

The web community is renowned for its willingness to share. Not only do we share experiences, give advice and help each other with projects, but we also share an incredible amount of code—from small snippets to entire frameworks and applications.

网络社区以分享的意愿而闻名。 我们不仅分享经验,提供建议并在项目上互相帮助,而且我们还分享令人难以置信的大量代码-从小片段到整个框架和应用程序。

Much of the software we use daily is open-source—from operating systems and servers to the apps we use to ply our trades.


Amid all of this sharing, there arises the issue of copyright and licensing. If you're using someone else's free software, or if you're sharing your own work, it's important to consider these issues.

在所有这些共享中,出现了版权和许可问题。 如果您正在使用别人的免费软件,或者要共享自己的作品,那么考虑这些问题很重要。

标准版权 (Standard Copyright)

When you create a piece of software, it's automatically protected by copyright. This means that you retain all rights to your source code and that nobody else may reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works from your work.

创建软件时,该软件会自动受到版权保护。 这意味着您保留对源代码的所有权利,并且没有其他人可以从您的作品中复制,分发或创建衍生作品。

It may also lead to no one using your code—which obviously defeats the purpose of sharing it.


So if you really do want to share your work, but also want to protect it in some way, it's important to consider the options available for licensing your work.


选择许可证 (Choosing a License)

There are various, recognized licenses you can apply to your work to make it really clear what people can do with your code. But each license has a particular focus, so which should you choose?

您可以将各种公认的许可应用于您的工作,以使人们清楚地知道人们可以使用您的代码做什么。 但是每个许可证都有一个特定的重点,那么您应该选择哪个呢?

In this article, I'll briefly introduce several of the most used licenses. Which one you choose will depend on what you want to achieve and how your code should be distributed.

在本文中,我将简要介绍几个最常用的许可证。 选择哪一个取决于您要实现的目标以及代码的分发方式。

Disclaimer: the overview that follows only provides a general sense of what each license encompasses. To understand each license fully, you'll need to do more reading.

免责声明:以下概述仅提供每个许可证包含的一般含义。 要完全理解每个许可证,您需要阅读更多内容。

麻省理工学院执照 (MIT License)

The MIT License lets people do anything they want with your code, as long as they provide attribution back to you and don't hold you liable if something goes wrong. It's used by projects like jQuery and Rails.

MIT许可证使人们可以对您的代码做任何他们想做的事,只要他们将归因归还给您,并且在出现问题时不对您负责。 它被jQueryRails之类的项目使用。

您需要什么 (What's Required of You)

You need to include a copyright notice, together with a copy of the license, within the code. (Just add a License file together with the ReadMe file.)

您需要在代码中包含版权声明以及许可证副本。 (只需将许可证文件与自述文件一起添加。)

您如何得到保障 (How You're Covered)

The license states that the code is provided as is, and that you can't be held liable for damages.


注释 (Comments)

This is probably the best option if you want to get your baby out and leave it to the interwebz.


Having said that, you should be ready to see your creation used elsewhere without the source available, meaning that you might be unable to apply the changes upstream (yes, basically someone can create proprietary software from your open-source software).


If you don't want others to have so much freedom to use your code, it might be better to consider another license.


Apache 2.0许可证 (Apache 2.0 License)

The Apache License is similar to the MIT License, but it also provides an express grant of patent rights from contributors to users.


It's much longer than the MIT license, mostly due to the grant of patent rights, but also because it explicitly disallows the use of trademarks in derivate works.


This license is used by—you guessed it—Apache, as well as Google (for its Android OS).

您猜对了该许可证,Apache和Google(针对其Android OS)都在使用。

您需要什么 (What's Required of You)

Within the code, you need to include a copyright notice, together with a copy of the license. If you're creating a derivative work with significant changes to the code, these need to be indicated also.

在代码中,您需要包括版权声明以及许可证副本。 如果您要创建派生作品,并且对代码进行了重大更改,则还需要指出这些内容。

您如何得到保障 (How You're Covered)

The code is provided as is and you, as the creator, can't be held liable for damages. Also, while this may be implicitly true of all licenses, the Apache license explicitly states that users of the software may not use the names, logos, or trademarks of contributors in their own derivative works.

该代码按原样提供,作为创建者的您不承担任何赔偿责任。 同样,尽管所有许可都暗含这种情况,但Apache许可明确声明该软件的用户不得在其自己的派生作品中使用贡献者的名称,徽标或商标。

注释 (Comments)

Although a tad more restrictive than the MIT License, the Apache license makes it easier for the creator of the code to track changes—by requiring those creating derivatives to indicate significant changes to the code.


Still, remember that code licensed under the Apache License can end up in proprietary software.


GNU通用公共许可证v3(GPL3) (GNU General Public License v3 (GPL3))

The GNU General Public License (or GPL for short) is a copyleft license.


