
This article was created in partnership with SITE123. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SITE123合作创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

Spend a few minutes, make a few little adjustments, upload your content, and you will have a stunning website with SITE123.


The internet is now full of platforms that allow you to create your own website – that isn’t news.


However, those who have already immersed themselves in the universe of trying to build a brand in the virtual world know how difficult it is to find a good free website builder that is both complete and secure.


Finding a good platform can be an overwhelming task. It requires some research, several user accounts created, and you still end up with the possibility of not finding the ideal place to build your website.

寻找一个好的平台可能是一项艰巨的任务。 它需要进行一些研究,创建多个用户帐户,但最终仍可能找不到理想的网站构建场所。

But you don’t have to worry anymore, because now you have managed to find the right place to create your own website without any investment.


SITE123 is a rich platform with layouts that are ready for you to use in building your website according to your business segment.


SITE123 is among the website builders that have grown the most in the market lately, because it presents ease and practicality for its clients.


You will not have to spend hours designing and coding a website. And you will not have to pay for a programmer/website developer if you cannot code. You can create everything yourself in the simplest and fastest way, without having to hire any professional knowledge for it.

您将不必花费数小时来设计和编码网站。 如果您无法编写代码,则无需为程序员/网站开发人员付费。 您可以用最简单,最快的方式自己创建所有内容,而不必为此花费任何专业知识。

In addition to keeping your pockets full and your agenda free, you will be proud to say that you have been able to create a website in less than one hour.

除了可以自掏腰包,没有议程之外 ,您还可以自豪地说,您能够在不到一个小时的时间内创建一个网站。

Can it get any better than that?


范本 (Templates)

SITE123 offers you the best free website templates for any type of business. One great differentiator here is that you are not flooded with options, so it is easy to choose among the models.

SITE123为您提供适合任何业务的最佳免费网站模板 。 这里的一大区别是您不会被很多选择所困扰,因此很容易在模型之间进行选择。

Your goal is to create a free blog, store, portfolio or a business channel? You just need to select the option that matches your goal and you will be redirected immediately to the right website canvas. Then you just need to insert some information to customize the main parts of the template.

您的目标是创建一个免费的博客 ,商店,投资组合或业务渠道? 您只需要选择与您的目标匹配的选项,您就会立即被重定向到正确的网站画布。 然后,您只需要插入一些信息即可自定义模板的主要部分。


After that, you can make all the changes you want using the actual website builder, until your page is just the way you want it: modern and eye-catching.


特征 (Features)

SITE123 has several advantages for you in all aspects. Here is what you will find:

SITE123在各个方面都为您提供一些优势。 这是您会发现的:

  • Free hosting – Besides free site creation, you do not have to worry about paying for hosting to keep your website on air. The platform will be totally responsible of taking care of this part for you, in a professional and efficient way. You can be assured that the speed and operation of your website will always be guaranteed without having to pay for hosting.

    免费托管 –除了免费创建网站外,您不必担心为托管网站而花钱托管。 该平台将完全负责以专业有效的方式为您处理此部分。 您可以放心,您的网站的速度和操作将始终得到保证,而无需支付托管费用。

  • SEO tool – With the SEO tool available, your website will have the possibility of appearing in search engine results across the internet. Whenever someone types something into the Google search bar that relates to content on your website, you will have the chance to appear to the person who searched the web. That way you have a bet in attracting more followers into your space without having to invest in experienced professionals who work with SEO development or without having to spend your time on various forms of digital advertising.

    SEO工具 –使用可用的SEO工具,您的网站将有可能出现在整个互联网的搜索引擎结果中。 每当有人在Google搜索栏中输入与您网站上的内容相关的内容时,您就有机会向搜索网络的人显示。 这样,您就可以吸引更多的关注者进入您的空间,而不必投资于从事SEO开发工作的经验丰富的专业人员,也不必花时间在各种形式的数字广告上。

  • 24 hour support – SITE123's 24 hour support is there to help you with everything you need. You will have technical support to help you whenever you have questions or run into issues. There is also a support area with questions and answers, and chances are good that the answer to your question is already there ready to help you.

    24小时支持 – SITE123的24小时支持可为您提供所需的一切。 每当您有疑问或遇到问题时,您将获得技术支持以帮助您。 还有一个支持区,提供问题和答案,并且很可能已经准备好为您提供问题的答案了。

  • Design tools – On the platform, you will find several professional design tools. They are very easy to use, so you can take care of the presentation and sparkle of your page, which is a very important thing to get new followers. You can build your website by yourself, in an easy way, with your own branding. Always remember that when the subject is an online page, first impressions count. Bet a lot on good presentation for your website visitors.

