javascript 列表_通过此精选阅读列表掌握现代JavaScript

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Are you daunted by the complexity of the JavaScript ecosystem? Are you still writing ES5, but looking for an opportunity to embrace modern standards? Or, are you confused by the explosion of frameworks and build tools, and unsure what to learn first? Fear not, here are my handpicked selection of books from SitePoint Premium, intended to help you well on your way to mastering modern JavaScript.

您对JavaScript生态系统的复杂性感到恐惧吗? 您是否仍在编写ES5,但正在寻找机会接受现代标准? 或者,您是否对框架和构建工具的爆炸感到困惑,并且不确定首先要学习什么? 不用担心,这是我从SitePoint Premium中精选的精选书籍,旨在帮助您更好地掌握现代JavaScript。

JavaScript:Ninja新手,第二版 (JavaScript: Novice to Ninja, Second Edition)

I’ve placed this book at the top of my list, as it has something for almost everybody. It starts by covering the fundamentals (and thus serves well as a desk reference), then moves on to tackle more advanced topics, such as testing and functional programming.

我将这本书放在清单的顶部,因为它几乎适合所有人。 它从介绍基础知识开始(因此很适合作为桌面参考),然后继续处理更高级的主题,例如测试和功能编程。

The second edition has been updated to cover ECMAScript 6 and does a great job of introducing you to its more common features. You also get to put your newly acquired knowledge into practice at the end of each chapter, as you build out a quiz app, adding features as you move through the book. I really like this project-based approach to learning and think it is one of the better ways to advance your programming skills.

第二版已更新,涵盖了ECMAScript 6,并且在向您介绍其更常见的功能方面做得很好。 在构建测验应用程序时,您还可以在每章的最后将新学到的知识付诸实践,并在本书中逐步添加功能。 我真的很喜欢这种基于项目的学习方法,并且认为这是提高编程技能的更好方法之一。

For those who just want to dip, I’d recommend reading the Modern JavaScript Development chapter. This will bring you up-to-date with many of the recent developments, such as working with modules, and the hows and the whys of transpiling your code.

对于那些只想学习的人,我建议阅读“ 现代JavaScript开发”一章。 这将带给您最新的许多最新开发信息,例如使用模块,以及编译代码的方式和原因。

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实用ES6 (Practical ES6)

This anthology picks up where Novice to Ninja left off and allows you to dive deeper into many of the newer additions to the JavaScript language. It covers much of the basic syntax (e.g. const, let, arrow functions, etc…), and offers a great way to get up to speed in a particular area.

本选集介绍了《 Ninja新手》的上手之处,使您可以更深入地研究JavaScript语言的许多较新功能。 它涵盖了许多基本语法(例如const,let,箭头函数等),并提供了一种加快特定区域速度的好方法。

There are also more in-depth articles on topics such as ES6 classes and ES6 modules, as well as a look at what came down the pipeline in ES2017 and ES2018. And if you’re starting to get confused about what all these version numbers mean, we’ve got you covered. The anthology packs a chapter on JavaScript versioning and the process of deciding what gets added to the language.

还有关于主题的更深入的文章,例如ES6类和ES6模块,以及ES2017和ES2018中即将推出的内容。 而且,如果您开始对所有这些版本号的含义感到困惑,那么我们可以满足您的要求。 这本选集介绍了JavaScript版本控制以及确定添加到该语言的内容的过程。

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npm入门指南–节点软件包管理器 (A Beginner’s Guide to npm – the Node Package Manager)

npm is a package manager for JavaScript, similar to PHP’s composer, or Perl’s CPAN. It allows you to search an online database of packages (a.k.a. the registry) and install them on your machine. The npm registry is vast — containing over 600,000 packages — and I think it is fair to say that it has revolutionized the way JavaScript developers collaborate with each other.

npm是JavaScript的软件包管理器,类似于PHP的作曲家或Perl的CPAN。 它允许您搜索软件包的在线数据库(又名注册表)并将其安装在计算机上。 npm注册表非常庞大-包含60万个软件包-我认为可以说,它彻底改变了JavaScript开发人员之间的协作方式。

This short book from our Developer Essentials series has made the list because npm is something you cannot ignore if you are serious about writing JavaScript in 2019. The guide walks you through getting npm installed and configured (which can sometimes be a tad tricky) and using it effectively in your day-to-day work. If you’re going to learn just one JavaScript tool in 2019, make it npm. You’ll encounter it in tutorials everywhere and it is the standard delivery mechanism for almost any modern JavaScript library out there.

