

There are plenty of jobs available in the web development field, and the number seems to be growing every day. At the same time, however, getting one of those jobs for yourself may not always be a simple task.

Web开发领域有很多工作,而且似乎每天都在增加。 但是,与此同时,自己找一份工作可能并不总是一件容易的事。

In this article, we'll look at a few things you can do to make your search a little bit easier, while improving your chances at being the perfect hireable candidate.


步骤1:准备简历 (Step 1: Preparing Your Resume)

As a rule, it's a good idea to keep an up-to-date resume at all times. This way, it's much easier to keep track of where you've been and what you've been up to. Additionally, your resume should only contain information that is relevant to the job you're seeking.

通常,始终保持最新简历是一个好主意。 这样,跟踪您去过的地方和最近所做的事情要容易得多。 此外,您的简历应仅包含与您所寻找的工作相关的信息。

If you're a new developer and don't have any relevant experience, I'd recommend spending some time doing freelance and side project work. That way, you'll have content to put in your resume and your portfolio.

如果您是新开发人员并且没有任何相关经验,我建议您花一些时间从事自由职业者和辅助项目工作。 这样,您将有内容放入简历和投资组合中。

In the US, there's an unwritten rule that your resume should be no longer than one page. I tend to disagree with this. Your resume can be as long as you'd like (within reason). Just make sure the information provided is relevant, engaging, and well designed.

在美国,有一条不成文的规定,您的简历不得超过一页。 我倾向于不同意这一点。 您的履历可以是您想要的(在合理的范围内)。 只要确保提供的信息相关,引人入胜且设计合理即可。

步骤2:寻找空缺 (Step 2: Finding an Opening)

While everyone seems to be looking for a web developer to hire, there are a few places in particular that I like to look for job offers.

尽管每个人似乎都在寻找网络开发人员来招聘,但我特别希望在一些地方寻找工作机会。 (

Hired works in a way that's very different from the standard recruiting agency. When you sign up for Hired, you'll be prompted to create a profile. A talent agent will connect with you to help ensure your profile is appealing to the companies who'll view it.

聘用的工作方式与标准招聘机构大不相同。 注册Hired时,系统会提示您创建个人资料。 人才代理将与您联系,以帮助确保您的个人资料对将要查看它的公司有吸引力。

Once your profile is ready, you'll get a chance to enter into your first auction. An auction is where employers view your profile and get a chance to send you an offer, complete with salary and equity information up front. You can then view a dashboard of your offers, where you have the option to reject, accept, or re-negotiate. If you accept an offer, and it leads to you getting hired, Hired will send you a $2,000 check as a signing bonus. The best part: it's all completely free!

准备好个人资料后,您将有机会参加第一次拍卖。 拍卖是雇主查看您的个人资料并有机会向您发送要约的机会,其中包括薪水和股权信息。 然后,您可以查看要约的仪表板,可以选择拒绝,接受或重新协商。 如果您接受了要约,并导致您被录用,Hired将向您发送$ 2,000的支票作为签字奖金。 最好的部分:全部完全免费!

CodePen工作 (CodePen Jobs)

Chris Coyier works on CodePen, ShopTalk Show and CSS-Tricks. All three of those sites share the same job board. This creates a huge incentive for companies to post jobs there, in hopes they can attract the best and brightest talent. This is great news for the job seeker. Lots of great companies have been posting here lately, and lots of great candidates have been hired as a result!

克里斯·科耶尔(Chris Coyier)负责CodePen,ShopTalk Show和CSS-Tricks。 这三个站点共享相同的工作委员会。 这极大地刺激了公司在当地发布工作,希望它们能够吸引最优秀,最聪明的人才。 对于求职者来说,这是个好消息。 最近有很多很棒的公司都在这里发布,结果也招募了很多很棒的候选人!

粉碎工作 (Smashing Jobs)

Who can forget Smashing Magazine? With such a notable and respected brand, many companies go straight to Smashing's job board when they need to find talented developers and engineers. If you're looking for remote work or overseas options, this one is especially good.

谁能忘记Smashing Magazine? 拥有如此著名和受人尊敬的品牌,许多公司在需要寻找才华横溢的开发人员和工程师时会直接进入Smashing的工作委员会。 如果您正在寻找远程工作或海外选择,这一功能特别好。

步骤3:在线投资组合 (Step 3: The Online Portfolio)

Your portfolio can be the difference between getting an interview and never hearing back from a company after submitting your resume. This is especially true if you're seeking a front-end role.

您的投资组合可能是接受面试与提交简历后再也没有收到公司回音的区别。 如果您正在寻找前端角色,则尤其如此。

Your portfolio should include:


  • a brief description of yourself

  • relevant projects you've worked on

  • links to places where your code can be found

  • your resume

  • an email address where you can be contacted.


