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本文由AdButler赞助。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的赞助商。

Online advertising is evolving, becoming more complicated than ever. Today’s advertisers are looking for more effective campaigns with detailed statistics, tracking and targeting.

在线广告在不断发展,比以往任何时候都更加复杂。 当今的广告客户正在寻找更有效的广告系列,其中包含详细的统计信息,跟踪信息和定位信息。

This new world of online advertising requires the right tools for the job. Gone are the days of simple “Ad Rotators”; today’s campaigns demand the use of a full featured ad server. If you’re not using one you may be leaving money on the table.

在线广告的新世界需要合适的工具来完成这项工作。 简单的“广告轮播”时代已经一去不复返了。 当今的广告系列要求使用功能齐全的广告服务器。 如果您不使用它,那您可能会在桌上花钱。

Just as airlines use advanced booking software to maximize their revenue, top publishers use third-party ad servers such as AdButler. Here are five strategies will start you off on the right foot when it comes to optimizing your advertising infrastructure.

正如航空公司使用高级预订软件来最大化其收入一样,顶级发布商也使用第三方广告服务器,例如AdButler。 在优化广告基础架构时,以下五种策略可助您一臂之力。

策略1 –尝试使用高级横幅概念 (Strategy #1 – Experiment with Advanced Banner Concepts)

The days of simple pop-ups are long gone. Much like television commercials, they go unnoticed by the vast amount of consumers because of their overuse and familiarity.

简单弹出窗口的时代已经过去了。 就像电视广告一样,由于过度使用和熟悉,它们被众多消费者所忽略。

In fact, according to a 2013 study by Infolinks on the subject of banner blindness, 60% of respondents couldn’t remember the last display ad they viewed, and just 14% of respondents remembered the name of the company being advertised.

实际上,根据Infolinks于2013年进行的关于横幅失明这一主题的研究 ,有60%的受访者不记得他们最近观看过的展示广告,只有14%的受访者记得所宣传的公司名称。

Considering the millions of dollars poured into these advertisements, that’s pretty depressing – especially if you consider that these statistics have likely only gotten worse in the two years since the study was completed.


If you want to make an impact, you’ve got to stand out from the crowd.


Today’s advanced banner concepts drive higher engagement levels because they offer something new that catches the consumer off guard. A few ideas to start experimenting with include:

当今先进的标语概念推动了更高的参与度,因为它们提供了使消费者措手不及的新功能。 开始尝试的一些想法包括:

首页接管: (Homepage Takeovers:)

A homepage takeover is exactly what it sounds like – an arrangement for an advertiser’s banner to takeover the homepage of a brand.


Homepage takeovers


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Anytime you click the background image, it takes you to a link for the advertiser. These concepts require a heavy budget and immense creativity. But it’s worth trying if you think you’ve got the chops to make it work.

每当您单击背景图像时,都会带您到广告商的链接。 这些概念需要大量预算和巨大的创造力。 但是,如果您认为自己有能力使其运作起来,那么值得尝试。

障碍: (Roadblocks:)

Want to bombard people with your message so they have no other choice than to listen? Well, then you may want to try a roadblock.

是否想用您的信息轰炸人们,让他们别无选择? 好吧,那么您可能想尝试一个路障



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It’s a simple practice: buy up all the available ad space and share your message. You’ve probably seen this used before by the entertainment industry when it comes to promoting things like new movie releases.

这是一种简单的做法:购买所有可用的广告空间并分享您的信息。 您可能已经看到娱乐行业在推广新电影之类的内容时使用过这种方法。

富媒体应用程序: (Rich Media Applications:)

These types of ads offer endless possibilities for advertisers. They’re often seen on mobile platforms as an immersive way to engage the audience.

这些类型的广告为广告商提供了无限的可能性。 他们经常在移动平台上被视为一种吸引观众的沉浸式方式

Rich Media applications


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But rich media applications aren’t reserved just for mobile. They can be applied across all forms of digital media to create a great interactive experience.

但是富媒体应用程序并不仅限于移动设备。 它们可以应用于所有形式的数字媒体,以创造出色的互动体验。

AdButler has excellent support for rich media applications and other advanced tools like Video Ad Serving Templates.


退出意图弹出窗口: (Exit-Intent Pop-ups:)

When someone is about to leave the page, an exit-intent pop-up grasps for the last ounce of their attention.


Exit-intent Pop-ups


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And they often convert pretty well too. OptiMonk, an exit-intent pop-up provider, estimates that, on an average ecommerce website, these messages can drive:

而且他们通常也能很好地转换 。 OptiMonk是一个退出意图弹出窗口提供商,估计在一个普通的电子商务网站上,这些消息可以驱动:

  • Sign-up rates between 3-5%

  • Sign-up rates of 10% or more when an incentive (like a free ebook, special report or coupon) is included

  • Conversion rates of 9-10% when incentives are offered


We’re working in a very dynamic era of marketing. It’s up to you to new concepts and formats to see what works best for your publishers.

我们正在一个充满活力的市场营销时代 。 新概念和新格式由您决定,以了解最适合您的发布商的方法。

策略2 –测试以揭示效果较好的广告单元 (Strategy #2 – Test to Reveal High Performing Ad Units)

A/B and multivariate split tests are a publisher’s best friend. Well, they’re everybody’s friend in the digital marketing world – but they’re of particular interest to those running advertising infrastructures.

A / B和多元拆分测试是发布者的最好朋友。 嗯,他们是数字营销世界中的每个人的朋友-但对于那些运行广告基础架构的人来说,它们特别感兴趣。

A/B and Multivariate testing


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Traditional A/B testing revolves around deciphering the best of two specific options. Most of the time, only one small detail of the page is changed to measure results.

