冷备份 热备份 物理备份_备份您的在线生活

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Making regular backups of the data on your computer is a smart thing to do, though it can be tedious. Burning CDs or DVDs, or moving files to an external hard drive once a week (or however often you plan to back up your data) is a time consuming process. That’s why many people seek automated backup solutions, whether local or online.

定期备份计算机上的数据是一件明智的事情,尽管这可能很乏味。 每周一次刻录CD或DVD或将文件移至外部硬盘驱动器(或者您经常计划备份数据)是一个耗时的过程。 这就是为什么许多人寻求本地或在线自动备份解决方案的原因。

Recently, I’ve actually been in the market for an online backup solution that will automatically backup new files on my computer as they’re created and capture new versions of older files as they’re changed. One thing I neglected to think about backing up, though, was the bits and pieces of my online life.

最近,我实际上已经进入了在线备份解决方案市场,该解决方案将在创建新文件时自动在计算机上备份新文件,并在更改后捕获旧文件的新版本。 但是,我忽略了考虑备份的一件事是我的在线生活中的点点滴滴。

As we spend more and more time on social networking and media sharing web sites, the bits and pieces that make up our identity are becoming increasingly scattered about. Backing up that data is an even more arduous task than manually managing backups of local data on your hard drive. A lot of services offer ways to get your data out, but they don’t always make it easy, and dealing with multiple APIs and different data streams to get access to your data, and then to back it up is beyond the technical expertise of many users.

随着我们在社交网络和媒体共享网站上花费越来越多的时间,构成我们身份的点点滴滴越来越分散。 备份数据比手动管理您的硬盘驱动器上的本地数据备份更加艰巨的任务。 许多服务提供了获取数据的方法,但是它们并不总是那么容易,并且使用多个API和不同的数据流来访问您的数据,然后进行备份超出了技术的专业知识。很多用户。

The Lifestream Blog recently pointed to a new service called LifeStreamBackup that will hopefully make the process of backing up your digital life easier when it launches in a couple of weeks. Initially, the site will only offer backup services for Flickr and your blog (via RSS), but plans to add support for Google Docs, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube shortly after launch.

Lifestream Blog最近指出了一项名为LifeStreamBackup的新服务,该服务有望在数周内启动后使您的数字生活备份过程变得更加轻松。 最初,该站点仅为Flickr和您的博客(通过RSS)提供备份服务,但计划在发布后不久增加对Google Docs,Twitter,Facebook和YouTube的支持。

The service will act as a conduit for your data to travel between your stable of web services and Amazon’s S3, where the backups will be stored. The pricing will start at $6.95/month for 10GB or $3.95/month to hook into your own S3 account (which might save you money if you need less space).

该服务将充当您的数据在您的Web服务稳定版和将存储备份的Amazon S3之间传输的管道。 10GB的价格为每月6.95美元/月,或连接到您自己的S3帐户/月为3.95美元/月(如果您需要的空间较小,可以为您省钱)。

We anticipate that services for backing up your online life will be a hot area over the next year, and we anticipate that utilities to create backups of web service data will be built into existing desktop-to-web backup services. As more people start pushing data into the cloud — via software as a service apps like Google Docs and social sites like Twitter — keeping backups of that data will be more important to people.

我们预计,用于备份您的在线生活的服务将在明年成为热门领域,并且我们预计将创建Web服务数据备份的实用程序将内置到现有的桌面到Web备份服务中。 随着越来越多的人开始通过诸如Google Docs之类的软件即服务应用程序以及诸如Twitter之类的社交网站将数据推入云中,保持数据的备份对人们而言更加重要。

Right or wrong, putting data online feels less permanent than keeping data on your hard drive locally. When you put data into an online service you have not only to worry about data loss due to physical problems like hard disk failure, but also due to services potentially going out of business or shutting down. Even Google has been closing services recently, so backing that data up to hedge against future service closure or changes makes a lot of sense.

对或错,将数据置于在线状态比将数据保留在本地硬盘上的感觉要持久。 当您将数据放入在线服务时,您不仅要担心由于硬盘故障等物理问题而导致的数据丢失,而且还要担心服务可能会停业或关闭。 甚至Google最近也一直在关闭服务 ,因此备份数据以对付将来的服务关闭或更改也很有意义。

What would be really great is if web data backup services like LifeStreamBackup could also sanitize all that data and then offer it back up for download to users who want access to it for the purpose of easily backing it up locally. Otherwise, all these services will really be doing is allowing you an easy way to move your data from one cloud to another, but still not making it any more accessible in terms of pulling it back down to your local machine.

真正伟大的是,如果像LifeStreamBackup这样的Web数据备份服务也可以清除所有数据,然后将其备份以下载给想要访问它的用户,以便在本地轻松备份。 否则,所有这些服务将真正为您提供一种简便的方法,将数据从一个云移至另一个云,但就将其拉回本地计算机而言,仍然无法使其更具可访问性。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/backing-up-your-online-life/

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