物联网 长连接 服务器_为什么物联网还有很长的路要走

物联网 长连接 服务器


It’s IoT Week at SitePoint! All week we’re publishing articles focused on the intersection of the internet and the physical world, so keep checking the IoT tag for the latest updates.

这是SitePoint的IoT周! 我们整周都在发布有关互联网与物理世界交汇点的文章,因此请继续检查IoT标签以获取最新更新。

The Internet of Things (IoT) doesn’t exactly boast a reassuring name. Especially the “Things” part. That sounds to me as if we still haven’t completely figured out what IoT is all about. Even though we have made good progress on this journey compared to 2 years ago, I still have a hard time explaining to non-technical people what the Internet of Things is.

物联网(IoT)并没有一个让人放心的名称。 特别是“物”部分。 在我看来,这似乎还没有完全弄清物联网的意义。 尽管与2年前相比,我们在这一旅程上取得了良好的进展,但我仍然很难向非技术人员解释什么是物联网。

However, far more problematic is the fact that many people do believe they understand what the IoT is about, yet they miss the bigger picture. The Internet of Things is not something to be compared with emerging technologies like virtual or augmented reality. The IoT is real. Any bugs in this technology can have serious implications in the real world. Together with the rise of artificial intelligence, this duo could bring about a dangerous combination.

然而,更成问题的是,许多人确实相信他们了解物联网的含义,但却错过了更大的前景。 物联网不可与虚拟或增强现实等新兴技术相提并论。 物联网是真实的。 该技术中的任何错误都可能对现实世界产生严重影响。 随着人工智能的兴起,这对二人组可能带来危险的结合。

There are many reasons we should not treat the IoT like any other emerging technology. While Terminator has brought the dangers of AI into pop culture, it will not be surprising if the same happens with the IoT very soon.

有很多原因使我们不应该像其他任何新兴技术一样对待物联网。 尽管Terminator将AI的危险带入了流行文化,但如果IoT很快发生同样的事情也就不足为奇了。

Before getting overly enthusiastic about the vast possibilities of the IoT space, let’s have a closer look at the dangers of it.


不安全物联网 (Internet of Insecure Things)

While bugs can break software and render it useless in a worst case scenario, implications in the IoT space are far more serious. What if a flaw in your new shiny connected thermostat accidentally drops your home’s temperatures rather than increasing them in winter, bursting water pipes in your home? How about connected IoT light bulbs turning on in the middle of the night awakening you from your well-deserved sleep? These scenarios might sound absurd, but they are real possibilities.

在最坏的情况下,错误可能会破坏软件并使其失效,但对物联网领域的影响要严重得多。 如果新的闪亮连接的恒温器中的瑕疵意外地降低了房屋的温度,而不是在冬天升高温度,从而使房屋的水管破裂,该怎么办? 在半夜打开连接的IoT灯泡怎么样,将您从当之无愧的睡眠中唤醒? 这些场景听起来很荒谬,但它们确实是可能的。

Medicine is sensitive territory here. Where medicine and bleeding edge tech meets it is hard not to see the potential dangers. A woman who receives a heart pacemaker with wireless capabilities could create a vulnerability in her very own body for hackers to access and misuse — hackers could hold her life in their hands.

医学在这里是敏感领域。 在医学和前沿技术相遇的地方,很难不看到潜在的危险。 一个接收带有无线功能的心脏起搏器的女人可能会在自己的身体上制造一个漏洞,供黑客访问和滥用-黑客可以将自己的生命掌握在自己手中。

With IFTTT already offering many IoT features to the masses (we’ve covered IFTTT a few times here at SitePoint!), the digital world and the physical world are already moving much closer together. Under such circumstances, it makes sense to raise concerns for security measures on connected devices, as implications could be way more severe than any old fashioned software bug.

随着IFTTT已经提供了许多功能的IoT向群众(我们已经介绍IFTTT 一些 时间 在这里的SitePoint!),数字世界和物理世界已经移动靠得更近。 在这种情况下,对连接设备的安全措施提出担忧是有道理的,因为其影响可能比任何老式的软件错误都要严重得多。

车轮重塑互联网 (Internet of Wheel Reinventing)

It’s all cool to have smart connected appliances like washing machines or ovens, that work remotely from the web without any handles or physical switches required. However, what happens if the Internet goes down? Will we have alternate ways to still use these devices or will they just not work? Imagine if your work clothes for the week are stuck in the washing machine or your oven won’t turn off because your internet connection is down.

具有智能连接的设备(如洗衣机或烤箱)非常酷,这些设备可以从Web远程工作,而无需任何手柄或物理开关。 但是,如果Internet出现故障怎么办? 我们是否还有其他方法可以继续使用这些设备,否则它们将不起作用? 想象一下,如果您一周的工作服被卡在洗衣机中,或者由于互联网连接断开,烤箱将无法关闭。

UK Bathroom Not Responding

Source: Matthew Garrett

资料来源:马修·加勒特(Matthew Garrett)

A perfectly horrible example is the story of CoreOS security expert Matthew Garrett who stayed at a hotel which, instead of using switches for room lights, used Android tablets to control all room electronics. How useful! Well, not when someone else is controlling the electronics in your room remotely — because that’s exactly how bad the security was. Each room’s IP address ended with its respective room numbers. Unbelievably simple for anyone to guess and connect to.

