wpf 非托管代码崩溃_崩溃! 地狱的网络托管公司

wpf 非托管代码崩溃

Beware: Even in cyberspace, what goes up, occasionally comes down.


那是什么? 网络空间的引力? (What’s that? Gravity in cyberspace?)

That’s right. Many entrepreneurs in cyberspace are quickly re-learning Newton’s law of gravity. But this time around it’s not an apple falling, it’s their web site.

那就对了。 网络空间中的许多企业家正在Swift重新学习牛顿的引力定律。 但这一次不是苹果跌倒,而是他们的网站。

As a long-time veteran of cyberspace I had nearly forgotten the consequences of a fallen web site. Recently, I had the occasion to experience this nightmare and learn the valuable lessons that accompany it.

作为长期从事网络空间工作的人,我几乎忘记了网站瘫痪的后果。 最近,我有一个机会来体验这场噩梦,并学习伴随它的宝贵经验。

If you think it can’t happen to you, think again. (Many of my woes were avoidable, but I got sloppy. (I promise to explain how YOU can learn from my mistakes in a minute .)

如果您认为这不可能发生,请再考虑一下。 (我的许多麻烦是可以避免的,但是我很草率。(我保证解释一下您如何在一分钟内从我的错误中学到东西。)

You see, like many of you right now, I thought I was safe. I went with one of the larger web hosting companies. They promised daily backups. They promised 99% uptime – even guaranteed it.

您看到,就像现在的许多人一样,我以为我很安全。 我去了较大的网络托管公司之一。 他们承诺每天备份。 他们承诺99%的正常运行时间–甚至可以保证。

承诺被打破了…… (Promises are made to be broken…)

My 1000+ page site, bizweb2000.com, the source of 100% of my small business income, crashed. When it is down, my income stops. I now know how cold and lonely cyberspace is when your web site is dead. Not only are these times lonely, lengthy periods with a dead web site can be very costly.

我的1000多页网站bizweb2000.com(我的小企业收入的100%来源)崩溃了。 当它下降时,我的收入停止了。 我现在知道您的网站死了时,网络空间多么寒冷和寂寞。 这些时间不仅很寂寞,而且网站停滞不前的时间很长,代价可能很高。

Take it from me. The grand tally from my recent outage totaled well into thousands of dollars in lost revenue. Not a big deal for a large corporation, but for a home-based business like mine, it’s a figure not to be taken lightly.

从我这拿走。 我最近的停运造成的损失总计达数千美元。 对于一家大公司而言,这并不是什么大不了的事情,但是对于像我这样的家庭企业而言,这个数字不容小视。

但是我真的可以避免吗? (But could I really have avoided it?)

Maybe it was just a little bad luck? After all, downtime comes with the territory. Outages in cyberspace are far from uncommon and there will certainly be more in the future. If I could have avoided any of this bad fortune, I certainly would have, right? But my own computer was fine. The crash occurred at my web hosting company, er, that is my former hosting company, but I’ll get to that.

也许只是运气不好? 毕竟,停机伴随着领土。 网络空间的中断绝非罕见,未来肯定还会有更多中断。 如果我能避免这种不幸,我肯定会吧? 但是我自己的电脑还可以。 崩溃发生在我的Web托管公司,即我以前的托管公司,但是我会解决的。

The fact is, I could have done something before it was too late, but I didn’t!


I AM to blame, just as much as anyone else involved. And when YOUR web site crashes and stays down for long periods of time, it may be YOUR fault too! Let me explain…

我要归咎于其他任何人。 而且,当您的网站崩溃并长时间处于瘫痪状态时,也可能是您的错! 让我解释…

First I’ll tell the tale of my little nightmare, then, I’ll reveal the steps YOU can take to avoid such a debacle.


Note: For the record, I will not reveal the name of the hosting company that brought me to my knees. If you MUST know, drop me a line personally. It is not my intention to hurt their business, however badly they wounded mine. I’ll admit that it was tempting, but malicious intent is not my style and the purpose of this article is to help you, not hurt them.

