quicktime mkv_在生产环境中使用QuickTime

quicktime mkv

QuickTime is far and away the most flexible, versatile and powerful tool available to the video, film, animation and music industries. In a modern production house, where most work is already done on computers, there is no reason why QuickTime can’t be used for pre-production, as well as production and postproduction work. Using QuickTime as a workflow tool will help your company quickly share ideas, test footage, and sample graphics across the office — or across the globe.

QuickTime无疑是视频,电影,动画和音乐行业可用的最灵活,多功能和功能强大的工具。 在现代化的生产车间中,大多数工作已经在计算机上完成,因此没有理由不能将QuickTime用作预生产以及生产和后期生产工作。 将QuickTime用作工作流工具将帮助您的公司在整个办公室或全球范围内快速共享想法,测试素材和示例图形。

为什么要购买QuickTime Pro? (Why Buy QuickTime Pro?)

I cannot stress enough the importance of using QuickTime Pro as opposed to the regular QuickTime player.

与普通的QuickTime播放器相比,我不能足够强调使用QuickTime Pro的重要性。

In its basic installation on any computer, QuickTime is a fully functional player, able to play any .mov or .mpg file locally or through an Internet connection. This is what all free (and occasionally, paid) video players, such as the Windows Media Player, or Real Player, offer consumers. QuickTime even offers consumers some appealing extras for no additional cost, such as an absence of advertising.

在任何计算机上的基本安装中,QuickTime是一个功能齐全的播放器,能够在本地或通过Internet连接播放任何.mov或.mpg文件。 这就是所有免费(偶尔是付费)视频播放器(例如Windows Media Player或Real Player)为消费者提供的功能。 QuickTime甚至为消费者提供了一些吸引人的额外功能,而无需支付额外费用,例如没有广告。

However, Apple also produces what they term a "professional" version of QuickTime. It is, in fact, the exact same QuickTime software that’s installed on every Macintosh and available as a free download for both Mac and Windows, but with a bevy of functionality that users unlock with the purchase of a serial number.

但是,Apple还生产他们所谓的QuickTime的“专业”版本。 实际上,它与每台Macintosh上安装的QuickTime软件完全相同,可在Mac和Windows上免费下载,但具有一系列功能,用户可以通过购买序列号来解锁。

"Oh dear," you’re thinking. "I have to buy something!" Yes you do, but believe me when I say that at $29.99, QuickTime Pro is the least expensive and most robust tool that any digital professional can have in their toolbox. Note that QuickTime Pro license keys are also provided free with some non-linear editing applications, such as Apple’s own Final Cut Pro.

“哦,亲爱的,”你在想。 “我必须买东西!” 是的,您可以,但是当我说以29.99美元的价格售出时,QuickTime Pro是任何数字专业人员都能在其工具箱中拥有的最便宜,最强大的工具,请相信我。 请注意,某些非线性编辑应用程序(例如Apple自己的Final Cut Pro)也免费提供QuickTime Pro许可证密钥。

功能性 (The Functionality)

Registering QuickTime allows any user to:


  • export files to any supported codec or architecture (including MPEG-1 and MPEG-4),

  • open an image sequence,

  • add audio and video layers, and extract the same,

  • enable or disable any track from playing, a functionality that becomes more important when you’re creating multimedia projects.


There is an additional purchase needed to export MPEG-2, but if you work with DVD, it’s an asset worth having.


But this isn’t all. An "in" and "out" marker is placed on every file you use in QuickTime Pro, allowing you to select a particular area to copy, cut, add or otherwise affect. One of the most simple, yet pleasant options available is that of playing back videos in full screen mode. By selecting "Full Screen?" from the Movie menu or using Command-F, you have the ability to play back a movie on either a black background, or by completely filling the screen–a valuable asset for presentations and any televisual experience that’s required.

