! (以及其他人的费用)。

  • Google’s synergies versus Yahoo’s! synergies.

    Google与Yahoo的协同效应! 协同作用。

    Winner = Google.

    优胜者= Google。

    Google bought Blogger, and it already knows and understands how to attract, market to, and partner with content builders. Google’s AdWords and AdSense products are already in use by well over 150,000 individual Websites. Google has made a science out of knowing which markets are searching for what, and where they go to find it.

    Google收购了Blogger,它已经知道并了解如何吸引内容营销商,与之合作并与之合作。 超过150,000个单独的网站已经在使用Google的AdWords和AdSense产品。 Google通过了解哪些市场正在寻找什么以及去哪里找到它来做出科学。

结论 (Conclusion)

Poor Yahoo! Poor, poor Yahoo! First, they had their butt kicked by Google in the search space. Then, they play catch-up and once again get bested by Google in the pay-per-click marketing space as Yahoo’s Overture property lags behind Google’s AdWords in both luster and market penetration.

可怜的雅虎! 可怜,可怜的雅虎! 首先,他们在搜索领域被Google踢了屁股。 然后,他们开始追赶,并在Yahoo的Overture属性在光泽度和市场渗透率方面都落后于Google的AdWords,在按点击付费营销领域再次被Google击败。

Now, Google seems poised to crush Yahoo’s fledgling Web hosting effort. If it’s any consolation, at least Yahoo! has been leading the way — and blazing a clear profit trail for Google to follow.

现在,谷歌似乎准备压制雅虎刚起步的网络托管工作。 如果有什么安慰,至少Yahoo! 一直处于领先地位-并为Google遵循了明确的盈利途径。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/google-yahoo-web-hosting-war/


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