

Image editors can cost you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars, and some of them (not mentioning any names!) are notorious for being resource hogs. What’s a budget-conscious web designer to do?

图像编辑器可能要花费您数百美元(甚至数千美元),其中有些(没有提及任何名称!)因浪费资源而臭名昭著。 有预算意识的网页设计师应该做什么?

Online image editors have come a long way over the past few years, and may offer a solution. There are online image editing tools available these days that rival even the mightiest of desktop applications.

过去几年中,在线图像编辑器已经走了很长一段路,并且可能会提供解决方案。 如今,存在可用的在线图像编辑工具,甚至可以与最强大的桌面应用程序匹敌。

What follows is a list of 19 online image editing tools, from the most bare-bones of apps to comprehensive suites containing incredibly advanced features. Depending on what your needs, one of them may be useful for your next project, whether that involves adding some glitter to your MySpace pic, or editing a hi-res image for an important client.

接下来是19种在线图像编辑工具的列表,从最简单的应用程序到包含令人难以置信的高级功能的综合套件。 根据您的需求,其中之一可能对您的下一个项目很有用,无论是在MySpace图片中添加一些闪光效果,还是为重要客户编辑高分辨率图片。

Alilg.com: Alilg is a simplified photo editor that has the look and feel of Photoshop, but is restricted to the most basic and popular tools such as cropping, adding layers, writing out text and more.


Aviary Phoenix: Aviary is one of the newer options on the market, and it has made a very big splash in a relatively short period of time (read our coverage here and here). The tools allow you to import images directly from Facebook, Flickr and Picasa as well as from your local machine. Once you’ve imported the image you wish to work with, you have available a complete arsenal of image editing tools such as shapes, brushes, wands, erasers and more. The free version does leave a watermark on all your work, but if you pay the $9.99 a month subscription fee, the watermark can be removed (plus you’ll get access to a few other features).

Aviary Phoenix :Aviary是市场上较新的选项之一,它在较短的时间内就引起了极大的轰动(请在此处此处阅读我们的报道)。 这些工具可让您直接从Facebook,Flickr和Picasa以及从本地计算机导入图像。 导入要使用的图像后,您将获得完整的图像编辑工具库,例如形状,画笔,棒,橡皮擦等。 免费版确实在您的所有作品上都留下了水印,但是如果您每月支付9.99美元的订阅费,则可以删除水印(此外,您还可以使用其他一些功能)。

DrPic.com: DrPic offers a nice selection of tools, but it stays just a step ahead of being a little too basic. All of the tools are laid out in easily accessible buttons on the left side of the screen, and include effects such as raised frames, brushes, cropping and a few other essentials.

DrPic.com:DrPic提供了不错的工具选择,但比起一些基础知识来说仅领先一步。 所有工具都布置在屏幕左侧易于访问的按钮中,并包括诸如凸起的框,画笔,修剪和一些其他必需品之类的效果。

FlauntR.com: FlauntR is definitely geared more towards your casual user, as evidenced by their basic tools and the integration with services such as Hi5, MySpace, LiveJournal and so on. Not a full-on professional solution by any stretch of the imagination, but good if you just need to do some quick cropping while away from your home or office.

FlauntR.com:FlauntR绝对适合您的休闲用户,从其基本工具以及与Hi5,MySpace,LiveJournal等服务的集成可以证明。 并非凭空想象出一个全面的专业解决方案,但是如果您只需要在出门在外的情况下进行一些快速裁剪,那就很好了。

FotoFlexer.com: This particular option appears fairly basic on the surface, but as you flip through the tabs you discover that the number of tools is impressive, and the best part is that they are all available free of charge. FotoFlexer allows you to import images from sites such as PhotoBucket, Smugmug, Picasa and so on, and then you can use tools such as shapes, layers, texts, distortions and several more.

FotoFlexer.com :此特定选项在表面上看起来很基本,但是当您翻过各个选项卡时,您会发现工具的数量令人印象深刻,而最好的部分是它们都是免费提供的。 FotoFlexer允许您从PhotoBucket,Smugmug,Picasa等网站导入图像,然后可以使用形状,图层,文本,变形等工具。

ImproveYourImages.com: This service only works on JPG files at this time, but it allows you to make color changes, corrections for lighting and options to change the color temperature.

