

In this article, we look at how you can use Gulp.js to automate a range of repetitive CSS development tasks to speed up your workflow.


Web development requires little more than a text editor. However, you’ll quickly become frustrated with repetitive tasks that are essential for a modern website and fast performance, such as:

Web开发只需要一个文本编辑器即可。 但是,对于现代网站和快速的性能必不可少的重复性任务,您会很快感到沮丧,例如:

  • converting or transpiling

  • concatenating files

  • minifying production code

  • deploying updates to development, staging and live production servers.


Some tasks must be repeated every time you make a change. The most infallible developer will forget to optimize an image or two and pre-production tasks become increasingly arduous.

每次进行更改时,都必须重复执行某些任务。 最可靠的开发人员会忘记优化一两个图像,并且预生产任务变得越来越繁重。

Fortunately, computers never complain about mind-numbing work. This article demonstrates how use Gulp.js to automate CSS tasks, including:

幸运的是,计算机永远不会抱怨麻木。 本文演示了如何使用Gulp.js自动执行CSS任务,包括:

  • optimizing images

  • compiling Sass .scss files

    编译Sass .scss文件

  • handling and inlining assets

  • automatically appending vendor prefixes

  • removing unused CSS selectors

  • minifying CSS

  • reporting file sizes

  • outputing sourcemaps for use in browser devtools

  • live-reloading in a browser when source files change.


为什么要使用Gulp? (Why Use Gulp?)

A variety of task runners are available for web projects including Gulp, Grunt, webpack, Parcel and even npm scripts. Ultimately, the choice is yours and it doesn’t matter what you use, as your site/app visitors will ever know or care.

各种任务运行程序可用于Web项目,包括GulpGruntwebpackParcel甚至npm脚本。 最终,选择是您的选择,使用什么都无所谓,因为您的网站/应用访问者将永远知道或关心

Gulp is a few years old, but it’s stable, fast, supports many plugins, and is configured using JavaScript code. Writing tasks in code has several advantages, and you can modify output according to conditions — such as removing CSS sourcemaps when building the final files for live deployment.

Gulp 已有数年历史,但是它稳定,快速,支持许多插件 ,并且使用JavaScript代码进行配置。 用代码编写任务有许多优点,您可以根据条件修改输出-例如,在构建最终文件进行实时部署时删除CSS源映射。

示范代码 (Demonstration Code)

This tutorial’s code is available from GitHub. Ensure Git and Node.js are installed, then enter the following commands in your terminal to install and run the demonstration:

可从GitHub获得本教程的代码。 确保已安装Git和Node.js ,然后在终端中输入以下命令来安装和运行演示:

git clone
cd gulp4-css
npm i gulp-cli -g
npm i

In your browser, navigate to http://localhost:8000/ or the External URL shown.

在浏览器中,导航到http://localhost:8000/或显示的External URL。

Alternatively, you can create your own project following the steps below.


示例项目概述 (Example Project Overview)

This tutorial uses Gulp 4.0. This is the most recent stable version and the current default on npm.

本教程使用Gulp 4.0。 这是最新的稳定版本,当前默认为npm

Image file sizes will be minimized with gulp-imagemin, which optimizes JPG, GIF and PNG bitmaps as well as SVG vector graphics.


A CSS file is built using:


  1. the Sass preprocessor, which compiles .scss syntax and partials into a single main.css file, and

    Sass预处理程序 ,它将.scss语法和部分编译为单个main.css文件,并且

  2. the PostCSS postprocessor, which supplements main.css to provide asset management, vendor-prefixing, minification and more via its own plugins.

    PostCSS后处理器 ,它对main.css进行了补充,以通过其自己的插件提供资产管理,供应商前缀,缩小等功能。

Using both a preprocessor and a postprocessor provides coding flexibility.


Sass may not be as essential as it once was, but it remains a practical option for file splitting, organization, (static) variables, mixins and nesting. Alternative preprocessors include gulp-less for Less and gulp-stylus for Stylus.