    设计工具 –在平台上,您将找到几种专业的设计工具。 它们非常易于使用,因此您可以处理页面的演示和页面闪烁,这对于吸引新的关注者而言非常重要。 您可以使用自己的商标以简单的方式自己构建网站。 永远记住,当主题是在线页面时,第一印象很重要。 为您的网站访问者大量押宝良好的演示文稿。

  • Great free galleries – At SITE123 you will have great libraries of images, icons, and videos at your disposal, totally free to be used in the creation of your website. You don’t have to waste time looking for royalty-free images or even paying for expensive photo banks just to have a gallery to use. Choose the right pictures and it will seem like you have hired a top photographer just to take pics for your website.

    一流的免费画廊 –在SITE123,您将可以使用一流的图像,图标和视频库,完全免费用于创建网站。 您不必浪费时间寻找免版税的图像,甚至不必为要使用图库而花钱购买昂贵的照片库。 选择合适的图片,看来您已经雇用了一位顶级摄影师来为您的网站拍照。

  • Unlimited pages – You do not have to worry if you plan to post a lot of content and have many pages on your website. SITE123 is here to ensure all the space in the world for pages and new websites so your content can be published without any limits or restrictions. You do not have to worry even if demand is high. We have your back.

    无限页面 –如果您打算发布很多内容并且在您的网站上有很多页面,则不必担心。 SITE123可以确保世界上所有页面和新网站的空间,使您的内容可以不受任何限制地发布。 即使需求很高,您也不必担心。 我们支持你。

  • Responsiveness – With SITE123's responsive templates, it will be very easy for everyone to access your website on any device, be it a cell phone, tablet, computer, etc. The display and presentation of your page will be suitable for each different type of device. This allows your followers to access your site whenever and wherever they want while having the same kind of experience. This also makes it better for your clients who have access to only one type of device, such as a mobile phone. With the responsive templates, people will certainly be comfortable navigating your website using any kind of device.

    响应能力 –使用SITE123的响应模板,每个人都可以很容易地在任何设备上访问您的网站,无论是手机,平板电脑还是计算机等。页面的显示和演示都适用于每种不同类型的设备。 这样一来,您的关注者就可以随时随地访问他们的网站,而他们却拥有相同的体验。 对于只访问一种类型的设备(例如手机)的客户来说,这也更好。 使用响应式模板,人们一定会喜欢使用任何类型的设备来浏览您的网站。

  • Interaction with social networks – Linking your website and social media will help you greatly in promoting and attracting people from other corners to your new web page. Put links to your website on social networks and promote your business and web pages there. Also, go the other way around and put social media links on your website. SITE123 will allow you to do all this.

    与社交网络的互动 -链接您的网站和社交媒体将极大地帮助您促进和吸引其他地方的人们访问您的新网页。 在社交网络上放置指向您网站的链接,并在那里推广您的业务和网页。 另外,也可以采用其他方法,将社交媒体链接放在您的网站上。 SITE123将允许您完成所有这一切。

  • Multi-language option – This is probably the most impressive of all features. SITE123 helps with allowing people from other countries and speakers of other languages ​​to access your page without any problems. How does it do that? It provides you with a multi-language tool, which translates your entire website instantly. There are 80 different languages available , from all over the world, so you can choose one to be the official language of your site. You can also create versions in multiple languages ​​with just a few clicks. With this feature, people from other countries will be able to follow your content and, consequently, you will end up converting more customers.

    多语言选项–这可能是所有功能中最令人印象深刻的。 SITE123帮助允许来自其他国家的人和使用其他语言的人访问您的页面而没有任何问题。 它是如何做到的? 它为您提供了多语言工具,可立即翻译整个网站 。 世界各地提供80种不同的语言 ,因此您可以选择一种作为您网站的官方语言。 您还可以单击几下以多种语言创建版本。 使用此功能,其他国家/地区的人将能够关注您的内容,因此,您最终将吸引更多的客户。

The list of features and advantages Site123 offers does not stop here.


Let's take it another step further and take a look at one of the most important tools.


电子商务 (eCommerce)

We have all seen the great growth of eCommerce in the last few years. SITE123 offer you an advanced eCommerce Website Builder as part of the platform. Virtual sales and online stores are now part of almost everyone's lives.