注意:根据记录,我不会透露使我屈服的托管公司的名称。 如果您必须知道,请亲自给我打个电话。 我无意伤害他们的生意,无论他们伤了我多大的伤。 我承认这很诱人,但恶意的意图不是我的风格,本文的目的是帮助您,而不是伤害他们。

Anyway, it all started a few months ago. I noticed that I was not receiving my normal volume of email one day, so I sent myself a test message. Sure enough, my bizweb2000 email addresses were dead. I promptly emailed support at my hosting company and a day-long wait ensued. After hours of silence, I called them. "It should be working now" they said. "It’s not," I replied. So they "took another look" and it finally started working an hour or so later. No message or call from them, just silence. I chalked that up as just a fluke. I was wrong.

无论如何,这一切都是在几个月前开始的。 我注意到有一天我没有收到正常的电子邮件量,因此我给自己发送了一封测试邮件。 果然,我的bizweb2000电子邮件地址已失效。 我及时通过电子邮件发送了我的托管公司的支持,然后等待了一天。 经过数小时的沉默,我给他们打电话。 他们说:“现在应该可以正常工作了。” “不是。”我回答。 因此,他们“换了个样子”,终于在一个小时左右的时间内开始工作。 他们没有消息或电话,只是保持沉默。 我只是fl幸而已。 我错了。

A few weeks after that incident my email addresses went dead again. In addition, I had recently been notified that my allowed 1 gig of transfer per month had been surpassed and my monthly fee would be tripled. Since I was far from thrilled with the support and I was now paying a premium price, it made sense to look elsewhere.

那件事发生几周后,我的电子邮件地址再次消失了。 另外,我最近收到通知,我的每月允许的1笔转账额已超过,我的月费将增加两倍。 由于我对获得的支持并不感到兴奋,而现在我付出了高昂的代价,因此在其他地方寻找是有意义的。

After much research, I finally located a support-based web hosting company where I would move my site. What I did NOT do was transfer my domain and web site to this new host right away. I was going on vacation for a week and figured I’d do it when I got back. This was mistake #1. Had I gone ahead and transferred it before I left, I wouldn’t be writing this right now. But here I am.

经过大量研究,我终于找到了一家基于支持的网络托管公司,将其移至我的网站。 我没有做的就是立即将我的域和网站转移到该新主机上。 我打算放假一个星期,然后回头想去做。 这是错误#1。 如果我在离开之前继续前进并转移了它,那我现在就不会写了。 但是我在这里。

接下来发生的是崩溃……和争夺中…… (What happened next was THE CRASH… and the scrambling…)

At 8 am on Friday morning I fired up my PC to pick up my email and retrieve the orders from my secure server. As my browser opened, it stalled. "Cannot connect to www.bizweb2000.com" it said. Hmmm… I thought. I’ll try it in a little while.

在星期五早上8点,我启动了我的PC,以提取电子邮件并从安全服务器中检索订单。 当我的浏览器打开时,它停止了。 它说:“无法连接到www.bizweb2000.com”。 嗯...我想。 我会在一段时间后尝试。

Well, "a little while" turned into repeated emails and phone calls to my web hosting company. While I did receive confirmation from support that their servers were indeed down, the next sentence worried me a bit "We really don’t know what’s wrong yet" the support specialist wrote.

好吧,“一会儿”变成了重复发送给我的网络托管公司的电子邮件和电话。 虽然我确实收到了支持人员的确认,确认他们的服务器确实停机了,但是下一句话让我有些担心,“我们真的不知道出什么问题了”。

With that, I emailed the president of the company and got out of my office and went for a drive. I couldn’t do much and the stress was building. I figured I’d be better off not thinking about it. (Mistake #2)

这样,我给公司总裁发了电子邮件,然后离开办公室去兜风。 我不能做太多,压力越来越大。 我想我最好不去考虑它。 (错误#2)

Upon returning at 6:30pm, I went directly to my PC and jumped online. Site STILL down.

