

No matter how many times you read about it on the web, you just haven’t got around to backup your WordPress website, despite all the hours you’ve put into it. There are tons of reasons for you not backing up – it’s too expensive, takes too long to setup, if your server gets hacked your backups might be lost as well, etc. – you get the picture. But hackers and server hardware issues won’t listen to you whining about how long you worked on your website, and once it gets hacked, it’s pretty much gone forever without backups.

不管您在网络上阅读过多少次,尽管花费了很多时间,但您仍无法备份WordPress网站。 您不进行备份的原因有很多–成本太高,设置时间太长,如果服务器被黑客入侵,您的备份也可能会丢失,等等。–您了解了。 但是黑客和服务器硬件问题不会让您抱怨您在网站上工作了多长时间,一旦网站遭到黑客攻击,几乎没有备份就永远消失了。

And that’s why, you need to take action NOW. Setting up scheduled backups in WordPress can be surprisingly easy. What if I told you that there was a way to backup your website for free, with the backed-up files stored outside your server in a secure cloud environment, that can be setup in 5 minutes? You’re in luck. I present to you, the WordPress Backup to Dropbox (WPB2D) plugin.

这就是为什么,你需要现在就采取行动。 在WordPress中设置计划的备份非常容易。 如果我告诉您,有一种方法可以免费备份您的网站,而备份文件存储在服务器外部的安全云环境中,可以在5分钟内完成设置? 你真幸运。 我向您介绍了WordPress备份到Dropbox(WPB2D)插件

This article assumes you already have a Dropbox account. If you don’t, you can sign up for a free account here.

本文假设您已经有一个Dropbox帐户。 否则,您可以在此处注册一个免费帐户

WordPress备份到Dropbox的优缺点 (Advantages and Disadvantages of WordPress Backup to Dropbox)

Many WordPress experts might point out that there are many other more robust backup applications, as well as many powerful paid options. However, for most users, WPB2D is more than enough. The WPB2D plugin is great in that it’s incredibly easy to setup and also very easy to use. I set it up on one of my WordPress sites 2 years ago, and it has never had an issue ever since. It’s great for setting up once, and just leaving it there. Here’s an image of the plugin in action:

许多WordPress专家可能会指出,还有许多其他更强大的备份应用程序,以及许多功能强大的付费选项。 但是,对于大多数用户而言,WPB2D绰绰有余。 WPB2D插件很棒,因为它非常易于安装,也非常易于使用。 2年前,我在自己的WordPress网站上设置了它,此后再也没有任何问题。 设置一次,然后将其留在那非常好。 这是运行中的插件的图像:

WordPress Backup to Dropbox Plugin
WordPress Backup to Dropbox plugin

However, WPB2D does lack more powerful features such as 1-click restores and backing up to different cloud services. If you’re looking for something more advanced, try something like Updraft Plus, or check out our previous article that compares the best WordPress backup plugins.

但是,WPB2D确实缺少更强大的功能,例如一键还原和备份到不同的云服务。 如果您正在寻找更高级的东西,请尝试使用Updraft Plus之类的东西,或者查看我们之前比较最佳WordPress备份插件的文章

配置WordPress备份到Dropbox (Configuring WordPress Backup to Dropbox)

  1. Head over to Plugins > Add New in your WP dashboard.

    转到WP仪表板中的Plugins> Add New

  2. Type in the search bar, “Backup to Dropbox“.

    在搜索栏中输入“ Backup to Dropbox ”。

  3. This is the one you should install:


    Backup to Dropbox install
  4. Install and Activate the plugin.

  5. Go to WPB2D > Backup Settings in your WP dashboard.


  6. The first thing you need to do, is to authorize your Dropbox account to be used with this plugin. I’d recommend creating a new Dropbox account per site just to be safe (and since it’s free anyway).

    您需要做的第一件事就是授权您的Dropbox帐户与此插件一起使用。 为了安全起见,我建议为每个站点创建一个新的Dropbox帐户(并且由于它是免费的)。

    Backup to Dropbox authorize
    WordPress Dropbox allow backups
  7. After you allow access for the plugin, go back to the backup settings page and press Continue.


  8. There you can access some basic settings for you to get started. You can chose how often to store a new backup. Do note that if you chose daily backups and you’re on a small, slow server, it could slow the server down especially when your site is bigger.

    在那里,您可以访问一些基本设置以开始使用。 您可以选择存储新备份的频率。 请注意,如果您选择每日备份,并且位于小型,慢速服务器上,则这可能会降低服务器的速度,尤其是在您的站点较大时。
  9. You can also exclude which files to exclude from backing up. For example, if you have a directory filled with movies that are several GB in size each, you would probably want to exclude them from the backup as Dropbox only gives you 2GB for free.

    您还可以排除要从备份中排除的文件。 例如,如果您有一个目录,其中包含每个大小均为GB的电影,则您可能希望将它们从备份中排除,因为Dropbox仅免费提供2GB。
  10. Press Save Changes at the bottom of the page, and that’s it! You’ve just setup daily/weekly/monthly backups to Dropbox. That’s about as secure as you can get, as Dropbox isn’t going anywhere soon.

    按页面底部的保存更改 ,仅此而已! 您只需将每日/每周/每月的备份设置到Dropbox。 由于Dropbox即将推出,因此这将是您所能获得的最大安全性。

  11. You can head over to Dropbox to see your backups. The plugin creates a folder named Apps > wpb2d.

    您可以转到Dropbox查看备份。 该插件将创建一个名为Apps> wpb2d的文件夹。

That’s it! If you have any questions, feel free to ask below.

而已! 如有任何疑问,请随时在下面提问。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/scheduled-backups-for-wordpress-for-free-in-5-minutes/






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