

Welcome to On Our Radar, a weekly round-up of news, trends and other cool stuff from the world of web development.

欢迎来到On Our Ra​​dar,每周综述来自Web开发领域的新闻,趋势和其他有趣的内容。

In the news this week, chatter (I couldn’t bring myself to write excitement) around Spartan, Microsoft’s new browser, continued with what seem to be the first photos of it appearing online.


Elon Musk conducted an “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) session on Reddit. Here’s the potted version of what he said (plus a rather strange AI cat video), and here are three business takeaways from his answers.

伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk )在Reddit上进行了“任何问题”(AMA)会议 。 这是他所说的内容的盆栽版本 (外加一个相当奇怪的AI猫视频),这是他回答中的三点商业收获

And we got a glimpse of what could soon look like, as the company opened up a redesigned homepage to a broader group of users in the US.


预测未来 (Predicting the Future)

It’s the nature of the fast-paced industry we work in, that bold technological predictions abound. Sometimes they are spectacularly wrong:

这是我们从事的快节奏行业的本质,大胆的技术预测比比皆是。 有时他们错得很厉害:

Spam will be a thing of the past in two years’ time. – Bill Gates, 2004

垃圾邮件将在两年后成为历史。 –比尔·盖茨,2004年

And sometimes they are spectacularly right:


It will soon be possible to transmit wireless messages all over the world so simply that any individual can own and operate his own apparatus – Nikola Tesla, 1909

不久将可以在全世界范围内传输无线消息,从而使任何人都可以拥有和操作自己的设备-Nikola Tesla,1909年

SitePoint’s Craig Buckler recently tried his hand at crystal ball gazing – let’s hope his forecasts fall into the second category rather than the first.

SitePoint的Craig Buckler最近尝试进行水晶球注视 –我们希望他的预测属于第二类,而不是第一类。

Also getting in on the act, Glenn Goodrich took a peek at what’s in store for Ruby in 2015

格伦·古德里奇(Glenn Goodrich)也参与进来,窥视了2015年Ruby的存储内容

Looking ahead to 2015, experts at the BBC predict cyber attacks, ubiquitous drones, spooky smartphones and the continuing rise of wearable technology (although hopefully not all in one day).

展望2015年, 英国广播公司(BBC)的专家预测,网络攻击,无处不在的无人机,诡异的智能手机以及可穿戴技术的持续兴起 (尽管希望并非一日之交)。

Combining a gorgeous website with predictions and some smart guessing, this is how one animation agency sees the world of tech shaping up in 2015.

将华丽的网站与预测和一些巧妙的猜测相结合, 这就是一家动画代理商如何看待2015年的技术世界

Here are three essential navigation trends you need to be aware of in 2015, as well as the most important trends in social media for the year ahead.

这是您在2015年需要注意的三个基本导航趋势 ,以及来年的社交媒体最重要的趋势

Finally, this is what the biggest company in the world has planned for 2015.


每周流行语-Sass (Buzzword of the Week – Sass)

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is a CSS preprocessor written in Ruby, and distributed via RubyGems, the Ruby package manager. Sass is to CSS what CoffeeScript is to JavaScript, extending the style sheet language with such features as nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more.

Sass(语法上很棒的样式表)是用Ruby编写CSS预处理程序,并通过Ruby包管理器RubyGems分发。 Sass对CSS而言就像CoffeeScript对JavaScript一样,并通过诸如嵌套规则,变量,mixins,选择器继承等功能扩展了样式表语言。

Sass writing machine Hugo Giraudel recently released a “very opinionated” set of Sass guidelines in which he attempts to tackle almost all aspects of the Sass language. You can find the guidelines here, or check out his introductory blog post here.

Sass写作机器Hugo Giraudel最近发布了一套“非常有思想的” Sass指南,他试图在其中解决Sass语言的几乎所有方面。 您可以在此处找到指南 ,或在此处 查看他的介绍性博客文章

Foundation is a responsive front-end framework. This video demonstrates how to get started with Sass and Compass in a new Foundation web project.

Foundation是一个响应式前端框架。 该视频演示了如何在一个新的Foundation Web项目中开始使用Sass和Compass

Sass allows you to write nested media queries, which is wonderful in itself, but it’s possible to abstract things a bit further. This post on CSS-tricks shows you how. The comments also make for good reading.

Sass允许您编写嵌套的媒体查询,这本身很棒,但是可以进一步抽象一些东西。 这篇有关CSS技巧的文章向您展示了 。 这些评论还可以使您更好地阅读。

Separating the Sass that renders CSS from the Sass that doesn’t yields subtle, but far-reaching benefits.


Still not convinced that Sass is for you? New to Sass and not sure where to start? Then you might like to read this simple and easy guide to understanding Sass, which does a good job highlighting Sass’ feature set, with easy to follow examples.

仍然不相信Sass适合您? Sass的新手,不确定从哪里开始? 然后,您可能想阅读这份简单易懂的指南,以了解Sass ,它通过简单易懂的示例突出了Sass的功能集。

JavaScript的状态 (The State of JavaScript)

This year JavaScript will turn 20 and it has come a long way from humble beginnings to become the world’s most ubiquitous computing runtime. Darren Jones recently took a look at where JavaScript has been and where it’s heading as it leaves its teenage years behind.

