joomla tab 扩展_WordPress v Joomla:插件,扩展和自定义

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Welcome to Part 3 of the most comprehensive WordPress v Joomla analysis on the internet! In this post we’re going to be covering an important area of comparison between these two popular content management systems: the customization of Joomla and WordPress websites.

欢迎使用互联网上最全面的WordPress v Joomla分析的第3部分! 在本文中,我们将介绍这两种流行的内容管理系统之间重要的比较区域:Joomla和WordPress网站的自定义。

WordPress和Joomla扩展的性质 (The Nature of WordPress and Joomla Extensions)

When I think of Joomla and WordPress extensions, each one carries significantly different connotations.


WordPress扩展 (WordPress Extensions)

The feeling I get with WordPress is that the vast majority of their plugins are created with the implication that you’re running a blog/content website. What I mean by this is that the plugins are created simply to tweak WordPress’ native functionality and optimize your content. This could be in the form of SEO plugins, content syndication, social media integration, etc. They are all there to add value to your content rather than to revolutionize your website.

我对WordPress的感觉是,它们的绝大多数插件都是在您运行博客/内容网站的情况下创建的。 我的意思是,创建插件只是为了调整WordPress的本机功能并优化您的内容。 这可以采用SEO插件,内容联合,社交媒体集成等形式。它们都可以为您的内容增加价值,而不是彻底改变您的网站。

Joomla扩展 (Joomla Extensions)

Joomla, on the other hand, seems to provide extensions of a completely different nature. A lot of components are written to add massive chunks of functionality to your website, rather than just tweak certain areas of functionality. For example, you might use a component to turn your Joomla website into a full e-commerce store, or add an online reservation system.

另一方面,Joomla似乎提供了完全不同性质的扩展。 编写了许多组件,以向您的网站添加大量功能,而不仅仅是调整某些功能。 例如,您可以使用组件将Joomla网站转变为完整的电子商务商店,或添加在线预订系统。

Don’t get me wrong, there are extensions available that add great functionality to WordPress. Likewise, there are also extensions for Joomla that will just provide certain tweaks to content. I feel, however, that the extensions for each tend to conform to the above generalizations.

别误会,有可用的扩展为WordPress添加了强大的功能。 同样,Joomla的扩展也将提供对内容的某些调整。 但是,我感到每个扩展都倾向于符合上述概括。

扩展结构 (The Extension Structure)

WordPress and Joomla have significantly different structures when it comes to extensions.



WordPress (over)simplifies everything by grouping all its extensions under the broad term of Plugins. Plugins can be anything from back-end tweaks to full front-end functionality. Simple styling tweaks, SEO optimization extensions, sitemaps, contact forms, new widget types and even full e-commerce functionality will all be called Plugins.

WordPress通过将所有扩展名归类为Plugins来简化所有操作。 从后端调整到完整的前端功能,插件可以是任何东西。 简单的样式调整,SEO优化扩展,站点地图,联系表单,新的小部件类型,甚至是完整的电子商务功能都将称为插件。

Joomla, however, breaks its extensions down into various categories based on the functionality they provide.


  • Plugins: Plugins tend to be simple feature additions for Joomla which generally affect the front-end output in some way. This could be a typography tweak, adding a Google Map within an article, or even creating an Ajax-enabled contact form within your main body of text.

    插件 :插件通常是Joomla的简单功能,通常会以某种方式影响前端输出。 这可能是一种排版调整,可以在文章中添加Google Map,甚至可以在文本主体内创建启用Ajax的联系表。

  • Modules: Modules are basically the Joomla equivalent of WordPress Widgets. They are used to add bits of content around the main content area. This could be used, for example, to add a “Recent Posts” module or a “Social Sharing” module.

    模块:模块基本上是Joomla等同于WordPress Widgets。 它们用于在主要内容区域周围添加内容位。 例如,可以使用它来添加“最新帖子”模块或“社交共享”模块。

  • Components: Components are almost systems in their own right. They are made to extend the core functionality of Joomla, and a component will generally comprise its own set of modules and/or plugins. An example would be Virtuemart, the most well-known e-commerce component for Joomla. Virtuemart is basically an entire system which operates within the Joomla framework. There are modules and plugins available just for Virtuemart.

    组件 :组件本身就是系统。 它们被制成来扩展Joomla的核心功能,并且一个组件通常将包含其自己的一组模块和/或插件。 一个示例就是Virtuemart ,它是Joomla最著名的电子商务组件。 Virtuemart基本上是在Joomla框架内运行的整个系统。 有些模块和插件仅适用于Virtuemart。

With WordPress, I feel you’re slightly limited with your options because, as I mentioned above, if you create a WordPress website you are almost expected to be creating a blog/content-driven website.