Copyleft is a play on copyright, and applies to licenses that require copies and modified versions of the code to carry the same license conditions as the original. So, if you place a GPL license on your work, for example, you're asking those who distribute their own versions of your code to use the same license.

Copyleft是一种版权游戏 ,适用于要求复制和修改后的代码带有与原始许可证相同的许可证条件的许可证。 因此,例如,如果您在工作中放置了GPL许可证,则要求那些分发自己的代码版本的人员使用相同的许可证。

Placing a GPL license on your work means that, if someone takes your code and improves it, you can incorporate their changes back into your original project.


This license is used by the likes of Linux, Git and WordPress.


您需要什么 (What's Required of You)

You need to include a copyright notice, together with a copy of the license, within the code. You must also make the source code available when you release the software.

您需要在代码中包含版权声明以及许可证副本。 发行软件时,还必须使源代码可用。

您如何得到保障 (How You're Covered)

The code is provided as is and you, as the creator, can't be held liable for damages. Users of your work can't grant a sublicense to modify and distribute the software to third parties not included in the license.

该代码按原样提供,作为创建者的您不承担任何赔偿责任。 您的作品的用户不能授予再许可以修改软件并将其分发给未包含在许可中的第三方。

注释 (Comments)

Basically, if your code is licensed under GPL, it's not allowed to be used in any proprietary software (except under certain special circumstances).


There's a lot you can find out about GPL, such as the differences between GPLv3 and GPLv2, and GPL's many variations—such as Affero General Public License, which covers things like Software as a Service (SaaS).

您可以找到有关GPL的很多信息,例如GPLv3和GPLv2之间的差异,以及GPL的许多变体,例如Affero通用公共许可证 ,其中涵盖了软件即服务(SaaS)之类的内容。

其他牌照 (Other Licenses)

Though the three licenses above are the ones you'll come across most—and the ones you're most likely to choose—there are many others. I'll briefly list just a few.

尽管上面三个许可证是您最常使用的许可证,也是您最有可能选择的许可证,但还有很多其他许可证。 我只简要列出几个。

艺术的 (Artistic)

Preferred by the Perl community among others, it bears some similarities with the MIT license but requires that modified versions of the software do not prevent users from running the standard version.


Also, while this may be implicitly true of all licenses, the Artistic license explicitly states that you may not use the names, logos, or trademarks of contributors (similar to the Apache License).


If you're creating a derivative work with significant changes to the code, these need to be indicated too.



The commercially-friendly copyleft Eclipse license provides the ability to commercially license binaries; a modern, royalty-free patent license grant; and the ability for linked works to use other licenses, including commercial ones.

商业友好的copyleft Eclipse许可证提供了对二进制许可证进行商业许可证的功能; 现代的,免版税的专利许可授予; 链接作品可以使用其他许可,包括商业许可。

The full source code needs to be disclosed when the software is published.



A permissive license that allows people to do anything with your code with proper attribution and without warranty.


Mozilla公共许可证(MPL) (Mozilla Public License (MPL))

MPL 2.0 is maintained by Mozilla. It attempts to be a compromise between the permissive BSD license and the reciprocal GPL license.

MPL 2.0由Mozilla维护。 它试图在许可的BSD许可证和对等GPL许可证之间进行折衷。

知识共享(CC) (Creative Commons (CC))

Creative Commons provides a range of licenses for refining your copyright terms. With the CC0 license, for example, you can go the whole hog and relinquish all copyright claims, thus releasing your work entirely to the public domain. (Note, however, that CC recommends using licenses like MIT, Apache and GNU for software, because CC licenses don’t address the many issues related to code.)

知识共享(Creative Commons)提供了一系列许可来完善您的版权条款。 例如,使用CC0许可证,您可以全力以赴,放弃所有版权声明,从而将您的作品完全发布到公共领域。 (但是请注意,CC 建议为软件使用MIT,Apache和GNU之类的许可证,因为CC许可证不能解决与代码相关的许多问题。)

结语 (Wrapping Up)

Hopefully this brief overview has gotten you thinking about licenses and has answered a few of your questions about them.


There's a lot of reading you can do to find out about each license. But if that seems overwhelming, in most cases even the brief descriptions above can be enough to help you decide which license is right for you.

您可以做很多阅读来了解每个许可证。 但是,如果这似乎不可行,那么在大多数情况下,即使是上面的简短描述也可以帮助您确定哪种许可适合您。

To finish up, here are some links for further reading:


Have you needed to choose a software license? Which one did you choose, and what determined your choice? Are you still confused about which license to choose for your project? Let us know in the comments.

您是否需要选择软件许可证? 您选择了哪一个,什么决定了您的选择? 您是否还在为项目选择哪种许可证感到困惑? 让我们在评论中知道。

Also, did you know that the SitePoint forums have a Showcase section where you're invited to share your code and talk about your open-source projects?

另外,您是否知道SitePoint论坛的“ 展示”部分邀请您共享代码并讨论开源项目?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/introduction-to-open-source-licenses/






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