


How do you generate nearly a quarter million lines of code in 48 hours? Simple: take about 500 coders, lock them in rooms all over the world, and challenge them to create complete web applications in 2 days. That, in a nutshell, is the Rails Rumble, a 48 hour programming competition held each year that gathers Ruby on Rails fanatics to create web apps in a single weekend.

您如何在48小时内生成将近25万行代码? 简单:大约需要500名编码人员,将其锁定在世界各地的房间中,并要求他们在2天内创建完整的Web应用程序。 简而言之,就是Rails Rumble ,这是一个每年举行的48小时编程竞赛,它聚集了Ruby on Rails的狂热者,在一个周末内创建Web应用程序。

Last weekend marked the second year that the Rumble was held, and a total of 529 participants across 231, one, two, three, and four person teams competed. That’s a huge jump from last year when under 350 people participated in the competition. Of the 231 teams that signed up, about 57% were up to the task of actually finishing an application in the allotted 48 hours. 90 teams got the deed done last year.

上周末是Rumble举行的第二年,共有529名参与者参加了231、1、2、3和4人的比赛。 与去年不到350人参加比赛相比,这是一个巨大的飞跃。 在签约的231个团队中,约有57%的任务是在分配的48小时内实际完成申请。 去年有90个团队完成了任务。

The Rails Rumble, which partnered with Linode, to provide a uniform hosting environment for competitors, and GitHub, to provider source control, tracked a total of 14,355 commits the private GitHub repositories over the weekend. Over 12,000 files were produced, and 245,257 lines of code.

Rails的隆隆声,这与合作的Linode ,为竞争对手提供了一个统一的托管环境, GitHub上 ,以提供源代码控制,跟踪共14355犯私GitHub的仓库周末。 产生了超过12,000个文件,以及245,257行代码。

The numbers are just mind boggling, but it doesn’t really explain why Rails Rumble exists and what makes it such a success for participants.

这些数字简直令人难以置信,但这并不能真正解释为什么 Rails Rumble存在,以及如何使参与者如此成功。

Organizer Nick Plante, who is the co-author of the book Practical Rails Plugins, told me that he drew inspiration for the Rumble from his own experiences participating in the 48 Hour Film Project, a virtual film festival in which participants attempt to write, shoot, and edit a complete film in two days. Plante also wanted to fill the void from an earlier Rails programming competition, Rails Day, that ran in 2005 and 2006, but fizzled out.

组织者尼克·普randint(Nick Plante)是《 实用的Rails插件 》一书的合著者,他告诉我,他从参与48小时电影项目 (一个参与者参加尝试写作,拍摄虚拟电影节)的经历中汲取灵感,为《大WaSP》(Rumble)带来了灵感。 ,并在两天内编辑完整的电影。 普randint还想填补早先于2005年和2006年举行的Rails编程竞赛Rails Day的空白,但最终失败了。

He got together with a team of buddies including Brian Turnbull, Darcy Laycock — who was a competitor last year, and Erin Shine to hash out the details, find sponsors, and figure out how to develop the infrastructure to run a contest like this. This year, the team has been generalizing the code base as much as possible and rewriting much of it from scratch. “The master plan of sorts is to open source it at some point and make running a competition like this as turnkey as possible,” Plante told me.

他与一群伙伴(包括去年的竞争对手Brian Brian Turnbull,Darcy Laycock和Erin Shine)聚在一起,讨论了细节,寻找赞助商,并弄清楚如何开发基础设施来进行这样的竞赛。 今年,该团队一直在尽可能地推广代码库,并从头开始重写很多代码库。 普randint对我说:“总体规划是在某个时候将其开源,并尽可能使像这样的竞赛成为可能。”

On a very core level, the Rails Rumble is about a basic tenet of design laid out by the creators of the Ruby on Rails framework: constraints are a good thing that foster innovation. “One of the best things about the Rumble is it forces you to embrace constraints — team size, resources, technology choices (Ruby, Rails, Git, Linux), and of course a strict time frame,” Plante told me. “Teams come up with a base idea, and an implementation, that they can get a first version of out within a weekend.”

在一个非常核心的层面上,Rails Rumble是关于Ruby on Rails框架的创建者提出的基本设计宗旨:约束是促进创新的好东西。 “关于Rumble的最好的事情之一是它迫使您接受约束-团队规模,资源,技术选择(Ruby,Rails,Git,Linux),当然还有严格的时间框架,” Plante告诉我。 “团队提出了一个基本思路和实施方案,使他们可以在周末内获得第一个版本。”

For participants, embracing those constraints can be nerve wracking, but liberating as well. Second year participant Kelli Shaver, whose project took third place last year, told me that she looks forward to the Rumble every year. “It’s really exciting and rewarding to see an app come together so fully in such a short period of time. It’s a great motivator,” she told me.

对于参与者而言,拥抱这些限制可能会让人感到神经nerve,但也可以解放。 第二年的参与者Kelli Shaver去年的项目名列第三,她告诉我说,她期待每年的Rumble。 “在如此短的时间内看到如此完整的应用程序融合在一起,真是令人兴奋和收获。 这是一个很大的动力,”她告诉我。


She and her partner, Ryan Bates, worked together virtually, using a Campfire chatroom to communicate with one another while they created their entry, MyIdeaDrawer. Chat was one of the main ways that teams — many of which were virtual — communicated with one another. Over 11,000 messages were sent through the official Rails Rumble IRC room over the weekend from over 170 of the competitors.

