封闭开发可以上外网吗_建立在封闭平台上? 小心踩



Entrepreneur Steve Poland wrote an open letter to Twitter founder Evan Williams today accusing Twitter of “pulling rank” by kicking him off the account @celtics, on which he was running a fan news bot for Boston Celtics news. Poland had owned the account for 18 months, when he grabbed a number of what he calls “quality” accounts — accounts that he perceived might have value in the future.

企业家史蒂夫·波兰(Steve Poland)今天给推特创始人埃文·威廉姆斯(Evan Williams)开了一封公开信,指责推特将他从@celtics帐户中删除 ,从而“推高了排名”,在该帐户上他正在运行粉丝新闻机器人以获取波士顿凯尔特人队的新闻。 波兰拥有该帐户已有18个月的时间,当时他抢了许多他所谓的“优质”帐户-他认为该帐户将来可能有价值。

Twitter, according to their terms of service, can revoke any name they please if they field a request from “businesses or individuals that hold legal claim or trademark on those usernames.” We tried to do that in October for the SitePoint name on Twitter, but Twitter wouldn’t comply because the person using that account owns the trademark in Switzerland (we own it in the US and other countries). We’ve since built a Twitter account on @sitepointdotcom.

如果Twitter收到“对这些用户名持有合法主张或商标的企业或个人的请求”,则根据其服务条款,Twitter可以撤消他们希望使用的任何名称。 我们曾尝试在10月份在Twitter上使用SitePoint名称,但是Twitter不遵守,因为使用该帐户的人在瑞士拥有该商标(我们在美国和其他国家拥有该商标)。 此后,我们在@sitepointdotcom上建立了一个Twitter帐户。

But Poland makes a good point when he wonders if businesses should be wary of building on a platform that can revoke a key part of their business with no warning. “StockTwits just raised nearly $1 million — their business is based off Twitter. Definitely one of their assumptions is that they’ll be keeping their username ‘StockTwits,’” he writes. Poland’s own personal account is username: STP. Those are his initials, but also the name of a popular brand of motor oil — what if the corporate STP comes calling?

但是当波兰人想知道企业是否应该警惕在没有任何警告的情况下撤消其业务关键部分的平台时,波兰提出了一个好观点。 “ StockTwits刚刚筹集了近100万美元-他们的业务基于Twitter。 他们的假设之一肯定是他们将保留用户名“ StockTwits”,”他写道。 波兰自己的个人帐户是用户名:STP。 这些是他的名字的缩写,也是一个受欢迎的机油品牌的名称-如果公司STP打电话来怎么办?

How does Twitter decided what is infringement and what isn’t?


Also this week MacBlogz published a story about FreedomVoice Systems, a company that makes an iPhone application called Newber that allows you to redirect phone calls from your cell phone to any other phone — so that if you’re on an important call and your iPhone starts to die, you can just redirect the call to a landline and swap phones.

同样在本周,MacBlogz 发表了有关FreedomVoice Systems 的故事 ,该公司开发了一个名为Newber的iPhone应用程序,该应用程序使您可以将电话从手机重定向到任何其他电话-这样,如果您正在打重要电话,则iPhone可以启动要死掉,您可以将呼叫重定向到座机并交换电话。

Apparently, FreedomVoice spent about $500 thousand developing and marketing Newber — and Apple hasn’t accepted it into the App Store yet. They might never accept it.

显然,FreedomVoice花了大约50万美元开发和营销Newber,而Apple尚未将其纳入App Store。 他们可能永远不会接受。

Though about totally different products and platforms, these stories are actually related. They illustrate one of the major risks of developing on a closed platform: if you don’t have guarantees from the platform provider in writing ensuring the well-being of your app, your business is at their mercy.

尽管关于完全不同的产品和平台,这些故事实际上是相关的。 它们说明了在封闭平台上进行开发的主要风险之一:如果您没有平台提供商的书面保证来确保您的应用程序的幸福,则您的业务将由他们摆布。

We wrote about the dangers of closed platforms for both developers and users in August. For developers who create applications on those platforms, when sales channels or even the very existence of their application lies at the discretion of the platform owner and not in the hands of the developer, that is a dangerous proposition for doing business.

我们在八月份写了封闭平台对开发人员和用户的危害 。 对于在那些平台上创建应用程序的开发人员而言,当销售渠道甚至其应用程序的存在完全取决于平台所有者而不是开发人员的手中时,这对于开展业务来说是一个危险的主张。

“If you were an $800K investor in StockTwits, wouldn’t you want a written letter from Twitter stating that the username ’stocktwits’ was no longer bound to the line [in the Terms of Service regarding username seizure]?” asks Poland. “Maybe there needs to be a process in place where companies/individuals can ensure that clause doesn’t apply to them?”

“如果您是StockTwits的80万美元投资者,您是否不希望Twitter发出一封书面信,说明用户名'stocktwits'不再受[在有关用户名扣押的服务条款中]的限制,?” 问波兰。 “也许需要一个适当的流程,公司/个人可以确保该条款不适用于他们?”

That’s something that platform owners should do in order to build trust with developers and create an environment that is truly viable for business as well as development.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/building-on-a-closed-platform-tread-carefully/






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