Sass可能不再像以前那样重要,但是它仍然是文件拆分,组织,(静态)变量,mixins和嵌套的实用选项。 替代的预处理器包括一饮而尽少 ,并一饮而尽,手写笔手写笔

The gulp-sass plugin is used in the example code below. This uses node-sass to call the LibSass C/C++ engine and is currently the fastest option. However, you could consider Dart Sass, which has become the primary implementation and receives language updates first. To use Dart Sass, change all npm installation and require references from gulp-sass to gulp-dart-sass accordingly.

gulp-sass插件在以下示例代码中使用。 这使用node-sass来调用LibSass C / C ++引擎,目前是最快的选择。 但是,您可以考虑使用Dart Sass ,它已成为主要实现并首先接收语言更新。 要使用Dart Sass,请更改所有npm安装,并requiregulp-sass引用到gulp-dart-sass

Finally, you could forego a preprocessor and use PostCSS for all CSS transformations. It offers a range of plugins including those which replicate many (but not all) Sass syntax options.

最后,您可以放弃预处理器, 并对所有CSS转换使用PostCSS 。 它提供了一系列插件,包括那些可以复制许多(但不是全部)Sass语法选项 的插件

Gulp入门 (Getting Started with Gulp)

If you’ve never used Gulp before, please read “An Introduction to Gulp.js”. These are basic steps from your terminal:

如果您以前从未使用过Gulp,请阅读“ Gulp.js简介 ”。 这些是您终端的基本步骤:

  1. Ensure a recent edition of Node.js is installed.


  2. Install the Gulp command-line interface globally with npm i gulp-cli -g.

    使用npm i gulp-cli -g全局安装Gulp命令行界面。

  3. Create a new project folder — for example, mkdir gulpcss — and enter it (cd gulpcss).

    创建一个新的项目文件夹-例如, mkdir gulpcss并输入它( cd gulpcss )。

  4. Run npm init and answer each question (the defaults are fine). This will create a package.json project configuration file.

    运行npm init并回答每个问题(默认设置很好)。 这将创建一个package.json项目配置文件。

  5. Create a src subfolder for source files: mkdir src.

    为源文件创建一个src子文件夹: mkdir src

The example project uses the following subfolders:


  • src/images — image files

    src/images —图像文件

  • src/scss — source Sass files


  • build — the folder where compiled files are generated

    build —生成编译文件的文件夹

测试HTML页面 (Test HTML Page)

This tutorial concentrates on CSS-related tasks, but an index.html file in the root folder is useful for testing. Add your own page code with a <link> to the built stylesheet. For example:

本教程专注于与CSS相关的任务,但是根文件夹中的index.html文件对于测试非常有用。 使用<link>将您自己的页面代码添加到构建的样式表中。 例如:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Using Gulp.js for CSS tasks</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="build/css/main.css">

  <h1>My example page</h1>


模块安装 (Module Installation)

For this tutorial, most Node.js modules are installed as project dependencies so the CSS can be built on local development or live production servers. Alternatively, you could install them as development dependencies using the npm --save-dev option so they must be built locally prior to deployment.

在本教程中,大多数Node.js模块都是作为项目依赖项安装的,因此CSS可以在本地开发或实时生产服务器上构建。 或者,您可以使用npm --save-dev选项将它们安装为开发依赖项,因此必须在部署之前在本地构建它们。

To install Gulp and all plugins, run the following npm command in your terminal from the project folder:


npm i gulp gulp-imagemin gulp-newer gulp-noop gulp-postcss gulp-sass gulp-size gulp-sourcemaps postcss-assets autoprefixer cssnano usedcss

All modules will be installed and listed in the "dependencies" section of package.json.


The browser-sync test server can now be installed — as a development dependency, since it should never be required on a live production device:


npm i browser-sync --save-dev

The module will be listed in the "devDependencies" section of package.json.