一个非常可怕的例子是CoreOS安全专家Matthew Garrett的故事,他住在一家酒店,而不是使用开关来控制房间的灯光,而是使用Android平板电脑来控制所有房间的电子设备。 多么有用! 好吧,不是当其他人远程控制您房间中的电子设备时,因为这确实是安全性的严重程度。 每个房间的IP地址以各自的房间号结尾。 任何人猜测和连接都非常简单。

While you cannot avoid security experts and researchers staying at your hotel, you can avoid fiddling around with IoT devices if you do not comprehend their capabilities and security requirements. As it seems, said hotel missed this memo.

虽然您无法避免安全专家和研究人员呆在酒店,但是如果您不了解IoT设备的功能和安全要求,则可以避免摆弄它们。 看来,酒店说错过了这份备忘录。

Some people may disagree with me, but I believe that there always needs to be a Plan B for connected devices which reinvent the wheel. It’s all great to be able to time when to turn off my lights at home remotely, but I’d happily refrain from that if I’m unable to switch off said device with the push of a physical button/handle. Give me things I can rotate, push, click and press when I need to!

某些人可能不同意我的观点,但我认为,始终需要针对重新发明轮子的连接设备制定B计划。 能够定时在家中何时关闭我的灯真是太好了,但是如果我无法通过按下物理按钮/手柄来关闭所述设备,我会很乐意避免这种情况。 给我我可以旋转,推动,单击并按需要的东西!

物联网 (Internet of Proprietary Things)

When you think about it, how can you trust a device which communicates with a server running proprietary code which you cannot access? You are buying a device which you do not own, but rather a device that you use until the manufacturer decides it’s time to abandon it and you are left with a bricked device collecting dust in some corner.

当您考虑它时,如何信任与运行您无法访问的专有代码的服务器通信的设备? 您要购买的设备不是您自己拥有的,而是要使用的设备,直到制造商决定是时候放弃它了,而您剩下的是砖砌的设备,该设备在某个角落收集灰尘。


Source: Revolv


Yet this is exactly what happened with Revolv, a smart home “hub” built by Revolv, a company Nest acquired in 2014 (Nest on the other hand is part of Alphabet/Google). The $300 device stopped working on the 15th of May after being announced by Nest. The move came with its own (deserved) backlash by customers who had no use of the device anymore, with users like Arlo Gilbert comparing the Revolv with an empty container of hummus.

然而, Revolv正是这种情况, RevolvRevolv建造的智能家居“集线器”,Nest在2014年被Nest公司收购(另一方面,Nest是Alphabet / Google的一部分)。 售价300美元的设备在Nest宣布宣布之后,于5月15日停止工作。 此举引起了不再使用该设备的客户的强烈反对(当之无愧),例如Arlo Gilbert这样的用户将Revolv与一个空的鹰嘴豆泥进行了比较

Although Nest offered its customers refunds (after some pretty bad PR), the whole situation raises a rather big concern — with IoT on the rise, will we own any devices we purchase, or are we simply renting them? Some food for thought here.

尽管Nest为客户提供了退款(在相当糟糕的PR后),但整个情况还是引起了很大的关注-随着物联网的增长,我们将拥有购买的任何设备还是只是租用它们? 这里有些思考的地方。

But fear not, there are alternatives: IoT platforms like Kaa offer a complete open source environment for your Internet of Things needs without vendor lock-in (we covered Kaa in our last Sourcehunt). The folks at Kaa explain in detail on their website what the differences between IoT PaaS and an open source IoT platform like Kaa are. I believe that this should be the norm for IoT devices in the future, but then again I’m really looking forward to telling people “I told you so” when their connected devices stop working because its manufacturer got acquired.

但是不要担心,还有其他选择:像Kaa这样的物联网平台可以为您的物联网需求提供完整的开源环境,而无需供应商锁定(我们在上一期Sourcehunt中介绍了Kaa)Kaa的人们在他们的网站上详细解释了 IoT PaaS和像Kaa这样的开源IoT平台之间的区别。 我相信这将成为未来IoT设备的规范,但是我真的很期待告诉人们“ 我告诉过您 ”,因为他们的制造商被收购,他们的连接设备停止工作。

实验互联网 (Internet of Experiments)

Sometimes the whole Internet of Things topic can feel like a lot of experimenting. What I don’t understand however is why consumers become part of the experiment? IoT-enabled devices are not software projects which you can simply handle with agile processes. It requires way better security, quality assurance and transparency. While I’m a big fan of bleeding edge tech, the Internet of Things is not a playground for that. Until the IoT use cases cease to become a buzzword and address things mentioned in this article, I will stick to flipping switches and brewing my coffee manually.

有时,整个物联网主题都可能需要进行大量尝试。 但是我不明白的是为什么消费者会成为实验的一部分? 启用IoT的设备不是您可以通过敏捷流程轻松处理的软件项目。 它需要更好的安全性,质量保证和透明度的方法。 虽然我是尖端技术的忠实拥护者,但物联网并不是一个游乐场。 在物联网用例不再成为流行语并解决本文中提到的问题之前,我将坚持使用拨动开关并手动冲泡咖啡。

What are your thoughts on the Internet of Things?


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/why-the-internet-of-things-still-has-a-long-way-to-go/

物联网 长连接 服务器





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