With Joomla I would go so far as to say that your options are practically endless, except if you’re wanting to run a blog. Blogging is, in my opinion, Joomla’s one major weakness and I would probably turn to WordPress if my site’s main purpose was blogging. Having said that, if you do want to add great blogging functionality to Joomla, check out Easyblog, the only addition I feel adds sufficient blogging functionality to what is otherwise an area that Joomla seems to seriously neglect.

使用Joomla,我什至可以说您的选择几乎是无止境的, 除非您想运行博客。 在我看来,博客是Joomla的一个主要弱点,如果我的网站的主要目的是博客,那么我可能会转向WordPress。 话虽如此,如果您确实想为Joomla添加出色的博客功能,请查看Easyblog ,我认为唯一的补充就是为Joomla似乎严重忽略的领域添加了足够的博客功能。

易于安装 (Ease of Installation)

This isn’t really a major factor, because both systems make it super-easy to install extensions with back-end upload facilities.


WordPress wins this one though, because it allows you to search for and download plugins from the WordPress Plugin directory directly from the back-end of your WordPress site. With Joomla you need to download the extensions from the Joomla Extensions Directory, save them and then upload and install them using Joomla’s Extension Manager.

WordPress赢得了这一殊荣,因为WordPress允许您直接从WordPress网站的后端搜索并从WordPress插件目录下载插件。 使用Joomla,您需要从Joomla扩展目录中下载扩展,进行保存,然后使用Joomla的扩展管理器上传并安装它们。

WordPress’ Plugin directory integration is definitely a handy time saver here.


不同的语言 (Different Languages)


I must admit that I don’t have the greatest amount of experience when it comes to different languages because the vast majority of websites I’ve built have been in English. I do know there are options available for WordPress and Joomla in this department.

我必须承认,对于不同的语言,我没有太多的经验,因为我建立的绝大多数网站都是英语的。 我知道该部门有适用于WordPress和Joomla的选项。

WordPress is available in a number of different languages and with Joomla you are able to install a language pack.


As for multiple languages on one website, you’ll have to look to extensions to do this for you. WordPress has certain plugins available to allow language switching and multilingual pages. Joomla’s most popular language component is Joomfish, but they only have an alpha version currently available for the latest version of Joomla, so you may need to look elsewhere if you’re trying to go multilingual.

对于一个网站上的多种语言,您必须依靠扩展程序才能为您完成此操作。 WordPress有某些可用的插件来允许语言切换和多语言页面。 Joomla最受欢迎的语言组件是Joomfish ,但是它们只有当前版本的Joomla可用的Alpha版本,因此,如果您尝试使用多语言,则可能需要查看其他地方。

Edit: Joomla! apparently natively supports multilingual websites in version 2.5+.  That would explain Joomfish only being available for previous versions. Missed that one completely when reading the change log!

编辑: Joomla! 显然本地支持2.5+版本的多语言网站。 这将解释Joomfish仅可用于以前的版本。 阅读更改日志时完全错过了那个!

结论 (Conclusion)

When deciding between Joomla and WordPress, surveying the extension landscape is generally my first port of call. Identify what functions you need on your website and find out which CMS provides the better extensions to perform those functions.

在Joomla和WordPress之间做出选择时,通常在我的第一站是调查扩展范围。 确定您网站上需要哪些功能,并找出哪个CMS提供更好的扩展来执行这些功能。

Once you understand Joomla’s extension structure, it becomes a lot more intuitive than WordPress’ all-inclusive Plugin directory. I prefer to use WordPress for content-driven websites/blogs and Joomla for everything else.

一旦您了解了Joomla的扩展结构,它就会比WordPress的全包式插件目录直观得多。 我更喜欢将WordPress用于内容驱动的网站/博客,而将Joomla用于其他所有内容。

It comes down to personal preference and availability of extensions. If you find the perfect extension for your site’s major function and it’s only available for one CMS, then I would say your choice is practically made for you. All the smaller things can usually be made to work on either CMS.

它取决于个人喜好和扩展的可用性。 如果您找到适合您站点主要功能的完美扩展,并且仅适用于一个CMS,那么我会说您的选择实际上是为您选择的。 通常,所有较小的组件都可以在任一CMS上运行。

In the next post, we will be covering SEO — the various plugins, capabilities and limitations of both WordPress and Joomla. Make sure you check back next week!

在下一篇文章中,我们将介绍SEO-WordPress和Joomla的各种插件,功能和局限性。 确保您下周再回来看看!


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