创建一个Gulp任务文件 (Create a Gulp Task File)

Gulp tasks are defined in a JavaScript file named gulpfile.js in your project root. Create it, then open the file in your editor (VS Code is a great option). Add the following code:

Gulp任务是在项目根目录中名为gulpfile.jsJavaScript文件中定义的。 创建它,然后在编辑器中打开文件( VS Code是一个不错的选择)。 添加以下代码:

(() => {

  'use strict';

  /**************** gulpfile.js configuration ****************/


    // development or production
    devBuild  = ((process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development').trim().toLowerCase() === 'development'),

    // directory locations
    dir = {
      src         : 'src/',
      build       : 'build/'

    // modules
    gulp          = require('gulp'),
    noop          = require('gulp-noop'),
    newer         = require('gulp-newer'),
    size          = require('gulp-size'),
    imagemin      = require('gulp-imagemin'),
    sass          = require('gulp-sass'),
    postcss       = require('gulp-postcss'),
    sourcemaps    = devBuild ? require('gulp-sourcemaps') : null,
    browsersync   = devBuild ? require('browser-sync').create() : null;

  console.log('Gulp', devBuild ? 'development' : 'production', 'build');


This defines a self-executing function and constants for:


  • devBuild — set true when NODE_ENV is blank or set to development

    devBuild —当NODE_ENV为空白或设置为development时设置为true

  • dir.src — the src/ source file folder


  • — the build/ build folder


  • Gulp and all plugin modules


Note that sourcemaps and browsersync are only configured for development builds.


Gulp图像任务 (Gulp Image Task)

Create a src/images folder and copy some image files into that or any of its subfolders.


Insert the following code below the console.log in gulpfile.js to define an images processing task:


/**************** images task ****************/
const imgConfig = {
  src           : dir.src + 'images/**/*',
  build         : + 'images/',
  minOpts: {
    optimizationLevel: 5

function images() {

  return gulp.src(imgConfig.src)
    .pipe(size({ showFiles:true }))

exports.images = images;

Configuration parameters are defined in imgConfig, which sets:


  • the .src to any image inside src/images or a subfolder


  • the .build folder to build/images, and

    .build文件夹来build/images ,以及

  • gulp-imagemin optimization options.


An images function returns a Gulp stream, which pipes data through a series of plugins:


  1. gulp.src is passed a source folder glob to examine


  2. the gulp-newer plugin removes any newer images already present in the build folder


  3. the gulp-imagemin plugin optimizes the remaining files


  4. the gulp-size plugin reports the resulting size of all processed files


  5. the files are saved to the gulp.dest build folder.


Finally, a public Gulp images task is exported that calls the images function.

最后,导出一个公共Gulp images任务,该任务调用images函数。

Save gulpfile.js then run the images task from the command line:


gulp images

The terminal will show a log such as:


Gulp development build
[18:03:38] Using gulpfile /gulp4-css/gulpfile.js
[18:03:38] Starting 'images'...
[18:03:38] cave-0600.jpg 48.6 kB
[18:03:38] icons/alert.svg 308 B
[18:03:38] icons/fast.svg 240 B
[18:03:38] icons/reload.svg 303 B
[18:03:38] cave-1200.jpg 116 kB
[18:03:38] cave-1800.jpg 162 kB
[18:03:38] gulp-imagemin: Minified 3 images (saved 203 B - 19.3%)
[18:03:38] all files 328 kB
[18:03:38] Finished 'images' after 507 ms

Examine the created build/images folder to find optimized versions of your images. If you run gulp images again, nothing will occur because only newer files are processed.

检查创建的build/images文件夹以查找build/images优化版本。 如果再次运行gulp images ,则不会发生任何事情,因为仅处理较新的文件。

Gulp CSS任务 (Gulp CSS Task)

Create a src/scss folder with a file named main.scss. This is the root Sass file which imports other partials. You can organize these files as you like, but to get started, add:

使用名为main.scss的文件创建一个src/scss文件夹。 这是导入其他部分的Sass根文件。 您可以根据需要组织这些文件,但要开始使用,请添加:

// main.scss
@import 'base/_base';

Create a src/scss/base folder and add a _base.scss file with the following code:


// base/_base.scss partial
$font-main: sans-serif;
$font-size: 100%;

body {
  font-family: $font-main;
  font-size: $font-size;
  color: #444;
  background-color: #fff;

Insert the following code below the images task in gulpfile.js to define a css processing task:


