免费测试 api 托管_测试3个托管购物车

免费测试 api 托管

I recently stumbled on an article published in 2009 about hosted shopping carts, which made me wonder how today’s option compare.


Of the 10 companies listed, one has grown very significantly since then: Shopify. Yahoo, via Yahoo Small Business, is the second provider who is still doing really well, so let’s throw them in the mix as well. And to see how they keep up against any newcomers, let bring in the new and hot kid on the block: Magento Go, launched in 2011 and the hosted version of the Magento ecommerce platform.

从那时起,在列出的10家公司中,有一家发展非常Swift:Shopify。 通过Yahoo Small Business,Yahoo是第二家仍然表现良好的提供商,因此也将它们混为一谈。 为了了解他们如何与任何新来者抗衡,让我们引入一个新的热门孩子:Magento Go,该版本于2011年推出,并且是Magento电子商务平台的托管版本。

In this article, I will compare the features of these three products, identifying significant pros and cons in each case. Tomorrow, I’ll cover setting each one up, how they deal with mobile and pricing.

在本文中,我将比较这三种产品的功能,并确定每种情况下的优缺点。 明天,我将介绍如何进行设置,如何处理移动设备和定价。

What about self-hosting? I’ll cover that in a separate article next week. First, let’s look at the hosted options’ features.

自我托管呢? 下周将在另一篇文章中介绍。 首先,让我们看一下托管选项的功能。

功能比较 (Feature comparison)

At first glance, all hosted shopping carts may look the same. They can all process orders and keep track of inventory. But if that’s all there was to it, they would only be competing on price. There must be more to it than that.

乍一看,所有托管的购物车可能看起来都一样。 他们都可以处理订单并跟踪库存。 但是,仅此而已,他们只会在价格上竞争。 不仅限于此。

I made a list of significant pros and cons for each provider. Some features are more important if you are a developer and not the end user, and vice versa. Where applicable, I will make note of this.

我列出了每个提供商的主要利弊清单。 如果您是开发人员而不是最终用户,则某些功能更为重要,反之亦然。 如果适用,我会记录下来。

Shopify (Shopify)

Let’s start off with Shopify, which has come a long way since it was listed in 2009. Shopify relies heavily on independent developers to improve their product, while maintaining the platform itself. It’s not so much just a shopping cart, more of a whole e-commerce infrastructure where both end-users and developers benefit. And before you think I get paid by Shopify for writing this, let me explain:

让我们从Shopify入手, Shopify自2009年上市以来已经走了很长一段路。Shopify在很大程度上依赖于独立开发人员来改进其产品,同时维护平台本身。 它不仅仅是购物车,更是整个电子商务基础架构,最终用户和开发人员都将从中受益。 在您认为我为Shopify撰写这份报酬之前,请让我解释一下:

优点 (Pros)
  • Templates & plugins: with their own Theme store and App store, customers can choose from 150+ templates and hundreds of apps.


  • Shopify Experts: Grouped by their expertise, Experts are experienced developers who can help a customer with their Shopify shop.


  • Developer friendly: Guess who makes the themes? And the apps? And who do you think the Experts are? Right, you are (or at least you cán be ;-). There’s even a fund to get you paid while developing an app. And if you want to connect with a current app (with a RESTful API), you can build a special dev shop to test it out. And they promote you heavily. They really love developers, see what I mean?

    开发人员友好:猜猜谁制作主题? 和应用程序? 您认为专家是谁? 是的, 是(或者至少你是;-)。 甚至还有一笔资金可以让您在开发应用程序时获得报酬。 而且,如果您想连接到当前应用程序(使用RESTful API),则可以建立一个专门的dev shop进行测试。 他们极大地提升了您。 他们真的爱开发人员,明白我的意思吗?

  • Hosting with CDN: While hosting certainly isn’t a specific feature (how else would you sell hosted shopping carts?), hooking it up to a CDN sure is.


  • Mobile: Your visitors can see a optizimed mobile version of your site, and you can control your shop on your mobile.


缺点 (Cons)
  • Themes: Being able to buy themes is great, but you practically have to. The free templates are scarce, and some of them look very much alike. The cheapest are $80, and this goes up to $180. Paying for a theme isn’t a bad thing, but given the fact you already need a paid subscription, one could expect more and better free themes. On the higher plans you are able to modify the HTML/CSS. You can build and upload your own theme, but developing from scratch can become really time consuming.

    主题:能够购买主题很棒,但是实际上您必须这么做。 免费模板很少,其中一些看上去非常相似。 最便宜的是80美元,最高可达180美元。 支付主题费用不是一件坏事,但是鉴于您已经需要付费订阅,因此人们可以期待更多更好的免费主题。 在较高的计划中,您可以修改HTML / CSS。 您可以构建和上传自己的主题,但是从头开始开发可能会非常耗时。

  • Number of products: Shopify offers the least number of products you can list in your shop, compared to their monthly pricing. Also, not all of their features are available in their cheapest package.

    产品数量:与月度定价相比,Shopify提供的商品数量最少。 此外,并非所有功能都以最便宜的包装提供。

  • Built in functionality: Shopify relies a lot on their app system to add additional functionality, like upselling. The cost of this is that it’s rather basic when you first start.

    内置功能: Shopify非常依赖其应用程序系统来添加其他功能,例如加价。 这样做的代价是,当您第一次启动时,它是相当基本的。

雅虎小企业 (Yahoo Small Business)

Also known as Yahoo Store (which originated from Viaweb), Yahoo Small Business is the most “traditional” shopping cart of them all. But being in business since 1995 means they have seen it all, and they offer a huge amount of features to satisfy all sort of customers and developers. Features are clearly based on experience, and customer feedback.

