


Yesterday we published a list of the top 10 web sites of 1998. When those sites were tops on the web, starting an Internet business was a pricey proposition. Times have changed, and it no longer takes millions or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to launch most web applications. It still takes some time, and money though, so below is a list of 5 ways you can raise money to fund your web startup.

昨天我们公布了1998年十大网站名单 。 当这些网站成为网络上的热门网站时,开展互联网业务是一项昂贵的提议。 时代已经改变,启动大多数Web应用程序不再需要数百万甚至数十万美元。 这仍然需要一些时间和金钱,因此,下面列出了5种筹集资金来启动Web初创公司的方法。

1.申请启动孵化器 (1. Apply to a Startup Incubator)

There are some people who argue that the growing number of small, seed fund startup incubators out there are a raw deal for the young entrepreneurs they attract. They argue that the programs, like Y Combinator and TechStars, take too much equity in exchange for such a small cash investment (generally 5-10% for between $10,000 and $30,000 depending on the program). But we disagree.

有些人认为,越来越多的小型种子基金初创企业孵化器对于他们吸引的年轻企业家来说是一笔不小的交易。 他们认为,像Y Combinator和TechStars这样的程序会占用太多股权,以换取如此少量的现金投资(根据程序的不同,通常为5%至10,000美元到30,000美元之间的投资)。 但是我们不同意。

In addition to enough cash that you can afford to work full-time on building your prototype for a few months (especially if you’re young and frugal), these programs generally offer invaluable access to advice and mentoring from brilliant minds who have successfully gone through the process of starting up a web business in the past. Giving up a 6% stake in your business is worth it when the advice, mentoring, and access to services (such as hosting, PR, and legal) boost your chances of success and make sure you don’t get screwed down the line.

除了足够的现金,您可以花几个月的时间专职工作(特别是如果您年轻又省钱),这些程序通常还提供了宝贵的机会,可以从成功地走出精明的头脑中获得建议和指导通过过去启动网络业务的过程。 当您的建议,指导和对服务(例如托管,公关和法律)的访问权增加了您成功的机会并确保您不会陷入困境时,放弃您的业务6%的股份是值得的。

What follows is a list of some of the programs you can look into.


2.参加比赛 (2. Enter a Contest)

This may be the strangest option on this list, and the least likely to work for you. But there are contests out there where you can win money for your startup. You Be The VC, for example, in which the crowd votes on their favorite idea, will provide its winners with guidance and mentoring from top companies and advisers, as well as office space and a stipend for living expenses in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

这可能是该列表上最奇怪的选项,并且对您来说最不可能起作用。 但是,那里有很多比赛可以为您的创业公司赢钱。 例如, You Be VC在人群中投票选出了他们最喜欢的想法,它将为获奖者提供来自顶级公司和顾问的指导和指导,以及办公场所和马萨诸塞州剑桥市的生活津贴。

If you’re in school, consider entering a business plan competition. The Harvard Business School has one with a $20,000 cash and services top prize, while MIT’s Entrepreneurship Competition is even better: it has a $100,000 grand prize up for grabs each year. A number of other business schools run similar contests every year.

如果您在学校,请考虑参加商业计划竞赛。 哈佛商学院有一个与新台币$ 20,000元的现金和服务的最高奖,而麻省理工学院的创业大赛 ,甚至更好:它有$ 100,000的大奖争夺每年。 每年其他许多商学院也举办类似的比赛。

3.工作的贸易公平 (3. Trade Equity for Work)

Last month we wrote about WebEquity, which is a marketplace for sweat equity investments. Anyone looking for help on a web business can post what they need and how much of their company (either in equity or back end revenue payments) they’re willing to part with. Since our post, WebEquity has expanded beyond Australia to include the USA, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

上个月, 我们撰写了有关WebEquity的 文章WebEquity是汗水股权投资的市场。 在网络业务上寻求帮助的任何人都可以发布他们需要的东西以及愿意与他们分担多少公司业务(无论是股权投资还是后端收入支付)。 自发布以来,WebEquity已扩展到澳大利亚之外,包括美国,加拿大和英国。

Another option is Prototype Invest. The Denmark-based firm defines itself as a “Venture Capital firm providing software, web applications and guidance, instead of money.” Prototype Invest takes ideas and creates workable prototypes to pitch to VCs charging you in equity. I wrote an exclusive preview of Prototype Invest for ReadWriteWeb in April.