在晚上6:30返回时,我直接进入了PC并跳到网上。 网站仍然停下来。

I was able to retrieve my email and there were messages from support and the president. They came in a 2:40. "Sorry about the down time. It’s back up now." they explained.

我能够检索我的电子邮件,并且有来自支持者和总裁的消息。 他们以2:40进来。 “很抱歉停机时间。现在恢复了。” 他们解释。

Ahhhh. But did they actually check MY site? Obviously not. It was dead as a doornail at 6:30 when I checked.

啊 但是他们实际上检查了我的网站吗? 显然不是。 当我检查时,它已作为门钉死了。

I called again and caught someone before they left for the evening. He promised to email someone else about it and have them look at it. Later that evening my site was brought back up.

我再次打了个电话,在一个人晚上离开之前将其抓住。 他答应通过电子邮件向其他人发送邮件,并请他们查看。 那天晚上晚些时候,我的站点恢复了。

That is, until the next crash – the following Tuesday morning. This second crash lasted over a week!! What’s more, they lost all their data and had no backup! But that’s another story altogether. In the meantime, I called my new web hosting company and ordered my domain transfer. I had to get my business off this web host’s dead servers!

也就是说,直到下一次崩溃-第二个星期二早上。 第二次坠机持续了一周以上! 而且,他们丢失了所有数据并且没有备份! 但这完全是另一个故事。 同时,我打电话给新的网络托管公司,并下令转让我的域名。 我不得不从这个虚拟主机的死服务器上解脱!

What I learned next was even more discouraging. It seems that when I originally ordered my domain, that same web host had registered it in their name, and not mine. Why? Who knows? But technically, they owned my domain even though I had paid for it and had been shelling out $125 a month to have it hosted.

接下来我学到的更令人沮丧。 看来,当我最初订购我的域时,那个网络主机已经以他们的名字注册了它,而不是我的。 为什么? 谁知道? 但是从技术上讲,即使我为它买单,他们仍然拥有我的域名,并且每月要花125美元来托管它。

Needless to say, my problems were getting worse, not better.


Well, to keep this long story from getting any longer, I’ll skip to the end. It took some doing, including multiple phone calls and letterhead faxes, but I managed to convince InterNic, the organization that handles domain registrations and transfers, that bizweb2000.com was in fact mine and that I had to have it moved from these dead servers. Luckily, InterNic proceeded with the order.

好吧,为了避免长篇大论,我将跳到最后。 它做了一些工作,包括打了多个电话和信头传真,但是我设法说服了InterNic(一家负责域名注册和转让的组织),实际上bizweb2000.com是我的,我必须将其从这些死机中移出。 幸运的是,InterNic继续执行该命令。

So, here I am. Happy as a clam once again. My domain transfer has been completed and my web site is up and running again on my new server.

所以,我在这里。 再次感到快乐。 我的域转移已完成,并且我的网站已启动并在新服务器上再次运行。

所有这些使我明白了这个故事的寓意: (All of which brings me to the moral of this story:)

(Remember as I started this horrible tale I promised that I would reveal the steps YOU can take to avoid such a debacle?) Well, the steps are below for your reading pleasure. Hey, there’s no point in suffering like I did when all it takes is a little inside info, right? With that, I invite you to learn from MY mistakes…

(记得我开始讲这个可怕的故事时,我曾答应过要为避免这种崩溃而采取的步骤吗?)好吧,以下是您阅读愉快的步骤。 嘿,当我只需要一点内幕消息时,就没有像我那样遭受的痛苦了,对吗? 借此,我邀请您从我的错误中学习...

  1. NEVER (I mean Never, Ever, Never) sign up with a web hosting company that does not offer 24 hour, 7 day a week support. That means LIVE support, not automated replies. If you do not have the ability to speak with a live person via telephone or email, you will sooner or later be in dire straits like I was. Test the support before signing up with the web host.