For my own portfolio, I also link to my Twitter, CodePen, and GitHub accounts. GitHub and CodePen are very important, because they show actual code that I've written, while also showing that I'm interested in open-source and community collaboration.

对于我自己的投资组合 ,我还链接到我的Twitter,CodePen和GitHub帐户。 GitHub和CodePen非常重要,因为它们显示了我编写的实际代码,同时还表明我对开源和社区协作感兴趣。

I can't stress this enough: if you're going to apply for a job as a web developer, make sure it's easy to find code you've written!


It's also important to make sure your portfolio is easy to read, with a well structured hierarchy of information. It should be just enough information to show you're a competant developer that any potential employer would be enterested in interviewing.

确保您的投资组合易于阅读,并具有结构良好的信息层次结构,这一点也很重要。 应该有足够的信息来表明您是一个有竞争力的开发人员,任何潜在的雇主都会在面试中很感兴趣。

Lastly, if you're applying for a web developer role, it's good practice to make sure your portfolio is completely hand coded and using the best industry practices.


Bonus Points: have a blog on your portfolio that you keep up to date. Write about side projects, challenges you've overcome, or anything else relevant to the industry!

奖励积分 :在您的投资组合上有一个博客,您可以随时更新。 写有关辅助项目,您已克服的挑战或与行业相关的任何其他信息!

步骤4:准备面试 (Step 4: Preparing for the Interview)

So, you found a job offer that you're interested in and your resume and portfolio attracted the potential employer's interest. Congratulations! But we still have some work to do!

因此,您找到了自己感兴趣的工作机会,简历和投资组合吸引了潜在雇主的兴趣。 恭喜你! 但是,我们还有一些工作要做!

Web development interviews can be notoriously difficult—so much so that there are entire websites dedicated to helping candidates pass them. I've used two of these, Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions and Interview Cake. In preparation for a web development interview, spend as much time as you can looking over these types of questions and brushing up on the fundamentals. Be sure to read through the job description and requirements carefully, as they often hint at the type of questions you'll be asked during the interview.

众所周知,网络开发面试很难,因为面试非常困难,以至于整个网站都专门用来帮助求职者通过。 我使用了其中两个, Front-end-Developer-Interview-QuestionsInterview Cake 。 在准备进行Web开发面试时,请花费尽可能多的时间来研究这些类型的问题并熟悉基础知识。 请务必仔细阅读工作说明和要求,因为它们通常会提示您在面试中会被问到的问题类型。

Personally, when I interview potential candidates for front-end roles, I never ask them to write code for me on a whiteboard. I don't think it's a fair challenge, as even I probably spend too much time using Google and Stack Overflow as tools to help me solve coding challenges.

就个人而言,当我面试潜在的前端职位候选人时,我从不要求他们在白板上为我编写代码。 我认为这不是一个公平的挑战,因为即使我可能花费太多时间使用Google和Stack Overflow作为帮助我解决编码挑战的工具。

Instead, I like to ask the candidate questions about various aspects of a typical front-end role. This means questions about Gzip compression, responsive images, writing JavaScript without the use of jQuery, and, of course, the candidate's favorite HTML5 tag. If you're ever asked a question you don't know the answer to, it's okay to admit that you don't have the answer. Interviewers don't expect you to know everything, and they'll appreciate your honesty.

相反,我想问应聘者有关典型前端角色各个方面的问题。 这意味着有关Gzip压缩,响应式图像,不使用jQuery编写JavaScript的问题,当然还有候选人最喜欢HTML5标签。 如果有人问过您不知道答案的问题,可以承认您没有答案。 面试官不希望您了解所有内容,并且会感谢您的诚实。

When you're asked a question you don't have the answer to, ask for the answer and write it down. This will show the interviewer that you're engaged and always ready to learn.

当您被问到没有答案的问题时,请提供答案并将其写下来。 这将向面试官显示您已订婚,并随时准备学习。

Finally, a few days before your interview, spend as much time as you can learning about the company.


Bonus Points: bring a pen, paper, and your resume to the interview. Write your own follow-up questions before you go in. The stress of the interview process will usually lead to forgetting the questions you planned to ask about the company.

奖励积分 :带笔,纸和您的简历参加面试。 在您进入公司之前,先写下您自己的后续问题。面试过程的压力通常会导致您忘记计划向公司提出的问题。

结论 (Conclusion)

A lot goes into getting a great job as a web developer, and we've just barely scratched the surface in this article. Do you have any questions about the hiring process? Feel free to ask away in the comments!

作为一名Web开发人员,要做很多工作非常重要,而我们在本文中只是勉强摸索。 您对招聘过程有任何疑问吗? 随意在评论中提问!

If you have a resume that you'd like to have reviewed, feel free to reach out in the comments and I'd be more than happy to take a look for you.


资源资源 (Resources)

Finally, here are some other great resources for helping you get a job:








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