yahoo和谷歌_Google是否正在压制Yahoo! 路径?



This week Google made the fourth announcement in the past 12 months that has made me question whether the company is beginning to lose focus. Google built itself to be the 33rd biggest company in the world (by market value) — the 10th largest in the US — based almost exclusively on one thing: its dominance of the online advertising market, specifically the search advertising market. But recent forays in areas outside of search and into content production and even areas notoriously difficult to monetize have has made me begin to wonder if Google is heading down the “kitchen sink” path that has been so disastrous for Yahoo!

Google本周发布了过去12个月中的第四次公告,这使我怀疑该公司是否开始失去关注重点。 Google几乎完全基于一件事,使自己成为全球第33大公司 (按市值计) ,在美国排名第10大公司:它在在线广告市场(尤其是搜索广告市场)中的统治地位。 但是,最近在搜索以外的领域以及内容生产领域,甚至是众所周知难以实现货币化的领域的尝试,使我开始怀疑Google是否正在沿着对Yahoo!如此灾难性的“厨房沉没”道路走下去。

It began last year with Google News. In August of 2007, Google News announced that it would begin hosting content from wire services. To be fair, this was mainly a response to legal troubles the site ran into for linking to wire content with excerpts. But even so, it was a shift from a service that nicely paralelled their core search business — one which indexed and linked to content, like search — to one that involved the publication of original content.

它始于去年的Google新闻。 2007年8月,Google新闻宣布它将开始托管有线服务的内容 。 公平地讲,这主要是对网站因链接到内容摘录而遇到的法律麻烦的回应。 但是即使如此,它还是从一种很好地与他们的核心搜索业务并驾齐驱的服务(一种将内容索引并链接到诸如搜索之类的内容)转变为涉及发布原始内容的服务。


Yahoo!’s News site has been one of the major successes for the company, long the web leader in the news and media category according to market analytics firm Hitwise. Google’s move could be seen as a way to keep ad dollars in house (and thus fit in with their core offering), but Google does not display ads on its news site.

根据市场分析公司Hitwise的报道,雅虎的新闻站点一直是该公司的主要成功之一,长期以来一直是新闻和媒体类别的网络领导者。 谷歌的举动可以被看作是保持广告收入的一种方法(因此适合其核心产品),但是谷歌并未在其新闻网站上展示广告。

Next, in December of last year Google announced the Knol Project. Think of Knol, which is still in private beta, as Wikipedia with ad revenue sharing. Even with the advertising component, Knol is still a foray into content production rather than content indexing (one that the Guardian’s Jack Schofield called, “an attack on the media industry in general.”)

接下来,去年12月,Google 宣布了Knol项目 。 可以将Knol(仍处于私人测试阶段)视为具有广告收益分享功能的Wikipedia。 即使有了广告部分,Knol仍在进军内容制作而不是内容索引(《卫报》的杰克·斯科菲尔德(Jack Schofield)称其为 “对媒体行业的整体攻击”)。

Why didn’t Google just invest in the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation’s Wikipedia project the way it has in the Mozilla Foundation’s Firefox web browser? Certainly, Knol could be an advertising play and could produce content that could be used as the basis for a semantic database to enhance their search engine, but it is also still a content play. And that’s dangerous waters. History has shown that Yahoo! was wrong to try and turn itself into a media company, so it is baffling to see Google make moves in that direction.

Google为什么不像在Mozilla基金会的Firefox网络浏览器中那样直接投资非营利性Wikimedia基金会的Wikipedia项目? 当然,Knol可能是一个广告剧,可以产生可以用作语义数据库基础来增强其搜索引擎的内容,但它仍然是一个内容剧。 那是危险的水域。 历史证明,雅虎! 试图将自己转变成一家媒体公司是错误的,因此看到谷歌朝这个方向前进是令人困惑的。


In the last couple of weeks things are really starting to come unglued. First, at the end of June the New York Times reported that Google had struck a deal with the creator of Family Guy to create original cartoon content to be distributed via the Adsense network as video ads. I like Family guy as much as the next guy, and being that I live a few blocks from where Seth MacFarlane went to college, I get a kick out of all the local references in the show, but this one is just a little too Yahoo!-like.

在过去的几周中,事情真的开始脱胶了。 首先,6月底, 《纽约时报》报道称Google与Family Guy的创建者达成了一项交易,以创建原创卡通内容,并将其作为视频广告通过Adsense网络进行分发。 我和下一个家伙一样喜欢家人,而且由于我离塞思·麦克法兰上大学的地方只有几个街区,所以我从节目中的所有本地参考文献中脱颖而出,但这也不过是雅虎而已。 !-喜欢。

It was no secret that during Terry Semel’s reign as Yahoo! CEO he wanted to push the company more toward the media end of its business and away from search (he even commuted from LA). It hasn’t worked for Yahoo!, so why is Google trying it?

在特里·塞梅尔(Terry Semel)担任雅虎(Yahoo)统治期间,这已经不是什么秘密了。 首席执行官,他想将公司更多地推向业务的媒体领域,而不是搜索(他甚至从洛杉矶下班了 )。 它不适用于Yahoo !,那么Google为什么要尝试呢?

That’s the same sentiment that comes to mind with this week’s announcement: Lively. Google released a new 3D virtual world earlier this week called Lively. Yes, it started as a “20% project,” but now it has Google’s official blessing.

这就是本周宣布的想法:活泼。 Google本周早些时候发布了一个名为Lively 的新3D虚拟世界 。 是的,它最初是一个“ 20%的项目”,但现在有了Google的正式祝福。


Second Life, the most well-known and perhaps largest non-game virtual world, has struggled to sell itself to businesses, so why is Google trying it? Second Life’s traffic has basically plateaued, so Lively seems like a strange application for Google to be launching. Is it and the rest indicative of a growing lack of focus at the company?

第二人生(Second Life)是最著名,也许也是最大的非游戏虚拟世界,它一直在努力将自己推销给企业 ,那么Google为什么要尝试呢? 第二人生的流量基本上已经停滞了 ,因此对于Google来说,Lively似乎是一个奇怪的应用程序。 它和其他迹象表明公司越来越缺乏关注吗?

Most of Google’s forays outside of their core search business — YouTube, the Android phone platform, the Google Apps suite, etc. — can be looked at as somehow corollary to their other core business of web advertising or as strategic attempts to weaken key competitors. (Though YouTube is proving very difficult to monetize.)

Google在其核心搜索业务之外的大多数尝试(例如YouTube,Android手机平台,Google Apps套件等)都可以看作是其其他网络广告核心业务的必然结果,或者是削弱主要竞争对手的战略尝试。 (尽管YouTube 很难获利 。)

But could Google be spreading itself too thin the way Yahoo! did over the past decade? Is Google starting to eat the peanut butter? What do you think: is the search giant losing focus of their core business?

但是Google可能会像Yahoo!那样过于分散自己吗? 在过去十年中做了什么? 谷歌开始吃花生酱了吗? 您如何看待:这家搜索巨头是否正在失去核心业务的关注?







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