
Most Python newcomers don’t know how to set up a development environment that follows the latest standards used by professional programmers, so this tutorial will teach you how to properly create a fully working Python development environment using industry accepted best practices.


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虚拟环境 (Virtual Environments)

There are so many libraries I use for my own personal projects, three web application development frameworks I use and many others I would love to explore in the near future. It is very clear that a serious project in Python depends on other packages written by other developers. If you are a Django developer, I am very sure you make use of South for performing automatic database migrations, Django Debug Toolbar for gathering various debug information about the current request/response, Celery for taking care of real-time operations and scheduling as well, and so on.

我用于自己的个人项目的库太多了,我使用了三个Web应用程序开发框架,在不久的将来我也想探索许多其他的库。 很明显,Python中的一个认真的项目取决于其他开发人员编写的其他程序包。 如果您是Django开发人员,我非常确定您可以利用South来执行自动数据库迁移,使用Django Debug Toolbar来收集有关当前请求/响应的各种调试信息,以及使用Celery来处理实时操作和调度, 等等。

I, for example, use the package requests a lot for my projects, and a Django web application I am currently working on depends on version 2.3.0. According to the official documentation, the latest version of this package is version 2.5.1. Say I go ahead and install the latest version of the library on my Ubuntu machine because I need it for another project, and everything seems to work fine until I try to make use of my older project which worked fine with 2.3.0. Suddenly, everything is broken. What happened? Maybe the API of the latest version of requests has changed since version 2.3.0? The reason does not matter at this point, as my older project is broken and no longer works.

例如,我对我的项目经常使用该程序包requests ,而我当前正在使用的Django Web应用程序则取决于版本2.3.0。 根据官方文档,此软件包的最新版本为2.5.1版。 说我继续在我的Ubuntu机器上安装该库的最新版本,因为我需要将其用于另一个项目,在我尝试使用在2.3.0之前可以正常工作的旧项目之前,一切似乎都可以正常工作。 突然,一切都坏了。 发生了什么? 自版本2.3.0起,最新版本请求的API可能已更改? 此时的原因无关紧要,因为我的旧项目已损坏并且不再起作用。

A conflict between two projects has been created. They make use of the same library, but they require different versions of it.

两个项目之间已创建冲突。 它们使用相同的库,但是需要不同的版本。

The tool virtualenv is the solution to this problem.


虚拟环境 (virtualenv)

Virtualenv helps solve project dependency conflicts by creating isolated environments which can contain all the goodies Python programmers need to develop their projects. A virtual environment created using this tool includes a fresh copy of the Python binary itself as well as a copy of the entire Python standard library.

Virtualenv通过创建隔离的环境来解决项目依赖冲突,该环境可以包含Python程序员开发项目所需的所有好处。 使用此工具创建的虚拟环境包括Python二进制本身的新副本以及整个Python标准库的副本。

To create a virtual environment for your Python project, you type the command virtualenv followed by the name you want to give to the virtual environment like shown below.


virtualenv virt1

It is very important to know that each time you want to use a created virtual environment, you need to activate it. The following command does this:

知道每次要使用创建的虚拟环境时都需要激活它,这一点非常重要。 下面的命令执行此操作:

source virt1/bin/activate

Everything installed in the virt1 directory will not affect the global packages or the system wide installations, thus avoiding dependency conflicts.


If I now install the newest version of requests, the old one does not get uninstalled. The new one is installed in the virtual environment exclusively.

如果我现在安装最新版本的请求,则旧版本不会被卸载。 新的虚拟机专门安装在虚拟环境中。

pip -I install requests

The above command produces the following output:


Downloading/unpacking requests
  Downloading requests-2.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (464kB): 464kB downloaded
Installing collected packages: requests
Successfully installed requests
Cleaning up...

点子 (pip)

A word on the pip command above – it’s a package manager that is very useful when you want to distribute your project to others, as it allows the developer to install all the required packages with a requirements.txt file.