/**************** CSS task ****************/
const cssConfig = {

  src         : dir.src + 'scss/main.scss',
  watch       : dir.src + 'scss/**/*',
  build       : + 'css/',
  sassOpts: {
    sourceMap       : devBuild,
    imagePath       : '/images/',
    precision       : 3,
    errLogToConsole : true

  postCSS: [
      html: ['index.html']
      loadPaths: ['images/'],
      browsers: ['> 1%']


function css() {

  return gulp.src(cssConfig.src)
    .pipe(sourcemaps ? sourcemaps.init() : noop())
    .pipe(sass(cssConfig.sassOpts).on('error', sass.logError))
    .pipe(sourcemaps ? sourcemaps.write() : noop())
    .pipe(size({ showFiles: true }))
    .pipe(browsersync ? browsersync.reload({ stream: true }) : noop());

exports.css = gulp.series(images, css);

Configuration parameters are defined in cssConfig which sets:


  • the .src file to src/scss/main.scss


  • a .watch folder to any file within src/scss or its subfolders


  • the .build folder to build/css, and

    .build文件夹来build/css ,以及

  • node-sass options passed by gulp-sass in .sassOpts.

    .sassOpts -sass.sassOpts传递的node-sass选项

cssConfig.postCSS defines an array of PostCSS plugins and configuration options. The first is usedcss, which removes unused selectors by examining the example index.html file.

cssConfig.postCSS定义了PostCSS插件和配置选项的数组。 第一个是usedcss ,它通过检查示例index.html文件来删除未使用的选择器。

This is followed by postcss-assets, which can resolve image URL paths and information in the CSS files. For example, if myimage.png is a 400×300 PNG bitmap, the following code:

其次是postcss-assets ,它可以解析图像URL路径和CSS文件中的信息。 例如,如果myimage.png是400×300 PNG位图,则以下代码:

.myimage {
  background-image: resolve('myimage.jpg');
  width: width('myimage.png');
  height: height('myimage.png');
  background-size: size('myimage.png');

is translated to:


.myimage {
  background-image: url('/images/myimage.png');
  width: 400px;
  height: 300px;
  background-size: 400px 300px;

It’s also possible to inline bitmap and SVG images. For example:

还可以内嵌位图和SVG图像。 例如:

.mysvg {
  background-image: inline('mysvg.svg');
  /* url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,... */

autoprefixer is the famous PostCSS plugin which adds vendor prefixes according to information from In the configuration above, any browser with a global market share of 1% or more will have vendor prefixes added. For example:

autoprefixer是著名的PostCSS插件,它根据caniuse.com的信息添加供应商前缀。 在上述配置中,任何具有1%或更高的全球市场份额的浏览器都将添加供应商前缀。 例如:

user-select: none;



-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;

Finally, cssnano minifies the resulting CSS file by rearranging properties, removing unnecessary units, deleting whitespace, and so on. Several alternatives are available, such as post-clean, but cssnano generates a slightly smaller file in the demonstration code.

最后, cssnano通过重新排列属性,删除不必要的单元,删除空格等最小化生成CSS文件。 可以使用几种替代方法,例如post-clean ,但是cssnano在演示代码中生成一个稍小的文件。

A css function returns a Gulp stream which pipes data through a series of plugins:


  1. gulp.src is passed a source src/scss/main.scss file to examine.


  2. If devBuild is true, the gulp-sourcemaps plugin is initialized. Otherwise, the gulp-noop does nothing.

    如果devBuildtrue ,则将初始化gulp-sourcemaps插件。 否则, gulp-noop将不执行任何操作。

  3. The gulp-sass plugin preprocesses main.scss to CSS using the cssConfig.sassOpts configuration options. Note the on('error') event handler prevents Gulp terminating when a Sass syntax error is encountered.

    main.scss -sass插件使用cssConfig.sassOpts配置选项将cssConfig.sassOpts预处理为CSS。 注意on('error')事件处理程序可防止Gulp在遇到Sass语法错误时终止。

  4. The resulting CSS is piped into gulp-postcss, which applies the plugins described above.

    生成CSS通过管道传递gulp-postcss ,后者应用了上述插件。

  5. If the sourcemap is enabled, it’s appended as data to the end of the CSS file.

  6. The gulp-size plugin displays the final size of the CSS file.


  7. The files are saved to the gulp.dest build folder.


  8. If browsersync is enabled (devBuild must be true), an instruction is sent to browser-sync to refresh the CSS in all connected browsers (see below).

