

流行的移动设计 (Trending mobile designs)

This week mobile design has been on our minds, starting with the screen-size debate – how the iPhone 6 Plus Impacts Where We Read & Watch, and there’s some good coverage of Chinese mobile app UI trends. If you’re using Android, we’ve come across Material Design ideas and inspiration, and a must-read designer book called Don’t Make Me Think is revisited — it still holds up well today.

本周的移动设计一直在我们的脑海中,从屏幕大小的辩论开始-iPhone 6 Plus如何影响我们的阅读和观看范围 ,并且很好地涵盖了中国移动应用程序UI趋势 。 如果您使用的是Android,我们会遇到Material Design的想法和灵感 ,并且重新阅读了一本必须阅读的设计师书籍,名为“ Do n't Make Me Think” -至今仍然有效。

沉迷于网络浏览器 (Addicted to web browsers)

We also check out what’s new in Chrome 39 with generators, animation controls, and which even gives Windows 7 users a Windows 8 “immersive mode” experience. It’s not the only browser worth checking out though, for Yandex offers an early look at the web browser of the future. Whichever browser you choose to use, Life as a sole web developer can certainly be tricky. If you’re always on the internet outside of your job you might worry you have an addition, but is an internet addiction a real thing?

我们还将检查带有生成器,动画控件的Chrome 39的新增功能,甚至为Windows 7用户提供Windows 8“沉浸式”体验。 它并不是唯一值得一试的浏览器,因为Yandex可以对未来的Web浏览器进行早期查看 。 无论您选择使用哪种浏览器, 作为唯一的Web开发人员Life都会很棘手。 如果您总是在工作之外上网,那么您可能会担心自己还会增加工作,但是上网成瘾是真的吗?

保持CSS字体简单 (Keeping CSS typefaces simple)

It can be tricky enough choosing one good typeface, and combining typefaces is even harder, so we have put together for you three principles for perfect typeface pairing.


Another challenge developers have to deal with is the lengthy bulk of CSS. You can keep CSS short with currentColor, and if you’re wanting gradients, we have good coverage this week on building a linear-gradient mixin in Sass, for which the psychology of color in marketing and branding may also be useful.

开发人员必须应对的另一个挑战是冗长CSS。 您可以使用currentColor来简化CSS ,如果您想要渐变,本周我们将在Sass中构建线性渐变mixin进行广泛报道,这对于营销和品牌推广中的色彩心理学也可能很有用。

出现日历和变形SVG (Advent calendar and morphing SVG)

Each year in the run-up to Christmas, 24 ways is the advent calendar for we web developers, giving us new and interesting ways to approach things. Elsewhere, we’ve come across this JavaScript library enabling SVG icons to morph from one to the other, using Material Design’s details transitions, for which this online SVG editor may be useful to create some SVG images too.

每年圣诞节前夕,对于我们的Web开发人员来说,有24种方法是出现日历,为我们提供了新颖有趣的方法来解决问题。 在其他地方,我们遇到了这个JavaScript库,它使用Material Design的详细信息过渡功能使SVG图标从一个变到另一个 ,对于这个SVG在线编辑器,它也可能有助于创建一些SVG图像。

Delving deeper into JavaScript, we demystify JavaScript variable scope and hoisting, and some helpful insight into prototypes from a Ruby developer, that’s come over to JavaScript, has arrived.

更深入地研究JavaScript,我们揭开了JavaScript变量作用域和提升的神秘面纱 ,并且一些对Ruby开发人员的原型的有用见解已经出现在JavaScript中。

Separately, on forms we’ve found that interactive float-labels make it easier for people to fill them out, and that we can use Mermaid to generate diagrams and flowcharts from text in a manner similar to markdown.


我们出发之前 (Before we go)

Lastly this week, we learn how Gangnam Style broke YouTube, and we say farewell to Disqus, and welcome to Discourse where comments on these articles are shared with the forum community too, helping us to engage better in the conversations taking place.

本周末,我们了解了Gangnam Style如何破坏YouTube ,并告别了Disqus,并欢迎您访问Discourse,并在此与论坛社区共享对这些文章的评论,以帮助我们更好地参与正在进行的对话。

So which links caught your attention? Will you be following the 24 Ways advent calender in the run up to Christmas? Are you going to explore the new Yandex web browser, or experiment with float labels? Either way, we would love to hear your thoughts.

那么哪些链接引起了您的注意? 在圣诞节前夕,您会关注24 Ways压延机吗? 您要探索新的Yandex网络浏览器,还是尝试使用浮动标签? 无论哪种方式,我们都希望听到您的想法。

Also, if you have any problems implementing anything covered here, or just want to discuss it some more, SitePoint’s forums can now join in the conversation to give good help and assistance.








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