    从不(我的意思是从不,从不,从不)注册到不提供每周7天,每天24小时支持的网络托管公司。 这意味着需要实时支持,而不是自动答复。 如果您没有能力通过电话或电子邮件与真人说话,那么您迟早会像我一样陷入困境。 在注册虚拟主机之前,请测试支持。

  2. Do NOT sign up with a web host without first contacting a handful of their current customers and asking them about support. (Not referrals that THEY give you, but customers that YOU find. You can do this by visiting their bulletin board area or chat room, if they have one. If not, ask them for a long list of customers you can contact and call lots of them.)

    在未先联系少数几个当前客户并向他们询问支持之前,请勿注册虚拟主机 。 (不是推荐人给您的推荐信,而是您找到的客户。您可以通过访问其公告栏或聊天室(如果有的话)来进行此操作。如果没有,请询​​问他们一长串的客户,您可以联系并致电很多客户其中。)

  3. Do NOT let YOUR domain be registered under someone else’s name. Make sure YOU are the administrative contact. This will allow you to transfer your domain without your host being involved. It will speed things up and give you the freedom that your rightfully deserve.

    不要让您的域名以他人的名义注册。 确保您是管理联系人。 这样,您就可以在不涉及主机的情况下转移域。 它将加快速度,并给您应有的自由。

  4. Put two items high on your list: Peering and Mirroring. Peering is having multiple backbones coordinated in such a way that when one line gets too slow the server is automatically switched to the fastest line out. While many providers have "multiple connections" to the Internet a very, few percentage of them are able to truly "peer". This means your site will always be connected at the fastest speed available. Similarly, "mirroring" means placing servers at different locations. This not only serves as a back-up, but it enhances your sites accessibility and connection speeds from all over the world.

    在列表上放两个项目:对等和镜像。 对等正在协调多个主干,这样,当一条线路变得太慢时,服务器会自动切换到最快的线路。 尽管许多提供商都具有与Internet的“多个连接”,但其中只有极少数能够真正“对等”。 这意味着您的站点将始终以最快的速度连接。 同样,“镜像”是指将服务器放置在不同的位置。 这不仅可以用作备份,还可以提高您的站点在世界范围内的可访问性和连接速度。

  5. ALWAYS keep YOUR OWN back-up copy of your site. As a matter of

    始终保留自己的网站备份副本。 作为一个问题

    fact, keep fresh copies on your hard drive and weekly or monthly copies on a zip disk or tape backup. Never rely on your web hosting company’s promise of back-up. (Luckily, this is one mistakeI did not make!)

    实际上,请将新副本保留在硬盘驱动器上,并将每周或每月的副本保留在zip磁盘或磁带备份中。 永远不要依赖您的网络托管公司对备份的承诺。 (幸运的是,这是我没有犯的一个错误!)

Well, that wraps up my little nightmare. I hope you enjoyed it. And do me one little favor would you? Look before you leap. If you are considering putting a web site up, make sure you follow the guidelines above. If you already have a web site, take a hard look at your current web host. Is it a disaster waiting to happen, like mine was? Send a message to your support team and see how long it takes them to get back to you. If you are even a little concerned, you may have good reason to be.

好吧,这结束了我的小噩梦。 我希望你喜欢它。 我能帮个忙吗? 三思而后行。 如果您正在考虑建立一个网站,请确保遵循上述准则。 如果您已经有一个网站,请仔细查看当前的网络主机。 像我一样,这是一场灾难吗? 向您的支持团队发送消息,看看他们需要多长时间才能回复您。 如果您有点担心,您可能有充分的理由。

If so, don’t wait until you’re counting your losses. If you have ever considered moving your site to a more responsive, professional host, take it from me – it’s much easier to act than react. Once the nightmare starts, cyberspace is a cold and lonely place.

如果是这样,请不要等到您计算损失之后。 如果您曾经考虑过将网站迁移到响应更快,更专业的主机,那就从我这里拿走-采取行动比做出React要容易得多。 一旦噩梦开始,网络空间就是一个寒冷而孤独的地方。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/web-hosting-company-hell/

wpf 非托管代码崩溃





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