她和她的搭档Ryan Bates在创建条目MyIdeaDrawer时使用Campfire聊天室进行了虚拟交流。 聊天是团队之间相互交流的主要方式之一,其中许多团队都是虚拟的。 上周末,来自170多个竞争者通过Rails Rumble IRC官方会议室发送了超过11,000条消息。

Echoing what she told me after participating last year, Shaver treats the Rails Rumble as a learning experience. “I learned a lot. It was great to continue to hone my Rails skills alongside someone as talented as Ryan,” she told me. “Most of the learning came after the Rumble weekend ended, though, when I was able to sit down and really start picking apart the pieces of the app that I hadn’t worked on and hadn’t had time to go over during the competition.”

去年参加活动后,Shaver回应了她对我说的话,将Rails Rumble视为一种学习体验。 “我学到了很多。 能够和Ryan这样有才华的人继续磨练我的Rails技能真是太好了,”她告诉我。 “不过,大部分学习都是在Rumble周末结束后进行的,当时我能够坐下来并真正开始挑选出我以前没有使用过并且没有时间去参加比赛的应用程序部分。”

Forcing yourself to learn more about Rails is one of the clear motivators for participation in the competition. Plante told me he was happy to see how often people on competing teams would take precious time away from their own apps to help lesser experienced coders work through problems they were having via the IRC channel. “The Rails community, as you know, is great like that,” he told me.

强迫自己更多地了解Rails是参加比赛的明显动机之一。 普randint告诉我,他很高兴看到竞争团队中的人们经常有宝贵的时间离开自己的应用程序,以帮助经验不足的编码人员解决通过IRC渠道遇到的问题。 他告诉我:“众所周知,Rails社区很棒。”

Another Rails Rumble team consisting of four members, Matt Gillooly, Alex Taylor, Steve Babigian, and TJ Sondermann got together to create Twalala. Twalala is a web based Twitter client that comes with a “mute” button allowing you to temporarily pause the Twitter stream from particularly noisy friends. Sondermann told me he has been asking Twitter for this feature for months and telling everyone who would listen that it is a potentially killer feature for a third party app. The team came together around the idea by accident at a local networking event about a month ago.

另一个由Rails Rumble团队组成的团队由四名成员组成: Matt GilloolyAlex TaylorSteve BabigianTJ Sondermann ,共同创建了Twalala 。 Twalala是基于Web的Twitter客户端,带有“静音”按钮,可让您暂时暂停特别吵杂的朋友的Twitter流。 Sondermann告诉我,他几个月来一直在向Twitter请求此功能,并告诉每个愿意听的人,这是第三方应用程序的潜在杀手级功能。 大约一个月前,团队在一次本地社交活动中偶然地围绕这个想法进行了讨论。


Unlike Shaver and Bates, the Twalala team actually got together, since they all hail from the same city. Babigian told me that the team met in person at the start of the competition to hash out the details of who would do what and how the app would look, then went back to their respective houses to actually code and communicated mostly via instant messenger.

与Shaver和Bates不同,Twalala团队实际上聚在一起 ,因为他们都来自同一座城市。 Babigian告诉我,团队在比赛开始时亲自见面,以弄清谁将做什么以及该应用的外观细节,然后回到各自的房屋进行编码并主要通过即时通讯程序进行通信。

Embracing constraints was a theme for the Twalala guys as well. “The spectre of a hard deadline got a fire lit under us,” Sondermann told me. “Then at some point on Sunday morning, when it started to take shape — and work really well! — I think adrenaline/excitement kicked in.”

拥抱限制也是Twalala球员的主题。 Sondermann告诉我:“艰苦的最后期限的幽灵使我们生火了。” “然后,在周日早上某个时候,它开始成形-并且运行得非常好! -我认为肾上腺素/兴奋开始了。”

Would they do it again? Babigian says they’ll definitely participate in 2009, and Sondermann tells me that each of them is better off for the experience. “We’ve each learned a lot and we all have a client that we were happy to use,” he said.

他们会再做一次吗? Babigian说他们肯定会参加2009年,而Sondermann告诉我,他们每个人都比较有经验。 他说:“我们每个人都学到了很多东西,我们都有一个很高兴使用的客户。”

That 131 teams were able to meet the challenge of creating a completed app in just a weekend is mostly a testament to the skill of the participants. “I’m always amazed at exactly how much you can get done in a time frame like this. This year a large number of the entries are absolutely incredible, polished products,” said Plante, who told me that he hopes that the Rumble will inspire other people to “get off their asses and get their ideas out there.”

131个团队能够在一个周末内完成创建完整应用的挑战,这在很大程度上证明了参与者的技能。 “我总是对在这样的时间范围内能完成多少工作感到惊讶。 普randint说,他希望我能希望隆隆声会鼓舞其他人“摆脱困境,把想法发扬光大。”

Both Sondermann and Shaver told me that continuing work on their ideas once the Rumble judging is complete was in the cards.


Though the actual competition is over, the Rumble isn’t. Right now, all 131 qualified applications are up for voting at railsrumble.com. Anyone can head over to the site, register, and start voting. Many of the entries are truly impressive pieces of work — even before you know that they were created in just a single weekend.

尽管实际比赛已经结束,但隆隆声还没有结束。 目前,所有131个合格的应用程序都可以在railsrumble.com上进行投票。 任何人都可以前往该网站,进行注册并开始投票。 许多条目确实是令人印象深刻的作品-甚至在您不知道它们是在单个周末内创建的情况下。

Full disclosure: My site Rails Forum and SitePoint’s 99designs were both sponsors of the Rails Rumble this year.

完整披露:我的网站Rails论坛和SitePoint的99designs都是今年Rails Rumble的赞助商。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/rails-rumble-245000-lines-of-code-in-48-hours/






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