google reader_12种免费的Google Reader替代品

google reader

Many of us don’t want Google Reader to die but it’s time to face reality. Google is abandoning the service on July 1, 2013 and no amount of pleading will dissuade them. It’s a huge blow for those who depend on the service such as journalists and people who prefer concise news feeds.

我们中的许多人都不希望Google Reader死掉,但现在该面对现实了。 Google将于2013年7月1日放弃该服务,并且不会有任何恳求会劝阻他们。 对于那些依赖服务的人(例如记者和更喜欢简明新闻源的人)而言,这是巨大的打击。

Google Reader may have been late to the party but it killed the market for commercial and ad-based RSS readers. Fortunately, some survived and a few new players have arrived…

Google阅读器可能迟到了,但它扼杀了商业和基于广告的RSS阅读器的市场。 幸运的是,一些幸存者得以幸存,一些新玩家到来了……

桌面和移动应用RSS阅读器 (Desktop and Mobile App RSS Readers)

There are number of desktop programs, mobile apps and browser add-ons for viewing RSS feeds:


Feedly Feedly has probably gained the most from Reader’s demise. It’s available as a Firefox add-on and an app for Android and iOS. However, it currently depends on Google Reader’s back-end so there could be issues on July 1.

Feedly Feedly可能从读者的死亡中获得了最大收益。 它可以作为Firefox附加组件以及适用于Android和iOS的应用程序使用。 但是,当前取决于Google Reader的后端,因此可能在7月1日出现问题。

Pulse Pulse will import Google and other RSS feeds but it doesn’t feel quite like other readers. It’s primarily an iOS and Android app — an early web version is available although I found it a little unstable.

Pulse Pulse将导入Google和其他RSS feed,但感觉与其他读者不太一样。 它主要是一个iOS和Android应用程序-可以使用早期的Web版本,尽管我发现它有点不稳定。

RSSOwl RSSOwl is a multi-platform Java-based desktop application. It’s open source and has many powerful features including synchronization facilities. However, synchronization uses the Google Reader API so it may not remain an option much longer.

RSSOwl RSSOwl是基于Java的多平台桌面应用程序。 它是开源的,具有许多强大的功能,包括同步功能。 但是,同步使用Google Reader API,因此可能不再是一种选择。

Brief Another Firefox add-on which looks good and imports Google XML subscriptions. However, there’s no synchronization between different installations.

简介另一个看起来不错并可以导入Google XML订阅的Firefox插件。 但是,不同的安装之间没有同步。

Opera If you use Opera’s email client, you’ll be pleased to hear there’s a built-in RSS Reader. Whether this remains following Blink integration is another matter.

Opera如果您使用Opera的电子邮件客户端,您会很高兴听到内置的RSS阅读器 。 在Blink集成之后,这种情况是否仍然存在是另一回事。

I’m not keen on OS-based RSS Reader applications: you won’t always be at your PC and cross-device synchronization can be difficult. Fortunately, there are a few…

我不喜欢基于OS的RSS阅读器应用程序:您将不会一直在PC上,并且跨设备同步可能很困难。 幸运的是,有一些……

基于Web的RSS阅读器 (Web-based RSS Readers)

The alternatives include:


Bloglines Ironically, Bloglines was Google Reader’s biggest causality. The service is back with new owners and offers a similar Google-like summary of headlines and a reasonable mobile experience.

Bloglines的讽刺的是,Bloglines的是谷歌阅读器最大的因果关系。 该服务又回来了,新所有者,并提供了类似Google的标题摘要和合理的移动体验。

InoReader InoReader is the closest to a Google Reader experience, especially since you can sign up using your Google Account and import all feeds and starred articles with a single click. The mobile site works well, but it’s no match for the speed of a native app. InoReader is my favorite web-based application at this time.

InoReader InoReader是最接近Google Reader的体验,尤其是因为您可以使用Google帐户进行注册并单击一下即可导入所有供稿和加注星标的文章。 该移动网站运行良好,但与本地应用程序的速度无法匹敌。 目前,InoReader是我最喜欢的基于Web的应用程序。

The Old Reader I’m not sure about the name, but The Old Reader provides a good-looking interface, easy sign-up, feed import and a responsive design for mobile. It’s a beta product and a little buggy but remains usable.

旧阅读器我不确定名称,但是旧阅读器提供了一个漂亮的界面,易于注册,提要导入以及针对移动设备的响应式设计。 这是一个Beta版产品,但有一些小问题,但仍然可以使用。

Comma Feed A lightweight reader which looks similar — but better — than The Old Reader. It also provides a Google importer and a responsive view for mobile devices.

逗号订阅源轻巧的阅读器,看起来比旧阅读器相似,但更好。 它还提供了Google导入程序和移动设备的响应视图。

Good Noows Good Noows has been around some time and is more attractive than Bloglines with a variety of feed viewing options. However, it’s a heavier application and doesn’t work well on mobile.

良好的时光良好的时光已经存在了一段时间,并且比具有多种提要查看选项的Bloglines更具吸引力。 但是,它是一个较重的应用程序,不能在移动设备上很好地工作。

NewsBlur NewsBlur’s servers suffered when Google announced Reader’s death but the service seems stable now. The website is supplemented by mobile apps but you’ll need to pay a subscription to unlock some restrictions.

NewsBlur NewsBlur的服务器遭遇时谷歌宣布读者死亡,但该服务现在似乎稳定。 该网站辅以移动应用程序,但您需要付费订阅才能解锁一些限制。

MultiPLX MultiPLX is a new (beta) product which offers Google Reader import and list or card views. It looks interesting, but stability may be a concern for a little while.

MultiPLX MultiPLX是一种新的(测试版)产品,可提供Google Reader导入以及列表或卡片视图。 看起来很有趣,但是稳定性可能会持续一段时间。

不,还有其他选择吗? (Nah — Any Other Options?)

I’m yet to be convinced any of these are as good as Google Reader on multiple devices. Several of the OS-based apps lack synchronization or attempt to present glossy magazine style layouts. Some of the web alternatives are better but whether they have a long-term future remains to be seen.

我还无法确信这些功能在多种设备上都可以与Google阅读器媲美。 一些基于OS的应用程序缺少同步,或试图呈现光滑的杂志风格的版式。 一些网络替代方案更好,但是它们是否具有长远的未来还有待观察。

One of my current favorites is Tiny Tiny RSS. It’s an open source PHP and MySQL/PostgreSQL application you need to host yourself. Installation is reasonably straight-forward assuming you’re comfortable configuring databases and cron jobs. It imports Google’s XML file and there are several Android apps which can connect to your server.

我当前的最爱之一是Tiny Tiny RSS 。 这是您需要自己托管的开源PHP和MySQL / PostgreSQL应用程序。 假设您可以轻松配置数据库和cron作业,则安装过程相当简单。 它导入Google的XML文件,并且有多个Android应用程序可以连接到您的服务器。

Tiny Tiny RSS is a reasonable alternative to Google Reader and, even if development ceased, there’s no danger your service will stop working.

Tiny Tiny RSS是Google Reader的合理替代品,即使停止开发,也不会导致您的服务停止工作的危险。

There’s one chink of light in the gloom following Google Reader’s expiration: it will open the market to more competitors. Companies including Digg are frantically polishing their own RSS Readers in an attempt to entice those from Google. This list may be very different in a few months.

Google阅读器到期后,阴暗处有一点点:它将为更多竞争者打开市场。 包括Digg在内的公司都在疯狂地完善自己的RSS阅读器,以吸引Google的读者。 几个月后,这个清单可能会大不相同。


google reader





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