    如果browsersync启用( devBuild必须是true ),指令被发送到browsersync以刷新所有连接的浏览器CSS(见下文)。

Finally, a public css task is exported which calls the images function followed by the css function in turn using gulp.series(). This is necessary because the CSS relies on images being available in the build/images folder.

最后,导出一个公共css任务,该任务先使用gulp.series()依次调用images函数和css函数。 这是必需的,因为CSS依赖于build/images文件夹中可用的build/images

Save gulpfile.js, then run the task from the command line:

保存gulpfile.js ,然后从命令行运行任务:

gulp css

The terminal will show a log such as:


Gulp development build
[14:16:25] Using gulpfile /gulp4-css/gulpfile.js
[14:16:25] Starting 'css'...
[14:16:25] Starting 'images'...
[14:16:25] gulp-imagemin: Minified 0 images
[14:16:25] Finished 'images' after 61 ms
[14:16:25] Starting 'css'...
[14:16:26] main.css 9.78 kB
[14:16:26] Finished 'css' after 900 ms
[14:16:26] Finished 'css' after 967 ms

Examine the created build/css folder to find a development version of the resulting main.css file containing a sourcemap data:


body {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-size: 100%;
  color: #444;
  background-color: #fff; }

/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf8;base64,...

自动化工作流程 (Automating Your Workflow)

Running one task at a time and manually refreshing all browsers is no fun. Fortunately, Browsersync provides a seemingly magical solution:

一次运行一个任务并手动刷新所有浏览器并不有趣。 幸运的是, Browsersync提供了一个看似神奇的解决方案:

  • It implements a development web server or proxies an existing server.

  • Code changes are dynamically applied and CSS can refresh without a full page reload

  • Connected browsers can mirror scrolling and form input. For example, you complete a form on your desktop PC and see it happening on a mobile device.

    连接的浏览器可以镜像滚动和表单输入。 例如,您在台式机上填写表格,然后在移动设备上看到该表格。
  • It’s fully compatible with Gulp and other build tools.


Insert the following code below the css task in gulpfile.js to define a server function to launch Browsersync and a watch function to monitor file changes:


/**************** server task (private) ****************/
const syncConfig = {
  server: {
    baseDir   : './',
    index     : 'index.html'
  port        : 8000,
  open        : false

// browser-sync
function server(done) {
  if (browsersync) browsersync.init(syncConfig);

/**************** watch task ****************/
function watch(done) {

  // image changes, images);

  // CSS changes, css);



/**************** default task ****************/
exports.default = gulp.series(exports.css, watch, server);

The browser-sync configuration parameters are defined in syncConfig, which sets options such as the port and default file.


The server function initiates Browsersync and a done() callback is executed so Gulp knows it has completed.


Browsersync is able to watch for file changes itself but, in this case, we want to control it via Gulp to ensure refreshes only occur when a Sass change causes main.css to be rebuilt.


The watch function uses to monitor files and trigger the appropriate function (optionally within gulp.series() or gulp.parallel() methods). Again, a done() callback is executed once the function has completed.

watch函数使用监视文件并触发适当的函数(可选在gulp.series()gulp.parallel()方法中)。 同样,函数完成后,将执行done()回调。

Finally, a default task is created which can be executed by running gulp without arguments. It calls the css task (which also runs images()) to build all files, runs the watch() function to monitor updates, and launches the Browsersync server.

