

website analytics

After I design a website for a client, I am often asked to provide other (somewhat related) services, such as managing e-mail marketing campaigns, creating various reports, and updating online stores. This is perfect for me because it supports the model I follow in my business. But even if you typically only provide design services, there are ways you can offer your clients even more value for working with you, and develop a long-term relationship that benefits everyone.

在为客户设计网站后,经常会要求我提供其他(某种程度相关)的服务,例如管理电子邮件营销活动,创建各种报告以及更新在线商店。 这对我来说是完美的,因为它支持我在业务中遵循的模型。 但是,即使您通常只提供设计服务,也可以通过一些方法为客户提供与您合作的更多价值,并建立长期的合作关系,使每个人都受益。

If clients are happy with your work, they are likely to consider you for other projects because they trust you, they know you’re web savvy, and you already have a handle on their businesses. Building on a previous post, “Recession Survival: 9 Ways To Make More Money As A Web Designer,” here is an expansion of #8: Diversify, with seven value-added services you can offer to your clients. 1. Analytics Interpretation and Reporting

如果客户对您的工作满意,他们可能会考虑您参加其他项目,因为他们信任您,他们知道您精通网络,并且您已经掌握了他们的业务。 在上一篇文章“ 衰退中的生存:作为Web设计师赚钱的9种方法 ”的基础上,此处扩展了#8:多元化,提供了七种可为客户提供的增值服务。 1. Analytics(分析)解释和报告

You’ve designed the site with web analytics code in place and the site usage is being tracked. But it takes a lot of the client’s time to review the analytics and, most importantly, interpret what it means. It can be beneficial for your clients to have someone who understands the data create reports, interpret them, and make suggestions for site improvements based on the data.

您已经在网站上设计了适当的网站分析代码,并且正在跟踪网站的使用情况。 但是,客户需要花费大量时间来审查分析,最重要的是要解释其含义。 让您的客户了解数据可以创建报告,解释报告并根据数据提出建议以改善站点,这对您的客户可能是有益的。

2. Competition Monitoring


Regardless of the industry your client is in, there are competitors online. It might be worthwhile to have someone keep an eye on competitors’ websites to stay up to speed with what they’re doing, especially if it can impact the client’s business.

无论您的客户所从事的行业是什么,在线上都有竞争对手。 可能有人值得关注竞争对手的网站,以跟上他们所做的一切,特别是如果这可能影响客户的业务时,尤其如此。

3. HTML E-mail Template Design

3. HTML电子邮件模板设计

If your client sends e-mail marketing messages, he/she may be interested in having e-mail templates created that have the same look and feel as the website.


4. Blog Customization/Management


Blogs are another area where a client may need help carrying over the same look that you created for their website. Beyond the customization and setup, there may be an opportunity to provide blog management services for your clients, where you publish posts, manage comments, add the blog to directories and promote linking.

博客是另一个领域,客户可能需要帮助来保持您为网站创建的外观。 除了自定义和设置之外,还有机会为您的客户提供博客管理服务,您可以在其中发布帖子,管理评论,将博客添加到目录并促进链接。

5. Pay-Per-Click Campaign Management


This is another area that requires a lot of work on the client’s part. If the client doesn’t have dedicated marketing support and if you have experience with PPC campaigns, this may be a great way to give your clients more value, and save them time.

这是另一个需要客户方面大量工作的领域。 如果客户没有专门的营销支持,并且您具有PPC广告系列的经验,那么这可能是一种为客户提供更多价值并节省时间的好方法。

6. Sales Presentation Development


One of my clients had a team of sales people who wanted to use the website as a visual aid during sales presentations, but always feared there would be spotty or non-existent Internet service for the meeting. I was hired to take the website, translate it into an auto-run demo, and burn it to a DVD. This gave the sales people an offline solution, plus a leave-behind for prospects.

我的一位客户有一个销售人员团队,他们希望在销售演示过程中使用该网站作为视觉辅助,但始终担心会议使用的互联网服务不完整或不存在。 我受雇去浏览网站,将其转换为自动运行的演示,然后将其刻录到DVD中。 这为销售人员提供了一个离线解决方案,并为潜在客户留下了一笔空白。

7. Usability Testing


After the site is live — or before the work begins in the case of a redesign — it may make sense to get input from the client’s customers and target audience. You can manage usability testing by creating and compiling surveys, managing one-on-one interviews, and reporting the feedback to the client.

在网站上线之后(或在重新设计的情况下开始工作之前),从客户的客户和目标受众那里征求意见可能是有意义的。 您可以通过创建和编译调查,管理一对一的采访以及将反馈报告给客户来管理可用性测试。

Once you know what services you want to offer to retain clients, its time to focus on bringing new ones in. Here’s a great guide to finding freelance work over on Millo.


What other types of services do you offer clients to keep the relationship going in between design projects?


Image credit: CLF

图片来源: CLF

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/7-value-added-services-web-designers-can-offer-clients/


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