

An a11y drone hovers over the developer's shoulder, accessibility checking a website on the computer screen

How much time and effort did you spend planning the design of your last website to be accessible to people with special needs and disabilities? I have a hunch that the answer for many readers will be “None”. But hardly anybody would deny there are a considerable amount of Internet users who have trouble accessing sites, due to problems distinguishing colors, reading text, using a mouse, or just navigating a complex website structure.

您花了多少时间和精力来计划上一个网站的设计,以使有特殊需要和残障的人可以访问? 我有一种预感,许多读者的答案将是“无”。 但是几乎没有人会否认,由于辨别颜色,阅读文字,使用鼠标或只是浏览复杂的网站结构等问题,有相当数量的Internet用户无法访问网站。

Accessibility concerns are often ignored due to the efforts required to check them and implement solutions. Not only do developers have to get acquainted with the underlying standards but also constantly check that they are met. Can we make developing accessible websites easier by performing standard checks automatically?

由于需要检查可访问性并实施解决方案,因此通常会忽略可访问性。 开发人员不仅必须熟悉基本标准,而且还要不断检查它们是否符合要求。 通过自动执行标准检查,我们可以使开发无障碍网站变得更加容易吗?

In this article, I’m going to show you how to use the aXe library and some associated tooling to automatically check and report on potential accessibility problems in your sites and apps. By lowering the effort required for such activities and automating some of the manual work, we can achieve a better result for everyone who uses the things we create.

在本文中,我将向您展示如何使用斧头库和一些相关工具来自动检查和报告网站和应用程序中的潜在可访问性问题。 通过减少此类活动所需的工作量并自动化一些手动工作,我们可以为使用我们创建的事物的每个人获得更好的结果。

斧头介绍 (Introducing aXe)

aXe is an automated accessibility testing library which has set out on the road to bring accessibility testing into mainstream web development. The axe-core library is open source and designed in a way to be used with different testing frameworks, tools, and environments. For example, it can be run in functional tests, browser plugins or straight in the development version of your application. It currently supports around 55 rules to check a website for various aspects of accessibility.

ax是一个自动化的可访问性测试库,它已经开始将可访问性测试引入主流Web开发。 axe-core库是开源的,并且以与不同的测试框架,工具和环境一起使用的方式设计。 例如,它可以在功能测试,浏览器插件中运行,也可以在应用程序的开发版本中直接运行。 它目前支持大约55条规则,以检查网站的可访问性的各个方面。

To give a quick demonstration of how the library works, let’s create a simple component and test it. We won’t create a whole page, but rather just a header.

为了快速演示该库的工作原理,让我们创建一个简单的组件并对其进行测试。 我们不会创建整个页面,而只会创建一个标题。

See the Pen aXe Accessibility Check by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.

请参阅CodePen上的SitePoint ( @SitePoint )进行笔斧可访问性检查

During the creation of the header we’ve made some brilliant design decisions:


  1. We’ve made the background light gray and the links dark gray because this color is classy and stylish;

  2. We’ve used a cool magnifier glass icon for the search button;

  3. We’ve set the tab index of the search input to 1 so that when a user opens a page he can press tab and instantly type a search query.


Neat, right? Well, let’s see how it looks from the accessibility point of view. We can add aXe from a CDN and log all of the errors to the browser console with the following script.

整洁吧? 好,让我们从可访问性的角度来看它的外观。 我们可以从CDN添加斧头,并使用以下脚本将所有错误记录到浏览器控制台中。

axe.run(function (err, results) {
  if (results.violations.length) {

If you run the example and open the console you will see an array with six violation objects listing the problems that we have. Each object describes the rule that we’ve broke, references to the HTML elements to blame, as well as help information on how to fix the problem.

如果运行示例并打开控制台,您将看到一个包含六个违规对象的数组,列出了我们遇到的问题。 每个对象都描述了我们违反的规则,对应归咎于HTML元素的引用,以及有关如何解决问题的帮助信息。

Here’s a sample of one of the violation objects, shown as JSON:


      "description":"Ensures buttons have discernible text",
      "help":"Buttons must have discernible text",

                  "message":"Element has a value attribute and the value attribute is empty"

                  "message":"Element has no value attribute or the value attribute is empty"

                  "message":"Element does not have inner text that is visible to screen readers"

                  "message":"aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty"

                  "message":"aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty or not visible"

                  "message":"Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"presentation\""

                  "message":"Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\""


                  "message":"Element is in tab order and does not have accessible text"
            "html":"<button>\n      <i class=\"fa fa-search\"></i>\n    </button>",
               "body > header > div > button"
            "failureSummary":"Fix all of the following:\n  Element is in tab order and does not have accessible text\n\nFix any of the following:\n  Element has a value attribute and the value attribute is empty\n  Element has no value attribute or the value attribute is empty\n  Element does not have inner text that is visible to screen readers\n  aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n  aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty or not visible\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"presentation\"\n  Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\""

If you just pick the descriptions of the violations, here’s that it says:


Ensures buttons have discernible text
Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds
Ensures every HTML document has a lang attribute
Ensures <img> elements have alternate text or a role of none or presentation
Ensures every form element has a label
Ensures tabindex attribute values are not greater than 0

It turns out that our design decisions weren’t so brilliant after all:


  1. The two shades of gray that we’ve picked don’t have enough contrast and might be difficult to read for people with vision impairments

  2. The magnifier icon of the search button provides no indication of the purpose of the button for someone using a screen reader

  3. The tab index of the search input breaks the usual flow of the navigation for people who use screen readers or keyboards, and makes it harder for them to access the menu links.