ImprovementYourImages.com :此服务目前仅适用于JPG文件,但是它允许您进行颜色更改,照明校正和更改色温的选项。

LunaPic.com: LunaPic doesn’t work on just images — it also offers some limited video editing, and supports GIF, JPG, BMP, PNG, AVI, MPG, FLV and RM files amongst others. The most commonly used tools are available as icons in the left sidebar, but you will find many more tools and effects in the drop down menus in the top navigation bar.

LunaPic.com:LunaPic不仅适用于图像,还提供有限的视频编辑功能,并支持GIF,JPG,BMP,PNG,AVI,MPG,FLV和RM文件等。 左侧栏中的图标提供了最常用的工具,但是您可以在顶部导航栏中的下拉菜单中找到更多工具和效果。

MyImager.com: MyImager is definitely not a professional’s tool, but it gets the job done for those who don’t need really detailed work. Image size is restricted to only GIFs and JPGs, and the image must not exceed 500 kbs in size when you start. One quirk I noticed is that the site accomplishes all of its commands via dropdown menus that force the page to completely reload each time you issue another command. They do offer an ad-free version by subscription, but this is one of those cases where the interface is so clunky that it may not be worth it.

MyImager.com:MyImager绝对不是专业人士的工具,但是它可以为那些不需要真正详细工作的人完成工作。 图像大小仅限于GIF和JPG,并且开始时图像大小不得超过500 kbs。 我注意到的一个怪癖是,该站点通过下拉菜单完成了所有命令,这些菜单会在您每次发出另一个命令时强制页面完全重新加载。 他们确实提供了按订阅的无广告版本,但这是界面笨拙以至于不值得的情况之一。

OnlineImageEditor.info: This service is available by subscription only, but it is far more advanced than some of the other offerings out there. A definite must-look for people in need of some extra tools while editing online.

OnlineImageEditor.info :此服务仅可通过订阅获得,但比那里的其他一些产品先进得多。 在网上编辑时,绝对需要的人的需要。

Phixr.com: Phixr looks fairly basic on the surface, but it gives you some nice previews of changes before they actually take effect, and lets you cancel them without applying them. When you’re finished editing your image, you can upload it to one of numerous services — including sites that aren’t normally supported, like DropShots and Fotolog.

Phixr.com:Phixr表面上看起来相当基本,但是在更改生效之前,它可以为您提供一些不错的更改预览,并允许您取消更改而无需应用更改。 完成图像编辑后,可以将其上传到众多服务之一-包括通常不受支持的网站,例如DropShots和Fotolog。

Photoshop.com: A site with a name that anyone should be able to recognize, Photoshop.com offers you the ability to edit photos, albeit in a more simplified, mass-audience friendly method than die-hard fans of the desktop application are used to. Once you’ve finished your project, Adobe offers up 2 GB of free storage on their site for you to store your images, and they even offer you a free URL to create a gallery where you can show off your work and family photos to whomever you choose. They do offer more storage space in their subscription plans that range from 20 GB to 100 GB.

Photoshop.com :一个拥有任何人都可以识别的名字的网站,尽管与使用桌面应用程序的死忠粉丝相比,Photoshop.com能够为您提供编辑照片的功能,尽管该方法更加简化,易于大众使用至。 完成项目后,Adobe会在其站点上提供2 GB的免费存储空间供您存储图像,甚至为您提供免费的URL来创建图库,您可以在此向任何人展示您的作品和家庭照片。你选。 他们确实在其订阅计划中提供了更大的存储空间,范围从20 GB到100 GB。

Picnik.com: Picnik quickly climbed in popularity after its launch, largely because of its ease of use and excellent user interface (of course, adding the ability to use the service from within Facebook didn’t hurt either!) The service is free, but they do offer additional tools with a premium subscription of $24.95 a year.


Picture2Life.com: Picture2Life offers the basic tools you need for image customization, but also does a good job of demonstrating what each tool will do before you even use it on the final product.