另一个选择是Prototype Invest 。 这家位于丹麦的公司将自己定义为“风险投资公司,而不是提供资金,提供软件,Web应用程序和指南”。 Prototype Invest接受想法并创建可行的原型,以向向您收取股权费用的风险投资商推销。 我在四月份为ReadWriteWeb编写了Prototype Invest独家预览

Giving out equity to get your startup up and running is an interesting route and one that requires a lot of trust. Make sure you put everything in writing before you begin.

给予股权以启动和运行您的创业是一条有趣的路,并且这需要很多信任。 开始之前,请确保所有内容都以书面形式写成。

4.使用家人和朋友(或陌生人) (4. Use Family and Friends (or Strangers))

Of course, you could go to a bank and get a business loan, but there are other options thanks to the web. One is social lending, where your loan comes in via small contributions from a large number of people in the crowd and the payoff for you generally comes in the form of better interest rates. There are three main social lending sites to consider Zopa, where rates start at 8.49%, Prosper.com, with rates starting at 8.68%, and LendingClub, with rates as low as 7.88% as of this writing.

当然,您可以去银行获得商业贷款,但是由于网络,还有其他选择。 一种是社会借贷,您的借贷来自人群中大量人的少量捐款,而为您带来的回报通常以更高的利率形式出现。 在Zopa上 ,有三个主要的社会贷款网站可供考虑,它们的利率从8.49%开始, Prosper.com的利率从8.68%开始, LendingClub的利率低至7.88%。

If you’re looking to raise money from family and friends — always a popular option for entrepreneurs — to avoid the messiness that might occur later, you can use Virgin Money to keep track of it all.

如果您想从家人和朋友那里筹集资金(这对企业家而言一直是一种普遍的选择),以避免以后可能发生的混乱情况,那么可以使用Virgin Money来跟踪这一切。

Of course, if you already have your site up and running and just need some additional funding to give it a little boost, you could always ask your users. That’s what online knitting community Raverly did last April. And it worked. In three weeks they’d raised $71,000 from over 3,000 of their most devoted users.

当然,如果您已经启动并运行您的网站,并且只需要一些额外的资金以使其有所提升,则可以随时询问您的用户。 这就是在线编织社区Raverly去年4月所做的事情。 而且有效。 在三周内,他们从3,000名最忠实的用户那里筹集了71,000美元

5.附带工作的自筹资金 (5. Self Fund with Side Jobs)

Possibly the most popular way to raise money and start a web app, is to just lay out your own cash. Many entrepreneurs these days will use money from consulting gigs or a day job at a tech company to fund their startup, which begins life as a side project. It’s not easy — you’ll be working 14 hour days, not spending any time with your friends or family, and generally staring at a computer screen whenever you’re not sleeping — but the pay off is that you own 100% of your startup and you’ll (hopefully) have a lot less debt to deal with.

可能最流行的筹集资金和启动Web应用程序的方法是仅布置自己的现金。 如今,许多企业家将利用咨询演出或一家科技公司的日常工作中的资金来为他们的创业公司提供资金,而创业公司的开始是附带项目。 这并不容易–您要工作14天,不花任何时间与朋友或家人在一起,并且通常在不睡觉的时候都盯着电脑屏幕看–但值得一提的是,您拥有100%的创业公司并且(希望)您的债务减少了很多。

This is the approach that web app sellers 37signals advise in their book. “These days it doesn’t take much to get rolling. Hardware is cheap and plenty of great infrastructure software is open source and free. And passion doesn’t come with a price tag,” they write. “So do what you can with the cash on hand. What can you do with three people instead of ten? What can you do with $20k instead of $100k? What can you do in three months instead of six? What can you do if you keep your day job and build your app on the side?”

这是网络应用程序销售商37signals 在其书中建议的方法。 “如今,滚动不需要太多时间。 硬件价格便宜,许多出色的基础架构软件是开源和免费的。 他们写道:“激情并没有代价。” “所以,手头上的现金也可以做得到。 与三个人而不是十个人可以做什么? $ 20k而不是$ 100,000可以做什么? 您可以在三个月内而不是六个月内做什么? 如果您保留日常工作并在侧面构建应用程序,该怎么办?”

And it’s true: the cost of entry for web startups is much, much lower now than it was a few years ago. (I co-own what is likely the largest Ruby on Rails discussion community on the web and in 2.5 years we’ve still put under $1,000 of our own money into it, for example.) 37signals built their first product, Basecamp, as a side project while still doing client work.

的确是这样:网络创业公司的入门成本现在要比几年前低很多。 (例如,我共同拥有一个可能是网络上最大的Ruby on Rails讨论社区,例如,在2.5年内,我们仍然投入了不到1,000美元的自有资金。)37signals打造了他们的第一个产品Basecamp,作为仍在做客户工作的项目。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-ways-to-fund-your-web-startup/


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