我们的Developer Essentials系列的这本短书之所以入榜,是因为如果您认真地打算在2019年编写JavaScript,那么npm是您不能忽略的事情。该指南指导您完成npm的安装和配置(有时可能有点棘手)和使用在您的日常工作中有效。 如果您打算在2019年仅学习一种JavaScript工具,请将其设置为npm。 您会在教程中到处遇到它,它是几乎所有现代JavaScript库的标准交付机制。

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JavaScript:最佳做法 (JavaScript: Best Practice)

Now that we’ve had a look at the basics, it’s time to kick it up a notch with some JavaScript best practices. This anthology is full of tips and tricks to help you write modern JavaScript that is performant, maintainable, and reusable. It’s hard to pick favorites from so many great titles, but there are two articles that stand out.

现在,我们已经了解了基础知识,是时候使用一些JavaScript最佳实践来提高它了。 这本选集充满了技巧和窍门,可帮助您编写高性能,可维护和可重用的现代JavaScript。 很难从这么多伟大的作品中选择最喜欢的作品,但其中有两篇很引人注目。

The Anatomy of a Modern JavaScript Application takes a good look at how to build a JavaScript application in 2019. It covers everything from application architecture to deployment and will help you to order many of the concepts and buzzwords you may have heard floating about.


Flow Control in Modern JavaScript introduces you to a variety of strategies for dealing with asynchronous JavaScript in a modern code base. It looks at one of my favorite additions to the language — async await — and dispels the myth that writing a JavaScript web app will automatically land you in callback hell.

现代JavaScript中的流控制向您介绍了各种在现代代码库中处理异步JavaScript的策略。 它查看了我最喜欢的语言添加之一-异步等待-消除了编写JavaScript Web应用程序会自动使您陷入回调地狱的神话。

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Node.js Web开发,第四版 (Node.js Web Development, Fourth Edition)

No journey through modern JavaScript would be complete without a look at how to run it on the server. And this book gives you an excellent starting point, bringing you straight to the heart of developing web applications with Node.js.

如果不了解如何在服务器上运行它,那么通过现代JavaScript进行的旅程将是不完整的。 本书为您提供了一个很好的起点,将您带入使用Node.js开发Web应用程序的核心。

As you follow along you’ll build and iterate on a note taking app. This will form the basis for learning all about real-time applications, data storage, user authentication, deployment with Docker and much more. And even if server-side development isn’t your thing, I’d still recommend reading the first couple of chapters. These will give you a good idea where Node fits in to today’s JavaScript landscape.

在继续学习时,您将构建并迭代笔记记录应用程序。 这将构成学习所有实时应用程序,数据存储,用户身份验证,Docker部署等基础。 即使服务器端开发不是您的事,我仍然建议您阅读前几章。 这些将为您提供一个好主意,让Node适应当今JavaScript环境。

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现代JavaScript版本控制指南 (The Versioning Guide to Modern JavaScript)

To finish we have The Versioning Guide to Modern JavaScript, which is really a large collection of links taken from the much-missed Versioning newsletter. I’ve included this, as there’s so much going on in the world of modern JavaScript development, that I’ve barely been able to scratch the surface here. I’m confident that this guide will offer you a wealth of ideas and inspiration on what to dig into next.

最后,我们有《现代JavaScript版本控制指南》 ,它实际上是从广为人知的版本控制新闻通讯中获取的大量链接。 我已经包括了这一点,因为现代JavaScript开发领域发生了太多事情,以至于我几乎无法在这里进行摸索。 我有信心,本指南将为您提供大量有关下一步研究的想法和启发。

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And that’s a wrap. I hope this curated list goes some way to helping you navigate the choppy waters of modern JavaScript development.

这就是包装。 我希望这份精选清单能以某种方式帮助您浏览现代JavaScript开发的波澜不惊的水面。


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