但这还不是全部。 在QuickTime Pro中使用的每个文件上都有一个“内”和“外”标记,使您可以选择要复制,剪切,添加或以其他方式影响的特定区域。 可用的最简单但令人愉悦的选项之一就是以全屏模式播放视频。 通过选择“全屏?” 通过“电影”菜单或使用Command-F,您可以在黑色背景上播放电影,也可以完全填满屏幕,这对于演示和所需的任何电视体验都是宝贵的资产。

适用于QuickTime Pro的地方 (Where QuickTime Pro Fits In)

As I mentioned, this software is valuable not just in the production and post-production stages of development, but also in pre-production. Let’s consider each stage, and see what QuickTime Pro delivers.

如前所述,该软件不仅在开发的生产阶段和后期生产阶段都很有价值,而且在生产前阶段也很有价值。 让我们考虑每个阶段,看看QuickTime Pro提供了什么。



All digital projects start analog — that is, they all start with the imagination of writers, directors and the other creative talent involved. Yet most of us work digitally, and, what’s more, most of us deliver digitally, so why not move our ideas to the digital realm as quickly as possible?

所有数字项目都是从模拟开始的-也就是说,它们都始于作家,导演和其他相关创作人才的想象力。 然而,我们大多数人都是数字化工作,而且,大多数人都是数字化交付的,那么为什么不尽快将我们的想法转移到数字领域呢?



Before creating, try research. If you’re working on a commercial spot, for example, where a style and editing consistent with a 1930s Hollywood musical is required, what better reference than a couple of Fred Astaire clips? Similar to designers in the print world who collect photographs, magazine pages and old ads in books to provide direction, those in the digital realm would be well advised to create collections of QuickTime video clips that will help keep your creative bearings on track.

在创建之前,请尝试研究。 例如,如果您在商业现场工作,需要与1930年代好莱坞音乐剧保持一致的风格和剪辑,那么,与几个Fred Astaire剪辑相比,还有什么更好的参考? 与印刷界的设计师相似,他们收集照片,杂志页面和书籍中的旧广告以提供指导,因此,建议数字领域的设计师创建QuickTime视频剪辑的集合,以帮助您保持创意。

But before you run out to convert the local video shop into a random access resource, there are two important things to keep in mind:


  1. Your QuickTime video clip library should be for personal reference use only


    Handing out even short clips of someone else’s work isn’t being creative, it’s just stealing.


  2. Staying organized is key


    Don’t try to load up a laptop or even a desktop with a ton of clips that you’ll only look at for a short time while you’re beginning a project. If you’re planning to build up a resource of clips for future reference, export them in a lower resolution than broadcast quality (see "Encoding video" below), then burn all the clips to CD-Rs or DVD-Rs. Then just keep them on the shelf right next to the dictionary and encyclopedia where they belong.

    不要尝试在笔记本电脑甚至台式机上加载大量剪辑,而在开始项目时,这些剪辑只会在很短的时间内出现。 如果您打算建立剪辑资源以供将来参考,请以比广播质量低的分辨率导出它们(请参阅下面的“编码视频”),然后将所有剪辑刻录到CD-R或DVD-R。 然后只需将它们放在它们所属的字典和百科全书旁边的书架上即可。



Pre-visualization is not a new concept, yet surprisingly few people outside special effects companies seem to use it. Storyboards, while providing insight compositionally, do not fully explore how a scene will edit together.

预可视化不是一个新概念,但是令人惊讶的是,特殊效果公司以外的人似乎很少使用它。 故事板虽然可以提供结构上的洞察力,但并不能完全探索场景如何一起编辑。

By digitizing storyboards in the QuickTime format and trying out simple moves and edits in NLEs or motion graphics packages — many of which are built around QuickTime technologies — we can quickly begin to see which shots will be needed on set …before a camera is even picked up! For filmmakers, pre-viz has typically been a mental exercise of running through a given shoot before committing it to film, but by borrowing some of the most relevant pre-production exercises from the animation and special effects world, your production can really benefit.

通过将QuickTime格式的情节提要板数字化,并尝试在NLE或动态图形包中进行简单的移动和编辑(其中许多都是基于QuickTime技术构建的),我们可以快速开始查看场景中需要拍摄的照片……甚至在拿起相机之前向上! 对于电影制片人而言,预视通常是在拍摄给定的电影之前进行的一项心理锻炼,但是通过从动画和特技效果世界中借用一些最相关的预制作锻炼,您的制作可以真正受益。

Sharing footage


In filmmaking, film dailies serve a variety of purposes. They are used to check many details, including color, lighting and scenery. In the digital realm, dailies can fulfill several important tasks, though they’re typically different.

