In this tutorial we’re going to see how easy it is to create a basic paid membership website using the Laravel Cashier
package. You can see a demo of the app here and download the source code here.
在本教程中,我们将看到使用Laravel Cashier
软件包创建基本的付费会员网站是多么容易。 你可以看到应用程序的演示在这里和下载的源代码在这里 。
建立工作环境 (Setting up a working environment)
We need to create a boilreplate project to get started, and we can do that in two different ways:
we can clone the Github repo to our project folder.
Assuming that you have
installed, ( check installation guide for more details).假设您已安装
,(请参阅安装指南以获取更多详细信息)。we run
composer create-project laravel/laravel laravel_membership --prefer-dist
, this will create a laravel boilerplate project in ourlaravel_membership
folder.composer create-project laravel/laravel laravel_membership --prefer-dist
Now we need to require the Laravel Cashier
package to the project by adding "laravel/cashier": "~1.0"
to our composer.json
on the require
section and run composer update
to update our dependencies.
现在,我们需要要求Laravel Cashier
加入包项目"laravel/cashier": "~1.0"
部分和运行composer update
After that we need to tell our app to load the Cashier
service provider class. We can do that by adding "Laravel\Cashier\CashierServiceProvider"
to the providers
array on the config/app.php
服务提供商类。 我们可以通过将"Laravel\Cashier\CashierServiceProvider"
Note: You must run composer dump-autoload
to update the classMap package
注意 :您必须运行composer dump-autoload
来更新classMap package
使用迁移创建数据库 (Creating the database using migrations)
If you are new to Laravel Migrations
be sure to check the documentation. We are going to use two tables:
如果您不Laravel Migrations
,请务必检查文档 。 我们将使用两个表:
table: – INT id
– STRING title
– LONG_TEXT content
– BOOL is_premium
表:– INT id
– STRING title
– LONG_TEXT content
– BOOL is_premium
table: – INT id
– VARCHAR(60) email
– VARCHAR(60) password
表:– INT id
– VARCHAR(60) email
– VARCHAR(60) password
The Laravel artisan
command line tool makes it easy to create and manage migration classes.
Laravel artisan
php artisan migrate:make create_posts_table --create="posts"
php artisan migrate:make create_users_table --create="users"
and then we fill the Schema::create
callback function argument with the necessary code that looks like this
Schema::create('posts', function(Blueprint $table)
Schema::create('users', function(Blueprint $table)
$table->string('email', 100)->unique();
$table->string('password', 60);
To let Laravel Cashier
know about our billable table we need to create a specific migration for that. Laravel Cashier
has a built in command for that purpose.
为了让Laravel Cashier
知道我们的计费表,我们需要为此创建一个特定的迁移。 Laravel Cashier
php artisan cashier:table users
Now we are ready to migrate our database
php artisan migrate
if you open your users
table you will see a bunch of fields added when the package migration is executed. – stripe_active
if you have an active subscription. – stripe_id
user id on Stripe server. – stripe_plan
Stripe subscription plan. – last_four
credit card last four digits. – trial_ends_at
an end date is stored if you specify a trial period. – subscription_ends_at
subscription end date.
表,则在执行包迁移时会看到一堆字段。 – stripe_active
如果您有活动的订阅。 – Stripe服务器上的stripe_id
用户ID。 – stripe_plan
条纹订阅计划。 – last_four
信用卡的后四位数字。 –如果您指定试用期,则将存储终止日期的trial_ends_at
。 – subscription_ends_at
Now we will seed the database with some dummy data to get started; check the final result on GitHub.
现在,我们将使用一些虚拟数据为数据库播种以开始使用; 在GitHub上检查最终结果。
条纹计费过程 (Stripe billing process)
Dealing with payment can be a pain in the neck, and Stripe can help you with that, they use tokens
instead of card numbers etc.., and that’s how you can make sure that your customers stay secure while paying for your service.
NOTE: Check if Stripe is supported in your country, but you can still use it for testing if not.
注意:请检查您所在国家/地区是否支持 Stripe,但仍然可以使用它进行测试。
To get started we need to get an account first. Stripe doesn’t have a monthly fee for the subscription, you only pay when you get paid.
首先,我们需要先获得一个帐户。 Stripe没有订阅的月租费,只有在收到付款后才付款。
Now, after getting an account you need to create Plans for your application (Monthly, Yearly, Silver, Gold…).
Every field is self explanatory, so lets create a Gold
membership that will cost $40 and a Basic membership for $10. They will be billed every month.
会员资格,其价格为40美元,而一个基本会员价为10美元。 他们将每月收取费用。
We have already added the necessary columns to our users
table, now we need to let Laravel Cashier
know that we will use the User
class as our billing class.