传统的A / B测试围绕着解密两个特定选项中的最佳选择。 在大多数情况下,页面的一个小细节都会更改以衡量结果。

But multivariate testing embraces testing various components at once, allowing for faster results – and faster profits for advertising providers that embrace this protocol.


In advertising, you can use this testing methodology to measure the performance of various components in your execution. Whether it’s testing different banner types or switching out entire ad units, this strategy will help you optimize and maximize revenue.

在广告中,您可以使用这种测试方法来评估执行过程中各个组件的性能。 无论是测试不同的横幅类型还是切换整个广告单元,此策略都将帮助您优化和最大化收入。

策略3 –基于网站互动的目标广告 (Strategy #3 – Target Advertisements Based on Site Interactions)

A successful ad starts with targeting. The more targeted you can make a publisher’s advertisements to a user’s experience, the more effective they’re going to be.

成功的广告始于定位。 您可以根据用户的体验使发布者的广告越有针对性 ,就越有效。

It’s just that simple.


Targeted Ads


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Everything in the online world must consider the user. Marketing has gotten immensely personal as things like social media have gained popularity.

在线世界中的所有事物都必须考虑用户。 随着社交媒体之类的流行,营销已经变得非常个人化。

Take your advertising infrastructure beyond basic geographic and site/zone targeting. Increase the overall user experience by using targeting options like on-site behaviors, on-site interactions and device.

使您的广告基础架构超越基本的地理和网站/区域定位。 通过使用定位选项(例如现场行为,现场互动和设备)来提高整体用户体验。

Targeted Ads scheme


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You’ll be amazed at what this level of targeting can open up for you by allowing brands to present relevant ads to their readers – something that’s incredibly important in this day and age.


策略4 –通过异步广告提高网页效果 (Strategy #4 – Increase Page Performance With Asynchronous Ads)

Everyone loves a win-win scenario. And that’s exactly what these types of ads provide for advertisers and consumers alike.

每个人都喜欢双赢。 这些类型的广告正是为广告客户和消费者提供的。

Running asynchronous ads improves site load times and reduces server load. This means things run smoother and faster – something everyone can appreciate.

投放异步广告可以缩短网站加载时间并减少服务器负载。 这意味着事情运行起来更加顺畅和快捷-每个人都可以欣赏。

Even Google AdSense is getting on board. Here’s a look at the new asynchronous AdSense script:

甚至Google AdSense也加入进来。 看一下新的异步AdSense脚本

Asynchronous AdSense script


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When a user feels happier about the ad, you’ve done a good thing. Try it out and see if your network’s ads perform better when loaded this way.

当用户对广告感到满意时,您就做得很好。 尝试一下,看看以这种方式加载时网络广告是否效果更好。

策略5 –为广告网络添加白色标签 (Strategy #5 – White Labeling Your Ad Network)

Building an ad network across a relevant industry vertical creates enormous opportunities for publishers. A collective niche network under a white label brand gives you a tremendous amount of combined clout – and that means more bang for the buck.

跨相关行业建立广告网络为发布商创造了巨大的机会。 白标品牌下的集体利基网络为您提供了巨大的综合影响力-这意味着更多的实惠。

White labeling Ad network


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Take Speedway Benefits as an example…


Founded by Humpty Wheeler, a legendary NASCAR promoter, the company set out with a single goal in mind: to create an effective marketing channel for connecting the nation’s estimated 18 million grassroots racing fans with the sponsors and promoters that are eager to capture their attention.

该公司由传奇的NASCAR发起人汉普蒂·惠勒(Humpty Wheeler)创立,其初衷是:创建有效的营销渠道,以将全国约1800万草根赛车迷与渴望吸引他们注意力的赞助商和促进者联系起来。

To date, the company works with 350 advertisers to establish a presence at more than 7,000 events with an estimated 28,000 competitors. It’s a simple concept, but it’s one that could only be achieved with the power of white labeling.

迄今为止,该公司与350个广告客户合作,在7,000多个事件中建立了据点,估计有28,000个竞争对手。 这是一个简单的概念,但只有借助白色标签才能实现。

When you have greater clout, you can approach advertisers to negotiate a higher payout. And because their campaigns can display throughout your network, they’ll love the increased exposure, as a larger space means more people seeing the ads – which ultimately translates to an increase in revenue for both publishers and advertisers.

如果您有更大的影响力,则可以与广告商协商更高的支出。 而且,由于他们的广告系列可以在您的整个网络中展示,因此他们会喜欢提高曝光率,因为更大的空间意味着更多的人看到广告 –最终转化为发布者和广告客户的收入增加。

Not all advertising infrastructure providers offer white labelling, but if it’s a feature you’re interested in, you should look into AdButler’s offering.


加起来 (Summing Up)

As I’ve explained, new technologies can help with to optimize your advertising infrastructure. The five strategies I’ve outlined above can bring enormous benefits. From targeted advertising to advanced banner concepts, even to white labelling your ad network, these strategies are proven and successful.

正如我已经解释的那样,新技术可以帮助您优化广告基础架构。 我上面概述的五种策略可以带来巨大的好处。 从定向广告到高级横幅概念,甚至到为广告网络添加白色标签,这些策略都是行之有效的。

A high-quality ad serving solution, like AdButler, can support all of these strategies, along with the rock-solid performance and scaling abilities you can rely on as you grow.


Optimizing your advertising infrastructure is a necessary part of staying current in the age of Big Data. Will you use these strategies to help you get started in the process? Share your thoughts and plans in the comments below!

在大数据时代,优化广告基础架构是保持最新状态的必要部分。 您会使用这些策略来帮助您开始这一过程吗? 在下面的评论中分享您的想法和计划!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-strategies-optimizing-advertising-infrastructure/


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