
Welcome to On Our Radar, our weekly round-up of news, trends and other cool stuff from the world of web development.

欢迎来到On Our Ra​​dar,我们每周一度的Web开发领域新闻,趋势和其他有趣内容的摘要。

很棒的用户体验 (Great user experiences)

This week an interesting look is taken at the iOS interface and how we can benefit from using motion for user experience on apps and websites. Apple have just posted the largest quarterly earnings in history, so they must be doing something right.

本周,我们对iOS界面进行了有趣的介绍,以及如何从使用Motion获得应用程序和网站上的用户体验中受益。 苹果刚刚公布了历史上最大的季度收入 ,因此他们必须做正确的事。

On a similar global scale, Riot Games have been experimenting on users with League of Legends. Take a look inside the largest virtual psychology lab in the world and how they are using psychology to help their players behave themselves.

在类似的全球范围内,Riot Games一直在尝试使用英雄联盟的用户。 看看世界上最大的虚拟心理学实验室,以及他们如何利用心理学来帮助玩家表现自己。

承受“打破互联网”事件 (Withstanding “break the internet” events)

Speaking of global, when PAPER Magazine published Kim Kardashian’s rear end, they knew their servers were going to take a hammering. Here’s a safe-for-work look at how PAPER Magazine’s web engineers scaled their back-end for Kim Kardashian, where they made good use of Bees with Machine Guns, a utility for arming (creating) many bees (micro EC2 instances) to attack (load test) targets (web applications).

说到全球,当《 PAPER》杂志发表金·卡戴珊的后端时,他们知道他们的服务器将遭受重创。 这是一个可以放心使用的方法,可以看看PAPER Magazine的网络工程师如何为Kim Kardashian扩展后端 ,在这里他们充分利用了Bees with Machine Guns (一种用来武装(创建)许多蜜蜂(微型EC2实例)进行攻击的实用程序) (负载测试)目标(Web应用程序)。

Other site owners are also starting to fear China as their great firewall sometimes mistakenly directs millions of users to their site, so here are good details on how to protect your site from too much traffic.


Microsoft is getting ready to replace Internet Explorer soon too. Take a look inside Microsoft’s new rendering engine for Project Spartan. Also in development is Vivaldi – a new web browser from a developer of Opera that claims to be highly flexible and puts the user first.

微软也准备很快更换Internet Explorer。 看一下Microsoft用于Project Spartan的新渲染引擎Vivaldi也在开发中,它是Opera开发人员开发的一种新型Web浏览器,它声称具有高度的灵活性,并将用户放在第一位。

展望未来 (Developing an eye to the future)

Helping with your workflow this week we have Git workflows for pros: a good Git guide that gives good details on how branching works with do’s and don’ts to be watchful for.

这周将为您的工作流程提供帮助,我们为专业人士提供了Git工作流程 :一份出色的Git指南,其中详细介绍了分支如何与“有做有无”有关。

Some developers have been having careful thoughts about frameworks lately too. John has an an opinionated guide to React.js, best practices and conventions. James has an unconventional review of ReactJS that comes out pretty positive, but his more recent post an unconventional review of AngularJS more controversially recommends to avoid it. One of their developers left several months ago, and can now introduce Aurelia, which uses ES6/ES7 features transpiled and polyfilled to work with today’s evergreen browsers and is even working well on IE9.

最近,一些开发人员也一直在仔细考虑框架。 John 对于React.js,最佳做法和约定拥有坚定的指导 。 James 对ReactJS进行了非常规的审查,结果非常积极,但是他最近发表的关于AngularJS的非常规的审查更引起争议,建议避免使用它。 他们的一位开发人员几个月前离开,现在可以介绍Aurelia ,它使用已转译和填充的ES6 / ES7功能与当今的常绿浏览器一起使用 ,甚至在IE9上也能很好地工作。

自以为是CSS的乐趣 (Opinionated CSS fun)

Another opinionated piece is on should the W3C and WHATWG die. Fortunately some solutions are being found, such as how to center and crop images with a single line of CSS and [ED: less useful link removed].

如果W3C和WHATWG死掉的话,另一个论点还在讨论。 幸运的是,已经找到了一些解决方案,例如如何使用单行CSS和[ED:删除了不太有用的链接]来居中和裁剪图像

Having more fun with CSS we came across an excellent guide to compositing and blending In CSS, and Chris is having fun with line-height!.


很酷的东西 (Cool stuff)

Lastly for this week we have Elevator Saga the elevator programming game, and a video on the new Tesla car has a button called ‘Insane Mode’ – see what happens when you press it!

在本周的最后一次,我们是电梯编程游戏Elevator Saga ,有关特斯拉新车的视频中有一个名为“疯狂模式”的按钮 -按下该按钮时会看到什么!

Which links caught your attention? Do you want to use Bees with Machineguns to hammer on anything? Are you thinking of jumping ship from AngularJS too, or want to get involved in the opinionated discussions? And isn’t the Tesla insane?! Whichever takes your interest, we would love to hear your thoughts.

哪些链接引起了您的注意? 您是否想将Bees与机枪配合使用以锤击任何东西? 您是否也在考虑从AngularJS跳船,还是想参与有针对性的讨论? 特斯拉不是疯了吗?! 无论您感兴趣的是什么,我们都希望听到您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-week-bees-machineguns/





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