It also noted several other things we hadn’t thought of. In total performs about 55 different checks including rules from different standard guidelines and best practices.

它还指出了我们没有想到的其他几件事。 总共执行约55种不同的检查,包括来自不同标准准则和最佳实践的规则。

To see the list of errors we had to inject the script into the page itself. While perfectly doable, this is not very convenient. It would be better if we could perform these checks for any page without having to inject anything ourselves. Preferably using a well-known test runner. We can do this using Selenium WebDriver and Mocha.

要查看错误列表,我们必须将脚本注入页面本身。 虽然完全可行,但这不是很方便。 如果我们可以对任何页面执行这些检查而不必自己注入任何东西,那就更好了。 最好使用众所周知的测试运行程序。 我们可以使用Selenium WebDriver和Mocha做到这一点。

使用Selenium WebDriver运行斧 (Running aXe with Selenium WebDriver)

To run aXe using Selenium we’ll use the axe-webdriverjs library. It provides an aXe API that can be used on top of WebDriver.

要使用Selenium运行斧头,我们将使用axe-webdriverjs库。 它提供了一个可以在WebDriver之上使用的斧头API。

To set it up, let’s create a separate project and initialise an npm project using the npm init command. Feel free to leave default values for everything it asks for. To run Selenium, you’ll need to install selenium-webdriver. We’ll perform our tests in PhantomJS, so we’ll need to install that as well. Selenium requires Node version 6.9 or newer, so make sure you have it installed.

要设置它,让我们创建一个单独的项目,并使用npm init命令初始化一个npm项目。 随时为它要求的所有内容保留默认值。 要运行Selenium,您需要安装selenium-webdriver 。 我们将在PhantomJS中执行测试,因此我们也需要安装它。 Selenium需要Node 6.9或更高版本,因此请确保已安装它。

To install the packages run:


npm install phantomjs-prebuilt selenium-webdriver --save-dev

Now we’ll need to install axe-core and axe-webdriverjs:


npm install axe-core axe-webdriverjs --save-dev

Now that the infrastructure is set up, let’s create a script that runs tests agains sitepoint.com (nothing personal, guys). Create a file axe.js in the project folder and add the following contents:

现在已经建立了基础结构,让我们创建一个脚本来再次运行测试sitepoint.com(个人,个人)。 在项目文件夹中创建文件axe.js并添加以下内容:

const axeBuilder = require('axe-webdriverjs');
const webDriver = require('selenium-webdriver');

// create a PhantomJS WebDriver instance
const driver = new webDriver.Builder()

// run the tests and output the results in the console
  .then(() => {
      .analyze((results) => {

To execute this test, we can run node axe.js. We can’t run it from the console since we’ve installed PhantomJS locally in our project. We have to run it as an npm script. To do that, open your package.json file and change the default test script entry:

要执行此测试,我们可以运行node axe.js 由于我们在项目中本地安装了PhantomJS,因此无法从控制台运行它。 我们必须将其作为npm脚本运行。 为此,请打开您的package.json文件并更改默认的测试脚本条目:

"scripts": {
    "test": "node axe.js"

Now try running npm test. In several seconds you should see a list of violations that aXe found. If you don’t see any, it might mean that SitePoint has fixed them after reading the article.

现在尝试运行npm test 。 几秒钟后,您应该会看到斧头发现的违规列表。 如果看不到任何内容,则可能意味着SitePoint在阅读本文后已对其进行了修复。

This is more convenient than our initial approach since we don’t need to modify the page we’re testing and we can handily run them using the CLI. The downside of this, however, is that we still need to execute a separate script to run the test. It would be better if we could run it together with the rest of our tests. Let’s see how to achieve this with Mocha.

这比我们最初的方法更方便,因为我们不需要修改正在测试的页面,并且可以使用CLI手动运行它们。 但是,这样做的缺点是我们仍然需要执行一个单独的脚本来运行测试。 如果我们可以将其与其余测试一起运行,那将更好。 让我们看看如何通过Mocha实现这一目标。

使用摩卡跑斧 (Running aXe Using Mocha)

Mocha is one of the most popular test runners out there, so it seems like a good candidate to try out with aXe. However, you should be able to integrate aXe with your favorite testing framework in a similar manner. Let’s build up our Selenium example project further.

