This article was peer reviewed by Claudio Ribeiro. Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be!
本文由克劳迪奥·里贝罗 ( Claudio Ribeiro)进行了同行评审。 感谢所有SitePoint的同行评审人员使SitePoint内容达到最佳状态!
I love the iPad. It’s a fantastic form factor for media consumption and gaming; and it also works well as an e-reader. The trouble is I don’t use it nearly as much as I could. Most of the time I’m consuming media (Netflix, Twitch, YouTube), I’m coding in parallel.
我爱iPad。 这是媒体消费和游戏的绝佳形式。 它也可以作为电子阅读器。 麻烦的是我没有尽可能多地使用它。 在大多数情况下,我使用媒体(Netflix,Twitch,YouTube)时,都是并行进行编码的。
I can do that on my MacBook, but I’ve never been able to do that until now. Two things have made it possible:
我可以在MacBook上做到这一点,但直到现在我还是无法做到这一点。 两件事使之成为可能:
iOS recently added support for picture in picture playback. That means I can keep a video app playing, while working on something else.
iOS最近增加了对画中画回放的支持。 这意味着我可以在处理其他内容的同时继续播放视频应用。
Fantastic apps (like DraftCode and Working Copy) make it possible to code and run PHP apps, and push changes to Github, directly from the iPad.
出色的应用程序(例如DraftCode和Working Copy )使您可以直接从iPad编码和运行PHP应用程序,以及将更改推送到Github。

Today I’m going to show you how I code on an iPad. I won’t pretend it’s a perfect workflow (what workflow is?), but this is as exciting for me as the first time I used a laptop instead of a desktop.
今天,我将向您展示如何在iPad上进行编码。 我不会假装这是一个完美的工作流程(什么是工作流程?),但这对我来说就像我第一次使用笔记本电脑而不是台式机一样令人兴奋。
I started writing this post a while ago. To tell you the truth, I don’t think the apps I’ve going to talk about were ready then. They’ve both received updates since. It’s as though the developers could hear inside my brain, and wanted to make me happy. I also apologize for the size of this page; there are many animated gifs..
我前一段时间开始写这篇文章。 实话实说,我认为我要谈论的应用当时还没有准备好。 从那以后他们俩都收到了更新。 好像开发人员可以在我的大脑中听到,并想让我开心。 对于此页面的大小,我也表示歉意; 有很多的GIF动画..
硬件 (Hardware)
One of the most important parts of this whole experiment, is finding the right keyboard. When it comes to mobile devices, there’s no shortage of poor-quality hardware.
整个实验中最重要的部分之一就是找到合适的键盘。 在移动设备方面,不乏劣质硬件。
I searched for quite some time before I settled on a keyboard I liked the look of. I can safely say I made the right choice.
在搜寻了喜欢外观的键盘之前,我搜索了很长时间。 我可以肯定地说我做了正确的选择。
This keyboard is about twice the length of the iPad Mini 2, and weighs about the same. The keys feel amazing, with plenty of space between them. And it’s quiet!
该键盘的长度约为iPad Mini 2的两倍,重量也大致相同。 按键感觉很棒,它们之间有足够的空间。 而且很安静!
This keyboard also has a trackpad. iOS doesn’t support mouse or trackpad (as far as I’m aware), so you don’t have to go with a keyboard that has a trackpad. I like this because it can double as an input device for my Raspberry Pi (using a single USB port for keyboard and trackpad).
此键盘还具有触控板。 iOS不支持鼠标或触控板(据我所知),因此您不必使用带有触控板的键盘。 我之所以喜欢它,是因为它可以兼作我的Raspberry Pi的输入设备(使用单个USB端口连接键盘和触控板)。
Unless you’re using a Bluetooth keyboard, you’re going to need a USB port. Fortunately, Apple produce an adapter (originally made for digital camera compatibility), that works wonderfully with every USB keyboard I’ve ever tried.
除非您使用蓝牙键盘,否则将需要USB端口。 幸运的是,Apple生产了一个适配器 (最初是为兼容数码相机而制造的),它可以与我尝试过的每个USB键盘完美配合。
The Windows key doubles as a command key, and Windows + z / Windows + x / Windows + c / Windows + v all work as you’re used to. You can also use Windows + → and Windows + ← to move to the beginning and end of lines.
Windows键兼用作命令键,Windows + z / Windows + x / Windows + c / Windows + v都可以正常工作。 您还可以使用Windows +→和Windows +←移至行的开头和结尾。
The All-in-one Media keyboard is listed as USD 39.95 on the Microsoft website, but you can pick it up for USD 29.99 on Amazon. The Lightning USB adapter is listed as USD 29.99 on the Apple website, and actually costs a couple dollars more from Amazon.
在微软网站上,“多合一媒体”键盘的价格为39.95美元,但您可以在亚马逊上以29.99美元的价格购买。 在苹果网站上,Lightning USB适配器的价格为29.99美元,而从亚马逊购买的价格实际上要高出几美元。
应用 (Apps)
I’ve already mentioned a couple of apps (DraftCode and Working Copy), and the truth is these are the only two you need.
我已经提到了几个应用程序( DraftCode和Working Copy ),事实是这是您仅需要的两个。
What tools do you use to code? You probably use an IDE (or at the very least a text editor, like Atom). You probably use something like Git, to organize and version your source code.<