在过去的几年中,我们都看到了电子商务的飞速发展。 SITE123为您提供了一个高级电子商务网站构建器,作为该平台的一部分。 虚拟销售和在线商店现在已成为几乎每个人生活的一部分。

In real life, one of the first stages of a modern company, which is the creation of the online sales website, is what makes many great future entrepreneurs give up. You do not have to worry about this both because SITE123 is very easy to use and you can put an online store together in a matter of minutes.

在现实生活中,现代公司的第一步就是创建在线销售网站,这正是许多伟大的未来企业家放弃的原因。 您不必担心这两者,因为SITE123非常易于使用,并且您可以在几分钟内将在线商店放在一起


Other problems entrepreneurs face with online store builders are high subscription prices, platforms that are difficult to use and a lack of safety.


On SITE123 everything is very simple, fast and easy for anyone to create their own online store. You can bet on this platform and your investment is zero dollars.

在SITE123上,任何人都可以非常简单,快速且轻松地创建自己的在线商店。 您可以在这个平台上下注,您的投资为零美元。

On your online store management panel, it’s easy to see how many orders you have received along with other details, so you can keep track of everything you need to deliver. Here you can view all the sales and inventory information very easily, thus streamlining your work and leaving more time for you to focus on growing your business.

在您的在线商店管理面板上,很容易查看已收到多少订单以及其他详细信息,因此您可以跟踪需要交付的一切。 在这里,您可以轻松查看所有销售和库存信息,从而简化工作并留出更多时间专注于发展业务。

Besides all that, the website builder backend offers security, and various safety features for 24-hour operation during all days of the week. Downtime converges to 0% throughout the year. With this reliability, your customers can make their purchases at any time without issues.

除此之外,网站构建器后端还提供安全性以及各种安全功能,以便在一周中的所有天中24小时不间断运行。 全年停机时间收敛到0%。 凭借这种可靠性,您的客户可以随时进行购买而没有任何问题。

Don’t waste time, create an online store right now!


免费增值优势 (Freemium Advantages)

You can sit back and chill because this is not the part where you find out you must pay hundreds of dollars to publish your website.


You can really create a free website and put it out without having to pay a single dime. But for those who are looking for something more professional, using a unique domain such as, you can count on the Premium plans for that.

您可以真正创建一个免费网站并将其发布,而无需支付一角钱。 但是对于那些正在寻找更专业的东西的人,使用诸如yourbusiness.com之类的独特域名,您可以依靠此高级计划。

On the Premium plan, you will have your own custom domain, more storage space on our platform, and extra bandwidth, among other things.


You pay only if you like it.


If you subscribe for the Premium plan, but you find out that the free version already suited your needs and you want to leave the paid version, you can do so at any time.


This shows how customer-focused SITE123 is, but after trying out the Premium plan, it is hard to let it go due to its advantages.


For those who only wish to have a custom domain and nothing more, you may choose a simpler option. But of course, it only gets better with the other plans.

对于只希望拥有自定义域的用户,您可以选择一个更简单的选项。 但是,当然,只有在其他计划下它才能变得更好。

The good thing is: it doesn't matter what plan you choose, if opt to pay annually, biannually and triennially, you will get great discounts.

好处是:您选择哪种计划都没有关系,如果选择每年,每两年一次和每三年一次付款, 您将获得很大的折扣

If you have already used the service and want to get one of the premium packages or check out the payment methods, just go to your dashboard, select the website you want to improve and click on Upgrade.


最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

SITE123 grows faster each day because of its practicality and ease of use. It allows more than 1 million registered users to achieve the dream of having their own website, whether it’s a blog, portfolio, or store, without having to spend any money to get started.

由于其实用性和易用性,SITE123每天增长更快。 它使超过100万注册用户实现了拥有自己的网站(无论是博客 ,投资组合还是商店)的梦想,而无需花任何钱就可以开始。

You do not need to be a professional developer and you don’t need to understand a single line of code to create your website. Start today by creating and publishing your web page to leverage the future of your business.

您不需要成为专业的开发人员,也不需要了解任何代码即可创建网站。 从今天开始,通过创建和发布网页来利用您的业务未来。

Go to SITE123 and enjoy all the benefits that SITE123 offers you for free.

前往SITE123 ,享受SITE123免费为您提供的所有好处。

At SITE123, your business has everything it takes to grow!







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