Mocha是那里最受欢迎的测试跑步者之一,因此尝试使用aXe似乎是一个不错的选择。 但是,您应该能够以类似的方式将斧头与自己喜欢的测试框架集成在一起。 让我们进一步构建Selenium示例项目。

We’ll obviously need Mocha itself and an assertion library. How about Chai? Install all of it using this command:

显然,我们将需要Mocha本身和一个断言库。 柴呢 使用以下命令安装所有组件:

npm install mocha chai --save-dev

Now we’ll need to wrap the Selenium code that we’ve written in a Mocha test case. Create a test/axe.spec.js file with the following code:

现在,我们需要包装在Mocha测试用例中编写的Selenium代码。 使用以下代码创建一个test/axe.spec.js文件:

const assert = require('chai').assert;
const axeBuilder = require('axe-webdriverjs');
const webDriver = require('selenium-webdriver');

const driver = new webDriver.Builder()

describe('aXe test', () => {
  it('should check the main page of SitePoint', () => {
    // a Mocha test case can be treated as asynchronous 
    // by returning a promise
    return driver.get('https://www.sitepoint.com/')
      .then(() => {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
          axeBuilder(driver).analyze((results) => {
            assert.equal(results.violations.length, 0);

      .then(() => driver.quit())
  // The test might take some 5-10 seconds to execute, 
  // so we'll disable the timeout

The test will perform a very basic assert by checking if the length of the results.violations array is equal to 0. To run the tests, change the test script to call Mocha:


"scripts": {
  "test": "mocha"

The logical next step of this exercise would be to produce a more detailed error report when the test fails. After that, it would also be useful to integrate it with your favorite CI environment to properly display the results of the page. I’ll leave both of these things as exercises for the reader and move on to some useful, additional aXe configuration options.

此练习的逻辑下一步是在测试失败时生成更详细的错误报告。 之后,将其与您喜欢的CI环境集成以正确显示页面结果也将很有用。 我会将这两件事留给读者作为练习,然后继续使用一些有用的其他斧头配置选项。

进阶设定 (Advanced Configuration)

By default, aXe will run all of the default checks against the whole page. But it’s sometimes more desirable to limit the area of a website being tests or the scope of checks performed.

默认情况下,ax将对整个页面运行所有默认检查 。 但是,有时更希望限制要测试的网站区域或执行的检查范围。

仅检查网站的一部分 (Checking only parts of the website)

You can limit, which parts of the website must be checked or skipped by using the include and exclude methods.


  // check only the main element
  // skip ad banners
  .analyze((results) => {
    // ...

This could be useful in case you would only like to check those parts of the website you’re currently working on, or excluding parts that you cannot fix or don’t have direct control of.


选择规则 (Selecting rules)

Each rule in aXe is marked with a single or multiple tags, which group them together. You can also disable or enable some of the rules by using the withRules or withTags methods.

斧头中的每个规则都标有单个或多个标签,将它们分组在一起。 您也可以使用withRuleswithTags方法禁用或启用某些规​​则。

  • withRules allows you to enable and configure specific rules by ID. For instance, the following example will only check for color contrast and link names.

    withRules允许您通过ID启用和配置特定规则。 例如,以下示例将仅检查颜色对比和链接名称。

    .withRules(['color-contrast', 'link-name'])
    .analyze((results) => {
      // ...
  • withTags allows you to enable rules that are marked with a particular tag (wcag2a in this case):

    withTags允许您启用标记有特定标签的规则(在这种情况下为wcag2a ):

      .analyze((results) => {
        // ...

结论 (Conclusion)

aXe allows you to partially offload the accessibility testing efforts to a machine and free up time for doing other things like overall project design and structure. While you still need to do some work to integrate it into your development and CI environment in a clean manner, it’s still better than doing it by hand. And when you do it for one of your projects, integrating it with the next should be a breeze.

ax允许您将可访问性测试工作部分地转移到机器上,并腾出时间来进行其他事情,例如总体项目设计和结构。 尽管您仍然需要做一些工作以干净的方式将其集成到开发和CI环境中,但它仍然比手工完成要好。 而且,当您为其中一个项目执行此操作时,将其与下一个项目进行集成应该很容易。

There are other tools based on aXe. The aXe Chrome plugin allows you to quickly inspect any page in the browser. If you use Gulp, you’ll find a Gulp aXe plugin as well. For React-based projects, there’s a plugin for React StoryBook which allows you to test the accessibility of your React components. You might find that one of these is a better fit for your needs.

还有其他基于aXe的工具斧头Chrome插件可让您快速检查浏览器中的任何页面。 如果您使用Gulp,也会找到Gulp ax插件 。 对于基于React的项目,有一个React StoryBook 插件 ,可让您测试React组件的可访问性。 您可能会发现其中之一更适合您的需求。

Hopefully, this will provide more teams with the motivation to start thinking about accessibility in their projects. What do you think: does aXe seem like a useful tool? Is this something you might try on your next project? Let me know in the comments.

希望这将使更多的团队有动力开始考虑项目中的可访问性。 您认为:斧头看起来像是有用的工具吗? 您可以在下一个项目中尝试一下吗? 在评论中让我知道。

This article was peer reviewed by Mallory van Achterberg, Dominic Myers, Ralph Mason and Joan Yin. Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be!

本文由Mallory van AchterbergDominic MyersRalph MasonJoan Yin进行了同行评审。 感谢所有SitePoint的同行评审人员使SitePoint内容达到最佳状态!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/automated-accessibility-checking-with-axe/


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