Yahoo Small Business也称为Yahoo Store(起源于Viaweb),是其中最“传统”的购物车。 但是从1995年开始营业意味着他们已经看到了这一切,并且它们提供了大量的功能来满足各种客户和开发人员的需求。 功能显然基于经验和客户反馈。

优点 (Pros)
  • Integration: You probably won’t find a payment, shipping or inventory solution you can’t connect with – they even have cash on delivery. And if you do find one, there’s an API.

    集成:您可能找不到找不到的付款,运输或库存解决方案-他们甚至有货到付款。 如果您确实找到了一个,那就有一个API。

  • Coupons: A great way to generate sales, and available on every plan.


  • Number of products: 50,000 products allowed, right from their starter plan.


  • Developer network: Just like Shopify, Yahoo doeslike to work with developers. But you have to do a bit of searching (hint: ysbdevelopers).

    开发者网络:与Shopify一样,雅虎也喜欢与开发者合作。 但是您必须进行一些搜索(提示: ysbdevelopers )。

缺点 (Cons)
  • No plugins or fancy themes: You build your store with a design wizard, or pre-made (pretty ugly) templates. And there aren’t any plug-and-play plugins available. This does, however, provide an opportunity if you’re a developer, since a customer will more likely turn to you for extended functionality (remember the APIs).

    没有插件或花哨的主题:您可以使用设计向导或预制(非常难看)的模板来构建商店。 而且没有可用的即插即用插件。 但是,如果您是开发人员,这确实提供了机会,因为客户很可能会向您求助于扩展功能(请记住API)。

  • Feature availability: Features like upsell, cross sell and gift certificates are great to have, but only available in the more expensive plans.


Magento Go (Magento Go)

Magento Go is the hosted version of the popular Magento eCommerce software, hosted by the developers of Magento themselves. One of the main reasons for using Magento Go instead of hosting it yourself, is it can be a real beast to host. You need a better than average server/VPS to host it, and it needs daily cleanup to keep it running smooth. It isn’t just a hosted version of their free community edition, they actually added some useful features to justify the price.

Magento Go是流行的Magento电子商务软件的托管版本,由Magento的开发人员自己托管。 使用Magento Go而不是自己托管它的主要原因之一是它可以托管。 您需要比平均水平更好的服务器/ VPS来托管它,并且它需要每天清理以保持其平稳运行。 它不仅是其免费社区版的托管版本,而且实际上还添加了一些有用的功能以证明价格合理。

优点 (Pros)
  • Feature set: All of the offered features are available on every plan. And within their feature list you’ll find coupons, gift cards, wish lists, cross- and upsells and related products. To name a few. And to top it off, you can expand your shop with plugins (or extensions as they call them).

    功能集:所有提供的功能都可以在每个计划中使用。 在功能列表中,您可以找到优惠券,礼品卡,愿望清单,交叉销售和加售产品及相关产品。 仅举几例。 最重要的是,您可以使用插件(或扩展程序,称为插件)来扩展您的商店。

  • Speed: They know how to host it, which means they can deliver a fast site without modifications of plugins needed. And they offer you a CDN.

    速度:他们知道如何托管它,这意味着他们可以提供快速的站点而无需修改插件。 他们为您提供CDN。

  • A developer’s new best friend: Magento Go is a developer’s dream come true, since it offers lots of opportunities for you to step in. You don’t have to worry about the hosting, so you can focus on stuff like design (you can add your own CSS and scripts), SEO (more options than an average business user can cope) and consulting (how to set it up and actually use all the features).

    开发人员的新好朋友: Magento Go是开发人员的梦想成真,因为它为您提供了很多介入的机会。您不必担心托管问题,因此您可以专注于设计之类的东西(您可以添加您自己CSS和脚本),SEO(比一般业务用户可以应付的选项更多)和咨询(如何设置和实际使用所有功能)。

缺点 (Cons)

  • Feature set: Magento isn’t the easiest store to set up, and it takes a steep learning curve before being able to use all its features. It can be very overwhelming.

    功能集: Magento不是最容易设置的商店,在使用其所有功能之前需要花很多时间才能完成。 这可能是非常压倒性的。

  • Themes and plugins: You can only select the themes and plugins which are provided on the Magento Go platform itself. Unlike the self-hosted version (Magento Community Edition), you can’t use the full range of available themes and plugins. Especially with themes this means you have a limited amount of free themes.

    主题和插件:您只能选择Magento Go平台本身提供的主题和插件。 与自托管版本(Magento社区版)不同,您不能使用所有可用的主题和插件。 特别是对于主题,这意味着您拥有有限数量的免费主题。

  • Number or products: You can offer a few more products in the starter plan than Shopify, but with 100 products it’s still not that much.


So, now we have an overview of the features offered by Shopify, Yahoo Small Business and Magento Go. They have much in common, but also have significant differences to each other.

因此,现在我们对Shopify,Yahoo Small Business和Magento Go提供的功能进行了概述。 它们有很多共同点,但彼此之间也有很大差异。

Some of these differences will become more apparent as we go through the set-up process, look at how they handle mobile and discuss pricing options. That’s tomorrow’s article.

在我们进行设置过程,研究它们如何处理移动设备以及讨论定价选项时,其中一些差异将变得更加明显。 那是明天的文章。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/testing-3-hosted-shopping-carts/

免费测试 api 托管





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