表中添加了必要的列,现在我们需要让Laravel Cashier
use Laravel\Cashier\BillableInterface;
use Laravel\Cashier\BillableTrait;
class User extends Eloquent implements BillableInterface {
use BillableTrait;
protected $dates = ['trial_ends_at', 'subscription_ends_at'];
Note: we’re using BillableTrait
and traits require PHP 5.4 or greater.
,特征需要PHP 5.4或更高版本。
Now we have to set our Stripe API access key, which you can get from Your account > Account settings > API Keys
and copy your Test Secret Key
现在,我们必须设置我们的Stripe API访问密钥,您可以从Your account > Account settings > API Keys
获取该Your account > Account settings > API Keys
然后复制您的Test Secret Key
By using the BillableTrait
we get access to the User::setStripeKey(key)
method which can be called anywhere in our code, but the preferred way is to create a services.php
file under your config
directory and return an array like this:
return [
'stripe' => [
'secret' => 'Your key'
When getStripeKey
tries to load your key it will look for a property called stripeKey
. If not found, it will automatically load your services
的属性。 如果找不到,它将自动加载您的services
创建我们的页面 (Creating our pages)
To keep things simple we will create only a few pages: – Signup: where user can signup with a membership plan ( Basic, Gold ). – Login: members login page. – Upgrade: upgrade from basic to gold membership. – Post: display a single post page.
为简单起见,我们将只创建几个页面:–注册:用户可以在其中注册会员计划(Basic,Gold)。 –登录:成员登录页面。 –升级:从基本会员升级为金牌会员。 –发布:显示单个发布页面。
To speed up the process we will use bootsnipp. You can get the final code from the GitHub repo.
为了加快该过程,我们将使用bootsnipp 。 您可以从GitHub存储库中获取最终代码。
登录页面: (Login page:)
The login page has a basic email and password field, with a LoginController
page that looks like this:
public function index(){
return View::make('login');
public function store(){
if( Auth::attempt( Input::only( ['email', 'password'] ), true)){
return Redirect::to('/');
return Redirect::back()->withInput()->with( 'message', 'Email or password incorrect' );
public function destroy(){
return Redirect::route("login");
注册页面: (Signup page:)
The signup page has a Subscription plan
field used to assign a user to plan. We have also a Credit card number
, Expiration date
注册页面上有一个“ Subscription plan
字段,用于分配用户进行计划。 我们还有一个Credit card number
, Expiration date
As we said earlier, we will never have to deal with any payment or verification process, we pass those values to the Stripe server to take care of the charging and verification process. The return value is a token in case of success otherwise we get an error message that we can show to the user.
如前所述,我们将永远不必处理任何付款或验证过程,我们会将这些值传递给Stripe服务器以负责计费和验证过程。 如果成功,则返回值是一个令牌,否则我们会收到一条错误消息,可以向用户显示。
Let’s see what the front-end code looks like:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Stripe.setPublishableKey('Your public key');
jQuery(function($) {
$('#subscription-form').submit(function(event) {
var $form = $(this);
$form.find('button').prop('disabled', true);
Stripe.card.createToken($form, stripeResponseHandler);
return false;
var stripeResponseHandler = function(status, response) {
var $form = $('#subscription-form');
if (response.error) {
$form.find('button').prop('disabled', false);
} else {
var token =;
$form.append($('<input type="hidden" name="stripeToken" />').val(token));
First we include the JavaScript API file, then we set our public key that we grabbed from our Stripe dashboard settings.
首先,我们包含JavaScript API文件,然后设置从Stripe仪表板设置中获取的公共密钥。
Next we attach a callback function to our submit form (be sure that your form ID matches the one used on the event handler), to prevent a double submission we disable our submit button. The Stripe.card.createToken
accepts two arguments, the first one is a JSON object that has some required and optional values.
接下来,我们在提交表单上附加一个回调函数(确保您的表单ID与事件处理程序上使用的表单ID匹配),为防止重复提交,我们禁用了提交按钮。 Stripe.card.createToken
Required values:
: card number as a string without any separators.number
: two digit number representing the card’s expiration month.exp_month
: two or four digit number representing the card’s expiration year.exp_year
Optional values:
: card security code as a string, thecvc
number is optional but recommended to help prevent fraud.cvc
: cardholder
: billing address line 1.address_line1
: billing address line 2.address_line2
: billing address city.address_city
: billing address state.address_state
: billing zip as a string.address_zip
: billing address country.address_country
:帐单邮寄地址的国家/地区。You can notice that we’re passing a form object instead of a JSON object, you can choose to grab the values manually or use the
html5 attribute on your inputs and Stripe will use some helper methods to grab those values automatically for you. Ex:data-stripe
html5属性,Stripe将使用一些帮助器方法自动为您获取这些值。 例如:
<input data-stripe="number" type="text">
The second argument passed to Stripe.card.createToken
method is a callback function to handle the response.