今年,JavaScript将迎来20岁,从不起眼的起点到成为世界上最普及的计算运行时,已经走了很长一段路。 达伦·琼斯(Darren Jones)最近研究了JavaScript的发展历程以及它的发展方向

Generation JavaScript is an opinion piece that examines the rapid nature of change in the JavaScript world and how this affects those working with the language.


In the last few days of 2014, Melbourne-based web developer Glenn Maddern resurrected his long-neglected GIF-beatmatching project DJGif to throw a New Year’s party on his rooftop. In the process he discovered some new things about JavaScript that really surprised him.

在2014年的最后几天,总部位于墨尔本的网络开发人员Glenn Maddern重新启动了他长期以来被忽视的GIF匹配项目DJGif ,在屋顶上举办了新年派对。 在此过程中, 他发现了一些关于JavaScript的新事物,这确实使他感到惊讶

This is one of the coolest JavaScript effects I have seen in a long time (be sure to close the modal).

这是我很长时间以来见过的最酷JavaScript效果之一 (请务必关闭模式)。

6to5 turns ES6+ code into readable vanilla ES5 with source maps and more. It includes a good overview of ES6 features as well as its own REPL.

6to5将ES6 +代码变成带有源映射等的可读的普通ES5 。 它很好地概述了ES6功能以及自己的REPL。

Mozilla Sr. Web Developer David Walsh appeared on the JavaScript Jabber podcast recently to discuss the Mozilla Developer Network. Amusingly, it took about 30 seconds for W3Schools to be mentioned.

Mozilla高级Web开发人员David Walsh最近出现在JavaScript Jabber播客中 ,讨论Mozilla开发人员网络。 有趣的是,花了大约30秒的时间提到了W3Schools。

Ruby-闪亮的新事物 (Ruby – Shiny New Things)

Continuing a long-standing tradition, Ruby 2.2 was released on Christmas Day. Two of the main features of the latest release are incremental garbage collection and the garbage collection of symbols.

Ruby 2.2继承了悠久的传统, 于圣诞节那天发布 。 最新版本的两个主要功能是增量垃圾收集和符号的垃圾收集。

Rails 4.2 also arrived bearing Christmas gifts. Notable additions included Active Job (for queuing tasks to run separately from the user request-response cycle) and some serious speed increases in ActiveRecord thanks to Aaron Patterson’s Adequate Record project.

Rails 4.2也带有圣诞节礼物 。 值得注意的增加包括Active Job (用于排队任务以与用户请求-响应周期分开运行的任务),并且由于Aaron Patterson的“ 充足记录”项目,ActiveRecord的速度有了显着提高。

As the Ruby ecosystem has become more sophisticated, setting up Ruby and Rails on your system has garnered a reputation as being somewhat of a pain, especially for new developers. Dhaivat Pandya took a look at the results of a Kickstarter campaign, aimed at addressing this complexity.

随着Ruby生态系统变得越来越复杂,在您的系统上设置Ruby和Rails赢得了声誉,尤其是对于新开发人员而言,这是一种痛苦。 Dhaivat Pandya考察了旨在解决这种复杂性的Kickstarter活动的结果

One video that keeps cropping up on various “best Ruby videos of 2014” lists is refactoring Ruby with monads. If you’re confused as to what monads are, or why they’re good, this might be worth a watch.

一部不断出现在“ 2014年最佳Ruby视频”列表中的视频正在用monad重构Ruby 。 如果您对什么是单子感到困惑,或者为什么它们很好,那么可能值得一看。

Refile is a new Ruby gem aimed at simplifying file uploads in Rails. It is also the subject of the latest GoRails screencast, which walks you through installation, configuration and use with plenty of easy to follow examples.

Refile是一种新的Ruby宝石,旨在简化Rails中的文件上传 。 它也是最新的GoRails屏幕录像的主题, 该屏幕录像带您通过大量易于遵循的示例逐步进行安装,配置和使用。

So that’s everything for this week. Thanks for joining us.

这就是本周的一切。 感谢您加入我们。

I’ll leave you with this wonderful line of JavaScript code I came across: '#'+(~~(Math.random()*(1<<24))).toString(16) (see if you can work out what it does without running it in your browser), the most popular code pens of 2014 and news that they’ve found a way to turn poop into drinking water (seriously).

我将带给我一段美妙JavaScript代码: '#'+(~~(Math.random()*(1<<24))).toString(16) (看看是否可以解决)而不在浏览器中运行它的功能), 2014年最受欢迎的代码笔以及有关他们已经找到了一种将粪便变成饮用水的方法的消息(严重)。

So which links caught your attention? Do you have any predictions for 2015? Are you excited by Microsoft’s new browser? What do you think about the state of JavaScript? Let us know, we would love to hear your thoughts.

那么哪些链接引起了您的注意? 您对2015年有什么预测吗? 您对Microsoft的新浏览器感到兴奋吗? 您如何看待JavaScript的状态? 让我们知道,我们很想听听您的想法。



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