最后,创建一个默认任务,可以通过运行不带参数的gulp来执行该任务。 它调用css任务(还将运行images() )来构建所有文件,运行watch()函数以监视更新,并启动Browsersync服务器。

Save gulpfile.js and run the default task from the command line:



The terminal will show a log but, unlike before, it will not terminate and remain running:


Gulp development build
[14:32:05] Using gulpfile /gulp4-css/gulpfile.js
[14:32:05] Starting 'default'...
[14:32:05] Starting 'images'...
[14:32:05] gulp-imagemin: Minified 0 images
[14:32:05] Finished 'images' after 64 ms
[14:32:05] Starting 'css'...
[14:32:05] main.css 9.78 kB
[14:32:05] Finished 'css' after 843 ms
[14:32:05] Starting 'watch'...
[14:32:05] Finished 'watch' after 33 ms
[14:32:05] Starting 'server'...
[14:32:06] Finished 'server' after 19 ms
[14:32:06] Finished 'default' after 967 ms
[Browsersync] Access URLs:
       Local: http://localhost:8000
          UI: http://localhost:3001
 UI External: http://localhost:3001
[Browsersync] Serving files from: ./

Your PC is now running a web server from http://localhost:8000. Other devices on the network can connect to the External URL. Open the URL in a browser or two, then make changes to any .scss file. The results are immediately refreshed.

您的PC现在正在从http://localhost:8000运行Web服务器。 网络上的其他设备可以连接到外部 URL。 在一两个浏览器中打开URL,然后对任何.scss文件进行更改。 结果将立即刷新。

Examine any element in the devtools and the Styles panel will show the location of the pre-compiled Sass code. You can click the filename to view the full source:

检查devtools中的任何元素,“ 样式”面板将显示预编译的Sass代码的位置。 您可以单击文件名以查看完整源代码:

sourcemap support in devtools

Finally, press Ctrl + C to stop the Gulp task running in your terminal.

最后,按Ctrl + C停止在终端中运行Gulp任务。

现场制作代码 (Live Production Code)

The NODE_ENV environment variable must be set to production so Gulp tasks know when to produce final code and disable sourcemap generation. On Linux and macOS terminals:

必须将NODE_ENV环境变量设置为production以便Gulp任务知道何时生成最终代码并禁用sourcemap生成。 在Linux和macOS终端上:


Windows Powershell:

Windows Powershell:


Windows legacy command line:


set NODE_ENV=production

You can either:


  1. Install Gulp and run tasks directly on the live server. Ideally, NODE_ENV should be permanently set on production machines by modifying the startup script. For example, add export NODE_ENV=production to the end of a Linux ~/.bashrc file.

    安装Gulp并直接在实时服务器上运行任务。 理想情况下,应通过修改启动脚本在生产机器上永久设置NODE_ENV 。 例如,将export NODE_ENV=production添加到export NODE_ENV=production ~/.bashrc文件的末尾。

  2. Create production code locally, then upload to live servers.


Run gulp css to generate the final code.

运行gulp css生成最终代码。

To return to development mode, change NODE_ENV to development or an empty string.

要返回开发模式, NODE_ENV更改为development或一个空字符串。

下一步 (Next Steps)

This article demonstrates a possible Gulp CSS workflow, but it can be adapted for any project:

本文演示了可能的Gulp CSS工作流程,但可以将其应用于任何项目:

  • There are more than 3,700 Gulp plugins. Many help with CSS, but you’ll find others for HTML, templating, image handling, JavaScript, server-side languages, linting and more.

    3,700多个Gulp插件 。 许多关于CSS的帮助,但是您会发现其他有关HTML,模板,图像处理,JavaScript,服务器端语言,linting等的信息。

  • There are hundreds of PostCSS plugins and it’s simple to write your own.

    有数百个PostCSS插件编写自己的 插件很简单。

Whichever tools you choose, I recommend you:


  • Automate the most frustrating, time-consuming or performance-improving tasks first. For example, optimizing images could shave hundreds of Kilobytes from your total page weight.

    首先自动化最令人沮丧,耗时或性能提高的任务。 例如,优化图像可以使页面总重量减少数百千字节。
  • Don’t over-complicate your build process. A few hours should be adequate to get started.

    不要使您的构建过程过于复杂。 几个小时就足以开始使用。
  • Try other task runners but don’t switch on a whim!


The code above is available from GitHub and you can view the whole gulpfile.js configuration. Please use it as you wish.

上面的代码可从GitHub获得 ,您可以查看整个gulpfile.js配置 。 请根据需要使用它。



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