In case of failure the stripeResponseHandler
will try to find an element with a class of payment_errors
to display some descriptive errors to the user. In case of success a stripeToken
hidden input will be appended to the form and it will be available on submit.
在失败的情况下, stripeResponseHandler
类的元素,以向用户显示一些描述性错误。 如果成功, stripeToken
附加选项 (Additional options)
Trial periods
: as we stated before, when you create a new plan you have a choice to specify a trial period for users to test your product, and they won’t be charged until the specified period has elapsed.Trial periods
: you create coupons via your dashboard menu where you can specify a fixed amount or by percentage,with some other useful options.Coupons
Now let’s move to our SignupController
to see how we will handle this.
public function store(){
$user = new User;
$user->email = Input::get( 'email' );
$user->username = Input::get( 'username' );
$user->password = Hash::make( Input::get( 'password' ) );
$user->subscription(Input::get( 'subscription' ))->create( Input::get( 'stripeToken' ) );
return 'you are now registred';
We will skip the validation process to keep things simple.
After creating a new User
and saving it, we now have the option to subscribe the user to a new membership plan. The subscription
method accepts an already registered plan as an argument, that can be either a PlanInterface
or a String
and return a StripeGateway
. The create
method accepts a token as a parameter; we pass the new hidden input value with the name stripeToken
并保存后,我们现在可以选择将该用户预订为新的会员计划。 subscription
。 create
方法接受令牌作为参数; 我们使用名称stripeToken
升级页面: (Upgrade page:)
The upgrade page will submit to the UpgradeController
that looks like this:
public function store(){
if( !Auth::check() )
return Redirect::route("login");
return 'You are now a GOLD member';
We check if the user is logged in first, then we create a new subscription
with the new plan and we call the swap
method, obviously in a real project you will have some fees adjustments and a downgrade option, but it should work the same way.
帖子页面: (Post page:)
The PostController
checks if the post is_premium
, and if so, we test if the user is a gold member who can see the post, else we return a simple error message.
public function show( $id ){
$post = Post::find( $id );
if( $post->is_premium && Auth::user()->stripe_plan != 'gold' )
return View::make('error', [ 'message' => 'Only GOLD members can read this post, <a href="/upgrade">upgrade</a> your membership to get access' ] );
return View::make('post', [ 'post' => $post ] );
Of course in our routes.php
file we need to add an auth
filter to prevent unauthenticated users from accessing the page. Our routes file will look like this:
验证的用户访问该页面。 我们的路线文件将如下所示:
Route::get('/', function()
$posts = Post::all();
return View::make('index', [ 'posts' => $posts ]);
Route::get('/post/{id}', [ 'as' => 'post', 'uses' => 'PostsController@show' ])->before('auth');
Route::resource('login', 'LoginController', [ 'only' => [ 'index', 'store', 'destroy' ] ]);
Route::resource('signup', 'SignupController', [ 'only' => [ 'index', 'store' ] ]);
Route::resource('upgrade', 'UpgradeController', [ 'only' => [ 'index', 'store' ] ]);
其他有用的方法 (Other useful methods)
: we said before that we have the possibility to create discount coupons, in our example we can do that like so:withCoupon
$user->subscription(Input::get( 'subscription' ))->withCoupon('coupon code')->create( Input::get( 'stripeToken' ) );
: you can easily cancel a subscription using this method, but you have to check whether the user isonGracePeriod
to be sure you don’t block them immediately:cancel
: see if a user is on a certain plan.onPlan
: see if a user still on trial period.onTrial
: if the user has canceled their subscription.canceled
: get the user card last four digits.getLastFourCardDigits
: get the subscription end date.getSubscriptionEndDate
: get the trial end date.getTrialEndDate
: get the list of user invoices.invoices
: find an invoice by id.findInvoice
: generate a downloadable invoice by id.downloadInvoice
结论 (Conclusion)
In this tutorial we explored how Laravel Cashier
can ease the billing process and help manage your customers more easily.
在本教程中,我们探讨了Laravel Cashier
We certainly didn’t cover everything here, but it’s a start for you to dig into the source code to explore what else you can do. If you’d like to see a Nitrous-hosted demo of this app, see here.
我们当然不会在这里介绍所有内容,但这是您开始研究源代码以探索其他功能的开始。 如果您想查看该应用程序的Nitrous托管演示,请参见此处 。