在电影制作中,电影日报有多种用途。 它们用于检查许多细节,包括颜色,照明和风景。 在数字领域,日报通常可以完成一些重要任务,尽管它们通常是不同的。

Shared project sites, where low-resolution versions of raw footage, graphics and rough edits can be used to help communicate progress, as well as to collaborate on ideas, can be invaluable, particularly when you’re dealing with clients. QuickTime movies over the Internet can serve as virtual meetings to test edits, music tracks and motion graphics.

共享的项目站点非常宝贵,尤其是在与客户打交道时,在这些站点上可以使用原始分辨率,图形和粗略编辑的低分辨率版本来帮助交流进度以及就想法进行协作。 互联网上的QuickTime电影可以充当虚拟会议,以测试编辑,音乐曲目和动态图形。



While QuickTime’s benefits in the realm of post-production are relatively well known, it’s important to highlight its flexibility. No other video application can support as many codecs and resolutions as QuickTime, or will allow content to move between as many digital packages. QuickTime is like a Swiss army knife to the industry: its handiness seems limitless.

尽管QuickTime在后期制作领域中的好处是众所周知的,但强调其灵活性很重要。 没有其他视频应用程序可以支持与QuickTime一样多的编解码器和分辨率,也不允许内容在尽可能多的数字包之间移动。 QuickTime就像瑞士军刀一样:便利性似乎是无限的。

Beyond Post: Encoding Video


Video on the Web will continue to be a growing phenomenon; as bandwidth increases and the size of video files decreases, users expect more content to be made available for consumption. A distinct lack of understanding of how to gear video for network delivery is the primary reason why so many fail to successfully post quality video.

网络视频将继续成为一种增长的现象。 随着带宽的增加和视频文件大小的减小,用户希望有更多的内容可供消费。 如此众多的人未能成功发布高质量的视频的主要原因,是对如何使视频适应网络交付的明显缺乏了解。

While some may disagree with this, the simple fact is that there are some limitations to what the technology can currently accomplish, and it’s important to be aware of them. This does not mean, however, that we should stop challenging the level of quality in the work we deliver.

尽管有些人可能对此表示反对,但简单的事实是,该技术当前可以完成的工作存在一些限制,因此必须意识到这些限制。 但是,这并不意味着我们应该停止挑战所交付作品的质量水平。

改善基于网络的视频 (Improving Web-Based Video)

These tips should help you improve your Web-based video:


  1. Edit/design for the Web where possible


  2. Though it’s not always practical, if you’re planning to show work on the Web, don’t make the edit so rapidly paced that the player can’t refresh the image fast enough, and don’t design graphics so small that the become indiscernible in Web format.


  3. Use the right frame size


  4. Smaller frame sizes mean fewer pixels per frame, which equals less data per second in the long run. The largest size typically used for Web delivery is 320 x 240, or half the resolution of a standard television.

    较小的帧大小意味着每帧较少的像素,从长远来看,这等于每秒减少的数据。 通常用于Web交付的最大尺寸为320 x 240,即标准电视分辨率的一半。

  5. Use lower frame rates


  6. You simply don’t need 29.97 or even 24 frames per second to have smooth motion video on the Internet. In general, start at 12 FPS and scale up or down accordingly. Fast-paced actions, like a person running, for example, may require more frames per second; slower action can typically use less.

    您根本不需要每秒29.97甚至24帧就可以在Internet上获得流畅的运动视频。 通常,以12 FPS开始并相应地放大或缩小。 快节奏的动作(例如奔跑的人)每秒可能需要更多帧; 较慢的动作通常可以减少使用。

  7. Don’t be afraid to crop


  8. Applications like Discreet’s Cleaner allow video to be cropped before scaling to the finished size, so that the main action is as large as possible. Don’t be afraid to dramatically trim the edges, but be sureo check that this cropping works for all scenes.