PikiPimp.com: Another site directly aiming for the MySpace crowd with a heavy focus of adding bling to your image, PikiPimp also has some other handy tools for novice users who may feel intimidated by some of the larger offerings out there.


Pixenate.com: Pixenate is another in the long line of quick-and-easy photo editors, but it does offer one tool that I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anywhere else in the form of a tooth whitening tool. Smile!

Pixenate.com:Pixenate快速便捷的照片编辑器中的又一系列,但它确实提供了一种我不确定我是否能以牙齿增白工具的形式见过的工具。 微笑!

Pixer.us: Another quick-and-easy editor which comes with some nice tools such as colorfix, blur and sharpen, sepia tone and more. While definitely not up to pro standards, Pixer.us does offer a bit more than the more basic offering, and is very quick.

Pixer.us :另一个快速简便的编辑器,带有一些不错的工具,例如色彩修复,模糊和锐化,棕褐色调等。 虽然绝对不符合专业标准,但Pixer.us确实比基本产品提供了更多功能,而且速度很快。

Pixlr.com; Pixlr is a Flash-based app, and is very responsive for an online editor. It offers enough tools and tricks to make it feel more like a desktop application than most of the others out there. As an added bonus it also comes in numerous languages and makes available an API for your use.

Pixlr.com ; Pixlr是一个基于Flash的应用程序,对于在线编辑器非常敏感。 它提供了足够的工具和技巧,以使其比其他大多数应用程序更像桌面应用程序。 另外,它还提供多种语言,并提供可供您使用的API。

Snipshot.com: Snipshot is a subscription only service, but does allow you to play around with sample images to get a feel for the service before you sign up. The tools feel pretty basic, and are a far cry from what a pro might need, but would be good for more basic users (although there are numerous free choices on this list that might suit the budget better).

Snipshot.com:Snipshot是一项仅订阅的服务,但确实允许您在注册之前使用示例图像来体验该服务。 这些工具非常基础,并且与专业人士可能需要的工具相去甚远,但是对于更基础的用户而言将是不错的选择(尽管此列表上有许多免费选择可能更适合预算)。

Splashup.com: Splashup offers not only a fairly advanced online editor, but also a lightweight editor that you can download, for when you need to perform some “editing on the go” using a lower powered computer. The service comes with a wide array of tools such as filters, layers, brushes, and a whole lot more.

Splashup.com:Splashup不仅提供相当先进的在线编辑器,而且还提供可下载的轻量级编辑器,以用于需要使用功率较低的计算机执行“随时随地编辑”的情况。 该服务附带了各种各样的工具,例如滤镜,图层,画笔等。

SUMOPaint.com: SUMOPaint is another online image editor that is powered by Flash, but this one offers one of the widest array of tools, even down to things like smudge and blur effects. One of the better editors out there, and far it’s free (for now, anyway).

SUMOPaint.com:SUMOPaint是由Flash提供支持的另一种在线图像编辑器,但是它提供了最广泛的工具之一,甚至包括污点和模糊效果。 那里最好的编辑器之一,到目前为止,它是免费的(无论如何,现在还是免费的)。

WebResizer.com: Despite its name, WebResizer does offer some other extremely simple tools that allow you to crop images, resize them, and just generally make them more optimized for online use.

WebResizer.com :尽管名叫WebResizer,但WebResizer确实提供了一些其他非常简单的工具,可让您裁剪图像,调整图像大小,并且通常使它们更加优化以供在线使用。

As you can see, there is no shortage of apps in this space, and the features and usability of online image editors just keeps getting better and better. My favorite pro tool has to be Phoenix, from the A.viary suite, but the free version of Picnik definitely gets a thumbs up for its ease of use for beginners.

如您所见,在这个空间中并不缺少应用程序,并且在线图像编辑器的功能和可用性正在不断提高。 我最喜欢的专业工具必须是A.viary套件中的Phoenix,但是Picnik的免费版本肯定对初学者的易用性表示赞许。

Which online image editing tool is your favorite? Why?

您最喜欢哪种在线图像编辑工具? 为什么?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/19-impressive-online-image-editors/






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