使用RemoteIE轻松进行Internet Explorer测试

Web developers have a duty to ensure their shiny new web site or application works on a variety of browsers. At the absolute minimum, that means Chrome/Opera, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. Ideally, Safari and a few mobile iOS and Android browsers would complete the job.

Web开发人员有责任确保其闪亮的新网站或应用程序可在各种浏览器上运行。 最低限度是指Chrome / Opera,Firefox和Internet Explorer。 理想情况下,Safari和一些移动iOS和Android浏览器可以完成这项工作。

Testing is not easy. It’s laborious and our efforts are thwarted by the availability of browsers on our OS of choice. Windows/Linux users cannot install Safari and Mac/Linux users cannot install Internet Explorer.

测试并不容易。 这很费力,并且我们选择的操作系统上可用的浏览器阻碍了我们的努力。 Windows / Linux用户无法安装Safari,而Mac / Linux用户则无法安装Internet Explorer。

Services such as BrowserStack can help but are only suitable for basic testing because it’s difficult to use developer tools. The most viable option is to use another PC or install the OS/browser in a virtual machine environment such as VirtualBox, VMware or Hyper-V.

BrowserStack之类的服务可以提供帮助,但仅适用于基本测试,因为难以使用开发人员工具。 最可行的选择是使用另一台PC或在虚拟机环境(例如VirtualBoxVMwareHyper-V)中安装OS /浏览器。

To their credit, Microsoft provide a range of VM images at modern.ie but the downloads can be several Gigabytes in size because they include the whole OS stack. They also expire after several months. It’s not conducive to quick and dirty testing and, somewhat understandably, many developers don’t bother.

值得赞扬的是,Microsoft在modern.ie上提供了一系列VM映像,但下载的大小可能为数GB,因为它们包含整个OS堆栈。 它们也将在几个月后过期。 这不利于进行快速而肮脏的测试,并且可以理解的是,许多开发人员都不会打扰。

Fortunately, Microsoft has created a faster, slicker option. RemoteIE allows you to run the latest version of Internet Explorer from the cloud on Windows, Mac, iOS, or Android without having to install or manage a virtual machine. The free service is currently in beta but it works and is technically stunning!

幸运的是,Microsoft创建了一个更快,更流畅的选项。 RemoteIE允许您从Windows,Mac,iOS或Android上的云中运行最新版本的Internet Explorer,而无需安装或管理虚拟机。 这项免费服务目前处于测试阶段,但在技术上令人赞叹!

入门 (Getting Started)

To start, visit remote.modern.ie and sign in with a Microsoft account. You may already use one if you use Windows 8+, OneDrive, or Outlook.com. You’ll then need to wait for your RemoteIE access to be approved — I received an email after a couple of hours.

首先,请访问remote.modern.ie并使用Microsoft帐户登录。 如果您使用Windows 8 +,OneDrive或Outlook.com,则可能已经使用过一个。 然后,您需要等待您的RemoteIE访问权限获得批准-几个小时后,我收到了一封电子邮件。

You can then download the Azure RemoteApp which is available for Windows (32 and 64-bit), Windows RT, Mac OS, iOS iPhone, iOS iPad, and Android. This is typically around 15MB; it varies from device to device but need only be installed once.

然后,您可以下载适用于Windows(32位和64位),Windows RT,Mac OS,iOS iPhone,iOS iPad和Android的Azure RemoteApp。 通常约为15MB; 它因设备而异,但只需安装一次。

You can then launch RemoteApp and sign in with the Microsoft account you used to register. You’ll be presented with an “IE Technical Preview” icon:

然后,您可以启动RemoteApp并使用您用于注册的Microsoft帐户登录。 您将看到一个“ IE技术预览”图标:

RemoteIE Launch

Double-click it to launch the Windows 10 Preview edition of Internet Explorer:

双击以启动Internet Explorer的Windows 10预览版:

Running RemoteIE

It’s a full version of the browser with access to the F12 developer tools. You won’t be permitted to access the settings or install add-ons, but it’s fast and ideal for quick site testing.

它是浏览器的完整版本,可以访问F12开发人员工具。 您不会被允许访问设置或安装加载项,但是它是快速进行站点测试的理想之选。

访问本地主机 (Accessing localhost)

RemoteIE is an online application so it can only access publicly-available web sites. If you want to test from your local PC or network, you can use a free tool such as ngrok to create an HTTP tunnel to your application. For example, if you have a local web server running on port 80, enter:

RemoteIE是一个在线应用程序,因此它只能访问公开可用的网站。 如果要从本地PC或网络进行测试,则可以使用ngrok等免费工具来创建到应用程序的HTTP隧道。 例如,如果您的本地Web服务器在端口80上运行,请输入:

ngrok 80

ngrok will return an address such as http://abcd9876.ngrok.com/ which you can enter into RemoteIE (or pass to anyone off-site) for further testing.


RemoteIE的未来 (RemoteIE’s Future)

RemoteIE will revolutionize Internet Explorer testing for many. However, remember that it’s currently a beta service and usage is limited — it took me several attempts to gain access because others were using it.

RemoteIE将彻底改变许多Internet Explorer的测试。 但是,请记住,它目前是beta测试服务,使用受到限制-我花了几次尝试才能获得访问权限,因为其他人正在使用它。

Other points to note:


  • You’ll only have an hour to test your site and will be booted off if you’re inactive for more than a minute.

  • There’s no Linux support. I guess this is technically possible given it can be run on Android and Mac OS but it’s not available at the time of writing.

    没有Linux支持。 我猜这在技术上是可行的,因为它可以在Android和Mac OS上运行,但在撰写本文时尚不可用。
  • You can only test the latest IE. That’s the most useful version but it’s normally well-behaved and you’ll experience far fewer issues than IE8. Microsoft is considering other versions but this will become increasingly unnecessary given that IE8 usage has dropped below 5%.

    您只能测试最新的IE。 那是最有用的版本,但通常表现良好,与IE8相比,遇到的问题要少得多。 微软正在考虑其他版本,但是鉴于IE8使用率已降至5%以下,这将变得越来越不必要。

RemoteIE is impressive. Now if we can just encourage Apple to provide Safari in a similar way…

RemoteIE令人印象深刻。 现在,如果我们可以鼓励苹果以类似的方式提供Safari……

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/easy-internet-explorer-testing-remoteie/





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