    Discreet的Cleaner之类的应用程序允许在缩放视频到最终大小之前对其进行裁剪,从而使主要动作尽可能地大。 不要害怕大幅修剪边缘,但一定要确保此裁剪适用于所有场景。

  9. Data rates are data rates


  10. Data rates are the amount of information — audio and video — that can be transferred in a given second. The same 56 Kbps we refer to as a "dial up connection" is this data rate. Be aware that the higher the data rate per second, the larger the file, thus the longer it will take for the file to reach the end user.

    数据速率是指可以在给定的每秒内传输的信息量-音频和视频。 我们称为“拨号连接”的相同56 Kbps就是该数据速率。 请注意,每秒的数据速率越高,文件越大,因此文件到达最终用户所花费的时间越长。

  11. If you’re trying to create a streaming file, the rules are very straightforward


  12. You can’t exceed the end user’s bandwidth per second, including a certain amount of overhead. One of the greatest benefits of QuickTime files in the area of encoding is their ability to "Fast Start," or download progressively. This means that a viewer will be able to begin watching a movie before the file has finished downloading.

    您不能超过最终用户每秒的带宽,包括一定的开销。 QuickTime文件在编码方面的最大好处之一是它们具有“快速启动”或逐步下载的能力。 这意味着观众可以在文件下载完成之前开始观看电影。

有线视频和多媒体 (Wired Video and Multimedia )

QuickTime engenders itself to multimedia production and presentation more than any other video player.


For instance, it’s quite straightforward to embed QuickTime movies into programs such as Macromedia’s Director — a popular program for creating self-contained presentations and kiosk displays. Likewise, the open architecture of QuickTime has lent itself to companies like Totally Hip, of Vancouver, B.C., in creating programs to completely edit, script and control the QuickTime movie. And Live Stage Pro allows digital professionals to completely re-tool QuickTime’s interface, removing the silver frame altogether, as well as adding scripting that creates DVD-like functionality (such as chapters, alternate audio and captions).

例如,将QuickTime电影嵌入到Macromedia Director之类的程序中非常简单,Macromedia的Director是一种流行的程序,用于创建独立的演示文稿和信息亭显示。 同样,QuickTime的开放式体系结构使诸如卑诗省温哥华市的Totally Hip之类的公司能够创建程序来完全编辑,编写和控制QuickTime电影。 而且,Live Stage Pro允许数字专业人士完全重新构建QuickTime的界面,完全删除最基本的框架,并添加脚本来创建类似DVD的功能(例如章节,备用音频和字幕)。

Perhaps one of the most impressive examples of the functionality and design that’s currently available to the public is http://www.bmwfilms.com created by Fallon Worldwide. Each of their short films by well known directors is available for download and, when launched, opens in a sleek, customized interface that has alternate audio tracks available as well as QTVRs and other amazing technology. The only caveat to this beautiful presentation is that files sizes tend to be larger than 100 MB, effectively locking out all but the most dedicated of dial up users.

由Fallon Worldwide创建的http://www.bmwfilms.com可能是当前向公众提供的最令人印象深刻的功能和设计示例。 他们的每部短片均由著名导演提供,可供下载,发行后,将在一个时尚,自定义的界面中打开,该界面具有备用音轨以及QTVR和其他惊人技术。 唯一需要注意的是,这种美观的显示方式是文件大小往往大于100 MB,有效地锁定了除最专用的拨号用户以外的所有用户。

When functionality like this can be packaged in such a way to be more readily available to slower speed connections as well, we will begin to see seeing a great deal more work in this area.


QuickTime’s flexibility and usefulness make it an invaluable tool. The greatest asset digital professionals can afford themselves is to become a versed user of the medium. Spending time exploring its various capabilities will facilitate your creativity and make your work easier to manage.

QuickTime的灵活性和实用性使其成为无价的工具。 数字专业人士可以承受的最大资产就是成为该媒体的精通用户。 花时间探索其各种功能将有助于您的创造力,并使您的工作更易于管理。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/production-environment/

quicktime mkv





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