For example, a fellow developer can activate a virtual environment and then run the following command to install the dependencies of the project:


pip install -r requirements.txt

To generate the dependencies file of your project, you run the following command.


pip freeze > requirements.txt

The pip tool can also be used to uninstall a package from your machine:


pip uninstall some-package-name

One can install pip system-wide with the default Python package manager:


sudo easy_install pip

And then use pip to install virtualenv:


sudo pip install virtualenv

创建环境后 (After the environment is created)

Once the virtual environment gets activated, your terminal prompt changes to show the user in which directory they are working:



The following command will let you deactivate the virtual environment:



You can use the which command to check the Python binary that is used in the current virtual environment.


which python

If everything is working well, you should get something similar to the following output.



If you deactivate and which again, you should get a different output.



This is because when working inside a virtual environment, the binary copy placed inside that environment is being used. The same applies to packages.

这是因为在虚拟环境中工作时,正在使用放置在该环境中的二进制副本。 包也是如此。

We can use the option -p while working with virtualenv in order to use a specific version of Python which is globally installed on the machine.


For example, the following command can be used to create the virtual environment virt2 with Python3 in it, if you have Python3 installed on your machine.


virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 virt2

And to delete a virtual environment you use the rm -r command like you do with any other directory you want to delete.

要删除虚拟环境,请使用rm -r命令,就像对要删除的任何其他目录一样。

rm -r virt2

虚拟环境包装器 (virtualenvwrapper)

Virtualenvwrapper provides very useful commands that make working with virtual environments even easier. For example, the workon command can be used to activate and work on a virtual environment:

Virtualenvwrapper提供了非常有用的命令,使使用虚拟环境更加容易。 例如, workon命令可用于激活虚拟环境并在其上工作:

workon virt1

It, too, is installed easily with pip.


pip install virtualenvwrapper

I like to keep all my virtual environments in a single place. To accomplish this, run the following command to create a new directory for your virtual environments.

我喜欢将所有虚拟环境放在一个地方。 为此,请运行以下命令为您的虚拟环境创建一个新目录。

mkdir ~/.virtualenvs

Then set WORKON_HOME to ~/.virtualenvs like shown below.


export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs

Once this is done, we can open the .bashrc file inside the home directory using a text editor and add the following line to the end of it.


. /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh

Then, we reload the .bashrc file with the following command.


source ~/.bashrc

Now, the mkvirtualenv command can be used to easily make new environments placed by default inside this folder.


mkvirtualenv sitepoint

We can easily activate the virtual environment with the help of the workon command:


workon sitepoint

The command to deactivate the virtual environment is the same as the one we used before.



It’s very easy to switch between different virtual environments. For example, to workon another virtual environment:

在不同的虚拟环境之间切换非常容易。 例如,要workon另一个虚拟环境上工作:

workon another_virtualenv

To delete a virtual environment, the command rmvirtualenv should be used.


rmvirtualenv sitepoint

汽车环境 (Autoenv)

Another very useful tip is the one that helps automatically activate the virtual environments when the one cd’s into their project.


For this, a .env file should be placed inside the project directory.


cd sitepointproject
vim .env

Inside the .env file, we insert the following line.


workon name_of_virtualenv_here

The autoenv tool will help us automagically activate the environment when navigating into a directory containing a .env file. To install it, we clone it.

当导航到包含.env文件的目录时, autoenv工具将帮助我们自动激活环境。 要安装它,我们将其克隆。

git clone git://github.com/kennethreitz/autoenv.git ~/.autoenv

Then we use echo to place another line inside the .bashrc file. You can also use a text editor to do it.

然后,我们使用echo.bashrc文件中放置另一行。 您也可以使用文本编辑器来执行此操作。

echo 'source ~/.autoenv/activate.sh' >> ~/.bashrc

Now, every time you cd into your project, the virtual environment will get activated automatically.


结论 (Conclusion)

In this tutorial, we learned some interesting hacks for efficiency when working with Python virtual environments. The tools are out there – embrace them and improve your workflow. Do you use any other interesting approaches in your Python development workflow? Let us know!

在本教程中,我们学习了一些有趣的技巧,可在使用Python虚拟环境时提高效率。 工具无处不在-拥抱它们并改善您的工作流程。 您是否在Python开发工作流程中使用了其他有趣的方法? 让我们知道!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/virtual-environments-python-made-easy/





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